program amazons integer*4 board(152),icol,ok,nummvs(4),value,style(4,2) integer*4 plaopt,whois1,whois2,sum1,sum2,gmove,whosmv integer*4 iboard(152) character*8 s1,s2 character*24 string character*40 comment data iboard/13*-1,0,0,0,2,0,0,2,0,0,0,-1,-1,10*0,-1,-1, 1 10*0,-1,-1,2,8*0,2,-1,-1,10*0,-1,-1,10*0,-1,-1,1,8*0, 2 1,-1,-1,10*0,-1,-1,10*0,-1,-1,0,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,0, 3 13*-1,86,95,125,128,17,20,50,59/ common/pstyle/style,whosmv,gmove,s1,s2 1 continue do ib=1,152 board(ib)=iboard(ib) end do type 9000 accept 9001,plaopt whosmv=1 gmove=1 do io=1,4 style(io,1)=5-io style(io,2)=5-io end do irestor=0 if( then ! restore plaopt=-plaopt type 9002 accept 9001,nmoves read(94,9007) comment write(95,9007) comment read(94,9007) comment write(95,9007) comment read(94,9007) comment write(95,9007) comment do io=1,nmoves read(94,9007) string call getmov(board,1,ok,string(6:13),2) if(' ') then call getmov(board,2,ok,string(16:23),2) write(95,9007) string else s1=string(6:13) whosmv=2 gmove=nmoves end if end do if(gmove.eq.1) gmove=nmoves+1 irestor=1 close(94) end if if(plaopt.eq.0) then stop else if(plaopt.eq.1) then whois1=1 ! human whois2=0 ! computer type 9004 accept 9005,(style(is,2),is=1,4) if(irestor.eq.0) write(95,9202) else if(plaopt.eq.2) then whois1=0 type 9003 accept 9005,(style(is,1),is=1,4) whois2=1 if(irestor.eq.0) write(95,9203) else if(plaopt.eq.3) then whois1=1 whois2=1 if(irestor.eq.0) write(95,9200) else if(plaopt.eq.4) then whois1=0 type 9003 accept 9005,(style(is,1),is=1,4) whois2=0 type 9004 accept 9005,(style(is,2),is=1,4) if(irestor.eq.0) write(95,9204) end if if(irestor.eq.0) then type 9006 accept 9008,comment write(95,9007) comment end if call draw(board,0) if(whosmv.eq.2) go to 20 10 continue call getmov(board,1,ok,s1,whois1) if(ok.eq.-1) go to 200 if(ok.eq.0) go to 10 call draw(board,0) call count(board,1,nummvs,sum1,value,0) type *,(nummvs(kl),kl=1,4),value call count(board,2,nummvs,sum2,value,0) type *,(nummvs(kl),kl=1,4),value whosmv=2 if(sum1.eq.0.or.sum2.eq.0) then s2=' ' write(95,9201) gmove,s1,s2 go to 100 end if 20 continue call getmov(board,2,ok,s2,whois2) if(ok.eq.-1) go to 200 if(ok.eq.0) go to 20 call draw(board,0) call count(board,1,nummvs,sum1,value,0) type *,(nummvs(kl),kl=1,4),value call count(board,2,nummvs,sum2,value,0) type *,(nummvs(kl),kl=1,4),value whosmv=1 write(95,9201) gmove,s1,s2 if(sum1.eq.0.or.sum2.eq.0) go to 100 gmove=gmove+1 go to 10 100 continue ! game over if(sum1.eq.0.and.( then ! Black wins if(plaopt.eq.3.or.plaopt.eq.4) then type 9206 write(95,9206) else if(plaopt.eq.1) then type 9208 write(95,9208) else if(plaopt.eq.2) then type 9210 write(95,9210) end if else if(( then ! White wins if(plaopt.eq.3.or.plaopt.eq.4) then type 9205 write(95,9205) else if(plaopt.eq.1) then type 9209 write(95,9209) else if(plaopt.eq.2) then type 9207 write(95,9207) end if end if call draw(board,1) go to 1 200 continue close(95) 9000 format(' Player options : ',/,' 0 = exit ',/, 1 ' 1 = player plays White ',/,' 2 = player plays Black ',/, 2 ' 3 = players play both ',/,' 4 = computer plays both : ',$) 9001 format(i6) 9002 format(' How many moves to restore ? ',$) 9003 format(' Enter White playing style : ',$) 9004 format(' Enter Black playing style : ',$) 9005 format(4i7) 9006 format(' Enter game comment : ',$) 9007 format(' ',a) 9008 format(a) 9200 format(' The Game of the Amazons ',/,' White Black ') 9201 format(' ',i3,' ',a,' ',a) 9202 format(' The Game of the Amazons ',/,' Human Computer ') 9203 format(' The Game of the Amazons ',/,' Computer Human ') 9204 format(' The Game of the Amazons ',/,' WhiteC BlackC ') 9205 format(' White wins ') 9206 format(' Black wins ') 9207 format(' I win ') 9208 format(' I win ') 9209 format(' you win ') 9210 format(' you win ') end c subroutine draw(board,output) integer*4 board(152),output character*1 pictur(7) data pictur/' ','-','O','X',' ',' ','@'/ type *,' ' if(output.eq.1) write(95,9002) if(output.eq.2) write(95,9003) do io=10,1,-1 if(output.eq.0) then type 9000,(io,(pictur(2+board(jo+12*(11-io))),jo=2,11)) else write(95,9000) io,(pictur(2+board(jo+12*(11-io))),jo=2,11) end if end do if(output.eq.0) then type 9001 else write(95,9001) end if return 9000 format(i4,' ',10(a1,' ')) 9001 format(' a b c d e f g h i j',/,' ') 9002 format(' ',/,' Final Position ',/,' ') 9003 format(' ',/,' Position ',/,' ') end C subroutine getmov(board,kolor,ok,movout,which) integer*4 board(152),legal(120),dum1(4),value1,value2,nvalue integer*4 moves(9,8),bnumbr,bvalue,bhere,bthere,byon,bpiece integer*4 here,there,yon,ok,diff,adiff,step,which,dum2 integer*4 style(4,2),whosmv,gmove character*40 comment character*8 move,movout,s1,s2 data legal/9*1,0,11,12,13,8*0,11,0,12,0,13,6*0,11,0,0,12,0,0, 1 13,4*0,11,3*0,12,3*0,13,0,0,11,4*0,12,4*0,13,11,5*0,12,4*0,11, 2 13,5*0,12,3*0,11,2*0,13,4*0,12,2*0,11,4*0,13,3*0,12,8*0,13,3*0/ data moves/1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,-1,-2,-3,-4,-5,-6,-7,-8,-9, 1 11,22,33,44,55,66,77,88,99,-11,-22,-33,-44,-55,-66,-77,-88, 2 -99,12,24,36,48,60,72,84,96,108,-12,-24,-36,-48,-60,-72,-84, 3 -96,-108,13,26,39,52,65,78,91,104,117,-13,-26,-39,-52,-65, 4 -78,-91,-104,-117/ common/pstyle/style,whosmv,gmove,s1,s2 if(which.eq.0) then movout(1:8)=' ' go to 1000 else if(which.eq.2) then move=movout else movout(1:8)=' ' 2 continue if(kolor.eq.1) then type 9100,gmove else if(kolor.eq.2) then type 9101,gmove end if accept 9002,move if(move(1:2).eq.'--'.or.move(1:2).eq.'**') then if(kolor.eq.2) then C dump White's move write(95,9204) gmove,s1 s1=' ' end if if(move(1:2).eq.'**') then ok=-1 call draw(board,2) return else call draw(board,2) go to 2 end if else if(move(1:2).eq.'""') then if(kolor.eq.2) then C dump White's move write(95,9204) gmove,s1 s1=' ' end if type 9003 accept 9002,comment write(95,9004) comment go to 2 end if end if call whatsq(here,move(1:2)) call whatsq(there,move(3:4)) call whatsq(yon,move(6:7)) ok=0 if(board(here).eq.kolor) then go to 15 ! starting square has own amazon else if(board(here).eq.-1) then type *,' illegal move -- nonexistent starting square ' else if(board(here).eq.0) then type *,' illegal move -- starting square empty ' else if(board(here).eq.3-kolor) then type *,' illegal move -- moving wrong color piece ' else if(board(here).eq.5) then type *,' illegal move -- starting square filled ' end if return 15 continue if(board(there).eq.0) then go to 20 ! landing square vacant else if(board(there).eq.-1) then type *,' illegal move -- nonexistent landing square ' else if(board(there).eq.3-kolor) then type *,' illegal move -- cannot capture opposing amazons ' else if(board(there).eq.kolor) then type *,' illegal move -- cannot capture own amazons ' else if(board(there).eq.5) then type *,' illegal move -- landing square filled ' end if return 20 continue diff=there-here adiff=abs(diff) if(legal(adiff).eq.0) then type *,' illegal -- not a diagonal or orthogonal move ' return end if step=legal(adiff) if( step=-step do io=here+step,here+diff,step if(board(io).eq.-1) then C path looks straight but must be wraparound move type *,' illegal -- not a diagonal or orthogonal move ' return else if(board(io).ne.0) then type *,' illegal -- movement path is obstructed ' return end if end do C transfer part of move is legal C make it so we can fire into/through starting square board(here)=0 board(there)=kolor C check for legality of firing part of move if(board(yon).ne.0) then if(board(yon).eq.-1) then type *,' illegal -- cannot fire off board ' else if(board(yon).eq.5) then type *,' illegal -- firing square already filled ' else type *,' illegal -- firing square contains an amazon ' end if go to 200 end if diff=yon-there adiff=abs(diff) if(legal(adiff).eq.0) then type *,' illegal -- not a diagonal or orthogonal firing path ' go to 200 end if step=legal(adiff) if( step=-step do io=there+step,there+diff,step if(board(io).eq.-1) then type *,' illegal -- cannot fire off board ' go to 200 else if(board(io).ne.0) then type *,' illegal -- firing path is obstructed ' go to 200 end if end do C all tests for legal move passed board(yon)=5 ok=1 movout(1:8)=move C insert parentheses for consistent format movout(5:5)='(' movout(8:8)=')' C reset amazon location do io=140+(4*kolor)+1,140+(4*kolor)+4 if(board(io) board(io)=there end do return C illegal firing move -- return amazon to previous location 200 continue board(here)=kolor board(there)=0 ok=0 return C ********************************************************** 1000 continue ! find computer move bnumbr = 0 bvalue = -999 bhere = 0 bthere = 0 byon = 0 bpiece = 0 do io=1,4 iwhich=140+(4*kolor)+io mstart=board(iwhich) do jo=1,8 do ko=1,9 mend=mstart+moves(ko,jo) if( go to 1006 if(board(mend).ne.0) go to 1006 C legal -- make tentative move -- count possible shots board(mstart)=0 board(mend)=kolor board(140+(4*kolor)+io)=mend do lo=1,8 do mo=1,9 mstop=mend+moves(mo,lo) if( go to 1005 if(board(mstop).ne.0) go to 1005 bnumbr=bnumbr+1 board(mstop)=5 call count(board,3-kolor,dum1,dum2,value1,1) call count(board,kolor,dum1,dum2,value2,1) nvalue=value2-value1 ! want this large and positive if( then bpiece=io bvalue=nvalue bhere=mstart bthere=mend byon=mstop end if board(mstop)=0 end do 1005 continue end do board(mstart)=kolor board(mend)=0 board(140+(4*kolor)+io)=mstart end do 1006 continue end do end do C make selected best move type *,' total number of moves/shots = ',bnumbr type *,' best move found has value = ',bvalue board(bhere)=0 board(bthere)=kolor board(byon)=5 board(140+(4*kolor)+bpiece)=bthere movout(1:8)=' ( )' call namesq(bhere,movout(1:2)) call namesq(bthere,movout(3:4)) call namesq(byon,movout(6:7)) if(kolor.eq.1) then type 9102,gmove,movout else type 9103,gmove,movout end if ok=1 return 9002 format(a) 9003 format(' Enter annotation comment : ',$) 9004 format(' ',/,' ',a,/,' ') 9100 format(' Enter White''s move ',i3,' : ',$) 9101 format(' Enter Black''s move ',i3,' : ',$) 9102 format(' My White move ',i3,' is ',a) 9103 format(' My Black move ',i3,' is ',a) 9204 format(' ',i3,' ',a,' ') end C subroutine whatsq(locat,alg) integer*4 locat character*2 alg character*10 rows character*20 cols data rows/'0987654321'/ data cols/'abcdefghijABCDEFGHIJ'/ i1=index(rows,alg(2:2)) i2=index(cols,alg(1:1)) if( i2=i2-10 if( then locat=(12*i1)+1+i2 else locat=1 end if return end C subroutine namesq(locat,alg) integer*4 locat character*2 alg character*10 nrows,ncols data nrows/'0987654321'/ data ncols/'abcdefghij'/ i1=locat/12 i2=locat-(1+(12*i1)) alg(1:1)=ncols(i2:i2) alg(2:2)=nrows(i1:i1) return end C subroutine count(board,kolor,howmany,raw,sum,full) integer*4 board(152),howmany(4),vector(4),moves(9,8) integer*4 style(4,2) integer*4 kolor,raw,sum,whosmv,cnumbr,gmove,full character*8 s1,s2 data moves/1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,-1,-2,-3,-4,-5,-6,-7,-8,-9, 1 11,22,33,44,55,66,77,88,99,-11,-22,-33,-44,-55,-66,-77,-88, 2 -99,12,24,36,48,60,72,84,96,108,-12,-24,-36,-48,-60,-72,-84, 3 -96,-108,13,26,39,52,65,78,91,104,117,-13,-26,-39,-52,-65, 4 -78,-91,-104,-117/ common/pstyle/style,whosmv,gmove,s1,s2 do io=1,4 howmany(io)=0 iwhich=140+(4*kolor)+io mstart=board(iwhich) do jo=1,8 do ko=1,9 mend=mstart+moves(ko,jo) if( go to 6 if(board(mend).ne.0) go to 6 if( then board(mstart)=0 board(mend)=kolor board(iwhich)=mend cnumbr=0 do lo=1,8 do mo=1,9 mstop=mend+moves(mo,lo) if( go to 5 if(board(mstop).ne.0) go to 5 cnumbr=cnumbr+1 end do 5 continue end do board(mstart)=kolor board(mend)=0 board(iwhich)=mstart howmany(io)=howmany(io)+cnumbr else howmany(io)=howmany(io)+1 end if end do 6 continue end do end do raw=howmany(1)+howmany(2)+howmany(3)+howmany(4) do io=1,4 vector(io)=howmany(io) end do call swap2(vector(1),vector(2)) call swap2(vector(2),vector(3)) call swap2(vector(3),vector(4)) call swap2(vector(1),vector(2)) call swap2(vector(2),vector(3)) call swap2(vector(1),vector(2)) sum=0 do io=1,4 sum=sum+(style(io,whosmv)*vector(io)) end do return end C subroutine swap2(a,b) integer*4 a,b,c if( then c=a a=b b=c end if return end