program delta4 C C has four-ply look-ahead with pruning C C 12 December 1991 -- deltaj -- autoplay version of delta2 C (computer vs. computer) C C 13 December 1991 -- added full look-ahead for lift phase C C 15 May 1992 -- deltax : two-player version/move checker C C 9 July 1992 -- full version for 0,1,2 human players C integer*4 move(43,5),rotate(25,8),shape(25),brot(25) integer*4 first(25),last(25),board(27) integer*4 list(200,3),size,gend integer*4 bscore,wscore,bwins,wwins,hcolor character*50 algeb character*6 gamrec(30) character*4 shift character*2 drop character*1 answ common/trans/gamrec,movnum,iseed,jseed,nhuman data move/9*1,7*2,7*3,6*7,6*8,8*13, 1 3,4,5,13,19,25,11,16,21,4,5,14,20,12,17,22,1,11,13,18,23,15, 2 5,17,22,19,25,9,10,6,16,18,23,20,10,1,11,21,23,25,15,5,3, 3 2,3,4,7,13,19,6,11,16,3,4,8,14,7,12,17,2,7,8,13,18,9,4, 4 12,17,13,19,8,9,7,12,13,18,14,9,7,12,17,18,19,14,9,8, 5 0,2,2,0,7,7,0,6,6,0,3,0,8,0,7,7,0,0,0,8,8,0,0, 6 0,12,0,13,0,8,0,0,0,13,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, 7 0,0,3,0,0,13,0,0,11,0,0,0,0,0,0,12,0,0,0,0,13,22*0/ data rotate/1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19, 1 20,21,22,23,24,25,5,4,3,2,1,10,9,8,7,6,15,14,13,12,11, 2 20,19,18,17,16,25,24,23,22,21,1,6,11,16,21,2,7,12,17,22, 3 3,8,13,18,23,4,9,14,19,24,5,10,15,20,25,21,16,11,6,1,22, 4 17,12,7,2,23,18,13,8,3,24,19,14,9,4,25,20,15,10,5,21,22,23, 5 24,25,16,17,18,19,20,11,12,13,14,15,6,7,8,9,10,1,2,3,4,5, 6 25,24,23,22,21,20,19,18,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5, 7 4,3,2,1,5,10,15,20,25,4,9,14,19,24,3,8,13,18,23,2,7,12,17, 8 22,1,6,11,16,21,25,20,15,10,5,24,19,14,9,4,23,18,13,8,3, 9 22,17,12,7,2,21,16,11,6,1/ data shape/1,2,3,2,1,2,4,5,4,2,3,5,6,5,3,2,4,5,4,2,1,2,3,2,1/ data brot/1,1,1,2,2,3,1,1,2,7,3,3,1,7,7,4,4,5,6,8,4,5,5,6,6/ data first/1,10,17,10,1,10,24,30,24,10,17,30,36,30,17, 1 10,24,30,24,10,1,10,17,10,1/ data last/9,16,23,16,9,16,29,35,29,16,23,35,43,35,23, 1 16,29,35,29,16,9,16,23,16,9/ data algeb/ 1 'a5a4a3a2a1b5b4b3b2b1c5c4c3c2c1d5d4d3d2d1e5e4e3e2e1'/ 1 continue bscore = 0 ! black is color 1 and bin 26 wscore = 0 ! white is color 2 and bin 27 bwins = 0 wwins = 0 type 9005 accept 9002,nhuman if( then stop else if( then type 9003 accept 9002,iseed end if 7 continue gend = 0 jseed = iseed hcolor = 1 movnum = 0 do io=1,30 gamrec(io)=' ' end do do io=1,27 board(io)=0 end do if(nhuman.eq.1) then call hdrop(board,algeb,hcolor) if(board(25+hcolor).eq.1.and.board(28-hcolor).eq.0) then call cdrop(board,algeb,3-hcolor) call hshift(board,algeb,list,size,move,rotate,shape,brot, 1 first,last,gend,hcolor) call cdrop(board,algeb,3-hcolor) if(board(28-hcolor).eq.1) then call cshift(board,algeb,list,size,move,rotate,shape, 1 brot,first,last,gend,3-hcolor) end if else if(board(26).eq.0) then type *,' O.K.... I''ll play Black and move first ' hcolor = 2 call cdrop(board,algeb,3-hcolor) 8 continue call hdrop(board,algeb,hcolor) if(board(27).eq.0) go to 8 call cshift(board,algeb,list,size,move,rotate,shape, 1 brot,first,last,gend,3-hcolor) call hdrop(board,algeb,hcolor) if(board(27).eq.2) call cshift(board,algeb,list,size, 1 move,rotate,shape,brot,first,last,gend,3-hcolor) end if do while(gend.eq.0) call hshift(board,algeb,list,size,move,rotate,shape,brot, 1 first,last,gend,hcolor) if(gend.eq.3) go to 1 call score(bscore,bwins,wscore,wwins,board,gend,hcolor) if( go to 20 call cshift(board,algeb,list,size,move,rotate,shape, 1 brot,first,last,gend,3-hcolor) if(gend.eq.3) go to 1 call score(bscore,bwins,wscore,wwins,board,gend,hcolor) if( go to 20 end do else if(nhuman.eq.0) then call cdrop(board,algeb,1) call cdrop(board,algeb,2) call cshift(board,algeb,list,size,move,rotate,shape,brot, 1 first,last,gend,1) call cdrop(board,algeb,2) do while(gend.eq.0) call cshift(board,algeb,list,size,move,rotate,shape,brot, 1 first,last,gend,1) call score(bscore,bwins,wscore,wwins,board,gend,1) if( go to 20 call cshift(board,algeb,list,size,move,rotate,shape, 1 brot,first,last,gend,2) call score(bscore,bwins,wscore,wwins,board,gend,1) if( go to 20 end do else if(nhuman.eq.2) then hcolor=1 call hdrop(board,algeb,hcolor) if(board(27).gt.0) go to 18 call hdrop(board,algeb,3-hcolor) call hshift(board,algeb,list,size,move,rotate,shape,brot, 1 first,last,gend,hcolor) call hdrop(board,algeb,3-hcolor) if(board(27).eq.1) then call hshift(board,algeb,list,size,move,rotate,shape, 1 brot,first,last,gend,3-hcolor) end if 18 continue do while(gend.eq.0) if(hcolor.eq.2) then hcolor=1 go to 19 end if call hshift(board,algeb,list,size,move,rotate,shape,brot, 1 first,last,gend,hcolor) if(gend.eq.3) go to 1 call score(bscore,bwins,wscore,wwins,board,gend,hcolor) if( go to 20 19 continue call hshift(board,algeb,list,size,move,rotate,shape, 1 brot,first,last,gend,3-hcolor) if(gend.eq.3) go to 1 call score(bscore,bwins,wscore,wwins,board,gend,3-hcolor) if( go to 20 end do end if 20 continue type 9004 accept 9001,answ if(answ.eq.'Y'.or.answ.eq.'y') then go to 7 end if go to 1 ! restart 30 continue 9001 format(a) 9002 format(i12) 9003 format(' Enter random seed : ',$) 9004 format(/,' Another game ? ',$) 9005 format(' How many human players ? ',$) end C subroutine legal(board,color,list,size,move,rotate,shape, 1 brot,first,last) integer*4 board(27),color,list(200,3),size integer*4 move(43,5),rotate(25,8),shape(25),brot(25) integer*4 first(25),last(25) character*6 gamrec(30) common/trans/gamrec,movnum,iseed,jseed,nhuman size=0 do i=1,25 if(board(i).eq.color) then do j=first(i),last(i) do k=2,5 if(move(j,k).gt.0) then if(board(rotate(move(j,k),brot(i))).ne.0) go to 10 end if end do size=size+1 list(size,1)=i list(size,2)=rotate(move(j,2),brot(i)) list(size,3)=rotate(move(j,3),brot(i)) 10 continue end do end if end do return end c subroutine draw(board) integer*4 board(27) character*3 numb(5) character*1 symb(3) data symb/'.','O','X'/ data numb/' 5 ',' 4 ',' 3 ',' 2 ',' 1 '/ type *,' ' do io=1,5 type *,numb(io),(symb(1+board(io+5*jo)),jo=0,4) end do type *,' ABCDE' type *,' ' return end C subroutine hdrop(board,algeb,color) integer*4 board(27),color character*50 algeb character*6 gamrec(30) character*2 drop common/trans/gamrec,movnum,iseed,jseed,nhuman if(color.eq.1) then type 9000 else if(color.eq.2) then type 9002 end if accept 9001,drop if(drop(1:1).eq.'*') then C restore saved game open(unit=94,form='formatted',file=for094,status='old') read(94,9010) (board(io),io=1,27) read(94,9011) color,movnum,iseed do io=1,movnum read(94,9012) gamrec(io) end do close(94) call draw(board) return end if mwhite=(index(algeb,drop)+1)/2 if( then if(board(mwhite).eq.0) then board(mwhite)=color board(25+color)=board(25+color)+1 call draw(board) movnum=movnum+1 gamrec(movnum)(3:4)=drop return end if end if return 9000 format(' Enter Black drop : ',$) 9001 format(a) 9002 format(' Enter White drop : ',$) 9010 format(27i2) 9011 format(3i15) 9012 format(' ',a) end c subroutine cdrop(board,algeb,color) integer*4 board(27),iconv(40),color character*50 algeb character*6 gamrec(30) common/trans/gamrec,movnum,iseed,jseed,nhuman data iconv/1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20, 1 21,22,23,24,25,5*13,8,12,14,18,3,11,23,1,25,10/ 3 continue half=ran(iseed) if(board(26) then mblack=13 else mblack=iconv(1+int(40*ran(iseed))) end if if(board(mblack).gt.0) go to 3 if(nhuman.eq.1) then type *,' I drop at ',algeb(mblack+mblack-1:mblack+mblack) else if(color.eq.1) then type *,' Black drops at ',algeb(mblack+mblack-1:mblack+mblack) else if(color.eq.2) then type *,' White drops at ',algeb(mblack+mblack-1:mblack+mblack) end if board(mblack)=color board(25+color)=board(25+color)+1 call draw(board) movnum=movnum+1 gamrec(movnum)(3:4)=algeb(mblack+mblack-1:mblack+mblack) return end c subroutine hshift(board,algeb,list,size,move,rotate,shape,brot, 1 first,last,gend,color) integer*4 board(27),list(200,3),size integer*4 move(43,5),rotate(25,8),shape(25),brot(25) integer*4 first(25),last(25),gend,color character*50 algeb character*6 gamrec(30) character*6 shift9 character*4 shift common/trans/gamrec,movnum,iseed,jseed,nhuman call legal(board,color,list,size,move,rotate,shape, 1 brot,first,last) if(size.eq.0) then if(nhuman.eq.1) then type *,' You cannot move ' else if(color.eq.1) then type *,' Black cannot move ' else if(color.eq.2) then type *,' White cannot move ' end if gend = 3 - color return end if 4 continue if(board(25+color).eq.9) then 5 continue if(color.eq.1) then type 9006,size else if(color.eq.2) then type 9008,size end if accept 9001,shift9 if(shift9(1:1).eq.shift9(2:2)) then C save game record open(unit=94,form='formatted',file=for094,status='new') write(94,9010) (board(io),io=1,27) write(94,9011) color,movnum,iseed do io=1,movnum write(94,9012) gamrec(io) end do close(94) gend=3 return end if mwhite=(index(algeb,shift9(1:2))+1)/2 mmove=(index(algeb,shift9(3:4))+1)/2 mlift=(index(algeb,shift9(5:6))+1)/2 if( go to 5 else if(color.eq.1) then type 9005,size else if(color.eq.2) then type 9007,size end if accept 9001,shift if(shift(1:1).eq.shift(2:2)) then C save game record open(unit=94,form='formatted',file=for094,status='new') write(94,9010) (board(io),io=1,27) write(94,9011) color,movnum,iseed do io=1,movnum write(94,9012) gamrec(io) end do close(94) gend=3 return end if mwhite=(index(algeb,shift(1:2))+1)/2 mmove=(index(algeb,shift(3:4))+1)/2 end if do io=1,size if(list(io,1).eq.mwhite.and.list(io,2).eq.mmove) then if(board(25+color).lt.9) then board(mwhite)=0 board(mmove)=color board(list(io,3))=color board(25+color)=board(25+color)+1 call draw(board) movnum=movnum+1 gamrec(movnum)(1:4)=shift call test(board,gend) return else if(board(mlift) then board(mwhite)=0 board(mlift)=0 board(mmove)=color board(list(io,3))=color call draw(board) movnum=movnum+1 gamrec(movnum)=shift9 call test(board,gend) return end if end if end do type *,' illegal move... ' go to 4 9001 format(a) 9005 format(' (',i2,') Enter Black move : ',$) 9006 format(' (',i2,') Enter Black move and lift : ',$) 9007 format(' (',i2,') Enter White move : ',$) 9008 format(' (',i2,') Enter White move and lift : ',$) 9010 format(27i2) 9011 format(3i15) 9012 format(' ',a) end C subroutine cshift(board,algeb,list,size,move,rotate, 1 shape,brot,first,last,gend,color) integer*4 board(27),list(200,3),size,testbd(27),color integer*4 move(43,5),rotate(25,8),shape(25),brot(25) integer*4 first(25),last(25),gend,full(10),value,bvalue,best(2) character*50 algeb character*6 gamrec(30) common/trans/gamrec,movnum,iseed,jseed,nhuman call legal(board,color,list,size,move,rotate,shape,brot, 1 first,last) if(size.eq.0) then gend = 3-color if(nhuman.eq.1) then type *,' I cannot move ' else if(color.eq.1) then type *,' Black cannot move ' else if(color.eq.2) then type *,' White cannot move ' end if return end if C Find the best move bvalue=-99999 best(1)=0 best(2)=0 do io=1,size do jo=1,27 testbd(jo)=board(jo) end do testbd(list(io,1))=0 testbd(list(io,2))=color testbd(list(io,3))=color if(testbd(25+color).lt.9) then testbd(25+color)=board(25+color)+1 call evalu(testbd,move,rotate,shape, 1 brot,first,last,value,bvalue,color,3-color) ind1=2*list(io,1)-1 ind2=2*list(io,2)-1 type 9010,algeb(ind1:ind1+1),algeb(ind2:ind2+1),value pick=ran(iseed) if( 1 ( then bvalue=value best(1)=io end if if( go to 5 ! found winning move in 1 else ijk=0 do ko=1,25 if(testbd(ko),2).and. 1,3)) then ijk=ijk+1 full(ijk)=ko end if end do if( type *,' @#%$ ',(full(mo),mo=1,ijk) do lo=1,ijk testbd(full(lo))=0 call evalu(testbd,move,rotate,shape, 1 brot,first,last,value,bvalue,color,3-color) ind1=2*list(io,1)-1 ind2=2*list(io,2)-1 ind3=2*full(lo)-1 type 9011,algeb(ind1:ind1+1),algeb(ind2:ind2+1), 1 algeb(ind3:ind3+1),value pick=ran(iseed) if( 1 ( then bvalue=value best(1)=io best(2)=full(lo) end if testbd(full(lo))=color if( go to 5 ! found winning move in 1 end do end if end do 5 continue board(list(best(1),1))=0 board(list(best(1),2))=color board(list(best(1),3))=color ial1 = (2*list(best(1),1))-1 ial2 = (2*list(best(1),2))-1 if(board(25+color).lt.9) then board(25+color)=board(25+color)+1 if(nhuman.eq.1) then type *,' My move is ',algeb(ial1:ial1+1),algeb(ial2:ial2+1) else if(color.eq.1) then type *,' Black''s move is ', 1 algeb(ial1:ial1+1),algeb(ial2:ial2+1) else if(color.eq.2) then type *,' White''s move is ', 1 algeb(ial1:ial1+1),algeb(ial2:ial2+1) end if movnum=movnum+1 gamrec(movnum)(1:2)=algeb(ial1:ial1+1) gamrec(movnum)(3:4)=algeb(ial2:ial2+1) else ial3=best(2) board(ial3)=0 ial3 = (2*ial3)-1 if(nhuman.eq.1) then type *,' My move is ', 1 algeb(ial1:ial1+1),algeb(ial2:ial2+1),algeb(ial3:ial3+1) else if(color.eq.1) then type *,' Black''s move is ', 1 algeb(ial1:ial1+1),algeb(ial2:ial2+1),algeb(ial3:ial3+1) else if(color.eq.2) then type *,' White''s move is ', 1 algeb(ial1:ial1+1),algeb(ial2:ial2+1),algeb(ial3:ial3+1) end if movnum=movnum+1 gamrec(movnum)(1:2)=algeb(ial1:ial1+1) gamrec(movnum)(3:4)=algeb(ial2:ial2+1) gamrec(movnum)(5:6)=algeb(ial3:ial3+1) end if call draw(board) call test(board,gend) 9010 format(' Move ',a,a,' has a value of ',i5) 9011 format(' Move ',a,a,a,' has a value of ',i5) return end C subroutine test(board,gend) integer*4 board(27),win(4,28),gend data win/1,2,3,4,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14, 1 12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,22,23,24,25, 2 1,6,11,16,6,11,16,21,2,7,12,17,7,12,17,22,3,8,13,18, 3 8,13,18,23,4,9,14,19,9,14,19,24,5,10,15,20,10,15,20,25, 4 1,7,13,19,7,13,19,25,5,9,13,17,9,13,17,21,6,12,18,24, 5 2,8,14,20,4,8,12,16,10,14,18,22/ gend = 0 if(board(26).lt.4.and.board(27).lt.4) return do io=1,28 if(board(win(1,io)).gt.0) then if(board(win(1,io)).eq.board(win(2,io))) then if(board(win(2,io)).eq.board(win(3,io))) then if(board(win(3,io)).eq.board(win(4,io))) then gend=board(win(4,io)) return end if end if end if end if end do return end C subroutine evalu(board,move,rotate,shape, 1 brot,first,last,value,bvalue,me,opp) integer*4 board(27),list(200,3),size,iblock(27),kboard(27) integer*4 move(43,5),rotate(25,8),shape(25),brot(25) integer*4 first(25),last(25),value,klist(200,3) integer*4 win(4,28),row,hwin,bvalue,full(10),jfull(10),me,opp character*50 algeb character*6 gamrec(30) common/trans/gamrec,movnum,iseed,jseed,nhuman data algeb/ 1 'a5a4a3a2a1b5b4b3b2b1c5c4c3c2c1d5d4d3d2d1e5e4e3e2e1'/ data win/1,2,3,4,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14, 1 12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,22,23,24,25, 2 1,6,11,16,6,11,16,21,2,7,12,17,7,12,17,22,3,8,13,18, 3 8,13,18,23,4,9,14,19,9,14,19,24,5,10,15,20,10,15,20,25, 4 1,7,13,19,7,13,19,25,5,9,13,17,9,13,17,21,6,12,18,24, 5 2,8,14,20,4,8,12,16,10,14,18,22/ value=0 size=0 if(board(26).ge.4.or.board(27).ge.4) then do io=1,28 row=0 do ijk=1,4 if(board(win(ijk,io)) row=row+1 if(board(win(ijk,io)).eq.opp) row=row-10 end do if(row.eq.4) then value=2000 return end if end do end if C check for win by stalemate (opponent's mobility zero) C don't need to check our own mobility -- do it after each C of opponent's moves call legal(board,opp,list,nsize,move,rotate,shape, 1 brot,first,last) if(nsize.eq.0) then value=2000 return end if C don't look for another two-move win if we already have one if( return value=9999 C check another ply ahead do io=1,nsize ivalue=-999 do jo=1,27 iblock(jo)=board(jo) end do iblock(list(io,1))=0 iblock(list(io,2))=opp iblock(list(io,3))=opp if(iblock(25+opp).lt.9) then iblock(25+opp)=iblock(25+opp)+1 call test(iblock,hwin) if(hwin.eq.opp) then value=-1000 return end if call legal(iblock,me,klist,isize,move,rotate,shape, 1 brot,first,last) if(isize.eq.0) then value=-1000 return end if do ijk=1,isize do ko=1,27 kboard(ko)=iblock(ko) end do kboard(klist(ijk,1))=0 kboard(klist(ijk,2))=me kboard(klist(ijk,3))=me if(kboard(25+me).lt.9) then kboard(25+me)=kboard(25+me)+1 call evalu2(kboard,move,rotate,shape, 1 brot,first,last,kvalue,me,opp) if( go to 6 ! alpha-beta pruning if( ivalue=kvalue else ijm=0 do ko=1,25 if(kboard(ko),2).and. 1,3)) then ijm=ijm+1 jfull(ijm)=ko end if end do if( type *,' @$#% ',(jfull(mo),mo=1,ijm) do lo=1,ijm kboard(jfull(lo))=0 call evalu2(kboard,move,rotate,shape, 1 brot,first,last,kvalue,me,opp) kboard(jfull(lo))=me if( go to 6 ! alpha-beta pruning if( ivalue=kvalue end do end if end do if( value=ivalue else ijk=0 do ko=1,25 if(iblock(ko),2).and. 1,3)) then ijk=ijk+1 full(ijk)=ko end if end do if( type *,' #@$% ',(full(mo),mo=1,ijk) do lo=1,ijk iblock(full(lo))=0 call test(iblock,hwin) if(hwin.eq.opp) then value=-1000 return end if call legal(iblock,me,klist,isize,move,rotate,shape, 1 brot,first,last) if(isize.eq.0) then value=-1000 return end if do ijm=1,isize do ko=1,27 kboard(ko)=iblock(ko) end do kboard(klist(ijm,1))=0 kboard(klist(ijm,2))=me kboard(klist(ijm,3))=me if(kboard(25+me).lt.9) then kboard(25+me)=kboard(25+me)+1 call evalu2(kboard,move,rotate,shape, 1 brot,first,last,kvalue,me,opp) if( go to 6 ! alpha-beta pruning if( ivalue=kvalue else ijp=0 do ko=1,25 if(kboard(ko),2).and. 1,3)) then ijp=ijp+1 jfull(ijp)=ko end if end do if( type *,' #$%@ ',(jfull(mo),mo=1,ijk) do mo=1,ijp kboard(jfull(mo))=0 call evalu2(kboard,move,rotate,shape, 1 brot,first,last,kvalue,me,opp) kboard(jfull(mo))=me if( go to 6 ! alpha-beta pruning if( ivalue=kvalue end do end if end do if( value=ivalue end do end if 6 continue end do return end C subroutine score(bscore,bwins,wscore,wwins,board,gend,color) integer*4 board(27) integer*4 bscore,bwins,wscore,wwins,gend,empty,color character*6 gamrec(30) common/trans/gamrec,movnum,iseed,jseed,nhuman if(gend.eq.0) return empty = 0 do io=1,25 if(board(io).eq.0) empty=empty+1 end do C generate file containing game score write(93,*) ' ' C show what seed was at game start write(93,*) ' random seed = ',jseed write(93,*) ' ' if(nhuman.eq.1) then if(color.eq.1) then write(93,*) ' Human Computer ' else if(color.eq.2) then write(93,*) ' Computer Human ' end if if(color.eq.gend) then bwins = bwins + 1 bscore = bscore + empty type *,' You win -- congratulations ! ' else wwins = wwins + 1 wscore = wscore + empty type *,' I win -- hurrah ! ' end if type 9200,bwins,bscore,wwins,wscore C Note: human score is always in bwins/bscore since C colors may change from game to game else write(93,*) ' Black White ' if(gend.eq.1) then bwins = bwins + 1 bscore = bscore + empty else if(gend.eq.2) then wwins = wwins + 1 wscore = wscore + empty end if if(gend.eq.1) then type *,' Black wins ! ' else if(gend.eq.2) then type *,' White wins ! ' end if type 9203,bwins,bscore,wwins,wscore end if do io=1,movnum,2 j=(io+1)/2 if((io+1).le.movnum) then write(93,9201) j,gamrec(io),gamrec(io+1) else write(93,9202) j,gamrec(io) end if end do if(nhuman.eq.1) then write(93,*) ' ' write(93,9200) bwins,bscore,wwins,wscore else write(93,*) ' ' write(93,9203) bwins,bscore,wwins,wscore end if 9200 format(/,' You have won ',i3,' games for ',i5,' points. ',/, 1 ' I have won ',i3,' games for ',i5,' points. ') 9201 format(' (',i2,') ',a,' ',a) 9202 format(' (',i2,') ',a) 9203 format(/,' Black has won ',i3,' games for ',i5,' points. ',/, 1 ' White has won ',i3,' games for ',i5,' points. ') return end C subroutine evalu2(board,move,rotate,shape, 1 brot,first,last,value,me,opp) integer*4 board(27),list(200,3),size,nblock(27) integer*4 move(43,5),rotate(25,8),shape(25),brot(25) integer*4 first(25),last(25),value,xlist(200,3) integer*4 win(4,28),row,hwin,llist(200,3),me,opp character*6 gamrec(30) common/trans/gamrec,movnum,iseed,jseed,nhuman data win/1,2,3,4,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14, 1 12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,22,23,24,25, 2 1,6,11,16,6,11,16,21,2,7,12,17,7,12,17,22,3,8,13,18, 3 8,13,18,23,4,9,14,19,9,14,19,24,5,10,15,20,10,15,20,25, 4 1,7,13,19,7,13,19,25,5,9,13,17,9,13,17,21,6,12,18,24, 5 2,8,14,20,4,8,12,16,10,14,18,22/ value=0 size=0 if(board(26).ge.4.or.board(27).ge.4) then do io=1,28 row=0 do ijk=1,4 if(board(win(ijk,io)) row=row+1 if(board(win(ijk,io)).eq.opp) row=row-10 end do if(row.eq.4) then value=1000 return else if(row.eq.3) then value=value+4 end if end do end if C difference in mobility call legal(board,me,llist,ijsize,move,rotate,shape, 1 brot,first,last) value=value+ijsize if(ijsize.eq.0) value=value-10000 call legal(board,opp,llist,ijsize,move,rotate,shape, 1 brot,first,last) value=value-ijsize if(ijsize.eq.0) value=value+1000 C block any one-move human win do io=1,ijsize do jo=1,27 nblock(jo)=board(jo) end do nblock(llist(io,1))=0 nblock(llist(io,2))=opp nblock(llist(io,3))=opp if(nblock(25+opp).lt.9) nblock(25+opp)=nblock(25+opp)+1 call test(nblock,hwin) if(hwin.eq.opp) then value=value-100000 return end if call legal(nblock,me,xlist,msize,move,rotate,shape, 1 brot,first,last) if(msize.eq.0) then value=value-1000000 return end if end do return end