Solving and Composing Cryptarithms   
by Michael Keller  (ACA Fomalhaut)


Table of Contents

A brief history of cryptarithms

Part 1: General Solving Techniques
1. Search for Zero
2. Identifying One and Nine
3. Greater Than, Less Than, and Consecutive Digits
4. Multiplication Principles: Identities and Odd and Even Numbers
5. Leading Digit Analysis
  Second Digit Analysis
  Internal Zeros and Split Partial Products
  Multiplying Out
6. Extra Additions: The Hubbuber Trick
7. Double and Triple Table Matching

Part 2: Solving Specific Problem Types and Other Advanced Methods
8. Interlocking Equations
9. Double-Key Problems
10. Magic Squares
11. Additions With More Than Two Addends
12. Single-Digit Multiplications and Internal Multiplication
13. Topless Divisions and Related Puzzles
14. Special Form Tables
15. Crotalus Rectangles

Part 3: Other Bases
Multiplication in Other Bases
Multiplicative Structures
Roots in Other Bases

Part 4: Construction Techniques
Finding Cryptarithms via Computer Search
Exploring Minimum Ideals
Interlocking Equation Formulas
Magic Squares
Computing LDA Tables
Ideal Doubly True Cryptarithms (besides Additions)
A note on combinations and computer solving

Appendix 1: An Annotated Bibliography

Appendix 2: Supplementary Problems
  Thematic Additions
  Fibonacci Sequences
  Extra Long Additions
Interlocking Equations
Double-Key Divisions
  Single Digit Multiplications
  Topless and Bottomless
  Ideal Doubly True
Magic Squares
Square and Higher Roots
Topless Divisions
Challenge Problems
  Wodehouse Alphacipher

Appendix 3: Solving Hints and Walkthroughs for Selected Puzzles

Appendix 4: Tables
Special Form Tables
LDA Tables

Appendix 5: Solutions
Appendix 6: Examples of Hidden Cryptarithms
Appendix 7: Glossary


Portions of this booklet were originally published in the Cryptophile Cryptofile column of WGR8, July 1988, pp. 5-11, and in a few later issues.   A special issue of WGR devoted to cryptarithms was intended, but never published (problem D-9 at the top was meant to appear on the cover of WGR13).  Almost all the puzzles herein are my own compositions; the few exceptions are explicitly credited.   Three of the puzzles appeared in the online game journal The Games Cafe, which ran for a few months in 2000 (even the Internet Archive couldn't locate the originals).

A cryptarithm is a logic puzzle in which arithmetic calculations are disguised by replacing the digits with letters or other symbols, the object being to discover the original digits.   [Essentially, a cryptarithm is a simple substitution cipher in which the hidden message is an arithmetic problem.]    A given letter must represent the same digit each time it occurs in the puzzle.  In standard cryptarithms, a digit must be represented by the same letter each time it occurs.   Leading zeros are almost never permitted; if they are permitted in a particular problem, this fact must be clearly stated.  Solving cryptarithms requires the use of logic and simple arithmetic (and sometimes light algebra), but cryptarithms can range from very simple to excruciatingly difficult.  Cryptarithms are composed on all of the usual arithmetic operations.  Additions are most common, but divisions and multiplications are also frequent.  Subtractions are sometimes seen, but can be recast as additions for solving purposes (they also occur as part of long divisions).   Square roots are not often seen, outside of the cryptarithm page in The Cryptogram (which also features cube roots, and occasionally higher roots, equations involving powers and fractions (usually seen as specials: unusual or difficult problems), and magic squares.  Most cryptarithms are composed in ordinary base 10 (decimal) arithmetic, but base 11 (undecimal) and base 12 (duodecimal) appear regularly.  Larger bases up to 16 (hexadecimal), and sometimes smaller bases such as 7, 8, and 9 are occasionally seen.   Cryptography regularly published sets of interlocking equations (combining additions, subtractions, multiplications, and divisions); they occasionally could be found in other publications like Four-Star Puzzler.

Among the various operations, problems using square roots are easiest to solve, because it is usually possible to determine the value of several letters very quickly.  Divisions are next easiest, because they contain a number of different multiplications and additions, providing many clues.   Interlocking equations are also generally easy.   Multiplications, and additions in which only two numbers are added, tend to be of medium difficulty.  Although multiplications with only two digit multipliers are sometimes easy because the additions have only two addends, multiplications generally get easier as the multiplier gets longer because of the large number of partial products, and addition clues (except for the first few columns at both ends) are not usually needed.   Additions with three or more addends are the most difficult of the most commonly seen types.  

A goal of the composer in many cryptarithm puzzles is for as many of its elements as possible to consist of actual words.  I call such an element coherent; the division D-9 above has coherent dividend, divisor, and quotient.   Puzzles where all of the elements are coherent is often referred to as an alphametic (a term coined in 1955 by J.A.H. Hunter): usually either the words are thematic, or make a sensible phrase.   These are generally additions; making completely coherent multiplications and divisions is much more difficult.   Cryptarithms in The Cryptogram and some other publications are usually composed so that the letters representing each digit spell out a word or words (such as JOURNALIST or ZERO TULIPS; this is called the keyword) when arranged in the order 0-9 (as above), 9-0, 1-0 (1234567890), or 0-1.   Using keywords sometimes renders them vulnerable to solution (by lazy solvers) by anagramming instead of normal methods (I rarely use single word keys for this reason).   Clever keywords serve as a kind of reward to the solver, especially if the keyword is thematically related to words in the puzzle.   In this booklet, I try to provide a keyword for every puzzle, though most are in mixed numerical order (the more coherent a puzzle, the harder it is to make a keyword in one of the fixed orders).

Like other kinds of logic puzzles, cryptarithms should only have a single solution, although this principle is not always followed.   An ideal cryptarithm is defined as one which uses every digit in the base being used (e.g. 10 in decimal), only one letter represents each digit, the letters representing each digit are distinct, and there is only one solution.   Nearly all of the puzzles in this booklet are ideal.

Many published alphametics have multiple solutions (sometimes only interchangeable digits, but often completely independent solutions).  Usually some constraint on one or more of the digits (or entire numbers), stating that they must be prime, even, odd, etc. (less satisfactory are problems asking for the largest or smallest solution). If the cryptarithm has only nine digits, the missing digit might be specified.   Another method might be to show the value of one of the carries.

An exception to the usual one letter/one digit rule is the double-key cryptarithm.  This uses two separate keywords, one conventionally written in capitals and the other in lower case letters.  As it occurs in The Cryptogram, it is usually a division problem, though other operations have been used.  This is probably the hardest category of regular cryptarithms, and is rarely seen outside of The Cryptogram (and today, far less often than in years gone by).

Doubly true cryptarithms are those in which a true arithmetic problem is spelled out in words so that it makes a valid cryptarithm as well.  Excellent examples of ideal doubly true (idt) cryptarithms can be found in Stephen Kahan's book Have Some Sums To Solve and its two sequels, as well as in The Journal of Recreational Mathematics.   A variant of this is the digimetic, in which a correct addition expressed in digits represents another correct addition, so that none of the corresponding digits in the two additions are the same (see puzzle A-200).  This puzzle was named and championed in JRM by Sidney Kravitz.   A remarkable example is alphametic number 1544 from JRM (see Bibliography).

A separate category of cryptarithms is a type in which most or all of the digits are removed and replaced by identical nulls (marks such as dots, dashes, or asterisks).  These marks ordinarily may represent any digit, but sometimes restrictions are placed on them. This puzzle has been called by various names, including skeleton puzzle, arithmetical restoration, and dotty problem (a colorful term used by Nob Yoshigahara and his Japanese colleagues in Puzzletopia), but we will use the generic term hidden cryptarithm.  These are nearly always divisions or multiplications.  In its purest form, the hidden cryptarithm does not contain any letters, and the values of only a few digits are shown.  A common restriction in such puzzles is that no asterisk may represent a digit which is shown, but not every construction follows that rule.  There are also hybrids (partially hidden) which combine letters representing specific digits, and nulls representing any digit.   Some multiplication and division alphametics are of this type.

Hidden cryptarithms generally range from relatively easy to extremely hard, and require very different techniques from standard letter cryptarithms; the hardest are among the toughest of all cryptarithms to solve (the rarest and most difficult are completely hidden cryptarithms in which no digits or letters are seen, only nulls; the only information thus available to the solver is the length of each element).   We will not look at detailed techniques of solving hidden cryptarithms here, but the Bibliography gives a number of sources which include problems with detailed solutions, which will demonstrate some of the techniques involved, including factorization.   We give a few example puzzles in Appendix 6.

A more distant relative of cryptarithms is the full-alphabet problem called Alphacipher, invented by the renowned British game and puzzle expert David Pritchard.   This usually has a list of thematic words.   It is still published regularly in Tough Puzzles; Games ran a contest called Albuquerque in May 1986 (p. 53) with a problem of this type.  An original example can be found at the end of the Supplementary Puzzles in Appendix 2, with a step-by-step solution at the end of Solutions in Appendix 5.   Even more distantly related to cryptarithms are pandigital problems, in which each digit (possibly excluding 0) occurs exactly once.  Many such puzzles appeared in Nob Yoshigahara's Puzzletopia, and they are discussed by Martin Gardner in Wheels, Life, and Other Mathematical Amusements (see Bibliography).

The annotated bibliography in Appendix 1 has details on books and magazines with substantial content on cryptarithms, particularly on solving and construction methods.

Note: Some sources, including The Cryptogram, publish cryptarithms in a linear format (the division at the beginning of this booklet might appear as THIRTEEN / TALENT = AH; - TRREEEK = IKANAAN; - NTNRNXE = HIKIRE).  That practice saves little if any space, requires each problem to be recopied (a process prone to error), and occasionally leads to ambiguities (when partial products are missing) which must be worked out.  The first column in The Cryptogram which used linear format (February 1938), published four puzzles which took up the bottom half of page 13, using 35 columns of horizontal space and at least 26 vertical lines.  I was able to format this comfortably on graph paper within a box of 24 x 24 squares; I could have fit six medium-sized puzzles in that space.  The only advantage I can think of for the linear format is a very sophisticated solving/checking program which could read a single line of input; the only program I know that can do this is CryptoCrack.  All of the puzzles here are formatted as standard multiline calculations.   We use x for multiplication (and / for division in Interlocking Equation puzzles).   

A brief history of cryptarithms 

      x  LRAM

The first cryptarithm ever published?  American Agriculturist, Volume 23, December 1864, p. 349.

The cryptarithm shown above appeared in a puzzle column in Orange Judd's magazine American Agriculturist, entitled "No. 109 Mathematical Puzzle".  It is a ideal keyed multiplication (one word, 1-0); the keyword is a proper name.  No constructor is credited (possibly it was by Judd himself), and it does not appear to have been a popular puzzle; I have not found any further examples scanning through a couple more years' worth of the magazine (thanks to the Internet Archive for providing a digital copy of the 1864 volume).   (Solving hints are given at the beginning of Appendix 3, and the keyword solution at the beginning of Appendix 5.)

Nothing else seems to have happened until the early 20th century, when early non-ideals by Sam Loyd (in his 1914 Cyclopedia) and H. E. Dudeney (in The Strand Magazine in 1924) appeared.  
Neither author created any puzzles up to modern standards, though Dudeney's problem SEND + MORE = MONEY, which appeared in the July 1924 Strand, is easily the most-often cited cryptarithm.  It's an easy introductory puzzle whose solution can be found in dozens of sources such as Wikipedia.    A few puzzles can be found in a 1919 book by David Eugene Smith, Number Stories of Long Ago.

M. E. Ohaver, one of the founders of the American Cryptogram Association (under the nom Sunyam), was publishing ideal Cryptic Divisions in his column "Solving Cipher Secrets" in the pulp magazine Detective Fiction Weekly at least as early as 1930.   Puzzles submitted by his readers (published by Fritz (Fred Hatfield)), as early as 1928, included divisions, multiplications, and even a square root.  Like the Agriculturist puzzle, these were mostly keyed, with a single word in 1-0 order.  These puzzles did prove popular, and eventually similar puzzles appeared in The Cryptogram. The first cryptarithm there was a Cryptic Division (under Odds and Ends) by Sir Orm in the April 1936 issue (a very good division with a one-digit quotient and a 1-0 keyword).  Whosit produced the first brief tutorial (already touching on the analysis of leading digits!) in October 1936, which also saw the first Cryptic Division (X-16 by Junkerl) with coherent keyword, dividend, divisor, and quotient (and remainder, for good measure!).  In February 1938 they first appeared under the name Cryptarithms, and the magazine started printing them in linear format (in a fruitless attempt to save space).  Within a few years there were five problems per issue, including multiplications, divisions, square roots, and additions with three addends.  By 1940, Neoteric and Quintuplex were already discussing techniques of solving in base 12.    The Duodecimal Bulletin, published by the Duodecimal Society of America, published duodecimal cryptarithms (mostly divisions) in its first few issues, between 1945 and 1947.   Division cryptarithms under the title Word Arithmetic began to appear in pulp puzzle magazines published by Dell as early as 1949, and still appear in some variety puzzle magazines today, such as Dell's Math & Logic Problems.  Dell uses a fixed format in which the dividend, divisor, and quotient all must be words, and the digits must spell out a word or words in the order 0-9.

The term cryptarithm itself is a translation of cryptarithmie, coined by Simon Vatriquant (Minos) in The Sphinx in 1931 (some sources mistakenly give his first name as Maurice, mistaking the designation M. as an initial instead of the French abbreviation for Monsieur, and possibly confusing him with Maurice Kraitchik, editor-in-chief of The Sphinx).  The Sphinx published a number of cryptarithms (most of them partially hidden) from 1931-1939, many of them by Monsieur Pigeolet, who was the cryptarithms editor.  A selection of these can be found in the book by Maxey Brooke (see the Bibliography).

Although the term alphametic (for problems, usually additions, with coherent words) was not coined until 1955 by J.A.H. Hunter, the first doubly true alphametic appeared in the April 1938 Cryptogram.  Alan Wayne (under the nom Ixaxar) discovered the equation SEVEN + SEVEN + SIX = TWENTY, which has a unique solution, although it is not ideal, since one digit is missing (many published alphametic additions are incomplete, and more than a few have multiple solutions).  In October 1938 he had the first ideal doubly true: TWENTY + FIFTY + NINE + ONE = EIGHTY.  His most famous and elegant discovery, FORTY + TEN + TEN = SIXTY, appeared in the August-September 1947 issue of American Mathematical Monthly.  Another early ideal doubly true by ACA member Eureka appeared in the February-March 1950 Cryptogram (it has five addends, and is hard, but solvable by hand).

The longest addition alphametic in print is a 41-addend ideal cryptarithm created by Anton Pavlis and originally published in the 1972 Journal of Recreational Mathematics, Volume 5, Number 4, page 289.  The problem and full solution appear in the April 1983 edition of Crux Mathematicorum (Volume 9, Number 4, page 115), which is available online in PDF format; the problem and solution are also given in Wikipedia's article on Verbal Arithmetic.  The solver in Puzzle Virtuoso, which solves most base 10 addition cryptarithms instantly, takes 10-15 seconds to find the unique solution.   [At least one longer one, with 199 addends, was published on Reddit by fvandepitte on January 8, 2018 on the dailyprogrammer subreddit.]


The oldest arithmetic restorations?  W.P. Workman, The Tutorial Arithmetic, 1902

Although hidden cryptarithms (arithmetical restorations) have been said to be much older than regular cryptarithms, I am not aware of any documented puzzles before the 20th century.  One of the early constructors of such puzzles is W.E.H. Berwick, who published the Seven Sevens puzzle in School World in July 1906 (page 280), and similar puzzles in the Mathematical Gazette in 1920 and 1921.  He cites a book, The Tutorial Arithmetic by W.P. Workman (
the first edition appeared in 1902), as having some puzzles of this type.   I now have a copy of the 1903 second edition of Workman: the problem above appears as number 1 in Section 11, Harder Problems, page 480.   Eight additional problems appear earlier in the book (see Bibliography).  These are relatively easy examples, but are the oldest such problems I have seen, and apparently inspired Berwick to construct much more challenging problems.   A full solution to the Workman puzzle is given in Appendix 6.

Part 1: General Solving Techniques

We will use a specific notation here to indicate adjacent values: square brackets indicate that letters represent two values in ascending sequence: [AB] means that A + 1 = B.   (You can read this as "A precedes B".)   Bracketed sequences are always strictly increasing: they never wrap around from 9 to 0.   This can be extended to longer sequences, e.g. [ABCD], each letter being one less than the next, again without wrapping around.   Occasionally a sequence might have missing digits: [AB.C] indicates that B + 2 = C, but we don't yet know what letter is equal to B + 1.  Curly brackets indicate that two letters values are adjacent, but it is unknown which value is larger: {AB} indicates that either A + 1 = B, or B + 1 = A.   We will not use curly brackets with more than two letters, though it is possible to do so: {ABC} would mean that either [ABC] or [CBA] is true.   We put spaces around operators; a string of numbers in parentheses with no spaces, separated by slashes (2/3/4/5) indicate possible values for a letter.

In solving cryptarithms, you may use any tools you see fit: obviously graph paper is highly useful, and you should feel free to use a calculator (or even a spreadsheet) if you dislike excessive calculation.   [Some problems can be solved mostly with logic and observation, others are computation-heavy.]   Reference tables (especially multiplication tables in other bases) are also useful: some of those are found here.   Many solvers like to use anagramming to assist in solving: tables of non-pattern words, or an online anagrammer, would be helpful (here we will only examine methods based on logic and elementary mathematics).

1. Search for Zero

One useful technique in solving is to try to find the letter which represents zero.  
Barring a positive indicator that a letter represents zero (a missing partial product or an addition indicating zero; examples 1-5 below), it is often worthwhile to seek zero by a process of elimination.  [For the moment we will assume normal base 10 arithmetic. We will examine other bases in Part 4.]    Below left are the principal indicators that a letter cannot represent zero:

     x     accc         





   General Framework     

a: Letters in positions marked a are never zero: leading digits, by convention, are not permitted to be zero.
b: The letter in position b is not zero unless all of the partial products also end in b (Example 4, above right), and it is obvious from the tens column addition that the second partial product ends in 0.  If all of the partial products end in zero, but the multiplicand ends in a different letter Z (Example 5, above right), Z must equal 5.
c: Other digits in the multiplier can only equal zero if one of the partial products is missing (Example 3).
d: Neither of the tens-column digits can be zero unless the sum is equal to the other letter (Examples 1 and 2), or all three are the same letter.
e: If b is not zero, the units digit (rightmost digit of both the first partial product and the sum (full product)) can be zero only if the multiplicand ends in 5 and the multiplier ends in an even number, or vice versa.  The same is true of the rightmost digits of the third and successive partial products.  If more than one non-identical partial product ends in zero, the multiplicand must end in 5, and all of the corresponding digits of the multiplier must be even.  The partial products not ending in zero must all end in 5, with odd corresponding digits in the multiplier.  In example 5, g and h are odd and i and j are even.
f: The second-leftmost digit of the product cannot be zero if there is no carry to the leftmost column of the addition.
g: The square of a non-zero digit is never zero.

       .......           .......           .......           ......X          ......Z     
    x     ....        x     ....        x     .X..        x     ....      
      ......X.          ......Y.          ........          ......YX    
     .......Y          .......X          ........          .......X     
    ........          ........         ........           .......X      
   ........          ........          ...........       .......X        
   .........Y.       .........Y.                         .........Y.     

    Example 1          Example 2         Example 3        Example 4        Example 5
                                     X must equal zero                      (Z = 5)

Below are some examples where B cannot be zero (the first two examples are shown as both additions and subtractions).   An addition which produces a carry cannot have zero as either addend.   An addition which does not carry cannot have a sum of zero.  A number cannot be zero if the number it is added to already has a different successor assigned, or if the sum has a different predecessor.    Neither addend can be zero if their sum is 1.

  AB....       AC.....        A....       E.......         ...B...               ....A             ..A..
- AC....     +  D.....     + DB....      -DB......       + ...A...             + ....B           + ..B..
   D....       AB.....       E.....        A......         ...C...               ....C             ..C..

B is not 0    B is not 0     B is not 0    B is not 0     B is not 0       A and B are not 0     If C = 1,
                                                        if [AD] or [EC]                       either A nor B is 0

The exceptional case below sometimes occurs in multiplications with a multiplier of at least three digits.  C + D + (carry) = E, carrying to [AB], is possible with D = 0 only if the carry is 2, C = 9, and E = 1.  But 9 can be the leading digit of C... only if it is a short product.   See M-205 for an example.

 + AD...    

A digit repeated in adjacent columns

When a letter is an addend in two adjacent columns, each with three unlike letters, it cannot be zero.   In the examples below, if B = 0, the addition on the right gives [CE], but then there is no carry to the addition to its left (see M-154 for an example, which also uses two other techniques to eliminate three of four initial candidates).  The same principle also prevents B from being 9, as there will then be a carry which makes B = 9 impossible in the next column to the left.

   ...AC..      ...AC..     ...CB..     ...CC..
 + ...BB..    + ...BB..   + ...BC..   +
   ...DE..      ...EE..     ...DE..     ...DE..
              B is neither zero nor 9.

Once we know what letter is 0, we can often make deductions based on that fact.   For example, if we know that A = 0, an addition clue of the form ...B... + ...C... = ...C... must mean that B = 9.   An addition ...A... + ...B... = ...C... will mean [BC].  We'll see more in sections 3 and 4.    

In section 4 we will look at ways to sort letters into odd and even groups.  Any letter we can put in the odd group can also be ruled out as zero (a famous problem by Bubbles, C-3 in The Cryptogram of October-November 1949, allows the letters to be sorted quickly into five even and five odd, with two of the three possibilities for zero falling into the odd group, leaving the only even candidate as zero).

Breakdown by Cases

If there are only a few cases, or easy equivalences can be made knowing which letter equals zero, we can break down the problem and solve it case by case (this is a useful technique for very difficult additions, such as A-8 and A-14, and divisions with a single digit quotient, like D-36, and D-39; see M-84 and M-166 for more examples).   M-421 has three possibilities, two of which can be eliminated quickly.  M-18, M-116, and M-155 combine search for zero with an identity multiplication we will see in section 4.

2. Identifying One and Nine


    B...        A...       ...B       B....      ...B       ...B...
 x  ...C    x   ...B
   ...A     + C....    + ...B     + ...A...
    A...       C....      ....C       A....      ...A       ...B...

 Example 1   Example 2  Example 3   Example 4  Example 5   Example 6
                                    (A >= 3)   (A even)   (A = 0 or 9)
A cannot equal one

A cannot equal 1 if it is the leading digit of a short product (Example 1), or if it is the leading digit of a multiplicand which has a long product with a different leading digit (Example 2, where C < A), or if it is a multiplier digit with a product different from the multiplicand (example 3).   A cannot be 1 if it is the leftmost sum of an addition with no carry (we saw this above with zero: A must be at least 3).   A cannot be 1 if it is clearly even (e.g. Example 5), or if is part of an identity addition (Example 6).

          A...              CDEF                   ...A             B...
    x     ...B        x     ...A             x     BCDE           + C...

          B...              CDEF                  ....E            A....

     ........          ........                  ....D    

    ........          ........                  ....C     

   ........          ........                  ....B       

   ...........       ...........               ........          

    Example 7          Example 8             Example 9           Example 10
A must equal one                A might be 1, or might be 6!              A is 1

A is always one if it is the leading digit of a multiplier when the leading digit of a short product is the same as the multiplier digit (Example 7).  It is always 1 as a multiplier digit when its partial product is the same as the multiplier (Example 8).   When the trailing digits of each partial product match their multiplier digits, A is usually 1, but it could also be 6 if all the multiplier digits are even (Example 9; see D-39 and M-40).     The leading digit of the sum of two addends which is longer than either addend is always 1 (Example 10).   When you have identified the value of 1, you can often make other deductions about consecutive digits (more in Section 3).

 + B..A..A      
  Example 11  
  A = 1, [DE]

If we know that [BC], the addition A + B = C indicates that either A = 0 or A = 1 (we can tell which one if we know whether there is a carry, or if either value has been assigned or can be ruled out for one of the reasons above).  In Example 11, we see [BC] from the leading digits of the addition: this is the most common indicator.   From the middle addition we know that A = 0 (if the column to its right carries) or A = 1 (if there is no carry).  But we know that A is not zero because of the trailing addition D + A = E.  This tells us that A = 1, and also [DE].

Long remainders in Square Roots (Usually) Start in 1

      B  C            B  C
   V xx xx         V xx xx

     xx              xx

     Ax xx            x xx

     Ax xx            x xx

      x xx
            A xx

  Example 12       Example 13
    A = 1             A = 1
    B >= 5

In square roots, when the first digit of the root has a two-digit square, a remainder of maximum possible length (flush left with the partial power), always begins in 1 in any base.  The partial root at that point must equal at least half the base.  Examples can be seen in puzzles R-4, R-7, and R-9.  The rule does not apply when the first digit has a one-digit square (R-5, R-10, and R-11), although such a digit might still be 1 (R-8).  A remainder of the same length as the last partial power also must start in 1 (see R-30): this rule applies in all cases (e.g. a four-digit radicand cannot have a three-digit remainder starting in 2 or greater in any base). 

It is also possible to work out similar rules for cube roots:

  3___A___x_     3__A___x_
  V xxx xxx      V xx xxx
  _xxx_          _xx_
   Bxx xxx        Cx xxx
 Example 14      Example 15

In the example 14 above, B = 1 or 2 (if B = 2, A = 8 or 9 in base 10).  In example 15, C = 1 or 2 or 3.

Leading carries
                                        ....        ....
     F...      F...       A....         ....        ....         ....
 +  BE...  + DBE...    +  B....      + B....      + ....      + a....
    C....    DC....      C.....        C....       C....        B....
       Example 16      Example 17   Example 18   Example 19   Example 20

When the leading digit of an addend which is longer than the others is increased by a carry from the column to its right, we call this a leading carry.  In Example 16 above, we know that [BC]; this is true even if there is a non-carrying digit further to the left.  Example 17 is another sort of leading carry: in this case we know that C = 1.   In additions with more than two addends, we can also have leading carries, but the increase can be larger than 1 (and as large as one less than the number of addends).  In example 18, we can have either [BC] or [B.C]; in example 19, C =1 or C = 2.    In a two-digit sum which carries, neither addend can be zero; in Examples 16, E is not zero (of course the leading digit F cannot be zero either).    Example 19 is a double key problem (see Section 9 in Part 2): a and B are in different alphabets, so either a = B, or [aB] as usual (see K- and M-700 problems).


   ..A..     ..A..       ..B..          DA...           D..E..       D...E             ....   
 + ..B..   - ..B..     + ..B..        +  B...         +  ..B..     +  ...B         + CA....   
   ..A..       A         ..B..          EA...           E..D..       E...D           DB....   
       B = 0,9         B = 0,9          B = 9          B = 8,9       B = 9       A = 9, B = 0, [CD]
     Example 21        Example 22     Example 23      Example 24    Example 25       Example 26

The situation in Example 21, which occurs frequently in both additions and subtractions, indicates either B = 0 or B = 9.   The same is true of the sum in Example 22 where all three letters are the same; if this occurs in the trailing column, then B = 0; otherwise B = 0 or B = 9 (see A-74 for an easy example).   If the zero case can be ruled out, for any of the reasons we have looked at earlier, including the value of 0 already being assigned to another letter, we can definitely conclude that B = 9.    Example 23, where we can see that there is a carry from A + B = A, immediately shows that B = 9.   In Example 24, we can see [DE], from the leading carry.  Knowing that, the addition E + B = D is possible only if B = 8 (with a carry from the column to its right) or B = 9 (with no carry).   If we know that there is no carry (as in Example 25, where the addition is in the trailing column), we can be sure that B = 9.    Example 26 shows a double leading carry: the third column from the left carries to A, which in turn carries to C.   Since there is a carry increasing A to B, but that carries also, we know that A = 9, B = 0, and [CD] (see D-41 for an example).     We also saw earlier that a digit repeated in adjacent columns of an addition cannot be 9 if both columns contain three different letters.

In Section 4, we will see how 9 can sometimes be identified by multiplication clues (and vice versa).    In section 6, we will see a way to get extra information when 9 is a digit in the quotient or multiplier.

Casting Out Nines

Every number in base 10 has a remainder when divided by 9, which can be quickly determined by adding the digits, then repeating the process until a single digit is left (if the result is 9, the remainder is 0).   To speed up the process, 0's and 9's can be ignored, as well as pairs of numbers adding to 9.   For example, the number 9876539176 can be reduced to 7576 (skipping 9, 8 and 1, and 6 and 3), which adds to 25, which then adds to 7.   This can be used as a checksum for calculations: if two numbers are added or multiplied, the result has a remainder equal to the sum or product of the individual remainders:

     2756519     8            42649813    1
+    6518032     7         x         7    7
     9274551     6           298548691    7

This can occasionally be used in cryptarithm problems: any number multiplied by 9 will have a remainder of 0.   See the Hints for M-208 for an example.

When we later look at problems in other bases, the properties of 9 will be transferred to the largest digit (e.g. b in base 12).

3.  Greater Than, Less Than, and Consecutive Digits

A rich source of information in cryptarithms is the relationships between pairs of letters.  In many situations, it is possible to determine which of two letters represents a larger value, and sometimes that two letters represent adjacent values.   We will use the normal mathematical symbols < and > to indicate less than and greater than (of course A < B means the same thing as B > A).   We also use square brackets to designate adjacent digits: [AB] indicates that A and B represent adjacent digits in ascending order (that is, A + 1 = B).   (We do not use [AB] if it is possible that A = 9 and B = 0).

An important rule to remember with greater than and less than is that they are transitive: If A < B and B < C, we know that A < C, and we can write them as a series of connected inequalities A < B < C.    The relationship of consecutive digits is transitive too: [AB] and [BC] can be combined into [ABC].    Inequalities and consecutive digits also combine: if [AB], and A < C, we know that B < C, and we simply write [AB] < C.    Similarly [AB] and D < B gives D < [AB].

Chains of consecutive digits and inequalities can be longer than three digits; in rare cases all ten digits can be placed in order, as in the Fifth of November problem we'll mention later.

We can often build sequences when we know the value of 0, 1, or 9:
(1) If we know that A = 0, the addition A + B = C indicates [BC], with a carry of 1 from the column to its right.
(2) If we know that A = 1, the addition A + B = C tells us that either [BC] or [B.C].   We can determine which if we know the carry.
(3) If we know that A = 9, the addition A + B = C tells us that [CB]; there is no carry from the column to the right, but A + B = C will carry to the column to the left).

    0                   1                        ...A...   A?D          A...   A < D
  ...A...  A < C      ...A...   A > C            ...B...   B?D          B...   B < D
+ ...B...  B < C    + ...B...   B > C          + ...C...   C?D        + C...   C < D
  ...C...             ...C...                    ...D...                D...   D >= 6

An extremely valuable rule used in solving additions is:  In additions with two addends, if we have a column with the addition ...A... + ...B... = ...C..., we know that A and B are either both less than C, in which case there is no carry to the next column, or they are both greater than C, in which case there is a carry of 1 to the next column.    This rule does not apply when there are three or more addends, except in the leading column when there is no carry.   We also know that D in this example is at least six, as we will see immediately below.

   A...       AB...      A...            ...                   ....
 + B...     +  C...   +  B...           A...                + a....
   C...       DE...     CE...       
+ DB...                  B....
 C >= 3      E <= 7     C = 1          EC...                  (double key)
 A < C       E < B      E <= 7     either C < A and C < B     either a=B
 B < C       E < C      E < A       or [AC] and B = 9         or [aB]
              [AD]      E < B       or [BC] and A = 9

The two leading columns of additions provide additional information.  In the case where the addends and sum are squared up, we know that there is no carry, and we have the first case we saw earlier where A < C and B < C.  Since A and B are non-zero (as leading digits) and their smallest possible values are 1 and 2, we know that C is at least three.   (In the previous example with three addends, we know that the smallest values of A, B, and C are 1, 2, and 3, so D >= 6.)    When there is a carry with addends of different lengths, or the addends are the same length and the sum is longer, we have the second case, so E < B and E < C.  Since A and B cannot be larger than 8 and 9 (in either order), and the sum is not equal to either, the sum cannot be greater than 7.  We also have [AD] when the sum is the same length as the longer addend, or C = 1 when the sum is longer than both; we refer to these as leading carries.   The fourth case above can trip you up in multiplications with at least three addends: it is tempting to assume, since there is a carry to [DE], that C < A and C < B as usual.  But if either A or B is 9, there might be a carry of 2, and C might be one larger than the other (see M-103 for an example).    [We'll see later that A can be 9 only if it is part of a short product.]

  ..A..B...         ...A..B          AA..      AB..     ..AB
+ ..B..A...       + ...B..A       + EBB..   + EBA..   + ..BA
  ..D..C...         ...C..D         ECD..     FCD..       DC
    {CD}              [DC]          [CD]      [DC]      [CD]
   or 9/0       or D = 9, C = 0

When two additions with the same two addends (in the same or different orders) have different results, the two sums either represent adjacent digits, or one is 9 and the other 0.  If either is a trailing digit it is the smaller of the two (except in the 9/0 case).  The carry from both is the same (again except for the 9/0 case).   The carry to the two additions, however, must be different.   In the first example above, one of the additions must have a carry of 0 to it, and the other a carry of 1.  In the second example above, there must be a carry of 1 to A + B = C.    (The separated columns need not occur in the same addition: they may occur in different subtractions, in a division or root problem.)    In the third example above, with repeated columns adjacent, A + B does not carry, so there is no carry to A + B = C and a carry of 1 to A + B = D.   In the fourth example, the reverse is true.   In the fifth example, there is no carry to the units addition B + A = C, so there must be a carry to B + A = D, yielding [CD] (see D-98, for example).

  ..A..A...         ...A..C          AA..      BA..
+ ..B..C...       + ...B..A       + EBC..   + EAC..
  ..D..D...         ...D..D         EDD..     FDD..
    {BC}              [BC]          [CB]      [BC]

When two additions have the same sum and one addend in common, the other two addends always represent adjacent digits: the 9/0 case cannot occur (again, non-adjacents may be in different subtractions).

   xy  xy       x0  x      y 0y      0   0      0  0     10  1
  ..A...B..    ..B...A     B..A..    B....A     B...A     B...A
+ ..B...A..  + ..A...B   + A..B..  + A....B  + DA...B  + DA...B
  ..C...C..    ..C...C     C..C..    C....C    DC...C    EC...C

When an addition with the same three letters (the addends might be reversed, but the sum is the same) occurs more than once in the same problem (including different subtractions), the carry to both additions must be the same (y above) and the carry from both additions (x above) must be the same.   Some examples are above: we know that the carry to the rightmost column is implicitly 0, and we can tell what the carry from the leftmost addition is.


Topless Division
V-4 (2 words, 9860435127)

    ....).......       000      011      011
         OAMD          AROA     ARES     AAEF
         AEDMA      + ADMAE  + AIARR  + ALMDO
         ALMDO        ARESO    AAEFD    AEDMA

Let's look at a concrete example, V-4.  This is a Topless Division, a puzzle type we'll look at in more detail later.   The dividend, divisor, and quotient are missing.   At the moment we are only interested in reconstructing the three additions shown.  There doesn't seem to be much to go on, but we have three crucial clues.  The first is that OAMD is a short product, and there are three long products beginning with A.  This means that O is at least as large as the first digit of the divisor, which is at least as large as the first digit of the long product (otherwise the multiplier digit would be at least 10).  Since O and A can't be equal, we know that A < O.  [We'll look much more closely at leading digits later.]  The second clue is the addition A + I = A with no carry.   This tells us that I = 0, but far more importantly, that there is no carry from the addition to its immediate right, so R < E and A < E.   We will mark carries as 0 and 1 as we discover them.  We mark 0 above A + I = A.   The third clue is the pair of additions R + A = E and R + M = E.   This tells us that A and M are consecutive values, though we don't know yet which is larger.  We also know that M < E and the second addition doesn't carry either.    The addition A + E = O tells us, since A < O, that E < O, and there is no carry.   Looking at the other two additions which do not carry: A + D = R tells us directly that A < R and D < R; A + L = E tells us that A < E (which we already know) and L < E.   We also have another pair of similar additions, A + L = E and R + A = E (the same as A + R = E).  We know, just as with A and M before, that L and R are adjacent in value, but we don't know which is larger yet (and the carries to the two additions will have to be different). 

So far we have a series of inequalities that looks like {AM}, D < {LR} < E < O.   [Both curly and square brackets should be thought of as unbreakable blocks: anything less than L is also less than R, and vice versa (and the same for greater than).]  The comma shows that both D and {AM} are less than R, but D might be larger or smaller than A and M.]    As an aside, sometimes when you are doing this kind of analysis, you won't get any further than a partial string of inequalities like this, but the range of possible values for each letter is constrained (e.g. 7 <= O, 6 <= E <= 8, etc.), and it might be possible to work out possible values of certain letters using the additions directly.   But we have a lot more information here, so we will forge ahead.

The addition E + D = M gives us crucial information.  Since M < E, we know that M < D (that is, {AM} < D).  So the addition A + M = D tells us that there is no carry to A + L = E.   This means that there has to be a carry to R + A = E, otherwise R = L.   This greatly helps our deductions: first, we know that R + 1 = L, since A + L is equal to A + R + 1 (both equal to E).   So {LR} becomes [RL]: we know which adjacent letter is the smaller one.   Since we have a carry to R + A = E, we also know that there is no carry to R + M = E, and by the same line of reasoning, R + M = E = R + A + 1, so A is less than M and our inequalities now read [AM] < D < [RL] < E < O.   The second new fact is that, since E + R = F carries, we know that F < E and F < R.   We don't know exactly where F falls, only that it is less than E.   But from the addition F + O = A, knowing that A < O, we know that A < F and there is a carry.  F < R and A < F gets us to [AM] < D, F < [RL] < E < O.   We have all but one letter placed (remembering that I = 0).   S + R = D tells us, since D < R, that D < S also, and again there is a carry (all of the carries are determined, as shown below).   Again we don't know exactly where S falls.  The last addition we have to examine is O + A = S.  We actually deduced before that there is no carry; this is confirmed from the fact that A < S (since A < D and D < S), and therefore O < S.   We have almost completely reconstructed the sequence of letters: adding zero, we have I < [AM] < D, F < [RL] < E < O < S.  We know the exact value of every letter, except for D and F.   F + O = A, since A = 1 and O = 8, gives us F = 3 and D = 4.   The full sequence is [IAMFDRLEOS].  Later we'll see how to reconstruct missing elements from the reconstructed partial products (or you can look up V-4 in the Hints section).    More examples of building sequences are D-44, I-10, I-13, M-12, M-14, M-61, R-4, and R-13.   Sometimes partial sequences merely narrow down possibilities to a point where a problem can be attacked by other clues: see D-201.

A sequence can also sometimes allow additional letters to be calculated.  For example, if we have a sequence [ABCD], and a rightmost addition E + B = D, we can tell that E = 2 (E = 1 if the addition is internal and there is a carry).   Similarly, F + D = A would give F = 7 with no carry, F = 6 with a carry (3 backwards is equivalent to 7 forward).

Reversed Additions and a Little Bit of Algebra

When two letters are repeated in two different additions, but reversed (one is a sum in one addition and an addend in the other, and vice versa), it is possible to use simple algebra to find relationships between the other two addends.    Remember that addition is commutative, so it does not matter in each addition which letter is on top.  Some examples are below:

  ..B...A..    ..C...A     .C..A..           .C...A        .E..A.       .E..B.
+ ..C...B..  + ..B...B   + .D..B..         + .D...B     + D.C..D.    + D.B..A.
  ..A...C..    ..A...C     .A..C..           .A...C       E.A..C.      E.A..D.
   case 1       case 2      case 3           case 4       case 5       case 6
   B = 4/5      B = 5    B + D = 8/9/10   B + D = 9/10  [DE] = [45]     B = 4

In the first two cases, the other addend is the same in both additions.   In case 1, A + B + (carry) = C, so A + B + B + (carry) + {carry} = A.  This reduces to B + B + (0/1/2) = 10, whether A < C or A > C.   Either there is a carry to both additions and B = 4, or a carry to neither addition and B = 5.   Case 2 is the same, but with one of the additions in the rightmost column, there is no carry to it and therefore none to the leftward addition, so B = 5.   In case 3, the other addend is different in the two additions.   This reduces to B + D + (0/1/2) = 10, or B + D = (8/9/10).    Case 4 is similar to case 2, with no carry to the rightmost column, so B + D = (9/10).   In case 5, the extra two addends are consecutive, and the algebra reduces to D + D + (0/1/2) = 9, so there must be a carry to one column but not both, and D = 4 (and E = 5).   Case 6 is a variation of case 5, where the consecutive digits are reversed, but the algebra is similar, and in this case the repeated addend is equal to 4 (see A-35 as an example).   As always, look for these occurring in different subtractions in a division or root problem (see D-98 as an example).    

In cases 1, 2, and 6, regardless of the value of B, the values of A and C are always 5-complements, differing in value by 5, though either A or C may be larger.


An important clue to observe in divisions is that the remainder must be less than the divisor (otherwise the quotient wiuld be wrong).  If the remainder is shorter than the divisor, this doesn't help, but if they are the same length and start with different letters, the leading digit of the remainder is less than the leading digit of the divisor.   See D-1 for a good example of this.   If they start with the same letter, you can make a deduction from the second letters, etc. (see D-226 for a hard example).   Many division puzzles here have a remainder the same length as the divisor, and it sometimes helps as a clue which is not found by some other method.

4. Multiplication Principles: Identities and Odd and Even Numbers

Multiplications with repeated digits

 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9
 2  4  6  8 10 12 14 16 18
 3  6  9 12 15 18 21 24 27         ...A
 4  8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36          B in bold
 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45         ...B
 6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54
 7 14 21 28 35 42 49 56 63
 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 72
 9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 81

One of the most useful rules to memorize involves multiplications where the trailing digits follow the pattern A x B = B.   If you examine the multiplication table above, showing the products of single digits (we omit the cases of multiplying by zero), you will see that this can occur in four cases:
(1) B = 0 [not shown] (this is often obvious, as we saw in the Search for Zero section)
(2) A = 1 (often obvious too, as we have seen before, because a partial product is the same as the multiplicand)
(3) B = 5 and A is an odd number (3, 7, or 9)
(4) A = 6 and B is an even number (2, 4, or 8)

The six usual cases with repeated digits (A x B = B):

3 5
7 5
9 5
6 2
6 4
6 8

When there is more than one identity in the same problem, we can narrow down the possibilities further:
(1) A x B = B and A x C = C give either A = 6 (with B and C both even), or A = 1.
(2) A x B = A and A x C = A give either A = 5 (with B and C both odd), or A = 0.   Frequently we will also have A x D = E, in which case A = 5, E = 0, and D is even.

In the case where both digits being multiplied are the same (this always occurs in square roots, and occasionally in multiplications and divisions), we have the possible cases A x A = A (A = 0, 1, 5, or 6) and A x A = B (A = 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, or 9).   The trailing digit of a square can never equal 2, 3, 7, or 8.

A         0 1 5 6        2 3 4 7 8 9
AxA       0 1 5 6        4 9 6 9 4 1
              Squares of digits

Six of the ten digits have a cube ending in the same digit as the root, while four end in a different digit (their 10-complements), but the ten cubes all end in different digits, so if you know the last digit of the cube you can find the last digit of its root.

A     0 1 4 5 6 9    2 3 7 8
A^3   0 1 4 5 6 9    8 7 3 2
        Cubes of digits

In the usual multiplications A x B = C where all three values are distinct, we have the rule that C is never equal to 5 or 9: 5 is a product only when 5 is multiplied by an odd number; 9 only occurs as the product of 9 x 1, or as the square of 3 or 7.   The other three odd products each occur with only one possible pair of multipliers: 3 x 7 = 1, 7 x 9 = 3, and 3 x 9 = 7.   See Table 6 in Appendix 4.

Frequently we have two of the digits of a multiplication identified, and need to calculate the third.  This is trivial if we have the two digits being multiplied and need the product, and if we have an odd digit multiplier and the product; the result is always unique:  e.g. 3 x 6 = A gives A = 8; 7 x A = 4 gives A = 2.   However, if we have the product and an even digit being multiplied, there will be two possible answers, which will be 5-complements, differing by 5: e.g. 4 x A = 8 gives the possible results A = 2 or A = 7.

Odd and Even Numbers

In addition, the sum of two even numbers is even; the sum of two odd numbers is also even, and the sum of an odd and an even is odd.   This helps us mainly in looking at the trailing column of additions (whether in an addition puzzle or as part of a multiplication or division); for example, in a trailing sum A + A = B, B is always even.  We cannot draw conclusions about internal additions unless we can be sure whether there is a carry.  

A sum of the form A + A = B, given the value of A, might have two possible values for B, depending on the carry to A + A= B (B is even if there is no carry, odd if there is).   Given the value of B, there are two possible values of A, which are 5-complements.  The larger value is correct if there is a carry from A + A = B to the next column:

A 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9
B 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

In multiplication, the product of two odd numbers is odd, while the product of two even numbers, or an odd and an even, is even.    Once we have established a letter as representing an even number, any of its multiples must always be even (this is especially helpful in the case where a multiplicand or divisor ends in an even number, for we can also identify the last letter of each partial product as even).   If [AB] and A is odd, then B is even (and vice versa).   Any group of consecutive letters also alternates in odd and even.   5-complement pairs also consist of one odd and one even digit.   If we know that at least one partial product ends in an odd digit, the multiplicand must also be odd (see M-96).  Occasionally we can separate the ten digits into five odd and five even very quickly: see D-25, M-46, M-53, M-54, and M-74 as examples.

Another valuable rule is that when a digit A has two products with the same last digit B (not equal to A) with two different multipliers (A x C = B and A x D = B), both A and B must be even.   The multipliers C and D are 5-complements; one is odd and the other even.  See M-89 for an example.    The exception to this rule is when B = 0, which gives A = 5, with both C and D even.  If we cannot directly see that B = 0, we can still deduce it if there are three different multipliers with the same product: see M-59 as an example.   

Odd digits (except 5) produce a different last digit for each multiplier.   When a digit A (except A = 0) has products with the last digit A for two different multipliers, A must be equal to 5 (e.g. M-90), provided neither multiplier is 1 (don't get tripped up by a problem like M-91).

       SUIT      M-60      T H U O L Y D S  I A
     x LOUD    (2 words,   2 6 8 3 4x
5967012384)          9 0 5 3x
4 2 8 3 7 0 5 1  6 9
6 8 8x
8 4 8x

In the problem above, we can immediately deduce that T is even, since T x U = H and T x O = H (H + H = T would also tell us that T is even, but the general rule we mentioned above applies more often). The letters U and O are 5-complements.   We also know that H is even, and in this particular problem, we have the added clue that H + H = T.   We can make a small table of the four possible values of T and H.   In each case, the possible values for O and U are 3 and 8 in some order; two of the possibilities are immediately eliminated because 8 is repeated.   We can see that SUIT x O = DDAH is a short product and SUIT x U = STASH is a long product, so we know that O < U, and we can fill in the values of U and O from this fact.   In both cases which remain, O = 3 and U = 8.   We next compute the value of L from T x L = U.   Let's look at the addition S + D + Y + (carry) = L closely: we have already assigned the values 2 (to T or H) and 3 (to O).  S and D are leading digits, so neither is 0.   Therefore Y = 0, otherwise the smallest possible sum of S + D + Y = 1 + 4 + 5, which would carry.   The smallest possible sum is now 0 + 1 + 4 = 5, so the case L = 4 is impossible.   Y = 0 gives D = 5.    Since we have D, Y, and L, we can compute possible values for S from the sum S + D + Y + (carry) = L, knowing that the carry from T + D + T + (carry) must be 1 (even if T = 2, A is not zero and there would in turn be a carry from A + A + A + U = D).    S duplicates in the first case, so we now have only one set of values.   We can compute I from O + S + H + (carry) = I, and A from A + A + A + U + (carry?) = D.

Other multiplication facts

If C = 9 and C x A = B, we know that A + B = 10.   This mostly works in reverse too: If A + B = 10, and C x A = B (C different from A and B), we know that C = 9 (unless A and B are 2 and 8 in either order: in this case C = 4 is also possible).   If C x A = B and C x B = A, and we know nothing about the three values, we know that A + B = 10, and we have the previous case, where either C = 9 or C = 4 (in the latter case A = 2 and B = 8 or vice versa: see M-74).   Try puzzle D-31 for a remarkable example of a very fast solution obtained by identifying 9 early (see Hints for details).

If A + A = B, and A x C = B, either C = 2 or C = 7 (5-complements again; if C = 7 then A and B are both even), except for the case A = 5 and B = 0 (C will then be even).  See D-27 for a hidden example.

In Part 3, we will see that the rules for adding and multiplying odd and even digits apply to even bases only.

5. Leading Digit Analysis

    case 1         case 2     case 3          case 4       case 5
     A....          A....      A....           A....        AC...

   x     B        x     B    x     B         x     B      x     B
     C....          A....      B....          C.....       AD....
              short products                      long products
  C > B, C > A      B = 1      A = 1        C < A, C < B     A < B
                                                             D < C

A powerful technique for solving multiplications and divisions is gaining information from the leading (leftmost) digits of partial products, depending on whether the partial product is the same length as the multiplicand (short product) or one digit longer (long product).   The leading digit of a short product is larger than both the multiplier and the leading digit of the multiplicand (case 1), except when either of the latter is equal to 1 (case 2 and case 3, though case 1 is still possible when A = 1).   The leading digit of a long product is less than the multiplier, and less than or equal to the leading digit of the multiplicand.   These are well-known principles which can be found in most solving guides.   Note that in case 5, where the multiplicand and a long product start with the same digit, the second digit of the long product is smaller than the second digit of the multiplier.

In base 10, when a multiplicand has short products with two different multiplier digits, it must start in 1 or 2.  If it has three different short products, it must start in 1.

But it is also possible to get specific values for one of the three letters A, B, and C, given the other two.   I proposed this in WGR8 in 1988, and published the table below, and later wrote an article for The Cryptogram (July-August 1991, pages 8-9) with two examples and additional tables for base 11 and 12 (Appendix 4 includes 12 and 13; 11 is in Part 3: Other Bases).   Note that the table is slightly asymmetric: e.g. the long product 8--- x 2 = 1----, but 2--- x 8 = 1---- and 2--- x 8 = 2---- are both possible (the latter corresponds to case 5 above).   I later discovered that Fiddle beat me by thirty years; he wrote 
an article describing exactly this kind of analysis (though on long products only) in the July-August 1961 issue of The Cryptogram (pages 126-128).  He solved a difficult double-key multiplication, C-10 by Fire-O from March-April 1961 (in those days The Cryptogram was only publishing 10 cryptarithms per issue, with no specials: C-10 then might be the equivalent of C-Sp-1 or C-Sp2 today).   Fiddle's powerful method, however, is not described in detail in his booklet An Approach To Cryptarithms, except for notes about the cases with repeated digits (Andree also gives possible values for case 5 above).


M-5 (3 words,
2345678901)    N D O          O R      N D O R E K G M A C
      ONCE                   1 2 56789      5 2      1 2 9 8 x
    x   DO                   2 3  6789      6 34     2 3 9 8 7 1 6 x
     RNMGD                   3 4   789      7 45     3 4 8 6 x
    NDGGK                    4 5    89      8 67     3 4 8 7 x
    DARNED                   5 6    89      9 8      3 4 9 8 6 x
                             6 7     9               5 6 8 7 2 x
                                                     5 6 9 8 4 x
                                                     6 7 9 8 3 1 2 4 5 0

Let's see how to use this technique to solve M-5.  We see from the leading end of the addition that [ND].  For each value of N and D, we can list from the table possible values of O, and for each possible value of O, we can list possible values of R ([ND] = 78 is eliminated since O = 9 and R = 8, duplicating D; [ND] = 67 with O = 8 is eliminated since R=67 duplicates either N or D).  Since R + D is at least 9 (and at least 10 if R > N, since there is then no carry to R + D = A), we can eliminate many possible values of O and R (values of O thus eliminated are underlined in the worksheet table below).   We can also eliminate D = 5 since E x O = D (5 can never be the result of a multiplication involving three unlike digits), and also odd values of D with even values of O (eliminated values in italics).  We are left with only eight sets of values for the four letters NDOR.    We then calculate possible values of E (from O x E = D), eliminating three more cases, and K (from D x E = K), eliminating three more.    We are down to two cases, and we can compute G from the addition G + K = E and M from M + G + (carry?) = N.   This reduces us to one possible case, and we can finish the addition to get the value of A, and check that the remaining value of C is zero by multiplying out.

Table 1: Leading Digits in Decimal Multiplication
                  Single Leading Digit A
Digit   Short Products             Long Products
  B       1    2  3  4         1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9
  2      23   45 67 89        -- -- -- --  1  1  1  1  1
  3     345  678  9 --        -- --  1  1  1 12  2  2  2
  4    4567   89 -- --        --  1  1  1  2  2 23  3  3
  5   56789   -- -- --        --  1  1  2  2  3  3  4  4
  6    6789   -- -- --         1  1 12  2  3 34  4 45  5
  7     789   -- -- --         1 12  2 23 34  4 45 56  6
  8      89   -- -- --         1 12 23  3  4 45 56 67  7
  9       9   -- -- --         1 12 23 34 45 56 67 78  8

Common cases

     A....           A....             A....     A....     A....     9....        A    A
   x     A         x    BC           x    CB   x     B   x     9    x    A     x  B  x B
     B....           D....            A.....    A.....    B.....    B.....       A.   B.
                    E....            DA.... 
                    ......           EF.....                                      both
A = 2 or A = 3      A = 1 or          B = 9    possible    [BA]      [BA]      impossible
                A = 2 (B,C = 3 or 4)         (see below)

9 never occurs as the leading digit of a long product.   A multiplier digit of 9 always produces a long product (unless the multiplicand begins in 1), whose leading digit is either the same as the leading digit of the multiplicand, or one less.   If the leading digit of the multiplicand is 9, the leading digit of the product is always one less than the multiplier digit.   A two-digit number which is the result of the multiplication of two single digits (we will see these in the upcoming section on split partial products) cannot begin with the same digit as either multiplier digit.

          D           x     C. 
 C...)B....              ..... 
      A....             A.... 
       ....             B.....
           C < 9, D < 9                           

In the examples above, we see that the leading carry gives [AB], and there is a long multiplication with the leading digit A.   In these examples, neither C nor D can be equal to 9.  If C = 9, then the leading digit A gives [AD]; if D = 9, then [AC]; either would contradict [AB].   See D-91 and D-101 as examples.

Long products with repeated digits
A... x A = B....         

A 3 4 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9
B 1 1 2 3 4 4 5 6 7 8
These values, which can be extracted from the full LDA table, occur frequently, and this table might be worth memorizing.   See M-96 for a useful example.

A... x B = A....
A 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 8
B 6 7 8 9 7 8 9 8 9 9 9 9 9 9

A long product of the form A... x B = A.... limits B to large values (always B >= 6); if A >= 4, then B = 9.   This also might be worth memorizing.  (The third example above shows a situation where A + A = F carries, so A >= 5 and B = 9 in this case).    See D-64 for an example where B < 9.    This is not possible when a single digit is multiplied by a single digit: for example, A x B = AC is not possible (this can be useful when an internal zero creates a split partial product, as we will see later.   D-72 is an example of this).

A short product of the form A... x A = B... gives either A = 2 (B = 4 or B =5), or A = 3 (B=9).   If we can rule out B = 9 (for example, if B < C for some C), then definitely A = 2.   If a leading digit A produces 2 different short products (not equal to the multiplicand), then either A = 1 or A = 2.  In the latter case, the multipliers must be 3 and 4 (unless A is also one of the multipliers).

In the general case of a short multiplication, A... x B = C..., we know that B > 1 since the product differs from the multiplicand.  If we can be sure that A > 1 (e.g. if there is also a long product starting in a letter other than A), there are four possible cases (we will refer to these in the solving hints as the usual four cases; we also give the possible values for C):

A B  C
2 3  6,7,8
2 4  8,9
3 2  6,7
4 2  8,9

Second Digit Analysis

If we know the value of the second digit of a product, either as a specific number (e.g. zero) or as the same value as one of the three digits involved in the multiplication, the number of possible values is greatly restricted, as we can exactly determine the leading digit of the multiplicand from the first two digits of the product and the single digit multiplier.   (For example, if we only know that the product begins in 2, and the single digit multiplier is 4, the multiplicand might begin in 5, 6, or 7.  However, if we know that the first two digits are 20, we can tell by simple division that the multiplicand can only begin in 5).   Two special cases are given below: in the first table the partial product begins with a double letter CC; in the second it begins with C followed by zero.  These tables are only shown to illustrate how sparse they are in comparison to the regular LDA tables: values are not hard to calculate on the fly.    See M-10 and M-509 for examples of partial products beginning with a double letter, and M-507 for an example beginning with a triple letter (this allows the first two letters of the multiplicand to be calculated).

          Leading Digits CC...          Leading Digits C0...
Digit         Long Products                                                                      
  B    1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9       1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9
  2   -- -- -- --  1 -- -- -- --      -- -- -- --  1 -- -- -- --
  3   -- --  1 -- -- --  2 -- --      -- --  1 -- --  2 -- -- --
  4   --  1 -- --  2 -- --  3 --      --  1 -- --  2 --  3 -- --
  5   --  1 --  2 --  3 --  4 --      --  1 --  2 --  3 --  4 --
  6    1 --  2 --  3 --  4 --  5       1 --  2 --  3  4 --  5 --
  7    1 --  2  3 --  4  5 --  6       1  2 --  3  4 --  5  6 --
  8    1  2 --  3  4  5 --  6  7       1  2  3 --  4  5  6  7 --
  9    1  2  3  4  -- 5  6  7  8       1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8 --

Let's see how this works with a rather difficult multiplication, M-82, which has two partial products whose second digits are zero:
M-82  (2 words,     H S O R T      F              H S O R T F N  I      A

 0896457213)        0 2 7 6 (1)    (45)           0 2 8 9 1 4 6  357    x35
     SIR              2 8 4 1      5                4 9 6 3 7 2  58     1x
   x  OF              2 8 9 (1)    (45)             6 9 4 2 3 x
    THAN              2 9 8 (1)    (45)             6 9 4 5 8 2  7      1
   SHES               3 8 x                         7 9 3 6 8 4  x
   STEIN              3 9 7 12     36
                      4 9 6 123    x57
                      5 9 x
                      6 9 4 1235   x358
                      7 9 3 12456  xxx78
                      8 9 2x

Obviously H = 0, since T + H + (carry?) = T does not carry.  We also note that A + S = I does not carry, so S < I.   We have two partial products with zero as the second digit.   SIR x F = THAN gives T < S, so S is at least 2.   SIR x O = SHES gives ten possibilities for S and O when H = 0.  There is no carry from A + S = I, so S = 8 is impossible since O = 9 and there is no value available for I where S < I).  Two cases are eliminated by R x O = S (one valid case splits into two cases for R, leaving eight cases for S/O/R).  For each case we look at each possible value of T where T < S, and find possible values for F from SIR x F = THAN (again with H = 0).   [Values of T with more than one possible F are shown in parentheses.]  Many of the cases are impossible (or duplicate values), and we can eliminate all cases where F = 5, since R x F = N.  Calculating N for each remaining case leaves only four combinations for S/O/R/T/F/N.  One of these is eliminated because there is no available I where S < I.   In the three remaining cases, we check the possible values of I and calculate A from A + S = I.  Four I/A combinations are possible, but only one works for IR x F = AN (shown above right in bold).   Multiplying out SIR x O = SHES confirms the value of E.

Internal Zeros and Split Partial Products

  AB0CD        AB    AB        A0BCD       A    BCD        ABC0D       ABC    D
x     E ==>  x  E  x  E      x     E ==> x E  x   E      x     E ==> x   E  x E
 DFGHJK       DFG   HJK       DFGHJK      DF   GHJK       DFGHJK      DFGH   JK           


M-1 Multiplication  (2 words, 7892563104)

N 4 4 9 9 9 9 9 9
   x   WITS     x!?xxxxxxx   W 2 8 2 3 4 6 7 8
     DRCAAT                  I 8 2 8 7 6 4 3 2
  ACANAI                     0 9 3 5 1 7 2 8 4 9 6
  ASSISTANT                  0 9 6 2 1 x
                             0 9 6 4x
                             0 9 6 8x
                             0 9 7 5x

When zero can be found in the interior of the multiplicand or divisor, it is possible to split the partial products into two pieces, giving twice as many opportunities for analysis of leading and trailing digits.  The best case is when the second or second-to-last digit is zero, producing direct multiplications of single digits (see the examples above).   This is useful in big multiplications and small divisions.  In puzzle M-1 below, we have the clue that N x W = I and N x I = W, giving the possible values shown horizontally.   A search for zero leaves only O and R as possible.  If O = 0, we have the split product WN x W = NAI.   None of these cases have the correct leading digit for N given the value of W (in fact, the cases with N = 9 are all impossible anyway, since a long product cannot begin in 9).   So we know that R = 0, and that W x C = AC.   We list the possible values for W and C from possible values of W we already listed.   Three lines are eliminated because they have a carry from W + C = S.   Next we see that I x C = WC, and only one case works.  The value of T comes from T x C = AR. From S x C = DR we find that only one S gives a value for D we haven't already used, giving S and D.   N comes from A + S = N, and the only remaining value belongs to O (verified by the leading digit of the split partial product OWN * I = DDIW).    The American Agriculturist puzzle cited in the introductory section is another good example of this solving technique.  See also D-55, M-13, M-49, M-51, M-122, M-131, M-146, M-148, M-152, M-153, and especially M-16 and M-86 (both of which split into six single digit multiplications!) and M-421 (four singles).   

As we noted above, when single digits are multiplied and produce a two-digit long product, the leading digit of the long product cannot be the same as either single digit: A x B = ?? cannot begin with either A or B, as the other would have to be at least 10.   This often allows a candidate for zero to be eliminated by creating an impossible split partial product.   Examples include D-36, D-72, D-202, M-108, M-129, M-433, and M-822.

Some Examples using multiple techniques



    AIR      Case 1: I = 9               Case 2: I = 0
 x __MY_
   MOTE      I M R H O     T  S          I M R O  T  S  H  A     Y      E
 _TRIO__     9 2 5 8 0xxxx               0 2 3 6  1  7  5  xxxx
  THOSE      9 2 4 7 8     1  9xxxx      0 2 4 8  1  9  6  7     4xxxx
             9 2 3 6 6xxxx               0 3 2 6  1  7  5  4     9      8
 T<M<Y,H,A   9 3 4 8 2     1  3xxxx      0 4 2 8 (1  9  6  3     xxxxx
             9 3 2 6 6xxxx                       (3  1xxxxx
             9 4 3 8 2     1  3xxxx
             9 4 2 7 8    (1  9xxxx      I<T<M<Y,H,A
                          (3  1          T<R,S


Let's look at an example which is broken into two cases, M-88.  From the multiplication AIR x Y = MOTE, we can see that M < Y and M < A. Since M < Y, the leading digit of AIR x M = TRIO is less than the leading digit of AIR x Y = MOTE; that is, T < M.  We also see from the hundreds columns of the addition, since there is no carry, M < H.  We summarize these facts in the worksheet, underneath the full problem.  We also note for the time being that the possible letters equal to 0 are limited to ISE (H is not possible because it is the sum of a non-carrying addition).  I must obviously equal either 0 or 9, and we can draw additional conclusions in each case. 

If I = 9, there is a carry from T + O = S, and T>S.  This greatly restricts the value of M, since four numbers (YHAI) are larger than M, and M also cannot be 5, since O would either be 5 or 0.  There are two numbers less than M, so M is limited to the values 2, 3, and 4.  Since M + R + 1 = H (with the carry from O + I = O) and H is less than 9, the maximum sum of M + R is 7. We can tabulate the few cases of M and R (R cannot be 1 or 0 from the right-end of the multiplications), and calculate both H and O.  Three of the seven cases are eliminated by duplication, and in the four cases left we can list all possible values for T where T < M, and compute S.  Only one case is left when duplicates are eliminated.  Since neither I nor S equals 0, E must equal 0, and Y is 5, leaving A with the remaining value of 6.  Multiplying 692 (AIR) by 5, however, does not equal the value 4830 (MOTE).  So this case fails, and we know that I = 0.

Since I is now known to be 0, we have additional clues (see Internal Zeros later under Leading Digit Analysis) from the multiplications R x Y = TE and M x R = O.  Now we also know that T < R, and since T + O = S does not carry, T < S.   This limits T to values 1, 2, and 3.  We also know that M x R has a single digit product, with neither being 1.  This gives us the same possible values as the leading digits of a short product, except that there is no carry, so we know the exact value of O.  Again we look at each possible value of T (always 1 except when M = 4), and compute S from T + O = S (eliminating the case where there is a carry, since I = 0), and H from M + R = H.  There are four possibilities left.  Since we have an internal zero, we now use the multiplication A x M = TR to find the value of A (leaving three cases).  We find the value of Y in the same way from A x Y = MO, leaving one case, and R x Y = TE gives us the value of E and finishes the solution.

M-140 (2 words, 5641038297)
      SPOILT     I < P < T < R < S
   x  PRESTO     L < E < O
    PIYSLPO      C R T O S I P E Y L
   RCCLCCI       0 5 3 9 7 1 2 6 8 4
 TELRSIR         direct entry


The example above shows that multiplications with many partial products (see also M-141 through M-143) can be extremely easy.  This puzzle can be solved by direct entry.   Searching for 0 gives C = 0 (everything else but Y is a leading digit or multiplier digit, and Y + O = S eliminates Y).   From the six partial products, we see that E < O, P < T, etc.  Putting them in order we get I < P < T < R < S and L < E < O.   We see that T x R = R and T x T = O.   We can see that T is not equal to 1 or 6, so R = 5 and T is odd, but we know that T is less than R, so T = 3.  O, S, and I can be found from the rightmost digits of the multiplication.  P is between the values of I and T, so P = 2, which gives us E and Y as two more rightmost digits.  L = 4 by elimination, confirmed as the leading digit of SPOILT x E.    [A famous problem in The Sphinx (November 1933), The Fifth of November (see the book by Maxey Brooke, p.10, or Andree, p. 56-57), has eight partial products, and can be solved by inspection with no calculation whatsover.]

Multiplying Out


D-40 (2 words, 6452970318)
         N        N M W  T   c1 O  c2 E P A R L
 MEOW)TRAP        2 1 3  6y 
      WONT        3 1 4  8y
      MALE        4 1 6  x
                  4 1 7  8  [2] 3 [1] 3x
                  6 1 7  2y
                  2 3 6  x
                  2 3 7  4y
                  2 4 x
                  3 2 6  8  [1] 4 [1] 1 9 0 5 7
                  3 2 7  1y
                  4 2 x


Some puzzles are solved by building the values in the multiplicand and partial products one column at a time.   Let's see how this works with a small division problem, D-40.  There is only one digit in the quotient, but the partial product is a short product, which restricts the possible values of N, M, and W.    We have to consider cases where M = 1, as well as the usual four cases where M = 2 or N = 2.  Since we have the addition M + W  = T, we know that W <= 8, otherwise it would carry.   In fact, since W < T and T cannot be 9 (N x W = T, so T is neither 5 nor 9), we have W <= 7, and N < W, so N <= 6 (this eliminates the two cases where M = 4 or N = 4).    We can disregard N = 5, since N x W = T and T cannot be zero because of E + T = P.    For the same reason, we can disregard W = 5.   This leaves only nine combinations of N/M/W: for each, we calculate N x W = T (cases where T = 0 are eliminated too), and check to see if the value for T is also possible for M + W = T.  We mark an x for values of T which would duplicate an existing value, leaving seven cases to check.  Five of those (marked y) are not possible sums of M + W = T.   With two cases left, we will calculate O from (N x O) + (carry) = N.   We put the carry from N x W = T in a separate column, marked c1, in brackets to avoid confusion with the regular digits (the carries are invisible, and it does not matter if their values duplicate values for the letters).   In the first case, (4 x O) + c1 = 4.  This becomes 4 x O = 2, which gives O = 3 or O = 8 (the latter is duplicated).   In the second case, the carry c1 is 1, so (3 x O) + 1 = 3, or 3 x O = 2, so O = 4.   In the same way, we put the carry from the (N x O) + c1 = N calculation in another column as c2, and then calculate E from  (N x E) + c2 = O.   The first case duplicates the value of O, but the second case works.    We can verify that this multiplication does not carry, and N x M = W.    We then calculate the value of P from E + T = P.   Since the remainder MALE must be less than MEOW, we have A < E and A = 0, giving [OR] and R = 5.  L + N + (carry?) = A gives L = 7.    D-55, D-68, M-44, M-91, M-94, M-132, and M-144 are relatively easy examples of the same technique; M-462 (duodecimal) and M-561 (pentadecimal) are harder ones.

Sometimes the reverse process is effective: see M-3, M-110, M-112, and M-118 for examples where a full partial product is deduced, then divided by its multiplier digit to obtain the whole multiplicand.  (It is usually easiest to use the partial product with the smallest multiplier digit.)

6. Extra Additions: the Hubbuber Trick

In his excellent booklet Solving Cryptarithms, Jack Winter (Crotalus) points out a useful trick discovered by ACA member Hubbuber (George D. Atkinson).  Crotalus originally published this in a brief article on page 127 of The Cryptogram in November-December 1973, describing Hubbuber's observation on his own multiplication C-9 in the July-August 1972 issue.  When two letters occur as digits of the multiplier (in a multiplication) or the quotient (in a division), and you can see that one letter is greater than the other by 1, you can set up an addition involving the two partial products and the multiplicand (or divisor). Specifically, if [AB], with multiplicand or divisor C, then the partial product A x C, plus the divisor C, equals the partial product B x C.   Usually this relationship is seen in the leading carry of an addition, where a carry converts one letter into another.  (M-6, M-14, M-47, M-56, and M-111 are easy examples of this; M-102 a harder one where the relationship shows up later.)  

Let's see a more subtle example, however. In the division below, R + S = E (trailing end of last subtraction). Also, R + S = A (tens column of first subtraction). The latter must include a carry, thus we know that [EA], and we can set up the extra addition shown.  Now we can see that U + R = S (with no carry to the left) and thus U + U = S also does not carry to the left.  One of the two has a carry from the right, so {UR}.  We construct a table of possible values for U, S, and R (eliminating the case where R = 0).  We also eliminate R = 1, since the remainder is less than the divisor, and T cannot be a leading zero.  We add values for E from R + S = E, eliminating those where it carries (it is also found in the second column of the first addition), and value for A from [EA], and values for P from S + P = U.   Only one set of values (shown in boldface) also fulfills E x P = S (A x P = U also checks).  It is a simple matter to fill in the remaining letters; the extra addition saves unnecessary multiplication to verify K.   Problems M-58, M-104, and M-143 can be solved using related tricks.  If you don't see how, check the Hints section in Appendix 3.   This is a highly useful technique which shows up more often than you would think.   It can even sometimes be used late in a multiplication solution, to allow recovery of the last few digits without having to multiply out an entire multiplicand or calculate results from additions with three or more addends.   M-177 was designed to show a cascading series of Hubbuber additions.

D-6 Division (2 words, 1-0)

            AE        RURUPS       U S R  E A P T L Y K
 RAKLP)RESTATE      +  RAKLP       1 2 0x
       RSTLRU         RSTLRU       1 3 2  5 6 8
        RLPSEE                     2 4 1x
        RURUPS                     2 5 3  8 9 7
         TYUTR                     3 6 2  8 9 7 1 4 5 0
                                   3 7 4  x
                                   4 8 3  x
                                   4 9 5  x


Multiplying by Nine or Five or Two

If we have 9 as one of the digits of the multiplier or quotient, we can make another hidden addition, by the fact that (9 x A) + A = (10 x A).   This doesn't actually provide new information, it just makes it easier to calculate individual digits, since addition is easier than multiplication.   Let's look at a concrete example, D-102:

D-102 Division (2 words, 8705612493)

            N    ABOEAD   N A R T D   B E S V O
 AVERT)ADVERB  +  AVERT   9 4 1 6 4x
       ABOEAD    AVERT0       2 7 3   1 6 8 5 0
        RANTS                 3 8 2x

The addition N + E + (carry) = E gives N = 0 or N = 9; clearly N = 9 since it is the multiplier digit.   So we can create an extra addition, where AVERT x 9 = ABOEAD, and we add AVERT to ABOEAD to give us AVERT x 10, which is AVERT0 (adding a zero onto a number multiplies it by 10; we boldface it here to avoid confusion with O).   This gives us reversed additions T + A + (carry) = R in the main problem and A + R + (carry) = T in the extra addition.   We know that there is a carry to the second addition, since D + T = 0, so we know that A = 4 (there must be a carry to T + A = R also, which we could work out anyway because R + B = D does not carry, and B < D, so S + D = B carries to T + A = R).   We also know that R and T are 5-complements.  In the main addition,  T + A = R must carry to N + E = E (since N = 9), so R < A, which leaves only three possible R/T pairs.  T + D = 10 (we actually knew this anyway, since N x T = D), so we add values of D, eliminating one case by duplication.   Since A + R = T (in the extra addition) does not carry, E + E = R gives even R, and the problem reduces to one case, fixing R/T/D (boldface line).   R + B + (carry) = D gives B = 0 or B = 1, but B cannot be zero because S + D = B would cause S to duplicate T, so B = 1, and E + E = R now gives E = 6.   S + D = B gives S = 8; B + A + (carry?) = V gives V = 5, and A + O + (carry) = V confirms O = 0.

If one of the digits is 5, we can make another hidden addition from (5 x A) + (5 x A) = (10 x A): if for example ABCDE x 5 = FGHIJ, FGHIJ + FGHIJ = ABCDE0 (see D-106 for an example).   This comes up less often because 9 is easier to identify than 5.    If one of the digits is 2, we also have an addition like ABCDE + ABCDE = FGHIJ (see D-205).   Similar hidden additions are available in other bases whenever a multipler digit is one less than the base (see D-283) or half the base in even bases (see D-263).

7. Double and Triple Table Matching

Sometimes it is possible, particularly in additions, to make a table of possibilities for several letters, but then you find that it is difficult to add any further letters.  But you might be able to start an independent table for several other letters, then combine the tables by eliminating duplicates.  Let's see how this works with problem A-25.  There are two similar additions, H + H = E and H + H = M.   Obviously there is a carry to the latter, and H + H + 1 = M (so [EM]).  H + H = M does not carry, so neither does, and we can make a short table of possibilities for H/E/M.   None of these letters is part of any other additions, so let's start a new table instead.  T + T = S, and S is even, since there is no carry from H + H = E.   T + T = S does not carry, otherwise we would have R + R + 1 = S, impossible with S even.  So we make a table of possibilities for T, S, and R, noting that R will be the 5-complement of T.   We do not know yet whether there is a carry to or from G + G = T, but we will list the two possible values (5-complements again) for G in each case.   Now we combine the two tables, eliminating every case with duplicates (e.g., HEM = 123 duplicates at least one digit with every TSR combination except 489, and G must be 7 to avoid duplicating 2).  For each of the five unduplicated sets we note the three missing digits.   The remaining three letters OAI are interrelated, so we make a third table.  There must be a carry from O + O = A to H + H = M, so O must be at least 5.  We also know that there is a carry to A + A = I (since R is always at least 5), so in each case we list both values for A (carry from G + G = T or not) and the corresponding values for I, and look for a corresponding triplet in the OAI table.  Only one combination matches (marked with ***), and the problem is solved.    See M-147 for another example, where two tables combine early and eliminate many cases from each.     Also see R-60, solved as an addition.    A-2 is similar to A-25, using three tables containing all ten digits.   R-30 is a difficult base 13 example using two tables, which reduce to a small number of combinations.


A-25 Addition (2 words, 8359417026)

    1??100        HEM      TSR G      HEMTSRG  missing       O  A   I
    HOGARTH       123      126 0,5    1234897   056          5 0,1 1,3  ***
 + _HOGARTH_      245      247 1,6    2453681   079          6 2,3 5,7
    MATISSE       367      368 1      3674892   015  ***     7 4,5 9,1
                  489      489 2,7    4891260   357          8 6,7 3,5
                                      4891265   037          9 8   7


Part 2: Solving Specific Problem Types and Other Advanced Methods

8. Interlocking Equations

These problems usually consist of six equations (3 vertical and 3 horizontal) which share a set of nine numbers. There are quite a few combinations of operations possible. In solving, it is usually necessary to jump frequently from one equation to another to find letter values. One important point is that there are no partial products shown for multiplications (and divisions, which are exact: there are no remainders). Clues from the final digits are usually helpful.  It is possible to use leading digit analysis, but you must be careful: when considering a multiplication such as A... x B... = C...., it is important to observe that C might be larger than the normal values on the LDA chart. You should consider as possibilities for C the values which can result from A+1 and B, A and B+1, and even A+1 and B+1.  For example, note that 3xxx and 2, or 2xxx and 3 always produce a short product (one letter/digit shorter than the sum of the lengths of the multipliers), but that 3xxx and 2xxx might produce a long product; e.g. 28 x 38 = 1064).   Problems of this type appeared regularly in Cryptography (as Cryptequations, by Rocky Da Monduelli) and occasionally in Four-Star Puzzler (by Thomas K. Brown).  A few can be found in the book by Degrazia (details in Appendix 1).  Many different patterns of operations are possible, as described later in Construction Techniques.  A few sources call them Arithmogriphs, sometimes generating them with symbols instead of letters.

Here is a sample problem, I-1.  For each possible value of M, get L and S from M x M = S and L - M = M (in other words, M + M = L).   L must be greater than S, since A + S = L in the leftmost column of the addition.   Only three cases for M/S/L are possible after eliminating duplicates.   From L and S, list possible values for A from the division LUDBA / EM = DUSS (which indicates that M x S = A).   We have reduced to one case.   We can get the value of E from the subtraction, which is equivalent to PAM + EM = PSL, so E + A + (carry) = S.   Note the internal additions A + E = D; since M + M = L carries to E + A = S, there can be no carry to A + E = D, so [DS].   The value of U comes from L + E + (no carry) = U.   P cannot be 0 (as a leading digit), so either B = 0 or R = 0 in the addition R + M + (carry) = B.   B = 0 doesn't work (R duplicates 1), so R = 0 and B = 9.   We can check the remaining value for P by checking either of the horizontal divisions.

I-1 Interlocking Equations (2 words, 0-9)

ALARM / PSL =   SM     M S  L   A    E  D  U  R  B  P
   +      -      x     1 1x
SEEMS / PAM =   UM     2 4  4x
   =      =      =     3 9  6x
LUDBA /  EM = DUSS     4 6  8   4x
                       5 5x
                       6 6x
                       7 9  4x
                       8 4  6   2    1  3  7  0  9  5
                       9 1  8   9x


9. Double-Key Problems

A double-key problem is one in which the various numbers are divided into two groups, and each group is encoded using a different keyword, usually one using lower case letters and one using upper case letters. Many issues of The Cryptogram contain one of these, most often divisions.  In the most commonly seen variety, the quotient, divisor, and partial products are in lower case letters using one keyword, and the dividend and partial differences are in upper case letters using a second keyword (or vice versa, which makes no difference).   This problem can be solved in a two-step process.  First solve the lower case letters using multiplication clues (the leading and trailing digits of the partial products should enable us to find many of the digits). Then use the lower case values to solve the upper case letters, using the subtractions.

Let's look at an example, problem K-2. Clearly t is 0 and s is 1. Since w x b = w, w x r = w, and w x w = w, w must be 5. Then b and r are odd and o is even. The leading digit of the long product of o x elbow is w, so o must be larger than w, and we can list possible values for o and e from the LDA table. Now we can get the value of b from the next-to-last digit of o x ow. This eliminates all but one possible value of o and e.  Next, find the value for u by looking at the next-to-last digit of the multiplication ow x w, the value of c from the leading digit of w x elbow, the value of l from the leading digit of b x elbow, and finally the value of r from the values of u and e, using the leading digit of r x elbow = uorebw.

K-2 Double-Key Division 2 WORDS, 0-9; 2 words, 9-0    

  elbow)INTIMIDATE      t s w o e b u c l r   A L D E T I V M N O
        lbsoew          0 1 5 6 8 9 2 4 7 3   1 4 9 5 3 8 6 0 2 7
         TNANTD                 9 9 5 0
         uorebw                 8 6 8
          EOTLLA                7 8


Now we find the values of the upper case letters.  Note that the leading carries with mixed cases can have the lower value one less than the upper as usual, but they can also be equal (e.g. w and E can either be w = E or [wE]).  Clearly A is 1. Since c + (carry) = L, L must be 4 or 5. Then L + w = D, so D is 9 or 0. Since L + u = O cannot carry (the largest value of L + u = 7), we know that E = w. Since E = 5, L must be 4 and D is 9. There is a carry from E + o = N, so T must be 3 (one greater than u). From T we get I = 8. From I + u = A we know there is a carry to V + e = E, so we get V + 9 = E, and V is 6. The value of M comes from M + w = E, N from E + o = N (1 is already claimed by A, so N is 2), and finally O from O + e = AV. A short-cut for finding the first few digits, in difficult problems, is to multiply out the known quotient and divisor (or add up the partial products). In this problem, we multiply 93651 x 87965 to get 8238010215. Since 8238010215 + OIDNM = INTIMIDATE, we know the values of I, N, and T at once. M can be either 0 or 1 (obviously 0, since A = 1). 

A more difficult problem exists when the quotient is upper case and the divisor is lower case (or vice versa), as in K-4, K-5, and Z-3, or when the partial products are in one case and the divisor and quotient are in the other (K-6).

Double key problems (most often divisions) are seen frequently in The Cryptogram; for some reason duodecimal problems have historically been more common than decimals or other bases.  There have been a few triple key divisions: JA78 C-Sp (base 11) and ND84 C-Sp-2 (base 10), both by Li'l Gamin; SO83 AC-234 (base 12) by Mordashka.   Li'l Gamin even produced a quadruple key division: JA86 C-Sp-2 (base 11).    Multiplications can also be constructed: the problems starting with M-701 here are double key decimal multiplications (I also had one in The Cryptogram, JF99 C-13); a triple key decimal multiplication can be found as Challenge Problem Z-10 (or you can see this as a bottomless double key).

Another slight variation which eliminates the need for lower case letters is to use twenty different letters (see problems starting with K-21).  These have to be divided into two separate sets, each set assigned to 0-9 as usual.  To prevent the number of combinations from being too large, we specify that each word in the puzzle (whether coherent or not) contains letters from only one set.   This makes separating them easy.

10. Magic Squares

A magic square is an array of numbers with the property that the sum of the numbers in each row, each column, and the two long diagonals, is the same.   In Q-2 below, FF + POP + ERG + PGI = AIR, the same sum as the other three rows and four columns, and the diagonals (e.g. EON + POP + TEA + AI = AIR).   The Bibliography lists several books devoted to magic squares, and Part 4 contains a section on constructing magic square cryptarithms.  The first magic square cryptarithm seems to be from The Sphinx in September 1934 (see the book by Brooke, problem 81, p. 30), a 5x5 keyed square in which the sum is given as 275 (most magic square cryptarithms now encipher the sum as well).

The smallest set of values for P/T/E is 1/2/3, so from the sum of the lower left diagonal, A>=6. Since E + E + P (row 1) and E + E + T (column 3) are both less than 9, E cannot be as large as 4, and P cannot be as large as 5.  Try possible values E = 1/2/3 and P = 1/2/3/4.   From column 2, E + P + N = 10 (or some multiple).  A must be equal to both P + E + E + (carry) and P + P + E + (carry); list possible values (sideways to save space) with a carry of 0/1/2/3.   For example, E = 1 and P = 2 gives possible values of 4/5/6/7 for P + E + E, and 5/6/7/8 for P + P + E, so the possible values are 5/6 (omitting the duplicated 7).    Next, get R from E + E + A + A = R (row 2), eliminating six cases by duplication.   The lower left diagonal addition N + P + A + I = R gives us the value of I, eliminating two more cases.   Column 4 gives us I + A + I + O = R and the value of O, leaving three cases.   Confirming with row 4 (N + N + O + O = R) eliminates one more case.   Column 1 (F + E + F + N = R) finally gets us to one case, but we have two possible values for F.  Row 1 (F + R + T + I = R) gives us F + T + I = 10 (or a multiple); we know that F and T are 3 and 8 in either order.   By elimination, G = 5 (we can confirm by adding the full row 4); Column 3 (T + A + G + O = R) gives us the correct value for T.   The final set of correct values is given in boldface.

Q-2 Magic Square 2 words, 4029758163

PNF EAR EFT  AI  sum     E P N    A    R   I  O   F    T    G
PPE  TE TEA EPA  AIR     1 2 7   56   x4   9  0   38   83   5
 FF POP ERG PGI          1 3 6   78   xx  
EON PIN  GO PRO          1 4 5    9    0   2  7x
                         2 1 7   56   4x   x
                         2 3 5   89   0x   4  x
                         2 4 4x
                         3 1 6   78   02  x7  0   x
                         3 2 5   89   x4   8  x
                         3 4 4x


Here's another example (puzzle and analysis originally from The Games Cafe, March 30 and April 7, 2000):


Q-8 (3 words, 2345907186)


The addition CAFE + GFOA + HFHO = ECTHA is the most useful of the eight sums.  To begin with, the thousands column shows C + G + H + (carry) = EC.   Even if G and H are as large as possible (9 and 8 in some order, and the hundreds column carried over 2, it would be impossible for the sum to be larger than C + 19, so E cannot be equal to 2 and must be 1.   From the ones column, E + A + O = A indicates, regardless of the value of A, that E + O = 10 (zero is impossible since at least one must be larger than zero).  This addition carries one into the tens column, so that F + O + H + 1 = H, from which we know that F and O must add up to 9.   Since we know that E is 1, this makes O equal to 9 and F equal to 0:

  2  3  4  5  9  0  7  1  8  6

  _  _  _  _  O  F  _  E  _  _ 

Now we can look at the ones columns of some of the other additions. Since T + F + O = A (bottom row addition), T + 9 = A, and the addition T + M + E  = A (diagonal from TOTT in lower left to CAFE in upper right) indicates that M + E equals 9, so M equals 8.   C + M + A  = A (second row) indicates that C + M = 10, so C equals 2.    Since T + 9 = A, G + C + T = A (left column addition) indicates that G + C = 9, and G equals 7.    Look at the thousands column of that same addition: E + T + T + (carry) = 12.   The carry cannot be larger than 2 (the three numbers added together plus another carry can be at most 8 + 9 + 9 + 2 = 28), so T must be at least 5, and at most 6, since 7, 8, and 9 have been assigned letters already.   From T + 9 = A, we find that A is 4 or 5 respectively, if T is 5 or 6.  From the tens column of the bottom row addition, T + A + H + (carry) = H, so T + A equals 9 or 10 depending on the carry.   A must be 4 and T is 5:

  2  3  4  5  9  0  7  1  8  6

  C  _  A  T  O  F  G  E  M  _ 

H cannot be 6, since the thousands column of the bottom row is T + H + H + (carry) = 12, and H = 6 would make the sum at least 17.  H must equal 3, and S equals 6.    (We can check by adding each row, column, and long diagonal to see that each adds to ECTHA = 12534.)   The complete solution is:

  2  3  4  5 / 9  0 / 7  1  8  6

  C  H  A  T / O  F / G  E  M  S

Two of the Challenge puzzles, Z-7 and Z-8 are unusual: Z-7 is a regular 4x4 magic square, but the sum is not specified; Z-8 is a magic square where the magic constant is the product of the four numbers in each row, column, and main diagonal.

11. Additions With More Than Two Addends

Additions with three or more addends are much more difficult than those with only two addends, because the number of combinations in each column increases with each additional addend, the range of possible carries is larger, and the critical greater-than-less-than principle we saw earlier no longer applies.   Such additions are frequently seen as alphametics.   Of course they also occur as part of multiplications where the multiplier is more than two digits long, but because the partial products are offset, there are often easier clues in the second and next-to-last columns.  One principle to remember is: the largest possible carry in an addition is one less than the number of addends.

    NASAL    A-10 (2 words, 2739015846)

Above is an example of a freestanding addition.  Although this example is a small one, and all of the addends are of the same length, it is not as difficult as it appears.  There are a number of useful clues, beginning with the sum of three letters in the leftmost column with no carry, indicating that the sum of N + D + L must be at most 9.   Since none of the three is 0, none can be greater than 6 (otherwise the smallest sum would be 7 + 2 + 1 = 10 and there would be a carry).  We can also see in the tens column that A + T + G + (carry) = A.   Since there are three letters in the ones column, the carry to the tens column can be 0, 1, or 2.   Since 9 + 8 + 2 is less than 20, the carry from tens to hundreds can only be 1, and therefore S + N + 1 = 10 (that is, S + N = 9).   One more clue is in the ones column, where L + S + S = D.  Since S + S is always even, L and D must either both be odd or both be even.   We can now make a surprisingly short table of values for L and D, knowing that neither can be greater than 6, they cannot add to more than 8, and they must have the same parity.   For each of these 10 pairs, we can find two different values (5-complements) for S from L + S + S = D.  For example, L = 6 and D = 2 means that S + S = 6 or S + S = 16, so that S = 3 or S = 8.  For each S, there is a matching value for N from S + N = 9.  We can eliminate any rows with duplicate values, where N + D + L is greater than 9, or where S = 9 (since N is a leading digit and cannot be 0).

The table compresses to four cases.   For each we can compute possible values of T from L + S + D + (carry?) = T.  In three cases T must be 9; in the last case it can be 8 or 9.  A + T + G + (carry) = A, so the carry from L + S + S = D will indicate whether T + G = 8 (carry of 2), 9 (carry of 1), or 10 (no carry).  In the first case, the carry is 2, and T + G = 8, which is impossible since T = 9.  In the other cases, the carry is 1, and T + G = 9 (the T = 8 case duplicates 1, leaving three possible cases).   Finally, we know that A + U + U + 1 = R (the carry from S + E + N + 1 = E is always 1), and we only need to find values of U, A, and R (the last remaining value will be the unclued E).  In the first two cases, wreher L + D + N = 9 without a carry, U must be small enough so that A + U + U + 1 = R without carrying (so that U<5).  In the last case, there is a carry of 1, and we will try all four remaining values for U.   For each U, there are only three values left for A, and we can try them all to see which ones produce unique values for R.   In the 3145 case, all of the A's carry.   2463 (where U = 1) produces valid values for A = 5 (underlined) and R = 8.   1572 produces duplicate values in every case except U = 8/A = 6/R = 3, but this produces a carry of 2 which is too large.  The correct solution (in boldface) is the 2463 line, with E = 7.


LD SN        LDSN TG U  (A)   R  E
62 36 x      6281 9x     
   81        3145 90 2 (678)x          
51 36 x      2463 90 1 (578)  8  7
   81 x      1572 8x
53 45 x      1572 90 3 (468)
   90 x              4 (368)
42 45 x              6 (348)
   90 x              8 (346)  3
31 45
   90 x
35 18 x
   63 x
24 18 x
26 27 x
   72 x
13 18 x
   63 x
15 27 x

Problem A-81 is an undecimal example with four addends with a similar principle, as is the duodecimal Challenge Problem Z-13: both are hand-solvable (see the Hints in Appendix 3 for a walkthrough of A-81).   Challenge Problem Z-12 has a unique solution, but because of the lack of repeated letters in any column, it might be too difficult for hand solution (let me know if this is not the case).

Let's look at an example from a multiplication.   The third column shows a common situation worth remembering: three different letters which add to one of the three.   We can see that H + C + (carry) adds to a multiple of 10 (with a corresponding carry to S + O).  But can the carry be 2?  The largest possible carry from O + O + H is 2 (since there are three addends).  If H and C were as large as possible (8 and 9 in either order), their sum plus the carry would be 19.  So the carry in any column of this form is always 1, and we know that H + C + (carry) = 10.   A search for zero quickly eliminates ROTMSLE, and A cannot be zero because thete is no carry from S + O = A.   H cannot be zero because it is the square of R.  The only letter left is C.   Since C = 0, we then know that H = 8 or 9, from the addition we just saw, and H cannot be 8, because no digit has 8 as its square.   So H = 9, and R = 3 or 7.    We also have the multiplication R x T = T, and R cannot be 1 or 6 (R x R = H), so we know that T = 5 (and we already knew that R is odd).  We can compute the value of E for each of the two values of R from the last partial product, since ER x R must end in 09.  If R = 3, thete is no carry from R x R, and R x E = 0 is impossible, since C is already 0.  If R = 7, the carry is 4, and R x E must end in 6, so E = 8.  Using the first partial product, we can compute L = 3, and L + E = S gives us S = 1.   R x O = E gives us O = 4.   Finally we can use S + O + 1 = A to give us A = 6, and M (which is unclued in the addition portion) is the leading digit of OER x T, so M = 2.

M-30 (2 words, 4598703621)
    OER    C H T R E L S O A M
 x  ROT    0 9 5 3 x
   MOLT          7 8 3 1 4 6 2


Internal Multiplication Table

12. Single-Digit Multiplications and Internal Multiplication

Above is a table showing every possible value of an internal multiplication of the form:

 x       B

... highlighting values where one or more of the letters are repeated.  This can be useful in solving certain single-digit multiplications.  

     OVERDUE     M-620  (2 words, 7851304629)
 x         E

Above is a fairly easy example, where the possibilities are greatly restricted at the very start.  When the multiplier, internal digit of the multiplicand, and internal digit of the product are identical, there are only four possibilities: 5, 6, 8, and 9 (highlighted in red on green).   9 almost never occurs (see the notes on the table below).  
In the example above, the rare conditions for E = 9 do not occur, and we can also see that E cannot equal 5 or 6, since  E x E = S at the far right.   Therefore E = 8, S = 4, and the carry from E x R is 4, so R equals either 5 or 6.  We also see that the carry from E x E is 6, and E x V = (S - 6) = 8, so V = 1 or 6 (of course V and R cannot both equal 6, so we have three cases for E/S/R/V).  Since E x O = (R - carry), we can calculate O, and only in the first case is there a valid value (8 x O cannot equal 9 or 5).  We thus have O = 3, and A = 2.  Now (8 x U) + 6 = L, and we can try the four unused values (0679) for U, to find that only U = 0 and L = 6 works.  There is no carry from E x U = L, so E x D = A, and D = 9.  The carry is 7, and (E x R) + 7 = 7, which is the last unused value, which equals N.

   E S R V  (carry from ExV)  O  A  U     L    
   8 4 5 1         1          3  2  0679  6xxx
   8 4 5 6         6          x
   8 4 6 1         1          x

Values for Triply Repeated Internal Multiplication

 x       A

The table above shows possible values for an internal multiplcation where the three digits are identical, as well as possible values for the multiplicand digit to the right which could produce the correct carry.    See D-66 for an example of a triple internal repeat.
 A  B    carry
  5  0,1    0
  6  0,1    0
 8  5,6    4
 9  8,9    8*

*If A is 9, the multiplication must be a quadruple repeat ..AA.. x A = ..A.., or else B must be 8 followed by 9, 89, 889, etc. 

Now consider the problem below, inspired by Alice in Wonderland:

    UGLIFI     M-621    (2 words, 0384196752)
 x       G

As this is a short product (the product is the same length as the multiplier), the possible values for U, G, and C are severely limited.  Either U is 1, or U is 2 and G is 3 or 4, or U is 3 or 4 and G is 2.   Considering the possible carries from the multiplication of G x G in the second leftmost column also gives us possible values for C.  If G = 2, there is no carry, and U cannot be 1 (since C = G x U, and C= G).  If U = 1, G cannot be larger than 6, otherwise the carry makes C greater than 9.  The possible sets of three values are shown in Table 1 below left, x indicating no possible unrepeated value):

 U G C        G I              G A
 1 2 x        2 09             2 45
 1 3 4        3 0459           3 901
 1 4 5        4 0369           4 6789
 1 5 7        5 024579         5 56789
 1 6 9        6 012345789      6 678901
 1 7 x
 1 8 x        Table 2          Table 3
 1 9 x
 2 3 6
 2 3 7
 2 4 9
 3 2 6
 4 2 8

Table 1

For each value of G, we can extract from the full table at bottom all of the possible values of I (that is, the values where the product equals the internal digit of the multiplier).  These are marked in red on the table (and summarized in Table 2 above center).  Clearly we can omit all values where I = 0 or I = 1, or where I = 5 and G is odd, or where either = 6 and the other is even.  We list the others below, appending the value of N (from I x G = N) for each, and marking x where N repeats a value already assigned.  10 valid cases remain.  For each of these, we consider the carry to G x I = I, and list the unduplicated values of F which will produce the desired carry from F x G (these can be calculated on the fly or extracted from a Leading Digit Analysis table).  For example, on the first line, F x 3 produces a carry of 2 when F is at least 6, so we have unused values of 6 and 8.    On each line, we then multiply out F x G, adding the carry from I x G to the product to obtain the value of O.
 U G C I   N  (carry   F  (carry      O
              to GxG)      from IxG)
 1 3 4 9   7     2     68     2       06
 1 4 5 3   2     1     x
       9   6     3     78     3       xx
 1 5 7 2   0     2     4      1       x
       4   0     4     89     2       2x
 1 6 9 3   8     5     x
       5   0     5     8      3       x
       7   2     5     8      4       x
 2 3 6 4   x
       9   7     2     8      2       x
 2 3 7 4   x
       9   x
 2 4 9 3   x
 3 2 6 9   8     1     57     1       15
 4 2 8 9   x

We then remove duplicate values and compress the table to the five valid lines, then add possible values for A (from G x G = A), summarized above in Table 3.  Only four cases remain (one with two values of A).  With eight letters established in each case, we try the remaining values for L and check that L x G plus carry = T.

 U G C I N F O A (carry from GxI)  L     T
 1 3 4 9 7 6 0 x    
 1 3 4 9 7 8 6 0      2            25    xx
 1 5 7 4 0 8 2 69     2            369   xxx
 3 2 6 9 8 5 1 4      1            07    xx
 3 2 6 9 8 7 5 4      1            01    1x

The correct values are on the last line, where L = 0 and T = 1, and the problem is solved.

Special cases

 x        A 

When the multiplicand contains an internal 1, the internal multiplication above always has a carry of 0 when A <= B (which is always the case when A <= 5), and a carry of 1 when B < A.   See M-15 for an example.

We can also construct special form tables (see section 14 below) for other internal multiplication cases.   In the table below left, A is the multiplier, and appears in one column of the multiplicand and the next column of the product.   A can only take on a limited number of values (2,3,5,7,8), and for each one, B has only two possible values.  We aren't yet concerned in this case with the value of C.   Two examples which make use of this table are M-622 and M-623.

    ..BA...      A   2     3     6     7     8  
 x        A      B  1,6   1,4   2,7   6,9   4,9 

Puzzle D-34 can also be solved quickly using a different clue from internal multiplication (see Hints).   D-19 and M-203 also use part of the general table.

13. Topless Divisions and Related Puzzles

In Games Magazine ("Rent Calculation", Wild Cards, February-March 1989, page 52), Henry Hook posed a curious cryptarithm: a division in which the top two lines (showing the dividend, divisor, and quotient) are omitted. The solver is forced to rely on addition clues only to find the digit corresponding to each letter, then reconstruct the dividend, divisor, and quotient from the partial products.  Similar problems by Eric Emmet appeared earlier in New Scientist (see Bibliography).  I introduced this puzzle to The American Cryptogram Association in 1998 as Topless Divisions (The Cryptogram, C-Sp-1's in July-August and September-October 1998, July-August 1999, and May-June 2000).   Usually some or all of the missing words are coherent.  Let's see how to solve one of these.  Here is V-1; we have filled in the digits of the divisor which we can see dropped down into the subtractions:  

V-1  (2 words,

        PRO         RIESNKOA PL     
     SOI       PRO    607
        SOIS        08912473 65         + PRO       SNSK  1214
        SNSK           23563x             OIL       LKPA  5463
         LPOK          34653x                       SINS  1821
         LKPA                                       NKNI  2428

A search for zero shows us that R is the only possibility, which doesn't help us much, but we'll mark it anyway.  We can see that [SN] from the leading carry of the fourth subtraction, and we also have E + N = S, so E is either 8 (if O + S = I carries), or 9 (if not). P is larger than either N or S (LPOK - LKPA = NSS), but S + P does not carry to the hidden quotient, so S is at most 3 (otherwise S is at least 4, and P is at least 6).  Since E is greater than S, E + N = S must carry, and N + I + 1 = S, so I is 8 and E is 9.  Now we can simply list the possible values for S and N, and compute K, A, and O for each, using the rightmost ends of the last three subtractions.  Two of these produce duplicate values and can be eliminated, and we can calculate the two remaining values (P and L) and recover the keywords.  But part of the puzzle is also to reconstruct the rest of the division.

Once the letter equivalents have been determined, the dividend can be recovered by addition, reversing the first subtraction (we can see that the dividend in our example is OILSKIN). To determine the divisor and quotient, divide the largest partial product by the smallest. The ratio will usually indicate what digit of the quotient corresponds to each partial product. For example, if the ratio is 4.5, the largest partial product is 9 times the divisor and the smallest is 2 times the divisor.  When the divisor has been found, the quotient can be computed, often by sight, one digit at a time.  In our example, 5463/607 is 9, so PRO = 607 is the divisor, and the quotient is 12934 = SNEAK.    In harder problems there might be more than one possible solution to the additions, and each case must be tested separately to see which one produces valid partial products with integer quotients (see Enigma 209 cited above, or V-9 herein).    Sometimes it is easier, when two partial products start with the same letter, to subtract the smaller from the larger, to see if the difference makes a divisor which divides each partial product evenly.  This method works here too, as SINS - SNSK gives the correct divisor 607 too.

It is also possible to construct a Topless Multiplication or Root along the same principle.  Crotalus constructed a Topless Square Root (even missing its first partial power) which appeared as C-Sp-1 in The Cryptogram in November-December 2000.   Problem R-36 herein is a Topless Cube Root; R-50 is a Topless Fifth Root (the single addition has a unique solution: the first letter of the root is given because it would be tedious to find the first power otherwise).   Eric Emmett published a few multiplications missing only the multiplicand, in New Scientist (see Bibliography).   M-801 herein is a (very hard) ideal multiplication with both multiplicand and multiplier missing: the addition has two (similar) solutions and each case must be tested as mentioned above.   Z-17 is a Topless Multiplication with the last digit of the multiplier specified; without it the problem would be even more difficult.   If the multiplier digits have common factors, it is necessary to add at least one letter of either the multiplicand or the multiplier to give a unique solution (for example, M-804 could have two different multiplicands without a letter being specified).

A different idea is a Bottomless Multiplication (a fairly easy example of mine appeared in The Cryptogram, C-Sp-1, September-October 1999): here the solver must use multiplication clues from the partial products only, to recover all the letter equivalents, before adding or multiplying to discover the product.   [A keyed duodecimal example was published by accident in The Duodecimal Bulletin in September 1946 (Vol. 2, Num. 2, p. 19) in Mary Lloyd's Mathematical Recreations column.]   Solving these usually involves slowly building up the partial products by multiplying out from either end (LDA will be very helpful in most cases).    Some might use the techniques just covered in section 12, especially small ones like Z-15.  Here's another example:

    PHASE     M-821    (2 words, 6472580931)
 x    GAS

6 8 4x

E S G O  R A H U  D  P
1 2 6 4  x
  4 6 6x
  8 6 4  2 9 0 7  5  3
             3 1x
             5 7  5x
             7 3  7x
         3 x
         5 x
         7 x

  5 3 5x
  5 7 5x
  5 9 5x

All three of the right-hand digits are equal to the multiplier digits.  This is only possible if E = 1 (or E = 6 with three even digits in the multiplier).  We can quickly dismiss the latter case.  If E = 6, G = 8, since G > E because of the long product ESDSSG.  S = 2 or S = 4, but in neither case does SE x G end in SG.   So we know that E = 1.   We can now look at the tens digit of each partial product, seeing first (because there is no carry from multiplying by E) that G x S = S.   Since G is not 1, we have our usual six cases: either S = 5 and G is odd (3,5,7), or G = 6 and S is even (2,4,8).   We also see that S x S = O, so we know that S is not 5, so G = 6, and either S = 2 or S = 8 (S = 4 duplicates 6).  We know that R < S because of the long product ROUSOS, which is impossible if S = 2 (R = 0 is impossible as a leading digit, and R = 1 duplicates E = 1).   So we have S = 8, and R = 2/3/5/7.   From A x S = R, we know that R is even, since S is even, so R = 2.  S=9 (4 is duplicated), and from this point we multiply out the partial products, testing each value of H to find U and D (in this case, (S x H) + 7 = U, and (G x H) + 5 = D.    The only case which produces unduplicated values for U and D is H = 0.   P is the unused value, which we can verify from any of the split partial products (for example S x P = RO).

M-827 is an extreme case, a mostly hidden cryptarithm with just enough letters given to make it ideal and solvable.   Identifying only three letters gives enough information to recover the remaining letters (full walkthrough in Hints).

14: Special Form Tables

Some difficult puzzles are made much easier if an unusual relationship exists between certain groups of letters.   One such relationship exists where two letters have the same sum (possibly including carries) and product: that is, X + Y + (carry) = Z and X x Y = Z.   This has five solutions in base 10 (with X and Y interchangeable), only one of which has no carry (4 x 8 = 2, 4 + 8 = 2).  
Table 4 in Appendix 4 gives values for base 10, 11, 12, and 13 for this identity.   (The first example I saw of this was in The Cryptogram, C-9 by Hop in ND62.   I later constructed the table for base 11 to solve my own puzzle which became C-12 in ND17.)   Let's see a difficult puzzle, M-113, where this table can be used to save a lot of work.   In this case we know that P < O since LISP x O = PHHTE, so we can list the five cases without worrying about P and O being interchangeable.   We also have that P + O + (carry) = E carries, so we can eliminate the first case.   We also see that there cannot be a carry if E = 0, since H + E = S will not carry in that case.  This eliminates the third case.   With only three cases, we can find possible values of L as the leading digit of LISP x O = PHHTE, and then find values of [GN] from the leading carry where LISP x N = GOEGH.  This eliminates all but one case, though there are intially four possibilities for [GN].   Adding H from P x N = H reduces to two cases, and adding T from H = L reduces to a single case.   H + E + (carry) = S gives S, and the internal zero gives the split product LI x O = PHH, giving I.

Without the use of this table, you would likely have to work through the three cases for zero (E, I, and S), using internal zeros for the latter two cases, or build a Crotalus rectangle as described in the next section, putting P along the top and [GH] along the side, filling in values for H, T, and L, then trying values for E for the handful of cases that remain.

M-113 (2 words, 0-1)
P O E  L G  N     P O E L G N H  T  S  I
  x    NO      
2 3 6x            7 8 6 9 1 2 4  5  0  3
3 7 1  4 x                2 3 1  8x
       5 1x 2             3 4 8x
4 5 0x                    4 5 5x
7 8 6  9 .....  
                4 8 2  5 1  2x
                       6 1  2x
                         2x 3


15: Crotalus Rectangles

In extremely hard problems, it might be necessary to construct a two-dimensional table, starting with a (nearly) full set of values for two different letters, adding values for up to six other letters derived from these values.  I call this a Crotalus rectangle, as I learned it from Solving Cryptarithms by Crotalus.  He describes it in his Chapter 11, Brute Force Methods (pp. 16-21).  
I've modified his grid slightly, stretching the boxes from squares into rectangles to allow for six values in each box.   The illustration below shows the analysis of the three-addend addition A-11.   I normally just do the tables on graph paper in monochrome, and simply mark a large X with a felt tip pen through any eliminated rectangle (sometimes I use pencil for multiple values in a box): the table below was made on a spreadsheet to make it easier to read.  This is a difficult method, more prone to mistakes (especially involving carries) than other techniques.   (Some solvers use spreadsheets to solve cryptarithms, programming the various equations automatically using functions.)   It is often possible to have more than one letter on one or both axes, if there are pairs of letters whose values are directly connected (e.g. if A + A = B or [AB], A and B can be placed on the same axis with two sets of indices).

Crotalus Rectangle

The principal fact we can observe is that S = 1 due to the leading carry (V + R + (carry) cannot exceed 9 + 8 + 2 = 19).  We also see that E + I = 9 or E + I = 10, depending on the carry from the trailing column (the carry cannot be 2 since S = 1, giving a maximum of 1 + 8 + 9).   A search for zero turns up too many candidates to be useful (and knowing zero doesn't help much in three-addend puzzles anyway).   R and P are leading digits and cannot be zero.   Since S = 1, we can see that neither R nor P can be 9 (e.g. if R = 9, 10 + P = E, which is impossible).   So we construct a large table of all the values of R and P from 2 to 8, filling in the rectangles where R = P.   This leaves 36 cases (these could be listed in a regular table, but this is more compact).   In each rectangle, we calculate E from R + S + P = E, placing the values in the upper left corner, and I (upper middle) from E + N + I + (carry) = N (i.e. E + N + (carry) = 10).  The rectangles shaded in light blue (10 cases) are eliminated by duplicating the value of R, S, or P, and we ignore them as we proceed forward.  
Next we add possible values for L in the upper right, from I + P + E + (carry) = L.   When I + E = 9, possible values are one greater or less than P; when I + E = 10, possible values are 1 or 2 greater than P.   Rectangles with no possible value for L are shaded in green.    Next we add possible values of A < R in the lower left, and compute V from V + R + (carry) = A (values shown here are only those with valid values for both A and V: in one case there are three possible pairs).   Rectangles shaded in yellow are eliminated.   Now we add our 6th value D, from P + A + D + (carry) = I.  Most of the boxes disappear (shaded orange), though one case still has two sets of values for A, V, and D.   For the three remaining rectangles, we check that the carry from P + A + D = I is the correct one to produce I + P + E = L.   Two are wrong (shaded purple), and the unshaded box is the correct answer.   The unclued N takes the unused value of 9. 

Sometimes the number of possibilities for two digits can be reduced enough that we can make a list of them rather than make a full rectangle (e.g. if we have A x B = C, with A < C, we can list every pair of A and C, keeping in mind that neither A nor C can be 5, and if A is even, so is C).   Problems M-43, M-66, and M-123 are examples.   Table 6 in Appendix 4 is a well-known table of every combination of multiplications with three different digits.

A few of the problems for which a Crotalus rectangle is effective are M-437, M-468, M-625, and Z-18.

Horizontal expansion

When tables get clogged with multiple values, it is often easier to expand horizontally rather than try to cram tiny numbers in vertically (or rewrite the whole table).   This is a somewhat easier alternative to creating a full Crotalus rectangle, especially if you are already partway through the problem and have four or five letters analyzed.   Here's a relatively easy example where only two pairs of values are written side by side.   This is problem R-70, a Fourteenth Root, which we will solve as an addition only.
R-70 Fourteenth Root
14         A

Y N E S D  V   M    T     I     A              
9 1 4 5 xx xx
    5 6 34 x0  2    3     8x
    6 7 23 50  3,4  x,2   x,8x
    7 8 x2 x0  5,6
9 3 4 7 x5 x1  2
    5 8 x4 x1  4
    8 1 xx xx
9 5 2 7 6x xx
    3 8 x6 x2  1
    7 2 1x xx
    8 3 x1 x2  x
9 7 1 8 xx xx
    6 3 2x 8x  0    5     1     4 ***
    8 5 x1 x3  2   


Y + A + (carry) = A gives Y = 0 or Y = 9.  If Y were 0, D + E + (carry) = Y would carry to the leftmost column, so Y = 9.  Since Y + A = A must carry, V + V + (carry 1) = N gives N as odd, leaving four values: 1, 3, 5, and 7.   E + S = M must also carry to Y + A, since Y = 9.    Try every available value of E for each of the four cases for N; N + E = S gives S for each case (so E = 0 can be skipped in every case), removing those where E + S cannot carry.  There are 14 cases for N/E/S.   In each of those cases, D + E + (carry) = Y gives two possible values for D, depending on whether V + V carries: if D + E = 8, there is a carry and V >= 5; if D + E = 9, there is no carry and V <= 4.  To avoid spreading out the table vertically, enter both values for D side by side, marking x where there would be a duplicate value.  Then enter the corresponding values for V side by side in the same way (note that the values for V in each case will be a pair of 5-complements, which depend only on the value of N (so the first four cases will all be 5/0, the next three 6/1, etc.).  Mark x for values where there would be a duplicate, or where D has already been eliminated.   Only ten cases remain for N/E/S/D/V (shown in boldface).   The leftmost value for D corresponds to the leftmost V, and the same with the right.  Now E + S + (carry) = M gives two possible values for M in each case (remember that it must carry, so if E + S = 9, M = 0).  When there are two possible values for M, separate them by a comma to show that they can be matched with both D/V pairs where there are two.  One case is eliminated, and there are 11 cases for N/E/S/D/V/M (the E/S case with two D/V pairs has only three possibilities, as 3 is duplicated in one case).  To make the table less cluttered, only write the values for M with the remaining cases [you can write a fresh table of only remaining cases if you get confused, but this problem is almost done].   M + T + (carry) = E gives T for each case, and there are only three cases left.  E + T = I gives I for each case, but two have the wrong carry to E + S.   I + A + (carry) = T confirms A.   [A to the fourteenth will give the correct power.   The problem is trivial if you find the root and calculate the power first.]

Other examples, with full tables, are given in the Hints section for A-29 and M-660.

Part 3: Other Bases

Our ordinary arithmetic is in base 10, where each column represents 10 times the value of the column to its right.  Arithmetic can be done in any base; base 12 has been promoted as a more desirable alternative because 12 has more divisors than 10. Cryptarithms in other bases have been published: The Cryptogram frequently includes duodecimal (base 12) and undecimal (base 11), but much less frequently other bases.   The only base 14 problem from The Cryptogram I show in my notes is a division by Zer-O, C-Sp in May-June 1980.   Base 14 (tetradecimal) is actually very similar to base 10, as it is twice a prime: 7 and 8 in base 14 have properties similar to 5 and 6 in base 10.  GGMA published a cube root and a fourth root in base 15 in his article in November-December 2007 (see the Bibliography).   I have had a pentadecimal multiplication as C-Sp-2 in September-October 2022 and a hexadecimal division as C-Sp-1 in May-June 1991.  The September-October 2011 issue included, in the Analyst Corner (AC-992), a set of four separate additions in base 17, by Apex Dx; he did a later puzzle in base 19 with mixed addition and multiplication (January-February 2013 AC-1035).  

For many years The Cryptogram used X and E to represent 10 and 11; nowadays A and B are used, for consistency with hexadecimal notation, and we will do the same here.  To avoid possible confusion with letters in the puzzles, I will follow a suggestion by Bill in The Cryptogram, and use lower case letters for the extra digits in bases larger than 10 (sometimes boldfaced in the text).   I will also use X, Y, and Z as variables instead of A, B, and C.

Solving addition cryptarithms in other bases is not especially different from base 10, providing you have the correct addition table handy or understand how it works.   You should also keep in mind that the digit one less than the base (a in base 11, b in base 12, etc.) follows the same rules as 9 does in base 10.   Remember that in base 10, any addition of the form 9 + X = Y, regardless of where it occurs, cannot have a carry from the column to its right, and indicates [YX].    The same is true of a + Y = X in base 11, b + Y = X in base 12, etc.    Let's look at undecimal addition problem A-80:


   Base 11          A-80 (2 words, 641932a8750)

COINCIDENCE      a9 617 2,3     a9 6172 45
   INSTITUTION          26x           6173 67x
                       735 4,5x       7354 89x
     [TN]              44x            8627 34 <===
     [SF]              853 6,7
                        62 7,8x


The most useful clue is in the second leftmost column, N + O = N. This indicates that O is equal to either 0 or a (one less than the base of eleven).  We also have two other additions, O + N = T and N + I = T, which as usual indicate that {OI}.   If O = 0, then [NT], and I = 1.  This is impossible, as I is the sum of the leftmost addition which does not carry (I cannot be less than 3 in this position).  So we know that O = a, and [TN].   I and O differ in value by 1, so I must be 9, and there is a carry from D + D = U.    The worksheet shows the carries we know about so far.   We can also see that U + C = 8.   Since D + D = U carries, we know that D >= 5 (actually D >=6, since U is not zero).  We don't know yet whether there is a carry from E + E = T, so we will list both possible values of U for each D, and the corresponding value for C (x indicates a repeated value).  We can also list (horizontally) two possible values for E in each case, from E + C = O (E + C = 9 or a, depending whether there is a carry from D + E = N).   In the cases where E >= 6, E + E = T will carry, so the case D/U/C = 8/5/3 is not possible (8 + 8 + 1(carry) = 6 in base 11).    We simplify the table of OIDUCE, with only four sets of values remaining.  Since R + N = I,  and R and N are both less than I (I and O are the two largest digits), there is no carry to E + E = T, and we can compute T and therefore N.   Only one case fits the addition D + E = N, and the other three values follow easily (R + N = I, and [SF]).

Multiplication in other bases

The principles described earlier for odd and even numbers apply only to even bases.  In odd bases such as 11 or 13, it is not even possible to determine whether a number is odd or even from its last digit: e.g., in base 11, 17 is even but 27 is odd.  In odd bases, the single-digit addition rule for odd and even numbers holds unless there is a carry: when there is a carry of 1, the usual parity of the sum is flipped.  Adding odd to odd, or even to even, produces an odd sum when there is a carry (e.g. in base 11, 5 + 9 = 13 and 8 + 4 =  11), while adding odd to even produces an even sum (8 + 9 = 16).   In additions with multiple addends, the parity is normal if the carry is even (e.g. 0 or 2), but flips if the carry is odd (e.g. 1 or 3).   For example, 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 = 24 in base 11 (remaining even with a carry of 2, as it would in base 10), but 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 = 36 (flipping from odd to even because of the carry of 3).

Multiplications of trailing digits follow the same rule: an odd carry flips the usual parity of the trailing digit of the product, while an even carry does not (in base 13, 7 x 6 = 33, but 7 x 8 = 44).

The square of a non-zero digit can only be zero in bases with multiple factors of the same prime: e.g. 4, 8, 9, 12, 16, 18, 20...  

f X x Y = Z in a prime base (2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, etc.), Z cannot be zero unless X or Y is zero.   There are other possibilities in composite bases such as base 9, 12, etc.

The multiplicative properties of the digit 5 in base 10 are transferred in other even bases to half of the base: e.g. 6 behaves in base 12 multiplication just as 5 does in base 10, producing 6 as a product with odd multipliers and 0 with even ones.  

Even bases which are twice an odd prime have corresponding digit pairs, e.g. base 14 has 7-complements.  The identity multiplication X x Y = Y has a similar set of solutions to those in base 10: e.g. in base 14, either X = 1; Y = 7 and X is odd; or X = 8 and Y is even.

The reciprocal multiplication pairs X x Y = Z and X x Z = Y hold true in any base when X is one less than the base: Y + Z adds to the base in each pair. See the example in base 11 below: a is one less than the base, and a x 2 = 9 and a x 9 = 2, etc., 9 and 2 adding to eleven.    Composite bases might have additional solutions (4 x 2 = 8 and 4 x 8 = 2 in base 10): see Table 2 in Appendix 4.

   1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  a
   2  4  6  8  a 11 13 15 17 19
   3  6  9 11 14 17 1a 22 25 28
   4  8 11 15 19 22 26 2a 33 37
   5  a 14 19 23 28 32 37 41 46
   6 11 17 22 28 33 39 44 4a 55
   7 13 1a 26 32 39 45 51 58 64
   8 15 22 2a 37 44 51 59 66 73
   9 17 25 33 41 4a 58 66 74 82
   a 19 28 37 46 55 64 73 82 91
Multiplication table for base 11

            Short Products                Long Products
Digit      1   2   3   4  5      1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  a
  2       23  45  67  89  a     -- -- -- --  1  1  1  1  1  1
  3      345 678  9a  -- --     -- --  1  1  1  1 12  2  2  2
  4     4567 89a  --  -- --     --  1  1  1 12  2  2 23  3  3
  5    56789   a  --  -- --     --  1  1 12  2 23  3 34  4  4
  6    6789a  --  --  -- --      1  1 12  2 23  3 34  4 45  5
  7     789a  --  --  -- --      1  1 12 23  3 34 45  5 56  6
  8      89a  --  --  -- --      1 12  2 23 34 45  5 56 67  7
  9       9a  --  --  -- --      1 12 23 34  4 45 56 67 78  8
  a        a  --  --  -- --      1 12 23 34 45 56 67 78 89  9
Table of leading digits for base 11 multiplication


Undecimal  M-431 (2 words, 154a3782960)

    x  TWO       ECORN    W E R O N L T V A C S
     ECORN     +  WAVE    6 3 7 5 4 2 8 a 9 1 0
    ETNWR        ETNWR


In odd prime bases, if X + X = Y (whether it carries or not) and Y x Z = X,  Z is always equal to half the number one larger than the base (6 in base 11, 7 in base 13, 9 in base 17, etc.).  
We're going to use this rule to gain an entry into an undecimal (base 11) multiplication which would otherwise be fairly difficult.   The multiplication table and LDA table are given above for base 11.   The addition R + R = E and the multiplication E x W = R gives us the fact that W = 6.   Looking at the LDA table, we see that the leading digit of WAVE x W = ETNWR is 3, so E = 3.   This gives us R = 7 from E x W = R (without a table, 6 x 3 = 18 in base 10, which equals (1 x 11) + 7, or 17 in base 11).   We look for a value of O so that WAVE x O = ECORN, and find that 6... x O = 3.... when O = 5, 6, or 7.  We already have 6 and 7 assigned, so O = 5.   This gives us N = 4 from E x O = N (3 x 5 = 15 in base 10, 14 in base 11).  We have the addition O + W + L + carry = E, i.e. 5 + 6 + L + 1 = 3.  The sum cannot be 3, so it must be 3 + 11 = 14 (base 10), so L = 2.    E x T = L gives us T = 8.   We have built up a sequence [LENOWRT], and the Hubbuber trick gives us an extra addition ECORN + WAVE = ETWNR.   The equation R + V = W, knowing [WR], makes V equal to one less than the base when there is no carry, so V = a (10 in base 10).   This carries, so O + A = N gives A as two less than the base, so A = 9.   This carries again, so C + W = T gives C = 1.    Finally E + S + (carry) = N, and the carry must be 1 because it comes from E + T + L = E.  So S = 0.

I compiled the base 11 part of Table 4a in Appendix 4 to help solve an undecimal division in The Cryptogram (C-8 by Yo Tambien in May-June 1978), and later used it to solve C-13 by Matanza in May-June 2009.   It's probably not needed for the first, but the second is difficult even with it.

Multiplicative Structures

Chains in base 13: [2]124836cb95a71[7]     [6]16a892c7354b1[b]     [3]2652; 1391; 4ca4; 78b7[9]    [5]15c81; 2ab32; 47964[8]    [4]143c9a1; 286b572[a]     [c]1c 2b 3a 49 58 67

Fire-O discovered a technique of analyzing the patterns of trailing digits of multiplications in various bases, described in his article in The Cryptogram (May-June 1970), and subsequently in the book by Crotalus.   In every base, each digit has a particular pattern in which the last digits of multiplications chain together.  For example, in base 13, the multiples of 2 form a chain: 1 x 2 = 2, 2 x 2 = 4, 2 x 4 = 8, 2 x 8 = 3, ..., 2 x a = 7, 2 x 7 = 1.   This can be expressed as a sequence of 12 digits, looping back to form a closed chain: 124836cb95a71.   The multiples of 7 form the same chain in reverse order: 17a59bc638421.   We show that in compressed form in the table above with [2] at the left end, reading the chain left to right, and [7] at the right end, reading right to left.   6 and b form a different chain of 12 reading in opposite directions.   3 and 9 form four closed chains of three digits reading in opposite directions, 5 and 8 form three chains of four, and 4 and a form two six-digit chains.   c forms six two-digit chains: while bases have many different patterns, the largest digit always forms two digit chains (with a single identity digit in even bases: e.g. 9 x 5 = 5 in base 10).  Base 13 has a simple structure with only chains; other bases have more complex structures which are hard to show in a linear form.  Fire-O and Crotalus use diagrams with arrows linking the digits: in base 10, the multiples of 2 form a chain of the four even digits besides zero, and the four odd digits besides five feed into the chain at different points.   Fire-O's original article has diagrams for base 10 on the cover of MJ70; Crotalus gives diagrams for bases 10, 11, and 12.   (After I wrote the above, I discovered Crotalus' article in MJ89 which shows the above tables in graphical form).

Z-4 Tridecimal Multiplication         
(2 words, 8ca19342b0657) 

      SIT    FLE form a chain of 3
   x  ELF     for T = 3 or T = 9

Except for the identity (X x Y = Y) and reciprocal (X x Y = Z and X x Z = Y) cases we've already seen, it usually requires a large number of multiplier digits to narrow the chain possibilities to a small number of cases.   Challenge puzzle Z-4, however, was constructed as an example of a special case in base 13.   The multiplier digits form a closed chain of three digits, so it is possible to deduce that the last digit T of the multiplicand ends in either 3 or 9.   The three multiplier digits F/L/E can take on the values of the three digits in any of the three chains which do not include 3 and 9.   E.g. F = c, L = a, and E = 4 is one of nine possibilities for T = 3; there are nine more cases for T = 9.   For each case, you can compute I from
IT x E = FF, reducing to 15 cases, then check IT x L = LE, which reduces to a single case.   Next calculate R from IT x F = RL, O from R + E = O, and U from U + L + F + (carry?) = O.    Now you can get S and P by multiplying out SIT x F = PURL, which gives H from the leading carry [HS].  SIT x L = PALE gives A (or you can use an extra Hubbuber addition PALE + SIT = PURL), and P + U + (carry) = C gives C.

Roots in Other Bases

Occasionally you will have to compute partial powers in a square root problem in another base.  Given X and Y as the first two digits of a root, the first partial power is simply X x X; the second is equal to (X x Y x 2 x (base)) + (Y x Y), converted into the correct base.  For example, in base 13 problem R-30, you will need to compute the partial power PUT from D and R.   If D = 7 and R = 5, the calculation in base 10 is (7 x 5 x 26) + (8 x 8) = 935.   This is equal to (5 x 169) + (6 x 13) + 12, or 56c in base 13.   This can be done on paper, a calculator, spreadsheet, or using an online base converter.

Here is an example, problem R-26, a base 12 square root with keyword in the order 0ab987654321.  The first partial power is simply I x I = TO in base 12 (see Table 8 in Appendix 4).  This has six solutions for I/T/O, but one can be eliminated because A + O = U prevents the value O = 0, and another because the leading carry [TG] duplicates a value.   We also note that A + O = U carries, so U < O.   A search for zero gives only L and U as possibilities; if L = 0, the first two of the four cases are eliminated because O = 1 and there is no value left for U.   If U = 0, A + O = U eliminates the last two of the four cases, because A is duplicated.   We separately analyze the two possible cases for each possibility for zero.

In the L = 0 case, we try each available value of U (U < O) for both I/T/O cases; A + O = U gives A, and the leading carry [VA] gives V.   Duplicate values reduce this to two subcases.  
We can then calculate the minimum value of VIS [we don't know S yet] as (144 x V) + (12 x I), and divide it by (24 x I) to get a minimum value for N.   The first case gives N = 7, which makes the partial product equal to (8 x 7 x 24) + (7 x 7) = 1393, which gives S = 1.    The second case gives N = 8, which duplicates I (N = 9 would make VIS equal to 1809, far too large).   So we have ten correct values (italicized) for the first case.   R + I + (carry) = L gives R, and E + S = L confirms E as a valid solution.  We still need to check the U = 0 case to make sure there is not a second solution (which would make the problem unusable).

In the U = 0 case, we follow the same method, getting A and V (the same in both U = 0 subcases), calculating the minimum value of VIS, and dividing by (24 x I) to get a minimum value for N.   The value for N is too large in the first case, but N = 9 is possible in the second case.  This makes the partial product (7 x 10 x 24) + (9 x 9), which is 1761.   This is too large for a three-digit power, which has a maximum value of  1727 [(11 x 144) + (11 x 12) + 11].  So the solution we found in the L = 0 case is the only correct one.

R-26 Duodecimal Square Root (2 words, 0-1)

        I  N     I T O G      L I T O G U A V  VI?    N      VIS   N S R E
     V GU LL     5 2 1 3      0 8 5 4 6 1 9 8x
       TO        6 3 0x       0 8 5 4 6 2 a 9  1392   7.25   1393  7 1 3 b
        A LL     7 4 1 5      0 8 5 4 6 3 b a  1536   8x
        V IS     8 5 4 6      0 a 8 4 9 1 9x
          RE     a 8 4 9      0 a 8 4 9 2 ax
                 b a 1 bx     0 a 8 4 9 3 b ax
                              U I T O G A V  VIS      N    
0 5 2 1 3 b a  1500   12.5x
                              0 7 4 1 5 b a  1524    9.07    1761x

Problem M-660 is a difficult single-digit multiplication in base 11, which uses short products and internal multiplications.  It is worked out in detail in the Hints section, with a full table of cases.

Part 4: Construction Techniques

Once you have experience in solving cryptarithms, you might want to try your hand at constructing them. There are numerous methods of construction; I will outline the methods I have used in producing the problems in this magazine.  In virtually all of the problems in this issue, the letters spell out a word or phrase, either in a standard order such as 1-0, or in a mixed order specified with the problem.  The difficulty level in composing cryptarithms depends more on the extent to which the problem is coherent, than the operation involved. 

Many of the problems in this issue were produced by framing a computation, searching for words which would fit a multi-digit number.   By framing I mean the process of converting the digits of an already formulated arithmetic problem into letters, trying to use words for as many of the number elements as possible.   Some of the computations were carefully constructed by hand to illustrate particular techniques.  Others were randomly generated as incoherent problems with the letters ABCDEFGHIJ; I then solved each problem, looking for problems with a variety of difficulty levels (discarding most of those that were trivial or too tedious to solve by hand).   I then attempted to frame the problems I liked.  Sometimes with small problems I was able to include several actual words and still produce coherent keywords in one of the standard orders; in other cases I made a keyword using a mixed order of digits (this is not permitted in The Cryptogram).   Many of the puzzles I created with standard order keywords I submitted to The Cryptogram rather than using them here.  A pattern word dictionary or cryptogram solving program can be helpful in finding words to match sequences of digits.

Certainly the easiest method for the beginning constructor to create a nice problem is to use keywords. Start with a phrase of two or more words totalling ten letters, with no repeats.  [I almost always avoid a single 10-letter keyword, to make solution by anagramming harder.]  Assign the letters to digits in one of the four common orders 0123456789, 1234567890, 9876543210, or 0987654321.   Select the type of problem you want to construct (addition, multiplication, division, square root, etc.), and select two words (one if a square root) which can be made from your ten letters.   Substitute the appropriate digits and carry out the calculation using the resulting two numbers as addends, multiplicands, dividend and divisor, etc.  The lengths of the words should depend on the type of problem and how difficult you want to make it.  Check that all ten digits appear in the calculation, substitute letters for digits, and solve the problem to test it.  Generally the answer and other numbers in the problem will not make sensible words. In making division cryptarithms, however, it is often desirable to have the quotient be a word also. This requires that you keep trying different divisor words until you find one which produces a quotient which also makes a word.  It might also help to try all four standard keyword orders. Another way of going about creating a division with three words is to choose pairs of words as divisor and quotient (if they are of different lengths, the longer should be the divisor, and the shorter the quotient). Multiply the resulting numbers together to see if the first few digits of their product form the start of a usable word. If so, use that word as the dividend, and divide to see that the remainder (which will not form a sensible word except by blind luck) is smaller than the divisor. It might take dozens of tries to find a pair of words that produces a usable dividend: great patience is required here.   In most newsstand puzzle magazines (such as Dell and Official) it is a requirement that division cryptarithms (Dell calls them Word Arithmetic) have a coherent dividend, divisor, and quotient, and there is also a fixed keyword order of 0123456789.

What makes a good problem?   This is a matter of taste, and depends on how difficult you want the problem to be.  Obviously the arithmetic needs to be correct, and contain no leading zeros.  Almost without exception, it should be ideal: that is, it should be complete (containing every digit) and have a unique solution.  If it has a mixed keyword (or no keyword in a Cryptogram problem), it should have a high degree of coherence: all of the words in an addition, or as many as possible in other types, should be coherent.   Keywords which are thematically connected to some of the words in the puzzle are an especially nice feature: see A-27, A-32, A-42, D-11, D-16, D-27, D-28, D-34, D-36, M-72, M-94, M-97, M-506, M-583, R-1, R-2, R-3, R-33, R-34, V-9, V-17, and Z-2 as examples.  M-91, M-630, R-10, R-17, R-60 and Z-4 are connected to some aspect of the puzzle as a whole rather than the words in them.   M-151 is a multiplication in which all of the words are not only coherent, they (just about) read out as a sentence.     Finding a frame in which all of the words are coherent and the keyword is in one of the standard orders is uncommon except for miniature puzzles, and sometimes occurs by exceptional luck: M-627 was not only the unique framing of the numbers generated, but also produced a key in a standard order (though with an unusual word).

You should always hand-solve any construction before submitting it for publication.   A good rule of thumb is that a puzzle should be able to be solved in less than an hour, and using no more than one sheet of paper.  I usually try to avoid problems where one of the letters is unclued: that is, it occurs only in an addition of the type A + 0 = A or A + 9 = A, and nowhere else.  This happens sometimes in additions, and much more rarely in divisions (a letter might pass from the dividend to the remainder (almost always in the units column, unless the quotient is one digit, as in D-55)).  Of course, its value can be found by elimination, but I find a problem less elegant when a value cannot be confirmed in any other way.  I generally like to avoid too many obvious clues: I rarely have zeros or ones in the multiplier or quotient, if I can help it, or as the last digit of the multiplicand (or divisor), unless the zero or one provides no additional clues.  These preferences are not absolute: if a problem has other merits (such as having many coherent words [see R-35], or even better, thematic ones), I might still use it even with some of these minor flaws.

Finding Cryptarithms via Computer Search

Puzzle Virtuoso

I have been developing an omnibus Windows program to help me in designing and solving many different kinds of puzzles.   This originally started as a program to solve domino logic puzzles.   I later added modules for solving various kinds of cryptograms (including simple substitutions and Vigeneres), and several kinds of logic puzzles including Castawords, sudoku, and latin square puzzles.  Many years ago I had written a set of cryptarithm functions in the APL language, for generating and framing addition, multiplication, division, square root, and interlocking equation puzzles in any desired base.  Some of these have been rewritten and adapted for Puzzle Virtuoso.  It also has functions to automatically compute multiplication tables and LDA tables for any base up to 30, a solver for additions with any number of addends in any base, and various search functions.


  IRRELIEVABLE   A-70   (2 words, 8153274096)

I have used a custom function, part of Puzzle Virtuoso, to look for cryptarithms with long coherent addends and sum.   The ideal puzzle above has two coherent 12-letter addends and a coherent 12-letter sum (all three words can be found in Webster's Second New International Dictionary (1948) and the Compact Oxford English Dictionary (1991)).   It works from a candidate list of words, and checks every pair of words (including duplicates) as addends, against every other word in the list as a possible sum.  It checks each possible puzzle (using the cryptarithm addition solver built into Puzzle Virtuoso) to find those with exactly one solution, and in which every digit occurs (the above example is in ordinary base 10, but the program can potentially find solutions in other bases such as 11 or 12, popular ones in cryptarithmetic puzzles): see A-80, A-90, and A-91.  The puzzle above was the only valid one turned up by a search of 651 highly-patterned 12-letter words (extracted from a raw word list from Webster's Second, herafter abbreviated as NI2).   The extraction was done with a different PV module which generates pattern word dictionaries, in this case with an option set to filter out any patterns shorter than 8 digits (the three words have patterns 12-22413743, 12-224325173, and 12-224351537).  Similar searches have been performed on shorter words (a similar list of 355 11-letter words generated 177,092 potential puzzles, but only 10 valid ideals).   One was published in The Cryptogram (C-13 in SO16, p.26); three others appear herein as A-71 through A-73.   (Just before publication I found the Word Ways article by Mike Keith which includes a number of discoveries up to 13 letters.  Rats.)

This search function can also be used to find thematic additions, using a selected list of words: see puzzles A-25 through A-35 for examples (some of these were found using an online search program, others with Puzzle Virtuoso).   Any candidate for publication needs to be hand-solved, as many additions do not solve well (relying on a lot of tedious brute force).   A curiosity which popped up while doing the search of checker opening names, which produced A-33, was the twin ideals DUNDEE + GLASGOW = DOUGLAS and DUNDEE + DOUGLAS = GLASGOW, but neither solved well enough to be selected.

Smallest Additions and Square Roots

A different kind of search looks for an ideal addition with the smallest possible sum.    The smallest I have found is the following:

   PLACE     A-8   (2 words, 1-0)
 +  DOOM  

These puzzles are hard to frame, and very difficult to solve, but the puzzle above can be solved by hand by searching for zero and trying various cases (see the detailed walkthrough in Hints).  See Challenge Problem Z-11 for an example which might be too difficult for hand solution.

A computer search for the smallest ideal square root in base 10 produced the puzzle R-12; the smallest cube root appears to be R-35.    R-30 is the smallest square root in base 13, and the only one with a four-digit radicand (there are 57 in base 11 and 6 in base 12 [see R-25]).

Smallest single-digit multiplications

I wanted to find an ideal multiplication cryptarithm (with a single-digit multiplier), with the smallest possible multiplicand.   The equation ABCD x E = FGHIJ has 13 solutions, so I made a list of every possible multiplication with a five-digit multiplicand and five-digit product, with one repeated digit.   There are 55 possible multiplications; I copied each one into a multiplication solver (using Puzzle Virtuoso and two others).   Six of the multiplications have no solution, 42 have multiple solutions, and there are seven ideals.   Some might be too difficult for hand solution (but see M-606 in the Hints); they are problems M-601 to M-607 in order from smallest to largest multiplicand.   (I later found that Andree's book contains a different framing of one of the solutions.)

I also looked at finding the smallest possible multiplications with a pair of 2-digit numbers.  I wrote a program to test every possible pair of two-digit numbers (in a selected base) and list those pairs which produce an ideal multiplication.   For base 10 there are 24 solutions; some of these are included here in the multiplication problems (M-18, M-19, M-23, M-35, M-36, M-156, and M-157).   Three 2x2's by Fire-O were published in The Cryptogram (C-9 in SO74 [the only ideal 2x2 with a three-digit product], C-8 in MJ77, and C-11 in SO78).   All three of Fire-O's puzzles all fully coherent (except for the keywords); C-9 even makes a sensible sentence.   M-36 here is the largest (and the only solution with a repeated digit in either factor).    For base 12 (duodecimal) there is, amazingly, exactly one solution.   This is given as Z-1, the first of the Challenger problems.   There are no solutions in base 13 or 14 (and there are not enough letters for larger bases).   There are 11 solutions in base 11, 70 in base 9, 145 in base 8, and 218 in base 7.

Divisions are much harder to search because of the larger number of combinations of dividend, divisor, and remainder. I have found several small examples by hand (D-10, D-12, D-20), but I am not certain whether there are smaller examples. D-12 is the smallest dividend I have found for any ideal division; D-20 is the smallest I have found with a single digit quotient.

Nine odd words

      When I first tried composing coherent additions, I used pattern word dictionaries to find pairs of words which looked suitable (and had letters in common), then tried to find values which produced a sum to which I could match a third word.  I was successful on occasion, and produced three cryptarithms which were published in The Cryptogram (C-14 JA97, C-8 JF98, and C-14 ND98).   When I wrote a search tool much later to look for ideal additions, I put the nine words (average, decoder, organdy, coolest, terrace, deports, octopus, scallop, results) into it to see if it would reproduce the three additions.  To my astonishment, it turned up all three, plus six additional cryptarithms using combinations of words from different puzzles (two of the six include a repeated addend).  In addition, there are 3 more ideals in base 11 and 2 in base 12.   I do not know if this is a result of selecting pattern words, or if many groups of 9 seven-letter words would produce similar results.   But it seems remarkable to get 14 valid puzzles from a list of only nine words.

Thematic Square Roots

    Another search tool in Puzzle Virtuoso looks for a square root by testing a range of values (for example, every five-digit number with a nine-digit square), and compares the pattern of the desired root to the pattern of the first (five) letters of its square.   This program, at present, needs to be customized for each run, and has other limitations.   Here is a live example I composed while writing this.  I wanted to find a square root cryptarithm with a solitaire theme, where the square root of STOREHOUSE is equal to DEMON.  I customized the program to check every possible value of DEMON with a ten-digit square (from 31624 to 98765) and check whether its square starts with a five-letter pattern (STORE) in which the E's and O's match, but no other digits are repeated.  This takes a minute or two to set up and a second or two to run.  It gave me a list of 9 possible solutions; I scanned by hand to see whether H could be assigned a value equal to or larger than the sixth digit of the square (three of the cases were unusable by this check).  I usually like to have roots without zeros, and that gave me the following cryptarithm (R-10:
2 words, 2061795483, give an appropriate key for this discussion):

      D E M O N
   V STOREHOUSE        R-10

Creating the Problem First

A very difficult method is to choose the words you want to start with (these should be thematically related), then try to find numbers to make the calculation come out correctly.  This has been used most succesfully in additions, particularly using computer searches.  Additions of this type were a staple of the Alphametics section in The Journal of Recreational Mathematics.  Problems of this type almost never have a keyword, since it is unlikely that a random ordering of ten letters will form something coherent.   If you pick three words at random, it is very rare that there will be a unique solution, and many problems in JRM ask for the mininal solution or put some other constraint on the values (such as specifying one or more of the numbers must be prime).

A higher rate of success is likely with divisions, since the remainder can be juggled as described above. This method was used to create D-26, the cryptarithm appearing on the cover of WGR8.  Multiplications are even harder to work out, since they must come out exactly.

Interlocking Equation Formulas

In creating interlocking equations, it is desirable to be able to use a variety of formulas, ranging from the simplest, comprised of six additions or six multiplications, to complex ones with all four operations. Some sample formulas are given below. Select a formula, plug in numbers (of whetever length desired) for A, B, C, and D, and use the equations to compute the other five values. The last value, usually the largest, should be checked in both directions. Make sure that the nine numbers encompass all ten digits.  Some of the equations are self-working: nearly any values of A, B, C, and D will work (sometimes there are simple constraints).  Others, usually combining operations, have extra formulas for calculating one number from the other three. These are usually divisions, which must come out exactly: this puts extra constraints on the first three numbers selected.    It's possible to do a 4x4 with eight equations if you use all additions or all multiplications (see I-19, which has more of the feel of a magic square).

Self-Working Formulas

[1] A  +  B  =   A+B
    +     +       +         [I-17]
    C  +  D  =   C+D 
   A+C + B+D = A+B+C+D

Or replace additions by multiplications [I-11, I-12]

[2]    A+B  -   A =   B                  
         /      +     +           (B-A) + (D-C) =  (A+B)   [I-15]
       C+D  -   C =   D                            (C+D)
    B+D-A-C + A+C = B+D         Note: C might be greater than D

[3]  E+D  / C+D-E  =  C           C and F both even        [I-14, I-20]
       -        +     +           G = C x (C + F)      D = (F + G)/2

     D+B  -     B  =  D           E = G - D
       A  + C+D-A  = C+D         then choose any A, B so that A + B = E

[4]  AB  /  A  =   B                C + D = (AB - A - B) / 2    [I-4]
      -     +      +                   A and B are both even.
      C  +  D  =   C+D 
    AB-C - A+D = B+C+D

[5]  A  x  B  =   AB                C = (AxB) - A - B    [I-2]
     +     +       +                          2   

   C+D  -  C  =    D                  A or B are both even

 A+C+D  + B+C = AB + D              (a slight variant of [4])

[6]   A x  B  =   AB               
      +    +       -
      C x  D  =   CD           
(B-1)(A-1) = (C+1)(D+1)    [I-3]
    A+C + B+D = AB - CD

[7] AB /   A =  B                For *** to fit both equations,
     +     -    x                   
D = A x B x (C-1)      [I-1]
    CD /   D =  C                         (B+1) x C
   *** / A-D = BC

[8]  A +  CD =    A + CD            (A-1) x (B-1) = (C-1) x (D-1)   [I-21]
     x     /        +
     B -   C =    B - C       
    AB +   D =  A + B + CD - C

Minimal Interlocking Equations

    OR +  T = UP            I-21
     +    +    +     
(2 words, 0-9)
     A +  Y = OP
    US + OR = EM

The smallest ideal set of interlocking equations (with the largest number as small as possible) I've been able to construct is the puzzle above.

Magic Squares

Standard methods for creating 4x4 and 5x5 squares can be found in sources listed in the Bibliography. There is only one basic 3x3 square (with numbers 1-9): all solutions are rotations and/or reflections.   An NxN square can be multiplied by a constant value and another constant value added to vary the range and difference.  Most of the 4x4's herein were made by adding constants to each of the two squares below, multiplying each by different constants, and adding the two products together.  Constants used for many of the Q's herein are given in the solutions.

1 4 2 3      4 2 1 3
3 2 4 1      1 3 4 2
4 1 3 2      3 1 2 4
2 3 1 4      2 4 3 1
 Latin1       Latin2

Computing LDA tables

The tables used in leading digit analysis are not hard to construct for a particular base, given the corresponding multiplication table.  Either a whole table can be constructed, or individual values can be calculated on the fly,  Let's see how.

For short products, the table has entries for X (single digit) and Y (leading digit of long number) only when the product of X and Y is less than the base (for example, base 10 has values for anything times 1, 2 x 2, 2 x 3, 2 x 4, and 3 x 3).   The range of values runs from X x Y to one less than X x (Y + 1); for example, the maximum value for 3//2 is 8, one less than the minimum value (9) for 3x3.  If there are no values for the next value of Y (X x Y is larger than the base), the maximum value is 1 less than the base.  Examples:

(a) Base 10, single digit 6, long number beginning in 1.   Minimum value is 6 x 1 = 6.  There are no values for 6//2, since 6 x 2 > 10, so the maximum value for 6//1 is 9; the entry is 6789.
(b) Base 10, single digit 3, long number beginning in 2.   Minimum value is 3 x 2 = 6.   Minimum value for 3//3 is 9, so the maximum value for 3//2 is 8; the entry is 678.
(c) Base 11, single digit 5, long number beginning in 2.   Minimum value is 5 x 2 = a (ten in base 11).   There are no values for 5//3, since 5 x 3 > 11, but a is already one less than the base; the entry is a.
(d) Base 13, single digit 4, long number beginning in 2.   Minimum value is 4 x 2 = 8.   Minimum value for 4//3 is c (twelve in base 10), so the maximum value for 4//2 is b (eleven in base 10); the entry is 89ab.

For long products, each table entry is either one or two digits.  First put down the tens digit of the corresponding multiplication. Now check the product for the next higher leading digit (immediately to the right in the multiplication table). If the tens digit of this product is one larger than what you have already put down, and the product does not end in zero, put that digit down behind it.  Note that there is no entry in the long product table for A (single digit) and B (leading digit of long number) unless the product of A and B + 1 is greater than the base.

Base 10 Examples:

(1) single digit 6, long number beginning in 4.    6 x 4 = 24; put down 2. 6 x 5 = 30, ends in 0, so the entry is 2.
(2) single digit 7, long number beginning in 8.    7 x 8 = 56, put down 5. 7 x 9 = 63, put down 6; the entry is 56.
(3) single digit 4, long number beginning in 3.    4 x 3 = 12, put down 1. 4 x 4 = 16 (same digit); the entry is 1.
(4) single digit 6, long number beginning in 1.    6 x 1 = 6, put down nothing. 6 x 2 = 12; the entry is 1.
(5) single digit 3, long number beginning in 2.    3 x 2 = 6, put down nothing. 3 x 3 = 9; the entry is blank.

More examples:

(6) base 11, single digit 7, long number beginning in 2.  7 x 2 = 13; put down 1.   7 x 3 = 1a (same digit); the entry is 1.
(7) base 12, single digit 5, long number beginning in 7.   5 x 7 = 2a; put down 2.  5 x 8 = 34, put down 3; the entry is 23.
(8) base 13, single digit 8, long number beginning in a.   8 x a = 62; put down 6.  8 x b = 6a (same digit); the entry is 6.

Puzzle Virtuoso has an LDA Table function (Cryptarithm module) to automatically generate LDA tables for any base up to 30.

Ideal Doubly True Cryptarithms (besides Additions)

In 1988, WGR Contest Eight asked for a doubly true multiplication in any operation except addition.   Leonard Gordon submitted the sole entry in January 1990, the problem below.  His problem does include one addition, but it is an excellent discovery, and I awarded him the contest prize (he selected Hugh ApSimon's Mathematical Byways in Ayling, Beeling, and Ceiling).   Len submitted it without partial products [the solution to (FOUR x NINE) + FIVE = FORTYONE is unique], but I added the first and last letters (and a mixed keyword) to make it reasonable to solve by hand, and it was published in WGR11 (June 1992, page 7):

     FOUR    M-841  (L. Gordon)
   x NINE  (2 words, 6548317920)
+    FIVE

Almost Doubly True (some near misses)

     FOUR  M-92       THREE  M-107*
   x FOUR          x    SIX
     SXON            RHHXNN
   FXTRO            OTRRIS
  FIFSE            ETHIER 
FOUR             EISHTEEN

I have experimented with searching for doubly true multiplications, but have yet to find a perfect one in English other than the well-known TWO x SIX = TWELVE.   M-92 misses being a perfect ideal doubly true by one letter or one digit.   M-107 is incomplete; G represents the missing digit, which of course I wanted in the product instead of S.  Computer solvers confirm that FOUR x FOUR = SIXTEEN and THREE x SIX = EIGHTEEN have no possible solutions in base 10.   A near miss division can be seen as problem D-32; I could not get the remainder to come out (TWO is too many letters; II didn't work).

Foreign Languages

     SEDM     M-842
   x  DVA   
(3 words, 8315427069)


Here's one that works in Czech (7 x 2 =14), if you drop the diacritic marks (14 in Czech is čtrnáct).   The English keywords include an abbreviation.

Doubly True Roman Numerals

     x XI              

An incomplete multiplication cryptarithm, which appeared in WGR8.  Of course the partial products are not doubly true in Roman numerals.   The inspiration for this puzzle was a clever doubly true addition, problem 5-20 (p. 68) in Cryptarithms by Andree and Andree.  Other similar problems have also been published.  The solution (no keyword) is near the end of Appendix 5.

A note on combinations and computer solving

It is stated in numerous sources that solving a complete cryptarithm by computer in base 10 requires analyzing 10! = 3,628,800 combinations.   For the vast majority of problems, this is not even close to being true.   Even a very simple algorithm for solving a two-addend addition can solve from right to left, trying possible values for the digits of the addends, then computing the sum of each column directly, moving column by column to the left.   Let's look at Challenge Puzzle Z-2, a very difficult addition, AGLOW + ALONE = ROPED.   We try 9 cases for W and 8 for E (neither can be zero, and E cannot have the same value as W), and calculate D directly for each W/E pair.  For each of the 72 cases we try 7 values for O and 6 for N (skipping those used for W/E/D, but allowing zero again), computing E and comparing it to the test value already assigned to E.  Most of these cases will disappear.   For each W/E/D/O/N combination remaining we try the 5 values which remain for L, computing P directly and removing cases with duplicate values.  Next we try the 3 remaining cases for G, computing O and checking against its assigned value.  For any cases remaining, we try the two values for A and compute R.    In all we needed to try only 9 x 8 x 7 x 6 x 5 x 3 x 2 = 90,720 potential cases, the vast majority of which finish early: in fact the Puzzle Virtuoso solver only tried 4874 cases for this puzzle, a tiny fraction of 10!.   Additions with multiple addends, and problems in higher bases will increase this number: Z-12 tried 46,035 cases, and the duodecimal Z-13 tried 311,454, an even tinier fraction of the 479,001,600 theoretical combinations in base 12.   Anton Pavlis' 41-addend problem took over 3 million of the 10! combinations, but this is an outlier.

Appendix 1: An Annotated Bibliography


The best source of cryptarithms in terms of quantity, quality, and variety is The Cryptogram (published bimonthly by the American Cryptogram Association; membership is $18 per year).  It publishes 90 or so cryptarithms a year (usually 16 problems per issue, plus a few extras, though one or two per issue are word sudokus rather than cryptarithms), ranging from additions to double-key divisions.  It is the only source I know that currently publishes square and cube roots, magic squares, double-key problems and cryptarithms in bases other than 10.  The entire run of the magazine (updated every five years) in PDF format is available to ACA members: a treasure trove that is closing on 6000 cryptarithm puzzles.

Some variety puzzle magazines (such as Dell Math & Logic Problems), which can be found on most newsstands, include cryptarithms.  A typical issue of Math & Logic Problems contains 45 divisions, under the title Word Arithmetic.  Dell's puzzles all have coherent dividend, divisor, quotient, and keyword, and are somewhat harder to compose than some of the divisions found in The Cryptogram (D-7 and a few other divisions herein follow that standard).  Occasionally additions and multiplications are also seen.  Most of Dell's divisions tend to be on the easy side, with values of 0 and 1 obvious in many problems.

The British magazine Tough Puzzles (still published) used to feature several types of cryptarithms, including incoherent multiplications by Jack Stubbington under the title Trying Times; I do not know if it still does (a recent issue I saw had no cryptarithms).  Games World of Puzzles (originally Games) also has occasional cryptarithms (see also the article by B. Upton-Rowley, "The Logical Cure For Digititis", in Games, March/April 1980).   Word Ways, the premier journal of recreational linguistics, is available online at the Butler College Digital Commons.  The current editor is Jeremiah Farrell.   Numerous articles on alphametics have been published there, including a regular column by Steven Kahan between 2015 and 2019.    Crux Mathematicorum, a Canadian publication, is also available online, courtesy of the Canadian Mathematical Society, and has published cryptarithms occasionally.

Several other magazines which published cryptarithms regularly are no longer being published.  The Journal of Recreational Mathematics (published quarterly by Baywood until 2014: the last issue was Volume 38, Number 2) published about 12 alphametics per issue, mostly additions.  Some of the problems (usually one an issue) were giant problems with ten or more addends.   Its predecessor, Recreational Mathematics Magazine, also published alphametics: the complete collection of these has been republished in a book by Charles Ashbacher (see below).   Cryptography, published bimonthly, had in each issue two dozen or so interlocking equations by Rocky Da Monduelli, under the title Cryptequations.   Puzzletopia published a number of miniature hidden cryptarithms by Dr. Ohkoma in issue 1 in 1985 (see Appendix 6 for two examples), a monster hidden cryptarithm by T. Kato in the issue 2 in 1987, and various alphametics in other issues.

Four-Star Puzzler featured a variety of cryptarithms, including hidden cryptarithms by B. Upton-Rowley under the title Digititis (nine issues), interlocking equations by Thomas K. Brown under the title Balanced Equations (issues 20, 22, and 27), and other cryptarithms by Sidney Kravitz, Mike Shenk, and others.   It was published by Games Magazine from January 1981 through August 1983 (32 issues).  It initially ran 12 pages, increasing to 16 pages beginning in January 1982.   Recreational Computing published a column on cryptarithms by John Davenport Crehore (ACA member Nine Hex), which ran for six issues during 1979 and 1980, with problems for solution either by hand or by computer.  Hints were given for many puzzles, and solutions appeared in the next issue.  Crehore earlier had a column called Cryptorithms in Mechanix Illustrated in 1941-1942.   All of the issues in both of his columns can be downloaded or read online at; see Other Articles below for details.

New Scientist (still published) included a puzzle for most of its history until December 21, 2013.   These originally appeared under the title Tantalizer (by Martin Hollis), later as simply Puzzle (by Eric Emmet, author of several puzzle books under his initials  E.R. Emmet (see below)), and finally as Enigma (by various contributors).   Over 2300 puzzles were published in all: a fair number of these were cryptarithms, ranging from completely hidden to conventional incoherent ones without keywords.   Some of Emmet's puzzles are notable as possibly the first examples of Topless Divisions: he gives the full dividends, so there is one more addition to work with, but the principle is the same.   Early incomplete examples appeared as Enigma 9 on April 19, 1979 and Enigma 41 on November 29, 1979; the first completes were Enigma 206, New Scientist 1352, April 7, 1983 and Enigma 380, New Scientist 1529, October 9, 1986.   He also had two incomplete multiplications with only the multiplicands missing (Enigma 263, New Scientist 1410, and Enigma 385, New Scientist 1534).  Both of these share the feature that the letters of the multiplier appear in the additions in such a way that a variation of the Hubbuber trick can be used to solve them quickly.   There are also examples of single-digit multiplications (easy incompletes) and additions with four addends.   Jim Randell's Enigmatic Code website has details on most of the New Scientist problems.

Solving Methods

Andree, Josephine and Richard V. Andree -- Cryptarithms, 178 pages, paperback, 1978, Mu Alpha Theta (University of Oklahoma, Norman), no ISBN, $4
First in a series of five mini-courses on Problem Solving and Logical Thinking.  Perhaps the finest general book on cryptarithms:
it contains a larger stock of problems than any other printed book, well over 200, including lots of hidden as well as conventional cryptarithms. It also explains quite a lot about solving methods, and includes some useful tables.  It also discusses composing in some detail, as well as the use of computers.  It also includes a bibliography.  It appears to be out of print, but can be found used.

Dell Publishing -- How To Solve Word Arithmetic/Word Math, 3 pages, PDF
The original version, 6 pages, first published in 1949, was available by mail.

Lynch, Frederick D. -- An Approach to Cryptarithms, 24 pages, paperback,  n.d., no ISBN, $3
Winter, Jack -- Solving Cryptarithms, 28 pages, paperback, 1984, American Cryptogram Association, no ISBN
The two best books on solving methods, available to ACA members as PDFs on the CD-ROM of Publications for $15.   Although they are thin volumes, both are packed with useful techniques, tables, and examples. Lynch is more detailed on basic technique, but Winter has coverage of more powerful techniques.

Nichols, Randall K. (Lanaki) -- Classical Cryptography Course (Vols. 1 and 2), Aegean Park Press, 1998, 313pp. and 464pp., paperback, ISBNs 978-0894122637 and
Out of print; available to ACA members as Crypto Lessons and Tutorials by Lanaki.   24 detailed lessons on various kinds of cryptograms.   Lectures 8, 14, and 18 consist of a three-part Introduction to Cryptarithms by Gerhard D. Linz (Ledge).

Collections of Cryptarithm Problems

Ashbacher, Charles -- Alphametics as Expressed in Recreational Mathematics Magazine, 2015, self-published, 42pp., paperback, ISBN 978-1508538134
Recreational Mathematics Magazine, published from February 1961 to January-February 1964 (14 issues in all) was the forerunner of The Journal of Recreational Mathematics.  It was founded and edited by Joseph S. Madachy, several of whose books are also included in the bibliography.   This book is a complete collection of the more than 60 (mostly) alphametics which appeared in RMM.   Most of the non-addition puzzles are partially hidden cryptarithms, and there are two completely hidden ones.  Solutiuons to all of the puzzles are included.

Brooke, Maxey -- 150 Puzzles in Crypt-Arithmetic, 1963, Dover, 72 pp., paperback, ISBN 0-486-21039-1
154 problems and solutions, many of them from The Sphinx.  Methods are outlined for solving the first 46.  About half of the problems are partially hidden.   A good source for solving methods, particularly for hidden cryptarithms.

van der Elsen, Jack -- Alphametics, Cijferen met Woorden, 1999, Shaker Publishing B.V., 59 pages (PDF), ISBN 90-243-0084-1 [Dutch]
This is listed in several bibliographies and I looked for it for many years, finally buying a PDF copy directly from the publisher for 3 Euros (it is also available in paperback).  It is described as a dissertation; I don't know if that means for a university degree.   Small collection of addition alphametics with detailed solutions, including some discussion of modulo arithmetic, repeated decimals, and solving by computer.   Only one of the included puzzles is ideal, a well-known doubly true problem.

Jain, Hitesh Tikamchand -- ABC of Cryptarithmetic, 2017, All India Ramanujan Maths Club, 81pp., Kindle, ISBN 978-93-5311-257-8, $1.50
Collection of problems with solutions (mostly additions, but other types mixed in including multiplications and hiddens), and basic techniques.

Have Some Sums To Solve  At Last  Take A Look

Kahan, Steven -- Have Some Sums To Solve, June 1978, Baywood, 114+14 pp., paperback, ISBN 0-89503-007-1
Kahan, Steven -- At Last!!! Encoded Totals Second Addition, July 1994, Baywood, 123+14 pp., paperback, ISBN 0-89503-171-X
Kahan, Steven -- Take A Look At A Good Book, July 1996, Baywood, 121+8 pp., paperback, ISBN 0-85903-142-6

Steven Kahan, the long time Alphametics editor for The Journal of Recreational Mathematics (and later for Word Ways), published three collections of problems from JRM.  Have Some Sums To Solve (Baywood, 1978) has only 40 problems, but they are good ones, including 20 ideal doubly true alphametics (the book title itself is an alphametic, as are the titles of the two sequels).  Kahan gives some general hints on solving in the preface, then gives an excellent directed approach to solving each problem, suggesting a means of attack without filling in all the details.  This allows the stumped solver to have another crack at a problem, and helps beginners learn good solving techniques (most of these are multiple addend additions).   Solutions are given in a separate section.   The two sequels, At Last!! Encoded Totals Second Addition (1994), and Take A Look At A Good Book (1996), follow the same format, and also include a variety of interesting general puzzles and number curiosities.

Rea, Cyrus F. -- Cryptodigits, Volume 1, 2015, Klooto Games, 96 pp., paperback, ISBN 978-1516819737, $7.15
200 original addition and multiplication cryptarithms, all incomplete, unkeyed, and incoherent: I only counted four problems which contain even nine of the ten digits.  These are mostly miniatures: I didn't see any problems with a sum or product longer than six digits.  Many of the additions have three (and occasionally four) addends.   For the first 150 puzzles, blank crosstables are provided which show which digits are present (the same information is provided for the remaining 50 puzzles in a hints section).  A second hint (the value of one letter) is also available for each puzzles, and there is a section with full solutions.  The book is published in large format (three puzzles per page), with room to fill in solutions.  I like the format of the book, but would prefer to see ideal puzzles with keywords at least.   No second volume has appeared to date.

Sachar, Louis -- Sideways Arithmetic From Wayside School, 1989, Scholastic, 89 pp., paperback, ISBN 978-0-590-45726-2, $5.99
Children's story of a strange school.  The first four chapters present 24 alphametic problems for solution, including hints and answers.  The remainder of the book contains various kinds of logic problems.
Sachar, Louis -- More Sideways Arithmetic From Wayside School, 1994, Scholastic,
94 pp., paperback, ISBN 978-0-590-47762-8, $5.99
Sequel to the previous book.  The first ten chapters present 29 more alphametic problems for solution, including clues (directed methods of solution), hints (one correct value for each problem) and answers.   Only a few of the problems are ideals.

Mahmoha, Mme -- Numbers Behind Letters, 150 Fanny [sic] Cryptarithm Puzzles, Alpham3tic Puzzles With Solutions, 2021, self-published, unnumbered (165 pp.), paperback, ISBN 9798481279497, $6.66
Print-on-demand collection of 154 thematic addition cryptarithms (alphametics).  Each puzzle appears on one page with a crosstable to keep track of possible values for each letter.  More than half of the puzzles are incomplete (less than 10 letters); many have values assigned to one of more letters (sometimes to avoid multiple solutions).   The difficulty ratings (1 to 5 stars) are unreliable: the last puzzle, number 154, is rated 5 stars, but can be solved with direct entry.   Probably many were found using search programs, which can generate hundreds of puzzles from thematic word lists; a few of the puzzles have appeared in other sources which were independently generated the same way.   The introduction claims, without evidence, that the alphametic puzzle "seems to have been well known in India and China at least 1,000 years ago".

General puzzle collections which include cryptarithms

Some of these are still in print, available from Dover Publications.   There are many general puzzle books which have a few cryptarithms included: I have omitted most of these if only numerical answers are given, without detailed explanations.

Averbach, Bonnie, and Orin Chein -- Problem Solving Through Recreational Mathematics, 1980 W.H. Freeman, 2000, Dover, 458 pp., paperback, 0-486-40917-1
Chapter 5, More About Numbers, Bases, and Cryptarithmetic, pp. 145-172, covers the fundamentals of base conversion and computation, followed by a very short section on cryptarithms, analyzing SEND + MORE = MONEY and a mostly hidden cryptarithm from The Sphinx.  Pages 169-172 contain 64 sample problems.

Ball, W.W. Rouse, and H.S.M. Coxeter -- Mathematical Recreations and Essays, Thirteenth Edition, 1987, Dover, 418pp., paperback, 978-0-486-25357-0, $18.95
Wide-ranging collection of mathematical puzzles, originally published in 1892, and
still in print. has a digital copy of the Fourth Edition from 1905; has the Sixth Edition from 1914.  Brief section on Arithmetic Restorations, pp. 20-27, includes several hidden cryptarithms by W.E.H. Berwick (including the Seven Sevens problem) and others, and an incomplete cryptic division published in The Strand Magazine in 1921.  

Degrazia, Joseph -- Math Tricks Brain Twisters & Puzzles -- 1954, Bell, 0-517-336499 (originally Math is Fun, 1948, Emerson)
Chapter III (Faded Documents) gives a detailed solution of the Seven Sevens hidden cryptarithm, and a selection of additional ones (a few completely hidden) for solving.   Chapter IV (Cryptograms [sic]) includes 8 cryptarithms, and 8 interlocking equations.

Dudeney, Henry Ernest -- 536 Puzzles and Curious Problems, 428 pages, paperback, 1967, Scribners', ISBN 0-684-71755-7, $14.95
Included only because it is a large collection of general puzzles by one of the greatest puzzlers.   The section on cryptarithms is lackluster, with a small number each of hidden and regular cryptarithms (Skeleton Puzzles,
puzzles 144-150 (pp. 43-46); Cryptarithm Puzzles, puzzles 151-159 (pp. 47-50)).

Emmet, E.R. -- Puzzles For Pleasure, 1972, Emerson, 310pp., hardback, ISBN 0-517-24313X
Collection of 102 logic and arithmetic puzzles.  Part 6, Silence or Deceit, Some Missing and Some Incorrect Digits, pp. 83-94, includes five hidden cryptarithms and five digimetic variations, in which some or all digits are incorrect.  Full step-by-step solutions are provided.

Emmet, E.R. -- 101 Brain Puzzlers, 1967, 1970, 1973, Barnes and Noble, 154 pp., paperback, ISBN 06-463368-3 (hardback by Emerson, 1968, under the title Brain Puzzler's Delight)
101 more puzzles, including 19 more Missing Digits problems
(Parts 3 and 4, pp. 25-42): all but one of them are hidden cryptarithms; a few are in base 2 (binary) and other bases.   A good source of solving methods.

Holzamer, Peter -- Kreuzzahlenrätsel und Zahlenknobeleien, 1994, Verlag Harri Deutsch, 182pp., paperback, ISBN 3-8171-1321-8 [German]
Title translates to Cross Number Puzzles and Numerical Cunning.   The second section (p. 113-145) includes over 100 cryptarithms, mostly addition alphametics.  None of the puzzles I checked are ideal; most are incomplete and have multiple solutions (hundreds in some cases): the solution section only gives one possible solution for most of the puzzles.   Hard to find and hardly worth the trouble.

Hunter, J.A.H. (James Alston Hope) -- Challenging Mathematical Teasers, 1980, Dover, 101pp., ISBN 978-0486238524
Includes 40 alphametics,
by the inventor of the term.

Hunter, J.A.H. -- Entertaining Mathematical Teasers and How to Solve Them, 1983, Dover, 109pp., paperback, ISBN 978-0486245003
Alphametics (pp.89-95) includes 40 more puzzles.

Hunter, J.A.H. -- Hunter's Math Brain Teasers, 1965, Bantam, 147pp., paperback
Alphametics (pp. 117-129).

Hunter, J.A.H., and Joseph S. Madachy -- Mathematical Diversions, 1963, 1975, Dover, 178 pp., paperback, ISBN 0-486-23110-0
Chapter 9, Alphametics and the Like (pp.90-95) has a small selection of alphametic puzzles, with solutions on pp. 129-130, and full explanations of solving methods on pp. 130-146.   Out of print, but inexpensive copies are easy to find.

Kraitchik, Maurice -- Mathematical Recreations, Second Edition, 1953, Dover, 330pp., paperback, ISBN 0-486-20163-5, $18.95
Originally published in 1942; still in print.  Brief section on Cryptarithmetic, pp. 79-83, mostly hidden and partially hidden.   His comments are odd: he mentions The Sphinx and Vatriquant's coining of the term cryptarithmie, but then says: "...problems of this sort were known earlier, and there are better examples in "La Mathematique des Jeux" (1930).  Here are two: ".   He quotes two problems published in 1929 in the Belgian chess magazine L'Echiquer, both hidden cryptarithms using chess pieces to represent the unknown digits.   The book he mentions is actually his own:  La mathématique des jeux ou Récréations mathématiques, Paris: Vuibert, 1930, 566 pages (note that this was published shortly before The Sphinx began).  Then he praises Pigeolet, one of The Sphinx editors, and gives six of his problems.   It sounds like he admired Pigeolet much more than he did Vatriquant.   It turns out that Kraitchik was the editor-in-chief of The Sphinx, and Pigeolet was the cryptarithm editor.

Knuth, Donald E. -- The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 4A, Combinatorial Algorithms, Part 1, 2014, Addison-Wesley, 912 pp., hardback, ISBN 978-0-201-03804-0, $79.99
Discussion of algorithms for computer solution of alphametics on pp. 324-325 and 332-333.   A number of problems are presented (21-31 and 34, pp. 346-347, solutions pp. 706-707), mostly additions; some of these have computations on both sides of the equal sign.    Also includes some pandigital puzzles (see the book's index).

Langman, Harry -- Play Mathematics, 1962, Hafner, 216pp., hardback
I bought a very battered, dirt-cheap copy of this.  It includes chapters on Letter Divisions (pp. 52-62) and Skeleton Divisions (pp. 63-69)  Several regular and hidden cryptarithms are analyzed, and more than 50 additional problems are given (including rarely seen hidden square roots), but there do not seem to be any solutions included!   On pages 52-54, he analyzes an easy division in great detail, pointing out almost everywhere there is a clue and constructing a nearly complete greater-than-less-than chain. The section on Magic Number Arrangements (pp. 70-106) does not mention cryptarithms, but is a good survey of magic squares and many other shapes with magic properties.  It also includes more than 100 problems, but again without solutions.   I wonder if this was originally meant as a student guide, with a teacher's edition (with solutions) published separately.   It was reprinted in paperback in 2012, but that edition is the same length as my copy.

Lewis, Frank (R. Masterton) -- Problem Solving, Part One, 1989,  Nation's Best Puzzles, 112 pages, paperback, $9.95
The section on cryptarithms, pp. 66-72, gives step-by-step solutions for a division and a square root; a multiplication is included in the supplemental problems.

Madachy, Joseph S. -- Madachy's Mathematical Recreations, 1966, 1979, 2018, Dover, 253pp., paperback, ISBN 0-486-23762-1 and 978-0486825076, $12.95
Chapter 7, Alphametics, pp. 178-200.  The author was editor-in-chief of The Journal of Recreational Mathematics as well as its predecessor, Recreational Mathematics Magazine.   Originally titled Mathematics on Vacation; I own the 1979 edition.  Still in print from Dover, now under the title Mystifying Mathematical Puzzles: Golden Spheres, Squared Eggs and Other Brainteasers.

Schuh, Fred. -- The Master Book of Mathematical Recreations, 1968, Dover, 430pp., paperback, ISBN 0-486-22134-2, $14.95
Originally published in 1943.   Chapter IV: Number Systems concerns number systems in other bases.  Hidden cryptarithms appear on page 287 and 315-322.   Still in print.

Selinker, Mike and Thomas Snyder -- Puzzle Craft, 2013, Puzzlewright, 192 pp., spiralbound paperback,
ISBN 978-1-4027-7924-4, $9.95
Chapter 3A: Number Logic Puzzles, ends with the section Crafting a Word Division (pp. 129-131), a short description of a trial-and error method of composing division cryptarithms of the Dell type (keyword 0-9, coherent dividend, divisor, and quotient), with four easy examples given.

Singmaster, David -- Problems for Metagrobologists, 2015, World Scientific, 248pp., hardback, ISBN 978-981-4663-63-2, $58.00
Chapter 6, Alphametics, pp. 39-46, contains 17 problems, including a hidden division, several incomplete additions (most of which have multiple solutions), and several pandigital problems.   Not recommended, despite the renown of the author in the field of twisting puzzles.

Smith, David Eugene -- Number Stories of Long Ago, 1919, Ginn and Company, 136 + 14 pp.
Pages 111-112 include two keyed (though incomplete) puzzles: one has two multiplications, the other two divisions.  Both are very easy.

Wylie Jr., C.R. -- 101 Puzzles in Thought and Logic, 1957, Dover, unnumbered, paperback
17 regular and hidden cryptarithms (problems 84, and 86-101); the rest are conventional logic puzzles.   Brief introduction to solving methods.


Cryptarithms and Alphametics: Create and Solve -- G. Resta's excellent puzzle site includes two useful cryptarithm apps: one will search for a word which produces a puzzle with unique solution, given two input words and any of the four basic operations.   Another is a powerful and flexible solver for cryptarithms, able to handle multiple (base 10) equations involving the four simple operations plus exponentation and inequalities.   He also has a page which generates random Arithmogriphs (interlocking equations using colored symbols).   There is also an anagram generator.

Notable articles in The Cryptogram

Listed in chronological order:

Cryptox -- Random Notes on Cryptarithm Formulae, The Cryptogram, June-July 1950, p. 57
Solutions to multiplication patterns of the form XXX x Y = ZZZZ, with various combinations of letters.  [There are a couple of minor errors: ACA x D = ABCD and ACA x E = ABCD each have three solutions, not two, but considering that the article was published in 1950, he most likely computed his examples by hand.]   Cryptox mentions using this method to solve
problem C-3 by Bubbles from ON49, though that is an easy puzzle which doesn't require any complex methods (but see the next item).

Film-D -- Greater-Than-Less-Than Diagram for Cryptarithms, The Cryptogram, December 1951-January 1952, pp. 156-157
Simple graphical method for keeping track of < > relationships in cryptarithms.   Also analyzes problem C-3 by Bubbles from ON49; this is a good example of greater-than-less-than analysis, although ON49 C-3 can be solved quickly by sorting odd and even digits, which also gives the value of zero.

Fiddle -- Theory of the Duplicated Digital Figure, The Cryptogram, June-July 1953, pp. 27-29.
Detailed analysis of additions and multiplications where one or more of the letters is repeated in any column.   The first inklings of Leading Digit Analysis appear here.   Much of this material later appeared in his booklet (see above).

Fiddle -- Solution of a Very Difficult Cryptarithm, The Cryptogram, July-August 1961, pp.126-128
In analyzing a double-key multiplication (C-10 from MA61), Frederick Lynch produced the table of leading digits for long products in base 10.  Before knowing of Lynch's work (it does not appear in his booklet or any others I've seen), I worked out the same table more than a quarter-century later.

Fiddle -- A Special Situation in Cryptarithms, The Cryptogram, March-April 1962, p. 93
More details on long products where the multiplicand and product start with the same letter, giving possible values in base 10 for the second digits of both, depending on the multiplier digit.

ABC -- Adventures in Cryptarithms (Or Through The Digital Maze With Gun And Camera), The Cryptogram, July-August 1963, pp.130-131
Analysis of a division with a three-digit dividend and divisor.

Fire-O -- A Tool for Cryptarithmaticians: Multiplicative Structures, The Cryptogram, May-June 1970, pp. 45 (front cover), 47, 63
Analysis of chains of last digits of multiplications.   Also described in Crotalus's book.   Fire-O gives his own sample problem, and also suggests that the method can be used on his C-10 from MA61 (the same problem attacked by Fiddle using leading digits in his JA61 article).

Crotalus -- A Cryptarithm Observation by Hubbuber, The Cryptogram, November-December 1973, p.127
Brief note about Hubbuber's trick of finding extra additions (also described in Crotalus's book).

Pit -- Cryptarithmic Crutch, The Cryptogram, July-August 1980, page 75
Table of all values for two internal additions of the form A + B = C and A + C = D, with all possible carries.

Crotalus -- Make Your Own Arithmetic Tables in Other Bases, The Cryptogram, May-June 1989, pp. 3-5, 31
Shows how to construct addition, multiplication, and multiplicative structure tables in other bases; includes them for base 13.

Fomalhaut -- Leading Digit Analysis for Cryptarithms, The Cryptogram, July-August 1991, pp.8-9
Explanation of leading digit analysis for both short and long products, with two solved examples, and tables for bases 10, 11, and 12.

Apex Dx (and Crotalus) -- Solving SO98 C-Sp-1, The Cryptogram, January-February 1999, page 5
Two of the ACA's cryptarithm experts gave their methods for solving my Topless Division (C-Sp-1, SO98).

Apex Dx -- Master of the Cryptarithm Remembered, The Cryptogram, September-October 2005, pp. 4-5.
An assortment of puzzles by Hano, selected by Apex Dx.   A couple of these are found in the Mu Alpha Theta article below, but most are not.

GGMA -- Rapid Solving of Cube Roots by a Pattern Method,
The Cryptogram, November-December 2007, pp. 4-6.
Excel spreadsheet functions to allow searching for patterns in partial powers.  Includes two base 15 problems, a cube root and a fourth root.

Fomalhaut -- Solving AC-1035, The Cryptogram, September-October 2014, pp. 4-5.
My analysis of a difficult set of base 19 cryptarithms (three additions and a multiplication with a single key) by Apex Dx in the JF13 issue, which appeared in the Analyst Corner rather than as a Cryptarithm special.   The table of possibilities on page 5, unfortunately, is incomplete, missing a few cases.

Fomalhaut -- Finding One in Square Roots, The Cryptogram, November-December 2014, p.8
My explanation of the principle of flush-left remainders in square root cryptarithms.    Includes a base 13 square root as an example to be solved.

Other Articles

Crehore, J. D. -- Cryptorithms, Mechanix Illustrated, November 1941 (Vol. 27, Num.7) through May 1942 (Vol. 28, Num. 1)
Column by ACA member Nine Hex, oddly subtitled "The New Crossword Fad in Figures" with two 1-0 keyed problems per issue and hints for solution.   The problems (designated Addicrypts, Multicrypts, Subtracrypts, and Divicrypts) are all quite easy, and a few are marred by errors (typos, incorrect quotient/remainder, incompleteness).    Some of the problems and keys have military themes.   Of historical interest only (note the alternate spelling cryptorithms); all issues are available at Internet Archive.

Crehore, John Davenport [as Jack Crehore in later issues] -- Cryptarithms, Recreational Computing, July-August 1979 (Volume 8, Number 1, Issue 40) through July-August 1980 (Volume 9, Number 1, Issue 46)
Another column by ACA member Nine Hex, almost four decades after
(and considerably better than) his first, with original problems for solution.    Internet Archive has copies of the various issues.

Ewbank, William A. --
Cryptarithms: Math Made Me Daft, Momma, Mathematics Teacher, v81 n1, pp.54-60, Jan 1988

Gardner, Martin -- Wheels, Life, and Other Mathematical Amusements, 1983, W. H. Freeman, ISBN 0-7167-1588-0
Chapter 16, Problem 7 gives several pandigital puzzles (pages 179-180).

Keith, Mike -- "Wide Alphametics", Word Ways, 2006, Volume 38, Issue 2
Cryptarithms including up to 13-letter words.

Kotani, Yoshiyuki -- Kotani's Number Puzzles: Can Computers Create?, 2004, Sixth Gathering For Gardner, 24pp., handout
Computer-generated catalog of 900 hidden cryptarithm multiplications with unique solutions, from 2x2 up to 4x4 multiplications.  Solutions included.

Kravitz, Sidney -- Alphametic Number 1544, A Special Digimetic, Journal of Recreational Mathematics, Volume 19, number 2, page 145, 1987.
A digimetic with a very unusual property.

Mu Alpha Theta -- The Mathematical Log, Volume 33 Number 1, February 1989
Pages 3 and 4 include an article by Don Allen (ACA member Apex Dx) called Cryptarithm Challenges, which includes a brief introduction to the subject, and then presents 20 variety cryptarithms by Henning Orlando (ACA member Hano), a master constructor of cryptarithms.   The problems range from additions and square roots to magic squares and trigonometric functions!  This delightful article is archived in PDF format on Mu Alpha Theta's website.  

Newman, James R, ed -- The World of Mathematics, Volume 4, 1956, Simon and Schuster, 2535 pp. total
W.E.H. Berwick's problem The Seven Seven's is presented on pp. 2444-2448, with two separate detailed solutions.

Shenk, Mike --
"Continental Divide", The Four-Star Puzzler, May 1982 (number 17, puzzle 41, page 13)
This puzzle directly inspired D-26.

Upton-Rowley, B. -- "The Logical Cure For Digititis", Games, March/April 1980, page 22

Yoshigahara, Nob, ed. -- Puzzle World, 1992, Ishi Press International, 64 pages.
Intended to be a regular publication, but the premier issue was also the only issue.   It includes many alphametics.

Magic Squares
Andrews, W.S. -- Magic Squares and Cubes, 1917, 1960, Dover, 419pp., paperback, ISBN 0-486-20658-0, $5.00

Benson, William H., and Oswald Jacoby -- New Recreations With Magic Squares, 1976, Dover, 198pp., paperback, ISBN 0-486-23236-0, $4.00
Benson, William H., and Oswald Jacoby -- Magic Cubes, New Recreations, 1981, Dover, 142pp., paperback, ISBN 0-486-24140-8, $4.00
Moran, Jim -- The Wonders of Magic Squares, 1982, Vintage, 227pp., paperback, ISBN 0-394-74798-4, $5.95

Other Bases
The Dozenal Society of America
Non-profit organization for the promotion of base 12, founded in 1944 as the Duodecimal Society of America (there is also a British counterpart). Their website has many interesting articles, in PDF format, on notation, as well as calculation, in base 12 (see below).   There is also an archive of back issues of The Duodecimal Bulletin.

Magic Numerals

Haas, Victor E. -- The Magic Numerals of Ali Khayyam, The New Mathematics Made Easy, 1965, Macrae Smith, 155 pp., hardback
Entertaining children's story about a young boy who wins a round-the-world trip in a breakfast cereal sweepstakes.  The trip leads to a series of adventures (including a shipwreck and being kidnapped by pirates) in which Ali learns to do arithmetic in base 2, 5, 8, and 12.   I first learned about bases as a child by reading this book.  Almost 150 exercises in converting between, and computing in, other bases, with solutions.

de Vlieger, Michael Thomas -- Multiplication Tables of Various Bases
Tables for bases from 2 through 60.  Most of the tables use a set of numbers called argam, of de Vlieger's own design, though the base 11 and base 12 tables use the Dozenal standard numerals, and there is also a hexadecimal table in standard ABCDEF notation.  The article is 44 pages long, but page 1 contains the most frequently used tables from base 2 through base 12.

de Vlieger, Michael -- Symbology Overview
History of the notation for base 12 numerals, starting with the rotated 2 and 3 proposed in 1857 by Isaac Pitman (of shorthand fame).  Later script X and E were proposed; today DSA uses script X and rotated 3 in its publications (following the recommendation of pioneer typographer William Addison Dwiggins).

Schiffman, Prof. Jay -- Fundamental Operations in the Duodecimal System
Good explanation of doing addition, multiplication, and long division in base 12.   Understanding the principles will allow you to do arithmetic in any base.

Workman, W.P., assisted by R.H. Chope -- The Tutorial Arithmetic, Second Edition, 1903, University Tutorial Press, 553pp., hardback
Comprehensive early 20th-century textbook on arithmetic, including the oldest hidden cryptarithms I am aware of (problems 30-37, pp. 48-49; problem 1, p. 480).   Chapter 34, Scales of Notation (pp. 460-469), covers computation in other bases, including over 75 problems, with solutions.


Barlow, Mike, ed. -- Cryptogram Computer Supplement, number 4, 21 pages, 1987, The American Cryptogram Association
All 22 issues of CCS are available as PDFs for free download to ACA members from their website.   The fourth issue is devoted to cryptarithms, and includes a bibliography (continued in CCS 5) of nearly every article The Cryptogram had published to that date on cryptarithms.

Suri, Ankur -- Crypt-arithmetic Puzzles in PROLOG, 2012, 72 pages, Kindle, $2.99
Short guide to programming cryptarithm puzzles in the Prolog language, including more than 80 puzzles.  Complete solutions are provided for about 15 of the puzzles, but mostly showing the computer code used to solve.  Only a few puzzles are explained by human logic.   The worked puzzles are shown in a variety of formats, including screenshots; some of them are shown in proportional fonts, which does not work at all for cryptarithms.

Appendix 2: Supplementary Problems

Problems marked with * are fully worked out in the main text.


A-1 (2 words,9-0)  A-2 (3 words,1-0)  A-3 (3 words,0-1)
  GRAINSILO           HOUSING           NIAEE   VIOLA
+ GRAINSILO         + HOUSING         + PIANO + PIANO

A-4 (2 words,     A-5 (2 words,     A-6 (2 words,
   3947216580)      1394752086)      2861075394)
    STEPUP            MISREAD          PRAIRIE
  + CHURCH         +  ADDRESS        + HABITAT   
   APPRISE            SCENERY          CHIPPED

A-7 (2 words,     A-8 (2 words,       A-9 (2 words,
  2015374698)           1-0)           4825670931)
   LATERAL             PLACE             DEFEAT
 + EVASIVE           +  DOOM           +  STILL
   SQUARES             REDID             EXTRAS

*A-10 (2 words,  *A-11 (2 words,     
  2739015846)      4509732681)        
    NASAL              VIPER           
    DUETS               PANS
  + LUNGS            + REDIP
    TREAD             SALINE

A-13 (3 words,    A-14 (2 words,    A-15 (2 words,
3059847261)       3248159076)
   DYNAMO            LIFTER            ARIDLY 
 + ANADEM          + DETACH          +  LADLE  
   MUFFIN            CRADLE            SIFTED 

A-16 (2 words,
 +  EDITS 

Thematic Additions                                            

[Painters]      [Mathematicians]     [Physicists]                 [Composers]
*A-25 (2 words,    A-26 (2 words,      A-27 (2 words,      A-28 (2 words,   A-29 (2 words,
  8359417026)        7621530984)        9836157402)         7984635210)      8592041763)
    HOGARTH           FOURIER            EINSTEIN             VARESE           ELGAR
 +  HOGARTH         +  NAPIER          GALILEO           +  VERDI        +  HOLST
    MATISSE           RIEMANN            GELLMANN             BRAHMS          VARESE
                                                     {separate puzzles; VARESE has two different values}

[chess openings]   [chemical elements]  [solitaires]     [checker openings]   [flowering plants]
  A-30 (3 words,     A-31 (2 words,    A-32 (2 words,        A-33 (2 words,     A-34 (3 words,
9201346587)       8501946273)           9372861504)        6302895741)
   TRAXLER               COPPER           BRISTOL               NAILOR             FENNEL  
 +  VIENNA            +  SILVER         +  NESTOR            +  WAGRAM           + LUPINE 
   CATALAN              SILICON           OSMOSIS              GLASGOW             DAHLIA

   [moons]          [pianists]
  A-35 (2 words,   A-36 (2 words,
   2315840976)       1263749508)
    TITANIA             LISZT
  +  MANAKA        +  LIPATTI
    IAPETUS           PERAHIA  

Fibonacci Sequences

I introduced this as an addition variant to The Cryptogram: my first attempt was published in July-August 2017 as C-Sp-1 (it's pretty easy).   It's a series of additions: starting with the third word, each word is the sum of the previous two (if the first two words are the same length, the second is not necessarily greater than the first).  This is really a minature version of puzzles often seen, where the sum and difference of two words are given (A-3 above could be written as a Fibonacci: NIAEE PIANO VIOLA SNSWNN).   The examples below use shorter words and usually a longer chain.   A common theme in solving these is finding the possible values of the smallest of the leftmost column of leading digits (e.g. L in A-40 and P in A-43; see the Hints for more detail).   Another theme is finding one or more values for letters in the same addition in the units column and working in either or both directions to find the remaining values (see the Hints for A-60).   Search for zero can also be helpful (see the Hints for A-55 and A-65).  A-41 is a short chain which takes quite a bit more work than most of the longer chains (A-55 is also harder than most).

A-40 (2 words,  A-41 (2 words,  A-42 (2 words,   A-43 (2 words,
   1-0)            9-0)          8725946310)     
     OH            TWO             AGO               ARM
    LIP           ECRU            SHIP              PROS
    APT           DATA            SPAR              ALSO
    PRY           WETS            HIGH              MUST
    SAT                           GIST              TOME

Undecimal (Base 11)
A-50 (2 words,    A-51 (3 words,
 a7541863029)          0-a)
     IS               EAR
     PI               RUB
     EX               YET
    OOH              IRKS
    ONE              TACK

Duodecimal (Base 12)
A-55 (3 words,    A-56 (3 words,
    0-1)              b-0)
    ASK              HOT
    GIN              AIM
    FRO             LYRE
   DAFT             LEAP
   DUDS             BETA

Tridecimal (Base 13)
A-60 (3 words,     A-61 (3 words,
    1-c)            bc6a240185739)
    BUN                HOW
    NIT               ONLY
    LOB               CARE
   CAFE               LEFT
   ORDO               ROOM

Tetradecimal (Base 14)
A-65 (2 words,     A-66 (2 words,
49c56d083a1b72)    9815b3cd640a27)
     THE                DEFY
     SUN                THAN
    AWAY                OURS
    AIMS               PROOF
    WOOD               POSIT

Extra Long Additions

A-70 (2 words,

A-71(2 words,     A-72 (2 words,     A-73 (2 words,  A-74 (2 words,
  2961754038)       0683742159)       0157432869)      3059741628)


Base 11 (Undecimal)

*A-80 (2 words,    A-81 (2 words,
   641932a8750)     236791405a8)
                     + OAKUM

Base 12 (Duodecimal)

A-90 (2 words,      A-91 (2 words,
   2830B6a49715)     5209B38741a6)

Base 13 (Tridecimal)

A-100 (3 words,    A-101 (2 words,
 b179a564238c0)     ca96b72513048)

A-200  Digimetic  (each digit represents a different digit)


D-1 (2 words,    D-2 (2 words,   D-3 (3 words,   D-4 (2 words,
  0986571324)    4637251980)      1204567893)     5269874301)
        PP                  HO             NO              I
     TEND               GLOSS          RNCAN           ROPED
     PASTE              SLIOOD         AONUEE           MOBS
      TEND              SNIIER         ANOTAR 
      SLID               HERON           BAOU

D-5 (3 words,   *D-6 (2 words,     D-7 (2 words,       D-8 (2 words,
  2603145897)          1-0)              0-9)               1-0)

                          AE                  NAP             RUST
 MALT)AWARD          RSTLRU            AGOENPTS           TTOMG
      ADMIT           RLPSEE             REOPTEH           GEUNT
       STOW           RURUPS             STRANGE           NLLRG
                       TYUTR             GHSGOPNE            LSGE
                                         NTASPRON            MOLT
                                          GPTHPTS            SGGUN

D-9 (2 words, 0-1) D-10 (3 words, 9-0)  D-11 (2 words, 0-9)  D-12 (3 words, 1-0)
              AH           TO                    NU                 TO
 TALENT)THIRTEEN       AN)DPS             PSI)PUTON              A)TRY
        TRREEEK           IN                  PATP                 IN 
         IKANAAN           IS                  ATPN                 MY
         NTNRNXE           EM                   NAU                 ME
          HIKIRE           AS                   AEL                  D

D-13 (3 words, 1-0) D-14 (3 words, 1-0)  D-15 (2 words, 0-9) D-16 (2 words, 0-9)
         ME                    ON                   GO                    US
      SRVO                 RMMNO                NNPKO                TOPICS
      MVMME                DNDEBO                LOGAO               UJUYOOC
      MAPAV                DOMMTR                LKKOI                IJYOLP
        VTI                 DDEMT                 NRKI                TJYYYP

D-17 (2 words,    D-18 (2 words,        D-19 (2 words,    D-20 (2 words,
   9150327846)      6427815093)           0-9)              0-9)

            S                  T                  O              I
       ALTARS              BEARD              CLOSE            TEN
        ASALG               MMSS               AHSC             AD

D-21 (3 words,    D-22 (3 words,        D-23 (3 words,   D-24 (3 words,
         1-0)         1-0)                2378640159)         9-0)

           HE               O                       T                   O
        LINT             SOLE                  HARASS             RNLOGIT
        HHHTE             NVI                  OAINEO             LSGOIRO

D-25 (2 words,       D-26 (2 words,    D-27 (2 words,     D-28 (2 words,
7360259184)        7409581362)             9-0)
           KKSSR              ERIE                 EU                 P
      AURUEU              SOPHU               SATURN             PBASEI
       ABEOSU              PNUEIO              URANUS             OHHDM
       AURUEU              PNRHTI              EANATA
        SLARLR               SNPPR              STSOU
        UEBYUY               SOPHU  
         SSOAUR               ENSE

D-26 appeared on the cover of WGR8, slightly modified here to produce more thematic keywords.  It was inspired by Mike Shenk's "Continental Divide" from The Four-Star Puzzler, May 1982.

D-29 (2 words,    D-30 (2 words,      D-31 (3 words,    D-32 (2 words,
        0-9)           0-9)            9012345678)        7814590362)
           NOR                  OUT            DUMP                FIVE
       RSOUR              GOAOITN          PEREU              SRSREN
       ACUCOA             NUIGGORO          TUEMI              SHSEVE
       AGRHCN             NRGUUNIP          TPPMD              SFVVNI 
        NMCSHN             NONNPRNR          TIKRE              NRVAIE
        NMCONS             NPOITIAT          TMURT              RFFSHI 
           ORO               AIGOPL           ETISD              VTTIIN
                                              EKMRS              VTSHHE
                                               TPPU                 IIE

D-33 (2 words,   D-34 (2 words,   D-35 (3 words,  D-36 (2 words,
       1-0)           0-1)          1239708456)      7568934012)
        US                   R               A             F
     DBNO              CDGRUMR          OHRIHM         TRTDF
      NNOS              SCOSLD          HORRID           EEL

D-37 (4 words, D-38 (2 words,    D-39 (3 words,   D-40* (2 words,
       0-9)          1-0)          1539247806)      6452970318)

           G               S               K              N
       ANPSE           ELONR           CHECK           WONT
       NGWIA            ONNU            AALI           MALE

D-41 (2 words,  D-42 (2 words,   D-43 (2 words,    D-44(1 word, 
     0-1)         4310275968)     9631024578)            1-0)
        YIS              FRY             ZINC               PEP
     AAEP             OOMO           COMCH             
      TBAR             FASD           HURRI             
      EYME             FIOO           HOCHN              TITNT
        YMY             YYRY           UUCNU              SLNPS
        AYE             IORL           UZIIH              EHPSL
        AIR              FLY            MICMM              ELCH

D-44 was one of the sample problems in WGR8.   It was the first Dell-style division I ever composed.

D-45 (2 words,    D-46 (3 words,   D-47 (2 words,     D-48 (2 words,
  9516023478)       4187306952)      7265043189)          1-0)
         ME                CC               ON               LIE
      ASHT              TEST            PINTO             ALEI
      LYONE              WISH            PARVE             LARE
      LEYOT              TEST            PRAIR             NRRN
        ALL               TWO             PAST              YMIT
D-49 (2 words,    D-50 (3 words,   D-51 (2 words,    D-52 (2 words,
    0-1)              9-0)          6918732504)       1806273954)
        AT                   B              PI               IF
     BEOT               REIGFB           ASKS             SONS
      OTLL               EBEEF            KKPA             LENS
      OTTA                                KEEP             LOAF
        BE                                 PHI              IMP

D-53 (2 words,    D-54 (2 words,   D-55 (2 words,   D-56 (2 words,
  0642935781)       9128470536)     4213689507)       9410275368)
            RE              TE                 Y               E
       EPORIC           PEIPP             BRIBES          ALCOVE
        TSARES           PROBE             BLURS          OLPOSC
        TSXEOI           PLATE
          SXCR            STOA

D-57 (2 words,    D-58 (2 words,    D-59 (2 words,  D-60 (2 words,
    0-9)            9053247681)      3490186257)      8269130754)
      OF                  EH                AS               IT
 AS)FERN           TRY)ANGUS         NOW)EXIST        RED)UDDER
    FIE                NEAT              EASE             USES   
     CAN                EARS              ATRT             OOFR
     CEV                EYSA              ATEN              FOR
      IF                 RUN                ES              TIN

D-61 (2 words,    D-62 (2 words,    D-63 (2 words,   D-64 (2 words,
 4382765019)        4891675302)        3528079416)    5014897236)
       IT                 NO                IN              BY 
 ION)LAME          HAD)SHORT         POI)LOUPE       ABS)ACIDS 
     EAT               SIRS              LETS            ARIA 
     POSE               HUNT              PATE            ALMS 
     PLEA               HUSH              PLEA            ALAR 
      PAL                 AS               LAP              AD 

D-65 (3 words,     D-66(3 words,   D-67 (2 words,    D-68 (2 words,
   0-9)             5483207961)      2146093785)      3268519074)
         E                  I                 L                 C 
      DROP              AMITY            GAUGED             PERMS 
       PAN               FLEW              VIAL               SPA

D-69 (2 words,     D-70 (2 words,   D-71 (2 words,   D-72 (2 words,
  4652783091)        1745928630)        0-9)          9251067483)
        MA                 ME               ON                AN 
 TAX)TAILS          SIR)PRUNE        SOP)UNDER         TWO)SNARE 
     THAT               POEM             UDFA              SHOE      
      THIS               SOME             SDOR              HOSE 
      TOME               SURF             SRFU              HAWS 
       TIL                 ES              USE                TI

D-73 (3 words,     D-74 (3 words,   D-75 (2 words,   D-76 (2 words,
     0-9)               0-9)          8152947063)         9-0)
        ERA               HIS               OPT              ALE 
     HHEA               IHT              PANT             RSLD   
      FRIT              NSWA              ANTE             RRRM  
      FFSE              NIDD              APTN             OEML  
       ESUS              DHTR              EXLT             DDYS 
       EEAU              DDNE              ERAO             DPDR 
        IFN               NIN               EAN              DOY 

D-77 (2 words,    D-78 (2 words,   D-79 (2 words,   D-80 (2 words,
   5479386012)     3218957640)      6193547082)        0-9)
           B                 S                E              I 
       ABOVE            ENTIRE           RECODE          LITHO 
        IRON              TENS              ARC           LORD

D-81 (3 words,    D-82 (2 words,    D-83 (2 words,  D-84 (2 words,
  1596472038)      0129634578)       8104673925)     1370459286)
          S                 I                 T              L
      CARDS              SHOP             SOUPS          SAITH
       CUTS               PRO              PURE           READ 

D-85 (2 words,    D-86 (2 words,    D-87 (2 words,  D-88 (2 words,
 0675149328)        5086149273)          0-9)        5903624718)
         AM                AN               SO              ME
      TANG              MENS             GNCU            HELM 
       OWES              FAME             SNEA             OUR  
       ONTO              FILM             USCN             SHO 
        APE                IT              GDO             HAH 

D-89 (2 words,    D-90 (2 words,   D-91 (3 words,   D-92 (3 words,
  4762150893)      4260398157)          0-9)            0-9)
             D               I                E                F 
        RECOUP           OCEAN           AEBLST           ABYRIU 
         ERCOA            SIDE            ATEID            YFTBI

D-93 (2 words,      D-94 (3 words,  D-95 (2 words,  D-96 (2 words,
    0-9)              5204736918)     5638497201)        1-0)
               I               F               D               W
         TIIETRI           SATIN           STRAY          TOSIOS 
            BNOP           KNOWN            DEAL           FITST

D-97 (2 words,   D-98 (2 words,    D-99 (2 words,  D-100 (2 words,
   5921786430)        0-1)           3915276804)        0-9)
          OF               TO              ANY             LIE
      STAYS             EPTX             VOE             NID 
       TTSIY            SEOTS            OSAE            RSDR   
       TLTTO            SPMPD            AIYO            RAGI 
        LIAR             TRDP             LDLL            AAGS 
                                          LYIY            AOAS 
                                           LAV             ASO 

D-101 (3 words,  *D-102 (2 words,  D-103 (2 words,  D-104 (2 words,
     0-9)           8705612493)      9270638514)      6325901748)
            P                 N              G                 K
       APRSTI            ABOEAD          ARGOT            OOHTWO
        DSMYE             RANTS           TRIO             THAWS

D-105 (2 words,   D-106 (2 words,  D-107 (3 words,  D-108 (2 words,
      9-0)          8906427135)      0943281756)      9317604825)
           H                 Y                U               H
        RACE            TORNAY           FLAGON           RECON
         HEY             TOWER            NFGCA           ENACT 

D-109 (2 words,   D-110 (2 words,
    0-1)              0-9)
           UH             ES 
       ULHAE           CHPI 
       MMEMIE           CCST 
       MMUBWU           PLIL
         BIIL            HAO

D-113 (2 words,   D-114 (2 words,  D-115 (2 words,  D-116 (2 words,
  5106379284)       4031258769)       7642930158)     9367082541)
           I                 T                 U               L
       WANTS            MAYEST            ROINSU           WORST 
         TUB              MEAD             USING            FLOW

D-117 (2 words,   D-118 (2 words,  D-119 (2 words,   D-120 (3 words,
   6812907534)      1345827906)      9625837410)         0-9)
          N                  M                N                N  
      ANGER             SACRUM            RAPID            SPENT 
       ROAD              SPUME            MINOR              OAK

D-121 (2 words,

D-201 (2 words,    D-202 (2 words,    D-203 (2 words,   D-204 (2 words,
 987a3612504)       7021548639a)       8437a629501)       704a5193826)
         SO                 AU                ME                   E 
     IDNDO               PUCE              EAST                STORY 

      RRSLE               ASPS               SAW                OMEN 

      ESSYD               SELL               DIM   
       DARK                AAU                AM

D-205 (2 words,

  D-221 (3 words,    D-222 (2 words,     D-223(2 words,   D-224 (2 words,
 2739ba614085)      a632b5178094)       9b45816a0327)    790245b3a618)
       FLY                  BY                  DE                 O
 WOE)CLOAK           HAD)TOWER           OLD)PAGES       GRATE)REIGN 
     EOF                 TWOS                PLEA              SOLVE 

     FMMA                  OUR                MODS             LOGIC 

     FELL                  WHY                MUSH 
      FILK                 THE                 OER

D-225 (3 words,   D-226 (2 words,   
 ab9730814265)     90ba32658147)    

            T                D   
        ABOUT            SOLID   
         SPIN            LEAFY    

   D-241 (3 words,     D-242 (3 words,    D-243 (2 words,   D-244 (3 words,
 ab624c7185309)      608c7b1235a94)      bc358640197a2)    bc68531a49027)
        SIX                 NOW                   SIT                O
     ETNA                PFAE                  BLUE              EARLY  

      HEEO                HPPI                  DWHL              BLOW 

      ERNR                PTAT                  WHAT 
       EVER                PYPT                  LYNY
       EEEV                PPPY                  IDES 
        HOW                 HIM                   AWU

  D-245 (2 words,

  D-261 (2 words,      D-262 (2 words,    D-263 (2 words,
 b926401dc57a18)      10b674a923c58d)     3c61ab4d987205)
             G                  UN                   D 
        SMOCKS               FACE               UNBRED 
         STIED               COLDS               RADIO 

  D-281 (3 words,      D-282 (2 words,           D-283 (3 words,
 1abe03586749c2d)      47e6ba08d951c32)               1-0)
          AD                      S                                O  
   ANY)FORGE          SECUND)DOSAGE      
       WITH                  EARTHY                    AREEXPSUXYRTT 
        FACE                 RECOIL                      ACTEEHPAPHO

 D-301 (3 words,

Interlocking Equations

    *I-1 (2 words,          I-2 (3 words,          I-3 (2 words,
         0-9)                  0-9)                 2486309157)

ALARM / PSL =   SM      SO x   WHO =  SECLL   ELF x  SS = PAPER
   +      -      x       +       +        +     +     +       -

     I-4 (2 words,           I-5 (2 words,         I-6 (2 words,
         0-9)                 8541970623)           4015627389)

USUAL /   LAB =   AWL      MY x   ID = RIDE      LN + SON =  SUS
    -       +       +       +      x      -       x     -      +
 BOLL + ALOUD = ASEDO    SURD -   EM = SUET      TG x  SO = SAGA

    I-7 (3 words,              I-8 (3 words,         I-9 (3 words,
     9012345678)                7865120349)             0-9)

  OOO /   IT  =    ME       SI x   EU = SUIT    AGO x   ADO = ATOLL
    x      x        x        -      x      -      +       x       -
   OA +  OFE  =   ORS       TE +   SO =   ON     ET x    IS =  BOOS

  I-10 (2 words,           I-11 (3 words,           I-12 (2 words,
   0631574892)               1709562348)              1204983567)

 EFT -   ID =  ERA       SR x   SR =     CNWR     MS x  MA =    ANY
   x     +      +         x      x          x      x     x        x
  DL + TOTE = TOSS       SN x   WS =     SANK     MR x  YY =    SPA

  I-13 (3 words,             I-14 (2 words,       I-15 (2 words,
   9068725314)                9854617032)           9243658071)

MENU + NM = MEMO        RING /  WE =   SO      STUB - MOLL = MOTH
   +    +      -           -     +      +         /      +      +
MOAN + OI = MITE        NENS - MAW = GRAM        EM -    B =   SO
OUST / ID =   ED        ARMS + MMA = GROW        AM + MOLT = MAMA

   I-16 (2 words,          I-17 (2 words,         I-18 (2 words,
     9241306578)                0-1)                     0-9)

  ME x TO = MONK          MI + MG =  RU          HINDI / USE =   HE
   x    /      +           +    +     +             +     -       x
  TI - OR =   IM          LO + EM = EPU          NPSSD / UNE =   IO
MAIL -  A = MART         EEL + IT = EGO          ICNDP /  DP =  UCD

(I-18 is a reframed version of an incoherent example from WGR8)

      I-19 (2 words,                I-20 (2 words,     I-21 (2 words,
           0-9)                       3247905681)          0-9)
  EAST +  WEST + RISE = TTVAT    POSH /   SO  =  BE     OR +  T = UP
    +       +      +       +       -       +     +       +    +    +
  UNIT +  AREA + TENT =  IWSN    PAYS -  AHA  = TAP      A +  Y = OP
    +       +      +       +      ASP +  SEE  = TUB     US + OR = EM

     I-22 (2 words,          I-23 (3 words,     I-24 (2 words,
        1904768352)           9804512763)         9517068432)
     ON + SINS = ALLY        AS x  NO = PHI     PAIN /  ME =  IM
      x      /      +         +     +     +       -      +     +
     GO -   AN =   AT       SHY - SUN =  HI      POD + ITD = NEE
   SITS +   NO = ALOE       SEA + SPA = HAS     PRAT - NOT = TAO

   I-25 (2 words,         I-26 (2 words,
     5108942637)            0951734628)
   AT +  BY =  TO       HV x   UU =    UPS   
    +     +     +        x      x        x      
   SO +  OH = AND       VP x   EI =   HIPS 
   OR + AHA = ADS      ERE x HAVE = CHAIRS 

Double Key Divisions

K-1 (2 WORDS, 2 words,  *K-2 (2 WORDS, 0-9,  K-3 (2 WORDS, 2 words,
           each 1-0)        2 words, 9-0)           each 0-9)

                ear                   brows                  globe
rehiring)NANOSECOND        elbow)INTIMIDATE       sting)PRECEDENCE
         oratuhar                lbsoew                 eslnbg
         ULSLESDUN                TNANTD                 EICIHE
         henrnagth                uorebw                 bsgtog
          PDDUPCUAD                EOTLLA                 NRRUCN
          hnonhoeno                wullbt                  sting 
           CUODLNUP                 LEVEAT                 RDNUOC
                                    crbeuw                 osfbon 
                                     AVVIIE                 DDPPCE
                                      elbow                 lseebn
                                      OIDNM                  PNNOE

K-4 (2 words, 0-9,      K-5 (2 words, 2 WORDS,    K-6 (2 WORDS, 9341582067,
     2 WORDS, 9-0)            each 0-9)            2 words, 7139284506)
             LIE                    TEA                       OF
  pinto)FEMINACY           ague)SEATING            OPERA)RIVALED
        ewonus                  SNGOT                    utsgsl
         LFYMEC                  aooto                    mutual
         YNANCE                  ehnhg                    mostly
          YOMNAY                  musam                     song
          eputud                  TZMZE
           sited                   gene

Single Alphabet Double Key

In these problems, there are 20 different letters; none are repeated between the two keys.  Each word, coherent or not, contains letters from only one key.

K-21 (2 words each, both 1-0)   K-22 (2 words each,   K-23 (2 words each,
                                    0-9 and 9-0)          0-9 and 9-0)

                   AW                     CHI                    FLT
          GAUBWFRLWL                  SKNLW                  IMPLY
           HMPKKTCEPE                 NDSONA                  UGULR
           SSTKTEMTEY                 RTFGCY                  KDNCB
            GFUAIAWBA                  KSDAAL                   ASND

K-24 (2 words each,
     both 0-9)



*M-1 (2 words,      M-2 (3 words, 1-0)   M-3 (3 words,0-9)  M-4 (3 words, 9-0)
       CROWN              LGONN             THROUGH               WOOL
     x  WITS            x    PI            x     CR              x SEW
      DRCAAT             ONDDBE             CNHYCTN               FMEO
     ARATIS             BPIEAN            TRYPTCNT              IMANL
    WCDDIW              BAGPIPE           TYRRTRPYN            WFSFE  
   ACANAI                                                      WMMLLNO

*M-5 (3 words,    M-6 (2 words, 9-0)     M-7 (2 words,      M-8 (2 words,
  2345678901)                            2013456789)       8103456729)
      ONCE               MUEOU               ROOF              HIDE
    x   DO             x   SPO             x  BED            x WERE
     RNMGD              UURRMR              FEAOA             LEIBD
    NDGGK              IMTIRT              TABNA             DEEWD
    DARNED            POOPSO              DEFIE             LEIBD
                      SINISTER            BANDANA          SDNRB   

M-9 (2 words,    M-10 (2 words, 1-0)    M-11 (2 words,     M-12 (2 words,
0284793156)                             3954806721)       3027518469)
       MORE             MUTUAL                FORE              DOER 
    x  AERO           x   TAME            x   FIRS            x DISH
      TTEMS            LLTLDBP               ASNFE             SRHAD
     TAMSE            ASBALEL                EFAN             IASOL
    CROMM            DSMTUAP               ARSUD             ALIOA
   CHNAR            SEMDBTP                INOS             IHDAO   
   CONTACTS         TLULUMMSEP             SUNRISE          PREPARED

M-13 (3 words, 0-9) M-14 (2 words, 9-0)   M-15 (3 words, 0-9)    M-16 (3 words, 9-0)
       DIAG               CHEAT                   DAD                   YES
    x   SIR              x  AIR                 x OAR                 x RAY
      YEYNG              MICRTH                  IIAE                  VTAS
     RLSYA              TDTSCE                   DAD                  LUUS
    GSIRA              RIACMM                  MHIW                  SIVE  
    SAILING            AEMDMAAH                MEDDLE                STEERS 

M-17 (3 words,   M-18 (2 words, 0-9)  M-19 (2 words, 1-0)  M-20 (3 words,
  2035816497)                                                0123894675)
      ASK               ON                 MA                   TIP
    x  AN             x AS               x EM                 x  DO 
     SIDE              NET                TRY                  SEND
    STET              RYN                SIT                  STEP  
    SOUSE             EDIT               SONY                 SALAD

M-21 (3 words, 1-0)    M-22 (3 words,    M-23 (2 words, 0-9)  M-24 (2 words, 0-9)
       TUG                  MOP                ED                    VAN
     x  UP                x PEA              x WE                  x  SO 
      SRUN                 EELS               NIT                   CITE
     STAE                 TERE               ASP                   OARS 
     SPOON               ATOM                WHAT                  OTTEE 

M-25 (3 words,        M-26 (3 words, 0-9)   M-27 (2 words,       M-28 (2 words,
  8571349260)                                3712568490)          2345687019)
SURD                PASS                 RUMOR                 SILLS
    x TYRO              x  HOP                x  PEP               x    RS
     UEDOR               OCDPL                 RUMOR                TIIDLE
    DELTI               THDHO                WIRIER                ATLRSL
   OERSO               COCIH                 RUMOR                 RIPOSTE 
  DRUYU                HSHAATL              PFFFEOLR

M-29 (2 words,       *M-30 (2 words,      M-31 (3 words, 1-0)    M-32 (3 words, 0-9)
  8075269143)           4598710632)

     FOOL                   OER                FCCRNK                   LUAU
   x  ACT                 x ROT                x  CHH                 x SLOE 
    IETFD                  MOLT               TTKFFAE                  SCJCE
   TAUUF                  SHOE               TTKFFAE                  ELAJC
  LDAAE                  LOCH               HFFRCHN                  JJELS
  ALLUDED                LAMEST             INTERFERE               UUATA   

M-33 (2 words,        M-34 (3 words, 0-9)   M-35 (3 words, 0-9)   M-36 (3 words, 0-9)
     NOD                     HONEST                AT                      AA
   x CUR                     x  EEL              x AS                    x ES
    BACH                    YLLSOEL               CIN                     TOY
   HERE                    SIEOHOF               OWN                     WEB
  HUED                    SIEOHOF                THRN                    AIRY
  HAUNCH                  YOFOENTNL

M-37 (3 words, 1-0)   M-38 (4 words, 9-0)   M-39 (3 words, 1-0)   M-40 (3 words, 1-0)
      SNGH                   MINI                 IGDN                   JOIN
    x HEAA                 x SSRH               x VUVR                  x HAT
     TISUM                   RSYS                 ASIG                  HDTHT
    TISUM                   IRER                DERAS                  IAATA
   AHHAH                  MHHKH               DERAS                   STJSH    
IATNH                  MHHKH                DEVISING                HEADSET
  TITANIUM               MEANNESS

M-41 (2 words, 1-0)    M-42 (2 words, 0-9)  M-43 (3 words, 0-1)   M-44 (4 words, 1-0)
        TORE                RUT                    ITS                   ADD
       x PIN              x LEG                  x RAM                 x DRY
        YEPT                TCE                   ATLA                  MAIM
       NTEY                EHG                   LERI                  UALH 
      AOII                SRI                   EEOD                  YABR  
      ARREST              SIEGE                 ERRATA                DUMDUM

M-45 (2 words,         M-46 (3 words, 1-0)     M-47 (3 words,       M-48 (2 words,
   1697245803)                                  5246789301)           0935468712)
      URDU                   SOLO                  TRAP                   ROLL
    x CELT                 x LAST                x FATE                 x ONLY
     DCRUC                  EACFK                 KFPTK                  RNEEG
     URDU                  TFSAI                 PARWA                  NEIIA
   OILNI                  SKFTL                 RPAWK                   ROLL
  TDLLD                  CTITI                 AEFPS                  RELOA  
  TEUTONIC               LELOOEKK              FOOTWORK               RADIOING

M-49 (3 words, 1-0)    M-50 (4 words, 0-1)     M-51 (2 words,     M-52 (3 words, 9-0)
      LDTN                  EYRW                   MOST                  USLR
    x DLON                x WRTS                 x RITE                x PIIU
     ETPTR                 IRWOE                  IMRRA                 ODPSE
    NNOPO                 YWTWI                  RLIRO                 UVPEP
   BTEPA                 YRRAE                  LTTAL                 UVPEP
  BLREP                 IONRI                  AIEAB                 LRRER  
  OPERATOR              ANISETTE               AMBROSIA              REVEILLE

M-53 (2 words,        M-54 (3 words, 0-9)      M-55 (2 words,      M-56 (4 words, 0-9)
  9124657830)                                    0143925876)
     FLUFF                RESIST                    IRON                 ABTEB
    x HALO                x ROAR                  x ECRU               x ATEYG
    WNUAHU               XERSRUS                   CITOD                AAYMEM
   WHNHEF               ORUSAUT                    UOWI                 BGABY
  FEOOAN               INNSOXU                   WRNNW                 YRRAR
 WEFWWY               XERSRUS                   CUCWC                 EUMRU
 WHOLLYYOU            OIAREXEUXS                CENTERED             ABTEB    

M-57 (2 words, 1-0)    M-58 (2 words,        M-59 (2 words, 1-0)   *M-60 (2 words,
                         6953487012)                                 5967012384)
        EHCOQ               ALSO                     LSFG                SUIT 
        x OUL              x ERA                   x LNSB              x LOUD 
       SQLHHS              DDRTS                    FENST                AOHY 
      OQSLEH              EKANR                    LBLIG               STASH
     CEQSTI              SEAAT                    FFBBT                DDAH
     CLUELESS            SADNESS                  GAIT               SOYTU   
                                                  ELEGANT            SOLIDITY

M-61 (3 words,         M-62 (3 words,        M-63 (3 words,      M-64 (3 words, 0-9)
   7819056342)            7496583210)         9781354206)
       YEWS                  POET                 SOAK                 SINK
     x IDEA                x PAYS               x WASP               x ROAR
      EESAY                 YEFFS                RKSOS                UDKTS
     SAIEP                 FTMEA                ARETO                SDTRR
    AWDPL                 TYRFE                PWKWP                UIIIA
   MAYLY                 AFYMF                AWIER                UDKTS   
   MISAPPLY              PROFFERS             TRESPASS             USURIOUS

M-65 (3 words,          M-66 (2 words,       M-67 (2 words,       M-68 (3 words,
  0681452739)             5136708924)          3920517846)         3520748196)
     BLEND                   ANDES               ELECT                LEFT
     x DAY                   x DUG               x LIE               x FEN
    LMMOML                  DACRON              LCININ               SLOWY
   DANDLM                  ENCODE              YLKSCS                AAYE
  MBTANE                  NCDCNA              SYNSIY               SFOOL 
  MEATBALL                NSCAGCUN            STRICKEN             SWEETLY

M-69 (3 words,         M-70 (2 words,       M-71 (2 words,   M-72 (2 words,
    7291640583)          2513409678)         2615478903)      7021846935)
        OPENS              APPLE                SCRUM             CHESS
        x UFO              x ART                x ERE             x ERA
       PSUIUI             RLPCLS               CEASUL            CPICHT
      COSNIP             CEPCPU               NEMAAN             ESETT
     CENPSO             SUPLPR               CEASUL             AHTCI 
CONFETTI           STUCCOES             CRIMINAL           UPSTART

M-73 (3 words,   M-74 (3 words, 0-1)    M-75 (4 words, 1-0)     M-76 (3 words, 1-0)
        HIGH            TAME                 OHMEO                    EIOD
      x SLOW          x AIMS                x SLOW                   x LOU
       YRWYG           DOEAR                AWIHAS                   LTDLE
      IHRIS           SMATA                AAEIEM                   LARTN
      HIGH           OSSSO                ATWLAL                   IAUNR 
    LIYLA           NESOM                 IOTEH                    ITERATE
    LOLLYGAG        ANTEATER              MOLASSES

M-77 (3 words,   M-78 (3 words, 9-0)   M-79 (4 words,      M-80 (3 words, 0-9)
  0495621378)                           6053982417)        
       SINE             PERU              GUARD                  BIO
      x ARC            x GSR            x ___RE                x TOM
      UIAUT            UOYTY             OROOSN                 OSLM
     CCRSI             PERU             DFOSGS                 LTST 
    TSUCC            UAAPR              DRAGOON               MENE 
TANGENT          URUGUAY                                  BALSAM

M-81  (3 words,    *M-82 (2 words,      M-83 (2 words,      M-84 (2 words,
     7306158429)      0896457213)        2896143750)         2756849130)
         OLD              SIR               POST                SOON
       x TWO            x  OF              x  AN               x  HI
         OLD             THAN              SPTUD               BEIGE
       ORAL             SHES              HOOPS               PRESS 
       GET              STEIN             ABOUND              PHOEBE

M-83 was originally published in the January 20, 2000 edition of The Games Cafe.

M-85 (3 words, 0-9)  M-86 (2 words,    M-87 (2 words,     *M-88 (2 words,
                       2819043756)       0248176539)         4569307182)
     TIL                  AND               ITS                AIR
  x   RE               x  ITS            x  OIL             x   MY
    STAR                 DENS              TUNS               MOTE
   BOLO                 FONT              LIED               TRIO 
   RULER               MINI              TOLD                THOSE
                       IDIOTS            TITANS

M-89 (2 words,   M-90 (2 words,     M-91 (2 words,      M-92 (2 words,
2419607853)       3507624819)        0915372684)         4815709263)
     SEWS            LYRE                BOOK               FOUR    
   x WHEN          x NONE             x   OUT            x  FOUR
    RHORD            BNRE               OKTIN               SXON
   SWWNO            NOYE               OBUNK              FXTRO
  RROHO           LAYAA                BOOK              FIFSE
 RFFFS            NOYE                 ELEVEN            FOUR  
 RESTORED         GOODBYE                                SIXUEEN

M-91 originally appeared on the cover of WGR11, June 1992.
M-93 (2 words,   M-94 (2 words,   M-95 (2 words,    M-96 (2 words,
 4236108975)      3092856417)      3601572489)      9156234807)
      EASY         FRENCH            SITAR              AIM
   x  DAYS      x      RE        x     BIG           x  APE
     RKISS        COEOANR           EEGBRE             PEPS 
     EASY        CCUEORH           RRBONA             TILL  
   TIALA         CAROLLER         RNREAT             SALT    
  RYDLD                           GENERATE           LOSERS  

M-97 (2 words,   M-98 (2 words,    M-99 (2 words,     M-100 (2 words,
  0382961574)     2681734509)       8703915462)        2741859036)
     NOISY             SPA               FRO             DUE
   x   SON          x  AND           x    HE         x   FED
    AINYAG             NAY              WEAR             SAD
   AOAAUI             HIS              SONS            ADZE
   UINMU            SNOW               FLOOR          ARMS  
  ALSOSMUG          SNIPPY                            AFRAID

M-101 (3 words,   M-102 (2 words,   M-103 (2 words,   M-104 (2 words,
     0-1)           4918532706)       7418026593)         0-9)
       ATE            NONE               TUBAS             BLUNT
    x   EH         x   MIL             x   CAB           x    BE
      OBEY           AREAS               BITES            IIEATI
     TEAR            DADO               ABSSR            INQDUB
     TINNY         AISLM               CIRII             TQTTNNI
                   ALMONDS             RETURNS

M-104 is a framing of an incoherent example from WGR8.
M-105 (2 words,    M-106 (2 words,  M-107 (1 word,     M-108 (2 words,
   5736092841)      4082537916)      3204159687)$            0-9)
      PAY              TOED             THREE                SENT
   x  SOU            x   US           x   SIX              x   UP
      APE             CLOUD            RHHXNN               LUATS
    PUTS             SHOAL            OTRRIS               ETSNI
    TWO              SALTED          ETHIER                BLEEPS
    WROTE                            EISHTEEN

$ M-107 is incomplete: G represents the missing digit.

M-109 (2 words,    M-110 (2 words,    M-111 (2 words,   M-112 (2 words,
 9532604718)         5827903641)        3962710485)       4215603789)
     PAINT              FLED                TURN              ARIA
   x   NOR            x SOFA              x GLAD            x BEST
    TRNOIS             PPLTY                ALUD             NSEBS
   IEOEPI             TTFDD               LLDTA             NEKIE
  RTERDT             FDYAD               UDTNA             NABLA
  REPRINTS          TDTSY               DEIED              SASS  
                    TELEPLAY            LINGERED           TINKERS

*M-113 (2 words,   M-114 (2 words,    M-115 (2 words,    M-116 (2 words,
    0-1)            6510849372)       7536049812)            0-9)
     LISP              LION              BILK                ANT
  x    NO             x  NO             x  OR              x  MY
    PHHTE              PLAY             GIROS               RNWD
   GOEGH              OPEN             KERBS               RYWM
   NESTLE             SORRY            KOALAS              ROWED

M-117 (2 words,   M-118 (2 words,   M-119 (2 words,      M-120 (2 words,
    1-0)           4216507389)        3901852476)         4852309671
      PEN              INCH              LEY                TYRO
  x   CRY           x    OH           x  SLY             x    EN
     SECE             ODORS             EDDY               AREAL
    SPCN              HOUR             FAIL               CELLS
    NIP               SHIPS           FEAT                CLONAL
    GRAPE                             FLASHY

M-121 (2 words,    M-122 (3 words, 1-0)  M-123 (2 words,    M-124 (2 words,
 8742561930)                              2591340678)        4895371620)
     ENS                  ALOE                YOWL               OWLS
 x   ALB               x   SUP             x   AID             x  LAW
     NIT                 DPLTE               OSOOY              ODDSS
   EELS                 NSOTO               LILAC              ONDWW
   ODD                 AOETL               DPSOS              OOLOP 
   BESET               ADULATE             DISPLAY            OFFENDS

M-125 (2 words,       M-126 (2 words,    M-127 (2 words,   M-128 (2 words,
  6935824710)            1-0)              1893054276)       5428617309)
    CON                 LUG                  LAY               AUTO
 x  IVY               x FRO                x TOM             x   OF
   EARS                 EUE                 DEEM               MORE
  EVEN                FUGU                 LILT               FARM
  VIN                 LUG                  AGO                FLUKE
  ACRES               UNTIE               DIATOM

M-129 (2 words,   M-130 (2 words,  M-131 (2 words,     M-132 (2 words,
  4167935028)       2937805164)      2867590134)         8235409167)
     BLACK            TIGER              SAW                FUSE
  x   HOLE         x   LION           x   TO              x   IT
    PSEOPS           LOPNAE             PILE                ACRE
    BLACK           LPEAIO             PAST               SCRUM
  SBOBCB            TIGER              PEEVE              SATIRE
 SAHPKH            ERONN     

M-133 (2 words,   M-134 (2 words,    M-135 (2 words,    M-136 (2 words,
 4398017256)        7324805169)          0-9)                0-9)
    HERE                AGO              SIP                 OWE
  x   OR             x  NON           x   OK              x   BY
    THIS               ROAR             OTML                BIDS
   ASKS               IRIS             MPIT                INYS
   APSIS             ROAR              METAL               MINDS

M-137 (2 words,   M-138 (2 words,    M-139 (2 words,
  3298567014)       4763095821)        9726485013)
     RYE                TWO               CUT
  x  SIR             x  HUM            x   BE
    SOWS               OATS              SORT
   ODOR               RARE              PIES   
  DUDE               TEAM               CRUST
  DROOPS             TOASTS

*M-140 (2 words,  M-141 (2 words,   M-142 (2 words,   M-143 (3 words,
    5641038297)     0179562384)        9187653240)          1-0)
      SPOILT            INDEX           SOLIDLY            AGREE
   x  PRESTO         x  SITAR        x   PEOPLE         x  ROBOT
     EREPPYS            AISLE          YVYSLEOI           BAUABE
    PIYSLPO           EISTNI          IILPYOPO           RUGNAR
   RCCLCCI           EDXRLR          LLPDELVL           ZOAETT
  LTSLYRY            SEARS          YYEYHVYD           RUGNAR
 TELRSIR            DRIAD          YVYSLEOI           EBBTGG   

M-144 (2 words,   M-145 (2 words,    M-146 (2 words,    M-147 (2 words,
 9281056734)       6941385207)         3794821650)        5704391286)
    DOUCE              LESE               LOTA               APE
 x     US           x    IM            x    IT            x  OPS
   MUDDLE             BASKS              BEBOP              MAPS
  ACSAEE              HOBO              APACE               EEL
  OUTCOME             AMISS             ASLEEP            MOPY 

M-148 (2 words,    M-149 (2 words,    M-150 (2 words,   M-151 (2 words,
 1732045968)         3170596284)       3791540268)        1735420968)
     ECRU               NONE              RUN                 SAW
   x  OUT             x  LIP            x COW               x HAM
    ORRCO              SASNS             AWRY                SIDE
   RACLT              AGAIN             WWYN                 ATE
  SLYLY              RPPIA             UNTO                 TWO 
  STRETTO            REGLOSS           CATCHY               THOSE

M-152 (2 words,    M-153 (2 words,     M-154 (2 words,    M-155 (2 words,
 2614935078)         8405239716)        6149023785)         3456780219)
    COLA                GANG               BLAB                FADE
  x   ME              x   AT             x   IM              x   IS
    WOOD               EAVES              UMBRA               MAIMS
   ALUM               SHUSH              MATTE               TIMID_
   AWARD              STANDS             MINIMA              TEMPOS

M-156 (3 words,   M-157 (2 words,   M-158 (2 words,     M-159 (2 words,
     0-9)               1-0)            1-0)                  9-0)
      IE                ON               ON                  HE
  x   BE            x   LA            x  SE               x  YE
     CAT               FLY              OIL                 TAO
    SIN               ICE              TWO                 AWN
    POST              RELY             ORAL                ALSO

M-160 (2 words,   M-161 (2 words,    M-162 (2 words,    M-163 (2 words,
     0-9)           7436890125)         0-1)                  9-0)
     SIX              MOP               DEAN                ERST
   x  ON           x  SPY             x   OR              x   TO
    IXEH             SPPH              ANLOY               REJAM
   BBOI             EMOT              ENDSI               AIOAT
   BEACH           NMOS               DIRELY              ATRIUM

M-164 (2 words,    M-165 (2 words,    M-166 (2 words,     M-167 (2 words,
 8734029561)        1430528796)        4051728693)          1702694853)
    RAG                 AMP               BAD                  UGLY
 x  SAG               x TOM            x   BE                x  ANY
   DOES                ADOS              ODOR                 TAGTG
  OGRE                ALMA              TRUE                 EUIWL
 GREW                GOAT               THEIR               LNEGT 
 GUSHES              EAGLES                                 WANTING

M-168 (2 words,    M-169 (2 words,     M-170 (2 words,    M-171 (2 words,
  1032475896)        5723498106)        4215638097)         6143082957)
    ITS                 TIS                STEAL                PIED
 x  SEW              x  ETA             x    PIG              x  DIN  
    KIN                PYRE               SOIOST                DDOY
  IRIS                EDDY               EGPSPO               PRIES 
  WAS                ASIA                STEAL               NSTTT  
  KNOWN              DEMISE             PLAINEST             PROSODY  

M-172 (2 words,    M-173 (2 words,   M-174 (2 words,      M-175 (2 words,
    0-1)                  9-0)           0-9)                  0-9)
     TO                   EN               PI                  AN
  x  AS                x  LA            x  RE               x  TO
    LEG                  OLE              GAS                 RID
   FIT                  AIM              NAG                 SEE     
   SONG                 FUSE             GODS                SPED  

M-176 (2 words,    M-177 (2 words,   M-178 (2 words,     M-179 (2 words,
 0237568419)         6910275483)          1-0)             2547698103)
    LILT                ASIDE             SET                AWAY
  x  NAP             x   HOUR          x  TAO              x   ST
   GNOGG               OSSBES             FOP                LOSS
  EELEE               EADIAD            STYE                SHOT    
 GRIPE               UAIBBO             EKE                 ROADS
 GAITING            RSRBRB              PDEPP

M-180 (3 words,    M-181 (2 words,   M-182 (3 words,     M-183 (2 words,
    9-0)               0-1)            4217508396)            0-9)
     EN                 TO                 AS                 EM
  x  ON              x  NO              x  IN              x  EN
    ART                USE                THE                MAD
   GIG                ANY                SIX                SIC   
   GUST               BRAE               SURE               TOAD

M-184 (2 words,    M-185 (2 words,   M-186 (2 words,    M-187 (2 words,
    1-0)              1-0)                0-1)            3784962510)
    OH                 PI                 EH                ISNT
 x  NO              x  NO              x  NO              x   AS
   UPS                FIE                AWL               TAROT
  HER                OAR                TEA               PLOPS 
  OATS               GLEE               ACYL              IMPORT

M-188 (2 words,    M-189 (2 words,   M-190 (2 words,   M-191 (2 words,
 7609485132)        8129756304)        6475298013)          1-0)
    RICH              STATE               RUMOR             AWN
  x   ON            x    IN            x    SUN          x  OPS 
   GANGS             INAOAT              SIVNOE            EUPP 
  AROMA             RTOIOA              ENOIEU            WENP   
  MICROS            RECOUNT             NERMM            WOUT    
                                        VENTURE          WRAPUP  

M-192 (2 words,    M-193 (3 words,    M-194 (2 words,    M-195 (2 words,
  2015478693)        9561034872)       6429170358)        2369851407)
     SURE              ZEBRA             PIANO              ROTOR
   x HERO            x   SAW           x   BOA           x  _ SPA 
    UHELG             FSZIRE             BNNIR             RTLRLY
   USDHO             FAWISA             TRAIN             TOOYSR   
   RGOD              RFBZE            PLANTS             TRILTI   
 UNUGU               GIRAFFE          PPLNLTBR           TELEPLAY

M-196 (2 words,    M-197 (2 words,    M-198 (2 words,   M-199 (2 words,
  01247567938)       1560742983)       5726430918)       7810625943)
     REST              PLOD               SONG              EGADS
  x    SO           x    OP            x    UP            x    TO
    IRIPE             EARLS              LOOSE             EINSIE
    TRAP             RODEO              TENTH             DNTSGD 
   IMPEDE            ORGANS             TPOPLE            DESPITE

M-200 (2 words,    M-201 (2 words,    M-202 (2 words,   M-203 (2 words,
  6279510348)        6039251784)         0-1)            3796241850)
     MACS                CURS             WILD               LIT
  x    ID             x    CD          x    OR            x   BY
    RACKS               STATS            DURIT              BEES
   CAKED               SLACK            UODCO              INTO   
   CHARDS              RADIUS           DULCET             BULBS

M-204 (2 words,    M-205 (2 words,   M-206 (2 words,    M-207 (2 words,
     0-9)            4097263581)       7869024531)        1539702486)
      USE                IMP               DRY                SPA
   x  ARE             x  DOT            x  HOT             x  ERA 
      BUN               PAID              YHSD               LAWS 
     ANT               TIER              PESH               IANS 
   UOEI               AERO              PYSE               ALLY   
   UUUTEN             DUMPED            PERIOD             AERIES 

M-208 (2 words,     M-209 (3 words,   M-210 (2 words,   M-211 (2 words,
  5428916037)           9-0)           2389504671)           0-9) 
     ELM                 IRE              AND                BETS 
  x   TO              x   UP           x   BE             x    NO   
    AFAR                URGE             NEWS               BUOUR  
   EVEN                NOOK             TENT               BDTET  
   EATER               NURSE            TOOLS              BOATER

M-212 (2 words,     M-213 (2 words,    M-214 (2 words,   M-215 (3 words,
   1-0)                 0-1)             5486730129)         0-9)
      UNIT              RAGA                 BITS             ARTS 
   x    IN           x    EG              x    BY           x   OP 
     UTODD             UBTSR                BARER             HEAD 
    UELTW             GEBEE                ORBIT            SDDIT 
    UNTROD            GINGER               SUITOR           STATED

M-216 (2 words,     M-217 (2 words,    M-218 (2 words,   M-219 (2 words,
  7635249018)         5931724806)        6379208514)       9718623045)
     MOST                 ARE                ASK              TIED
   x   EM               x  HE             x   TO           x    UP 
     OBIS                 WAS               USES             RISES 
   BACON                DRUM                HAT             FIFTY  
   BASICS               DUETS               WAYS            FRUITS

M-220 (2 words,     M-221 (2 words,    M-222 (2 words,   M-223 (2 words,
  5083164972)         0749362815)        3478092516)       1289476503)
     RYE                  ACT                OFT              AND
  x   IS               x   HE             x   IF           x   IF
    HERE                 PLAN               OUTS             SAYS
   SHOP                 THEM               SAIL             MEAN  
   SPACE                HUMAN              SIGNS            ITEMS 

M-224 (2 words,     M-225 (2 words,    M-226 (2 words,
  4981765203)         0481263975)        1389657402)
    AROSE               LAWNS               RUIN 
  x   RAY             x   HOP            x    AS
   SEIINR               ONTSA              ULNAE
  HYRHAY              PWAHPP              SITED    
 IENIII              TSWALH               RESALE 

M-228 (2 words,    M-229 (2 words,
  7163098542)        5964803712)
     ARE                SUM
  x  TOW             x  NOS 
     WAS                ANT 
    OUT               SEEM
   THO               EDAM    
   TEENS             ELDEST 

Septenary (Base 7)

M-401 (1 word, 6-0)
   x  RE

Octal (Base 8)

M-411 (2 words,
   x  IT

Nonary (Base 9)

M-421 (2 words,
   x  WE

Undecimal (Base 11)

*M-431 (2 words,     M-432 (3 words,   M-433 (3 words,   M-434 (2 words,    M-435 (2 words,

154a3782960)          805917624a3)      7031a485962)      3174592a608)        1203a485967)
      WAVE                BIO               ALLY              AGE                EMIT
   x   TWO             x  BED            x  GIFT           x  IRK              x  ART
     ECORN               ELSE              MTIAS             SLOT               USERS
    ETNWR               CLEF               ALLY             PEPS               MACHU 
   OSLOL               LIED              SDIGA             ATOP               TSHSC 
   ONESEEN             BOUNCE           DELMM              ARTIST             TOUCHES

M-436 (2 words,      M-437 (2 words,    M-438 (2 words,
  6317a258904)            0-a)           23167548a90)
    UNTO                 WETS                CHIC
 x   LED              x    IT             x    SO   
   OLDIE                VKWIW               SNEER
  IQEQL                RAVNR               MANGO    
 QALQQ                 REDRAW              MEMOIR 

Duodecimal (Base 12)

M-461 (3 words,      M-462 (2 words,   M-463 (2 words,   M-464 (2 words,
  508137b296a4)       3a156b092748)     804a2b175369)     97423b08561a)
       LAD                DUCT              BENT              IOTA
    x  IMP              x   OF            x   NO            x  AUK
      LILY               WORDS             BULBS             DUETS
     SAID               ABOUT             TAKEN             SUTTT
     MAN                ATTICS            BLINDS           TYSTM 
     ENJOY                                                 INSIDES

M-465 (3 words,      M-466 (2 words,   M-467 (3 words,    M-468 (2 words,
     0-b)             23a1546b0987)     b86203491a75)      14086925ab73)
      TO                  WORN             OVER                RAN
   x  OR                x  HUT           x   BY              x  TO
     HID                 RDNAN            UMBER               SALE
    PEG                 ADIEU            VILLA               ONLY
    AULD               TNBWU             BREWER              QUITE

M-469 (2 words,      M-470 (2 words,
 9546b208a371)        9103a486b725)
     TOW                   BUT 
  x  LET                x  ITS
    WARE                  FOUL
   COST                  AIRY 
  PEAL                  SUIT  
  PRINCE                SQUALL

Tridecimal (Base 13)

M-501 (4 words,    M-502 (2 words,   M-503 (3 words,  M-504 (3 words,  M-505 (2 words,  M-506 (2 words,
      c-0)          0c2a4791b6538)        1-0)        50b92a61c8473)   b01476c29a835)    415036b872ca9)
     DRY                   AWN            LOP             THEM             TOTS            RUDE
   x  AT             x      AS         x   HE           x ONCE           x TRIM          x FAUN
     HIS                  GIRD            TRY            SHRCS            AKSUR            IFDT
    COD                  ONLY           BAGS            DERBY            ATHIE           SIPSA
    NEWS                 OOZED          BULLY          BDYRH             FOAM           PENNY
                                                      SOYSB             KERF           PORPS  
                                                      TROOPERS          RELATOR        UNDEREAT

M-507 (3 words,     M-508 (2 words,     M-509 (3 words,    M-510 (2 words,
 7b469523180ca)     cb683274a9105)       69ab804175c32)    82bca13674095)
      TYPE                IDEM                 LIT                OUR
    x KITH              x AIRE               x URN              x FEN    
     SKMYR               STIES                ROAD               TALE
    PPPKU               DRGLA                IOTA               ONTO 
   HOPIP               NIGHT                EELS               TUBS      
  HUHTA               DMTSI                 UPWIND             TRUDGE   

Tetradecimal (Base 14)

M-541 (3 words,     M-542 (2 words,    M-542 (2 words,
379ab0c846d215)     6d378514c902ba)    02893b5a4d16c7)
      URGE               IDLY                SHOP
   x  VOWS             x LAMB              x CAPE
     YMIGR              GUARD               THIRN
    GIORO              IGISB               USAID
   YWMNE              UDAGB               UHUET
  GYVES              BAMNA               ASRKU  
  GUILTIER           BELONGED            ANTIPHON

Pentadecimal (Base 15)

M-561 (3 words,       M-562 (2 words,      M-563 (2 words,
347ab5d20ec8691        db60a85397412ce)    9ae1b5d726c4308)

       OFF                 SWIM                  SIR
     x BUT            x    INTO              x   BUT
      ENDS                TRIPS                 VOWS
     DELL                PRUDE                  AHA  
    CASH                IMPEL                 EELY    
    CHIVES             TMOHI                  EVENTS 

Hexadecimal (Base 16)

M-581 (2 words,       M-582 (3 words,       M-583 (3 words,
5cd69e0b37a82f41)      a759be382f0c6d14)   e8ac95607d1f234b)

      ALL                 THROW                   STEP
    x BYE              x    ACT                x  NAVY 
     SOOT                DITSUR                  KCLPT
    DUDS                ACYDFA                  ULROV
   KNEE__              ISPSID                  IRNBA  
   BRIGHT              INFERIOR               UNITS     

M-583 was originally one of the unpublished contest problems, but was moved here from Z-6.

Single digit multiplications

    M-601       M-602       M-603       M-604
    LLANO       SMITE       THING       ATLAS  

  x     D     x     P     x     R     x     O  
    STICK       ALOOF       OOZES       GUIDE  
   (3 words, 1-0)      (3 words, 1-0)      (2 words,         (3 words, 0-1)

    M-605       M-606       M-607
    CANTS       GRUEL       LASSO              
  x     P     x     O     x     G                        
    BIBLE       STAFF       PRICE             
  (2 words, 1-0)     (2 words, 0-1)     (2 words, 9-0)

*M-620 (2 words, *M-621 (2 words,   M-622 (2 words,    M-623 (2 words,
7851304629)         0384196752)      3127645089)        0519634827)
    OVERDUE          UGLIFI            HEROISM           GINSENG
 x        E        x      G        x         O        x        N
   ARSENALS          CATION           MONOHULL          BEECHNUT

M-624 (2 words,   M-625 (3 words,   M-626 (2 words,    M-627 (2 words,
      9-0)            1-0)            6581732094)          
    FORTIS           DESCRY             ALGEBRA            UNRESTED
  x      F         x      A          x        E          x        R
    CUPFUL           ORNATE            REINSURE            REDRYING

M-628 (2 words,   M-629 (2 words,   M-630 (2 words,    M-631 (2 words,
  2970634851)       8540716392)      6329514708)         8421597603)
    HORSES            ANGUSES          ROADWORK            ALWAYS
  x      L         x        A        x        R         x       I 
    IMPALA           SAUROPOD          TOMATOES           SPARTAN

M-632 (2 words,
 x        T 

Base 11

M-660 (2 words,   M-661 (3 words,
 128509a4763)         0-1)
 x        A        x      O  
   DEVIANCE          STRUNG 


M-701 (2 WORDS, 1726094358;  M-702 (2 WORDS, 6314987205; 
2 words, 5823146079)           3 words, 6943518270)
     ACUTE                            LIST
  x   tips                         x kiwis
    earner                           LLAMA
   eersmi                           LAPEL
  EARNER                            isle
 prosit                           LAPEL
 EEAALISTC                        KPOP   

M-703 (2 WORDS, 9061438572;     M-704 (2 WORDS, 5478906312;
2 words, 9367418250)                2 words, 5708639412)
      NATO                             stamen
   x WRENS                          x   RUINS
     plods                            LILYARR
    loopy                            tenuous
  gamey                              SOSAYY
 yelps                             twobeta
 WASHHOUSE                         NURSES   

Topless (Base 10)

M-801 (2 words,  M-802 (2 words,   M-803 (2 words,   M-804 (2 words,
9638417052)        9741326805)       3095428167)       3067945128)
     ......           ......            ......           ......
  x      ..        x      ..         x      ..         x     .. 
    ESMMAAY          UMODEUS           NGORETT          QINNQRN
    REDDIE          RIERMRO_          IHONCRH          NERIEQH  
    MODESTY         ARMLOADS          HUGEUNIT         QUESTION

M-805 (2 words,  M-806 (2 words,
 1065429873)       7410928635)
     ......           ......
  x      ..        x      ..   
    MCICBYS          ASUEPRG 
   SSUAIAM          RUNORPE 

Bottomless (Base 10)

*M-821 (2 words,    M-822 (2 words,    M-823 (3 words,    M-824 (2 words,
 6472580931)         9845761230)         2704591863)        5832794610)
    PHASE               MAYBE              WEEK               RENDS
 x    GAS             x   CRY            x STOP             x   HEN   
   ROUSOS              NMEYUS             WUPUS               SASOE
  RUSSRA              EMYYRU             WRJEE              RNSNRT
 ESDSSG              UAMYAN              ESUW               IDRAH    
 ........            ........          JOTRK               ........

M-825 (2 words,    M-826 (2 words,   M-827 (2 words,   M-828 (2 words,
 6281573904)        9321580647)        5679832014)       5912807634)
    ITEM               ARGON             PATIO              TRUE 
 x   IMP            x   _ERG           x   PA.           x   PUN 
   EIGNE              VIEBAD            .ELS..             RIAUN 
  EOSSM               GVVVA            N.....             DEKED  
 DOEPN              VVDEAO            RRPRA.             DRTEP  
 .......            ........          ........           .......

M-829 (2 words,
 x    KIT 

Ideal Doubly True (Partially Hidden)   by Leonard Gordon

M-841 (2 words, 6548317920)

   x NINE
+    FIVE

Ideal Doubly True (Czech)

M-842 (3 words, 8315427069)
  x   DVA   

Magic Squares

Q-1 (2 words, 5249068173)   *Q-2 (2 words, 4029758163)    Q-3 (2 words, 9-0)
OKS AFT ELF   sum             PNF EAR EFT  AI    sum      FND SSY DDI  IA AFS
ROO EEL OER   ATAO            PPE  TE TEA EPA    AIR      NFI DSW NNS AAD RRF    sum
RSA FRY ASK                    FF POP ERG PGI             IIR ORD AOF RAN NDW    NAFA
                              EON PIN  GO PRO             OYF YRN ROA YWR IYO
                                                          YYA FDS SIO IWY OON

Q-4 (2 words, 1-0)          Q-5 (2 words, 9167584302)     Q-6 (3 words, 9-0)


Q-7 (3 words, 0678945213)   *Q-8 (3 words, 2345907186)    Q-9 (2 words, 5620798134)

TOSS STUN DOES STAR          THEG AMES CAFE    sum        AIR AGO SIR AID    sum
TINT OASA TIAO SAEA                                       TEA REE TAU TEE

Q-8 was originally published in the March 30, 2000 edition of The Games Cafe.

Q-10 (2 words, 1-0)       Q-11 (2 words, 3917452806)

 AM AN MY AD                  OER SSI TAS NON
 MM AI RS MR     sum          TOO NAT OYO SEE   sum
 AS AR AT MA                  SPY OTS NNI YIE

Square Roots

  R-1 (2 words, 1-0)     R-2 (2 words, 0-9)   R-3 (2 words, 0-1)  R-4 (4 words, 1-0)

        S L S U               C G H T               A C C N               N I P
     V SUSPENSE            V UPPERCUT            V CHECKERS            V SALOON
       LM                    UT                    HI                    TN 
       MPSP                   RPERC                SGEC                  PPLO
       MCEI                   RTTCR                SSHE                  PPNP  
        MSAEN                   NANUT               SGAKE                  USON
        MUUAM                   UTNAU               SGGGE                  PTLP    
         MILASE                  HGEC                 HNRRS                PDAO
         MNLCES                                       KGHGE 
           SULM                                       SRNCG

  R-5 (4 words, 0-9)   R-6 (2 words, 9-0)      R-7 (3 words,      R-8 (2 words, 0-9)
U S A               R E D                     W E                N O N
       V PIANO            V ASSIGN                  V WHAT              V RADII 
         B                  NE                        OR                  R 
         MIA                 ASI                      GOAT                 AD 
         UPS                 NGN                      GUNG                 LO   
          UTNO                GNGN                     GUN                 UNII
          USUA                GHEO                                         OALR
           UTM                 NHA                                          SHA

  R-9 (3 words, 0-9)   R-10 (2 words,      R-11 (2 words, 1-0)     R-12 (2 words, 0-1)
         2061795483)           4702165983)
         G N U             D E M O N               T U B A               O R
      V INRUSH          V STOREHOUSE            V TROMBONE            V SNIP
        EA                 E                      EA                    ST
        URRU               NOR                    ASOM                   RIP
        URCU               NRS                    ASMT                   DON
          HSSH              NSEH                    RABO                  WE
          UIGU              TTUE                    SEER
          UCCC               NOTOU                   BRANE
                             NDTOH                   ATRRA
                              HEENSE                  RUBU

R-13 (2 words, 0-9)     R-14 (2 words, 1-0)   R-15 (2 words, 1-0)   R-16 (2 words,
      B I T                   G E T                    P I                I N 
   V MOTELS                V RATION                 V HEAT             V OVER
     TB                      TI                        N                 OF     
      ETE                     ITI                      SAT                EER 
      LLE                     AGE                      SEE                USE 
       OFLS                    GSON                     OF                 AS 
       MFSE                    ENIE
       AFOT                    MOOT

R-17 (2 words, 9-0)  
       N U   
    V GINS 

R-20 Base 9 (2 words, 1-0,
    i.e. 123456780)
        O  N
      V B AR
        O AR
        F LU


R-21 (2 words, 0-A)
       U  P
    V DR OP
       H OP
       H IE


R-25 (2 words, 57943b826a1)    *R-26 (2 words, 0-1)
        S  O                          I  N
     V UG LY                       V GU LL
       IS                            TO
       EE LY                          A LL
       EA CH                          V IS
          OF                            RE


R-30 (3 words with abbreviation, 0-c)
     D  R
     T EN
     P UT
     A HA


Cube Roots

  R-33 (2 words, 9-0)      R-34 (3 words, 0-9)    R-35 (2 words, 2478391605)
      3  T  A  E              3 H  I  O               3 O  R
      V TADPOLES              V BRAILLE               V MUCH
        OM                      H                       O
         EDPO                   ORAI                    OUCH
         OMSA                   RDHR                    OOPS
         AOMALES                 RDOLLE                  ICE
         AAPIAEE                 RBBAEO
          ADTEDL                  RDLRN

Topless Cube Root

   R-36 (2 words, 1-0)
 Coherent Radicand, Root
       3  .  .  .
       V ........

Fourth Root

   R-40 (2 words, 6140359872)
   4   M   E

Topless Fifth Root

  R-50 (3 words, 0652497138)
Coherent Radicand and first Power)
      5     Y    .
      V ..........

Eleventh Root

R-60 (2 words, 8574263910)  {much more interesting to solve using the addition alone}

11         A


Fourteenth Root

*R-70 (2 words, 8675213049)

14         A

Topless Divisions

All problems have coherent dividend, divisor, and quotient.

*V-1 (2 words,          V-2 (2 words,         V-3 (2 words, 0-9)
  5849136072)            2687350194)
          .....                    ....                     ...

    ...).......           ....)........         ......)........
        PRO                    RGAOS                   ESNNUL 
        SOIS                    RNMPI                   WBMMRR
        SNSK                    RPMRP                   OMMMUO 
         LPOK                    IGTAN                   NSSNSO
         LKPA                     PANS                   WEWWNW
          NSSI                    IPSRG                  RRURNS
          SINS                    IOMPP 
           NEON                    IOOT

*V-4 (2 words,              V-5 (3 words,            V-6 (3 words,
            ....                      .....                    .....
    ....).......              ....)........            ....)........
         OAMD                      YMNS                     COAC 
         AEDMA                     PNOSR                     CEEA
         ALMDO                     PNPBS                     EMUS 
          AAEFD                      ROAA                    EAMEN
          AIARR                      NYEB                    MSSBM 
           ARESO                      MEAN                    MECEC
           ADMAE                      YMNS                    MMONC 
            AROA                      PNSME                    AASUY
                                      PNPBS                     YCMO
                                        OMO                     MASN

V-7 (3 words, 1-0)           V-8 (2 words,     V-9 (3 words, 1-0, thematically
                              1596837042)         related to missing words)
                 ...                 ...                       ..   
........)...........        ....).......        .......).........
         HPOCPIOHP               HLEIT                  LRATTNNM
          HCANCEPCI               AHLNL                  ELRERIEF
          HTCCRPPOE               DETAT                  ERETEOMF
           ANHEHNOPC               DAAAY                  FNTNITR
           AOIAREHTC               DYYTS
            RPNCOEPT                YHEA

V-10 (2 words,    V-11 (2 words,   V-12 (1 word,   V-13 (2 words,
  4826351079)      1680934275)          0-9)           9-0)
         ....             ....             ...            ... 
....)........     ....).......      ...)......      ...).....
     SCAMS             ASEM             UNUI            ESD   
      CTYRM            SESMA             POSE           LITT  
      CMKAC            SPILE             PAAT           ITML 
       SSMAA            SRLDD             PRIR           LTRE 
       AYSOR            SREDI             UNUI           LHAS
        CASTN             ILLS             AAI            ILS 
        CNORT             DYRI   
          MNM             SIRD

V-14 (2 words,  V-15 (2 words,    V-16 (2 words,    V-17 (2 words,
     0-9)              1-0)            0-9)              0-9)
       ...              ...               ...               ... 
...)......       ...)......        ...)......        ...)......
    SYGS             BBOO              TUES              DPLO   
     SISE             ERBP              SOCL              AUMO  
     NRET             RCIO              SHWU              MROU 
      URYS             ROHS              FHSE              ARAN 
      UUAE             RBHE              SOEH              AMNS 
       AEE              ACO               THT               MDS 


V-51 (3 words,

Challenge Problems

Some of these problems were composed for an intended contest for the cryptarithm special issue of WGR, which never appeared.  Many of them are harder than C-Sp-2 or even Analyst's Corner problems which appear in The Cryptogram; a few might even be too hard for hand solution.

Z-1 Duodecimal       Z-2 Undecimal          Z-3 Decimal Double-Key  
 Multiplication        Tenth Root                 Division          
 (2 words, 1-0)  (2 words, a4920861537
)  (2 WORDS, 0-1, 2 words, 0-9)

      HI            10         T                           to   
   x  IS             V DALMATIAN            TOURISM)MONSTROUS   
     APT               DACHSHUND                    aasrdvhi    
    ROW                   LHNSDD                     RPOTXTTS  
    DENT                                             rdtttret   

Z-4 Tridecimal             Z-5 Pentadecimal          Z-6 Undecimal Division
 Multiplication              Multiplication                 (2 words,
(2 words, 8ca19342b0657) 
(3 words, 49e75cd862a310b)

      SIT                         GONE                             T 
   x  ELF                       x HYMN                    MUDS)URGED 
     PURL                        YULES                         USING 
    PALE                        DLRLS                           MOST 
   HUFF                        FLAIR                    
   SCHOOL                     OIGIE                    

Z-7 Magic Square              Z-8 Multiplication Magic Square    Z-9 Pentadecimal Division
 (3 words, 0619352874)               (3 words, 0-9)              (2 words, 2965bd18c0ea437)
AHOY  GREW  AWAY  GOSH              DOP    AS   DOS   DA                         C 
AHYE  AGWR  MERS  HGMA              LIP    PE   LAL   EC             PIGSTY)SLOGAN 
GGGA  HROW  AMAM  GYAE               IA   PLS    PS  LPP                    VOLUME 
ASOG  GAYO  AEHS  GYRO               TC    SL    TE  DTP                    COMICS  

constant sum (not given)     product of each row, column, and main
                                     diagonal is CALLIOPE

Z-10 Triple Key Multiplication (4 green WORDS, 3 black words, 3 blue WORDS, each 0-1)

     x  audio     CAPITALS
     pumper       lowercase        

Z-11 Addition (2 words, 0-9)  Z-12 Addition (2 words,  Z-13 Duodecimal Addition
                                 1902745638)            (2 words, 2a308b495617)
        AGLOW                        ADEPT                      BANES
      + ALONE                        STYLE                      CLUES
        ROPED                     +  PLIED                      LAUDS
                                     WADIS                   +  UNBAR

Z-14 Duodecimal             Z-15 Bottomless            Z-16 Division
   Multiplication            Multiplication               (2 words,
(2 words, 2b90485a1763)   (2 words, 4265193780)         6524198037)
        AND                 PRIOR                       E
      x  SO               x    IT                HIS)MAKE
       DEFT                EOTCDE                    MARK 
      WISE                CTERAN                       NO
      STRUT               .......

Z-17 Almost Topless Multiplication    Z-18 Division (2 words,   Z-19 Duodecimal Division
  (2 words, 5398720461)                     9624051873)          (2 words, a5b289016437)
     .....                                         D                        OR
  x    ..E                                ACRE)TIDAL                 END)SATIN
    LPIETS                                     THEIR                     SHEW
   OISNTA                                       WARE                      SIGN 
  PSIOIL                                                                  SOAR
  SECTIONS                                                                 ARE

Z-20 Multiplication       Z-21 Tridecimal Multiplication    Z-22 Multiplication
(2 words, 8504931726)           (3 words, 1-0)             (2 words, 2673851904)
     STAINER                          MUSIC                      FLORAL
 x         L                       x    ART                    x      W
    UNDELETE                         MOXIRX                      CENTRE 

Z-23 Hidden Multiplication
(all 7's and 8's shown)
   x   ..7

Wodehouse Alphacipher
by Michael Keller

Each of the 26 letters has been assigned a different value between 1 and 26.  For each word below (last names of characters in the stories of P.G. Wodehouse) the sum of the values is given. 
The letters assigned to several consecutive values beginning with 14 spell out the first name of one of the characters.   What is the value of Q?

BASSETT     57
BAXTER      51
BODKIN      85
JEEVES      24
JELLABY     86
LITTLE      98
POTTER      89
PROSSER     74
PSMITH      96
UKRIDGE     88
WICKHAM    113
WIDGEON     91
WINGHAM     99
WOOSTER     88

This puzzle and the solution were first published on The Games Cafe website, February 2000.

Appendix 3: Solving Hints and Walkthroughs for Selected Puzzles

These quick tutorials vary in the amount of detail provided.   A few are complete walkthroughs similar to the examples in the main text, but without tables.   Some are outlines of how to proceed without giving the details, or hints on how to get an initial clue or two, but leave finishing the problem to the reader.   [These resemble the Directed Approaches used in the cryptarithm books by Steven Kahan, as well as sections in other puzzle books such as Robert Abbott's books on logic mazes.]    You can obviously stop reading a hint at any point if you feel you have enough to finish on your own.   Answers are given in Appendix 5.   Remember that a set of letters enclosed in square brackets indicates that they represent a sequence of consecutive digits in ascending order (without wrapping around from 9 to 0): e.g. [AB] indicates A + 1 = B; [ABCD] indicates that also B + 1 = C and C + 1 = D.   LDA is an abbreviation for Leading Digit Analysis.  A question mark after carry (carry?) indicates an addition which looks as though it might include a carry, but does not; (carry) alone means that there might or might not be a carry, particularly when considering multiple cases.   The 'usual cases' or 'usual values' refer to either the four cases of a short product A... x B = C... when A and B are both greater than one, or the six cases of A x B = A when A is not 0 and B is not 1.  Both are worth memorizing.

American Agriculturist    Direct entry: Search for zero gives N = 0.  Three split partial products (PO x M = SR, PO x A = LT, and PO x L = ES) give P = 1 (P >= 2 does not allow for three different short products with multipliers greater than one).  Leading carry [PA] gives A = 2.   O x M = R and O x R = M gives O = 9 (O = 4 case with M = 2, R = 8 or vice versa duplicates A = 2).   PO x A = LT gives L and T;  PO x L = ES gives E and S;  A < L gives M < R (confirmed by PO x M = SR).

A-1   I + I = L and I + I = A, so {LA}.  If L >= 5, A is odd and L is even and [LA].  If L < 5, A is even and L is odd and [AL].  So L = 1, 3, 6, or 8, and the corresponding A is 0, 2, 7, or 9.  A = 0 and A = 9 produce duplicate values from A + A = N.   For the two remaining pairs, make a table of values for R, G, and B from the corresponding sums.  G < 5 since G + G = A doesn't carry.  All but one set of values have duplicates or G >= 5.   I + I = A with I even (because O + O = I).  Add possible values of N, S, P.

A-2  Make three separate tables:
(1) use the possible values of G, adding S from G + G = S.   Since S + S = R and N + N = R, N is the 5-complement of S, and N + N + (carry) = R (R is odd if there is a carry (in which case I >= 5 also because of S + S + (carry) = R)); R is even if no carry (I <= 4).  There will be seven cases after eliminating a duplicate when G = 7.
(2) H + H + (carry) = M does not carry, so H <= 4.  The second table has the four values of H, with two possible values of I for each, from I + I + (carry) = H.  Add the two possible values of M for each H/I combination, from H + H + (carry) = M.  Arrange the table so the top half contains the smaller I for each H, and the bottom half contains the larger I.   This has 16 cases in all, but many will not be used when table-matching.
(3) U + U = O gives two possible values of O of most values of U.  O + O + (carry) = A gives one possible A for each U/O pair.  This has 18 cases, but we will only have to scan through looking for one triplet of numbers each time.
Now match the G/S/N/R table with the H/I/M table, matching top half with top half and bottom with bottom, looking for combinations with seven different digits (e.g. the bottom half GNSR combination has no matches with the bottom half of HIM, since every I is either 5, 6, or 7).   There will be nine valid combinations.  For each, look for a U/O/A triple consisting of the three missing digits.   There are three of these, but only one has all the correct carries.

A-3  Leading carry gives S = 1.  I + I + (carry) = S and I + I + (carry?) = I gives I = 0.  L + N + (carry) = N gives L = 9.  N + P + (carry?) = V and V + P + (carry?) = N gives P = 5 (N and V are 5-complements, with N < V and thus N < 5).  A + O = N and A + O + (carry) = W give [NW], which must be [23] or [34].  A + A = O does not carry; A must be 2 or 4 depending on [NW].  A cannot be 2, otherwise O = 4, and there would be no space for [NW].  So A = 4, O = 8, [NW] = 23, V = 7, and E + O = A confirms E = 6.

A-5   E + E + (carry) = E gives E = 0 or E = 9.  D + S = Y and D + S + (carry) = E gives Y + 1  = E (not necessarily [YE], as Y = 9/E = 0 and Y = 8/E = 9 are both possible).  Since there must be a carry to D + S = E, R + R = N gives R >= 5.   Trying each R with both Y/E combinations (7 cases in all), R + R + (carry) = N gives N, reducing to six cases.    A + S + (carry?) = R gives S < R when E = 0 (since it cannot carry to E + E = E) and conversely S > R when E = 9.  M + A + (carry) = S gives S >= 3, since neither M nor A is zero.   There are 13 cases for Y/E/R/N/S combined.   D + S = Y gives D, reducing to nine cases.  A + S + (carry?) = R gives A, reducing to four cases and fixing Y = 9 and E = 0.   M + A + (carry) = S gives M, splitting one case, with five in all.  The remaining two letters C/I in each case must fit I + D + (carry) = C, with the correct carry to M + A = S.  One case works.

A-7  The same addition L + E = S occurs in both the leftmost and rightmost columns, so there cannot be a carry either to or from this addition.   So there is no carry from A + V = Q (and therefore none from the addition A + V = E, so R + I = R gives I = 0).   Since there is no carry to A + V = E, there must be a carry to A + V = Q, giving [EQ] (and T + A = U gives U < A).   U < A gives A >= 2 (since 0 is already assigned to I), and A + V = E gives E >= 3.   L >= 2 (otherwise [ES] which contradicts [EQ], and E <= 7 (otherwise L + E would carry).  This produces 11 possible combinations of [EQ]/L where E + L <= 9.  L + E = S gives S; E + S + (carry 0) = A gives A (reducing to 5 cases with A >= 2); A + V + (carry 0) = E gives V (reducing to four cases).  In each case, try values of U < A (one case has none, the others two each) and calculate T from T + A + (carry) = U.   Only one possibility works.  R is the unclued value. 

A-8  Leading carry gives [PR].  Initial search for zero gives A, C, I, L, and O as possible.   O = 0 is impossible because O is an addend in consecutive columns.  There is a carry from L + D = E, so E < D, and there is no carry from E + M = D, so C = 0 is impossible.  L + D = E must carry, so L = 0 is impossible.   A and I are left as possible.  If I = 0, we do a second search for nine: C + O = I carries, so A = 9 and O = 9 are impossible.   P = 9 is impossible because of [PR].   E + M = D cannot carry, so E = 9 and M = 9 are impossible.   We will examine the other four cases (with I = 0) separately, then A = 0.   Note that
L + D + (carry) = E carries, so E <= 7.
(1) If I = 0 and C = 9, then C + O + (carry?) = I gives O = 1.   A + O + (carry) = D gives [A.D], with five cases for A/D.   Only two values of A/D allow E + M = D (with values of E/M interchangeable).  L + D + (carry?) = E gives L and reduces to two cases, but neither leaves adjacent values for [PR].
(2) If I = 0 and D = 9, try each value of E: E + M = D gives M.  A + O + (carry) = D does not carry, so L + D + (carry 0) = E gives [EL] and therefore gives L.   C + O + (carry 0) = I gives multiple possible values for C and O in each case; A + O + (carry) = D gives A in only two cases.   Neither allows adjacent [PR].
(3) If I = 0 and L = 9, L + D + (carry?) = E gives [ED] with seven cases.   E + M = D gives M = 1 (fixed), eliminating 1 case.   A + O + (carry) = D does not carry, so O < D and we can try each such O for each value of D.   There are 15 cases for E/D/O.   C + O + (carry 0) = I gives C, eliminating seven cases; A + O + (carry) = I gives A, reducing to four cases.   Again none allow adjacent [PR].
(4) If I = 0 and R = 9, [PR] gives R = 8.    Try each combination of E <= 7 and M small enough so that E + M does not carry (there are 18 cases of E/M).  E + M = D gives D; L + D + (carry) = E gives L (some cases split, others are eliminated, leaving 16 cases for E/M/D/L).  C + O + (carry) = I gives possible values for C and O (interchangeable) in only seven cases (one split with two distinct C/O pairs).   Seven of the O values give the wrong carry to L + D = E (if there must be a carry, O > D, and vice versa).   None of the remaining cases for O give an available value for A from A + O + (carry) = D.
(5) If A = 0, A + O + (carry) = D gives [OD] with six cases.   E + M = D gives possible values for E, M, and D as in (4) above, with 18 cases again for E/M/D.   L + D + (carry 0) = E gives L and reduces to nine cases (M and L turn out to be 10-complements).   Two cases are eliminated because all of the even digits are assigned and there are no available adjacent values for [PR]; three cases split.   Only one of the ten subcases for E/M/L/[PR] allows C + O + (carry 0) = I with a carry to A + O = D, using the two remaining values for C and I.

A-9  A + L + (carry) = A and T + L = S give L = 9 and [ST].  Leading carry gives [DE].  F + T + (carry?) = T gives F = 0.   E + I + (carry) = R does not carry, so [DE] < R and I < R.  E + S + (carry?) = X carries; try each combination of [DE] and [ST] where E + S >= 11 (since X is not 0).  Only five of these give an unused value of X.  For each, try every R larger than E.   E + I + (carry) = R gives an unused I for only one case.  A is the unclued value.

A-13  D + A + (carry) = M does not carry, so A + D + (carry) = F cannot carry unless M = 9 and F = 0, but then there is a carry to both A + D = F and N + A = F, which would make N = D.  So A + D = F does not carry to N + A = F, which means that M + E = I does carry to A + D = F (otherwise D = N as before).    This gives 0 as the carry for the three leftmost columns, and gives both [MF] and [DN].   None of those four letters can be 0, nor can Y or U (because there is no carry to or from Y + N = U), nor O (O + M = N), nor A (leading digit), nor E (M + E = I carries).   So I = 0.   D + A = M with no carry gives [DN] < [MF], which has 21 cases.   Since M > N, O + M = N always carries, so M + E = 9, giving E and reducing to 13 cases for [DN]/[MF]/E.  D + A = M (or N + A = F) gives A and reduces to 8 cases; O + M = N gives O and reduces to 3 cases.   The two unassigned digits in each case are Y and U (with Y < U); Y + N = U is possible in only one case.

A-14  Search for zero gives A, F, and I as possible (E is impossible because E + C + (carry) = L gives [CL], but L + D = C gives L < C.  L < C means there is always a carry to T + A = D).  Consider each case separately.
(1) F = 0 and F + T + (carry) = A gives [TA]; T + A must carry, giving four cases for [TA].   T + A + (carry 1) = D gives D; L + D + (carry) = C gives D < C.   Try each larger C, which eliminates one case; the other three split into 9 cases for T/A/D/C.   L + D + (carry) = C gives L; E + C + (carry) = L gives E.   If there must be a carry to L + D = C, then R < E; otherwise R > E.   I + E + (carry?) = R gives I in only one case, but R + H = E duplicates.
(2) I = 0 and I + E + (carry) = R gives [ER]; R + H = E gives H = 9.   There are six cases for [ER].   E + C + (carry 1) = L + 10 and L + D + (carry 0) = C combine to give E + D = 9, which eliminates one case and gives D for the other five.  Try each L less than E in each case; L + D + (carry 0) = C gives C and yields 10 cases in all for [ER]/D/L/C.   Three values remain for F, T, and A in each case; F + T + (carry) = A must carry to I + E = R, giving A < F and A < T, so A is the smallest remaining value in each case, and the other two are F and T in either order.   F + T + (carry) = A works in only two cases; T + A + (carry) = D works for only one of the four remaining values for T, but gives the wrong carry to F + T = A.
(3) A = 0 and T + A + (carry) = D gives [TD], with eight cases initially.  F + T + (carry?) =A gives F, eliminating one case.   D < C eliminates one case and splits into 19 cases for [TD]/F/C.  L + D + (carry) = C gives one or two values for L; E + C + (carry) = L gives E.   As in case 1, R < E if a carry is needed to L + D = C, and E < R otherwise.  Nearly all of the cases are eliminated by R + H = E, leaving three cases for [TD]/F/C/L/E with an interchangeable pair of values for R and H in each case.  I + E + (carry) = R gives I for only one case and one value of R, solving the problem.

A-15  Leading carry gives [AS].  Search for zero gives D, F, and T as possible (not I, because I + A + (carry) = F would give [AF], contradicting [AS].)  Construct a Crotalus rectangle with Y and E; add the value of D from Y + E = D; add one or two possible values for T from D + D + (carry) = T; add the value of L from L + L + (carry) = E (there are two possible 5-complement values for L, one carrying and the other not, corresponding to the two possible values of T).   There are 19 boxes left: four have T = 0 possible, two have D = 0.
(1) Write out the two D = 0 boxes in a table, and try each possible value for [AS] (two in each case).   Try the three remaining values for I (ignoring values where I > L, since R + L = I carries); I + A + (carry) = F gives F; none of the cases fit R + L + (carry) = I with the remaining value for R.
(2) Analyze the four T = 0 cases in exactly the same way (there are 10 cases for Y/E/D/L/[AS]).   Six cases work for I/F, but none for R.    Cross out all of the D = 0 and T = 0 boxes (but one box has a split value for T with 0/1; remove the T = 0 value and its corresponding L and leave the box with the other set of T/L values).
(3) For all the remaining boxes, F = 0.    R + L + (carry) = I carries to [AS], giving I <= 7.   Highlight the boxes where D >= 5.   Make a table of all seven possible values of I, adding A from I + A + (carry) = F, and S from [AS].   For each I/[AS] case, scan the table and write each case of W/E/D/T/L with no duplications (use only the highlighted boxes in the seven cases where I + A = 9, and the other boxes where I + A = 10).   There are only five cases of F/I/[AS]/Y/E/D/T/L with no repeated values.  Only one case fits R + L + (carry) = I with the remaining value for R.

A-16  L + E + (carry) = SL gives S = 1 and E = 9.   D + S = Y gives [DY] (not 9/0 since 9 is already assigned), with no carry.   E + T + (carry 0) = L gives [LT].    None of S/E/[DY]/[LT] can be zero, nor can A or I, which would give [DO] or [DW], contradicting [DY].  So either W = 0 or O = 0.   We handle each in a similar way:
(1) If W = 0, we try each of six cases for [DY].   E + L = T carries, so D + I + (carry 1) = W, or D + I = 9, giving I, and eliminating one case.   We then try each possible pair of values for [LT] which fits into the various gaps: there are nine cases for [DY]/A/[LT].    There is a carry from D + I = W, so A + D + (carry 1) = O, with a carry to L + E = L.  This is equivalent to A + Y = O (with A > O), and none of the nine cases work with the two remaining values.
(2) If O = 0, we again try the six [DY] cases.   A + D + (carry) = O, giving two possible values for A in most cases (with ten cases for D/Y/A).   Again we fill [LT] into any available gaps, giving 18 cases in all.   The two remaining values in each case must be I and W, with I > W if there needs to be a carry to A + D = O, and I < W if not.   D + I + (carry 1) = W is equivalent to Y + I = W.   Running through the cases will find one with correct values for I and W.

A-26  R + R = N gives N for each R; E + E + (carry?) = N gives E as the 5-complement of R (R + R cannot carry, otherwise E + E would impossibly add to an odd number, since N is even).  Leading carry [FR] gives F and reduces to three cases.  Try each I < N in each case; I + I + (carry) = A gives A and O + N + (carry) = I gives O; five cases remain.   U + A + (carry) = E gives U and reduces back to three cases.  The remaining two values are P and M; only one possibility fits R + P + (carry) = M.

A-27  N + O = N gives O = 0.  S + L + (carry) = L gives S = 9.   The leading carry [EG] combined with I + G + (carry) = E gives I = 8 (since 9 is already assigned).   I + E + (carry?) = N extends the sequence to [N.EG], and carries to E + L = A.  There is also a carry from S + L = L to N + A = L, so simple algebra combines E + L + 1 = A and N + A + 1 = L, into E + L + 1 + N + 1 = L, or E + N = 8.    This gives N = 3 and E = 5, with G = 6.  [You can skip the algebra and simply try each value of N/E/G.]   There must be a carry to I + G = E, so L < N.   For each L, E + L + (carry) = A gives A; only one case works (if you tried multiple N's, N + A + (carry) = L gives the correct one).    T + I + (carry) = M gives T and M.

A-28  The leading carry gives [VB] and R < A.   There is no carry to A + V = R, so R + E does not carry.  So there is no carry from E + R = H to R + E = A, and therefore there must be a carry to E + R = H, giving [AH].  Now we have enough information to search for zero: V and B are leading digits; S + D + (carry?) = M carries, eliminating S and D; A + V = R also carries, eliminating [AH]; R is eliminated as it appears in adjacent columns; E + I = S eliminates E and I, leaving M = 0.   [AH] gives A <= 9, so R must be at least 2 less than V (so V >= 3).   Make a table of each possible value of [VB], along with values of R from 1 to (V-2).  There are 21 cases for [VB]/R; A + V = R gives A and [AH] gives H, reducing to 12 cases for [VB]/R/[AH].  R + E = A gives E (E + V = 10 in each case), reducing to 8 cases for [VB]/R/[AH]/E.   Put the three unassigned values for S (remember that M = 0) in each case side by side, expanding horizontally as described in Section 15.  E + I = S gives I in each subcase; there are only 10 subcases for
[VB]/R/[AH]/E/S/I.   Only one of these fits S + D + (carry) = M with the unassigned value for D.

A-29  A + S + (carry) = S gives A = 0 or A = 9, but E + H + (carry) has a maximum value of 18 (9 + 8 + 1), so A = 0.  There is no carry either to or from A + S = S.   The leading carry gives V = 1.   Since 0 and 1 are assigned, R >= 2, T >= 2, and H >= 2.  E + H + (carry) = 10 gives E <= 8, R + T = E (which does not carry) gives E >= 5.   Make a table with each of the four values of E, and the possible values of R and T (two interchangeable values for each, except E = 7 which has two different pairs of interchangeable values).  There are ten cases for E/R/T; E + H + (carry) = A has only one possible H for each case.  L appears in two consecutive columns, so L is not 9.  Write the three remaining possibilities for L horizontally on each line; G + L + (carry 0) = E gives G for some of the subcases; L + O + (carry) = R gives a possible O for only 2 subcases.   The carry to E + H + (carry) = A is correct for only one subcase, and S is the unclued value.   The full table is below:

A V E H R T L   G   O   S
0 1 5 4 2 3 678 987 ---
        3 2 678 987 ---
0 1 6 3 2 4 578 -9- ---
        4 2 578 -9- ---
0 1 7 3 2 5 468 --9 ---
      2 3 4 568 --9 ---
      2 4 3 568 --9 --5  6
      3 5 2 468 --9 --6
0 1 8 2 3 5 467 ---
        5 3 467 ---

A-30  L + N + (carry) = L gives N = 0 or N = 9.  If N = 0, E + A = N gives [EA], and X + E = A gives X = 1.   If N = 9, we have [AE] instead, and X = 8.  In all we have 13 cases for N/X/E/A.   R + A = N gives R; R + V + (carry) = A must carry to [TC], so R > A, reducing to four cases.   R + V + (carry) = A gives two possible V's for all but one case, splitting into seven cases for N/X/E/A/R/V.   If there is a carry to R + V, then [TC] < A (this eliminates all three such cases, as there is no room for [TC].  So there is no carry, and [TC] > A.  Only one case has room for [TC], fixing N/X/E/A/R/V, with two possibilities for [TC].   A + I + (carry) = C gives I and fixes [TC].  The remaining value is the unclued L.

A-31  Leading carry gives S = 1.   C + S + (carry) = I gives I < S, so I = 0.  O + I + (carry) = L gives [OL], with no carry to C + S = I,  so C = 9.   [OL] has six cases; P + V + (carry) = C does not carry in any case since C = 9, so P + L + (carry 0) = I gives P, eliminating one case.   P + V + (carry) = C gives V, eliminating two more cases (the other three cases all produce [VOL].)   There is always a carry from E + E = O, giving a single value of E (E >= 5) for each case, reducing to one case.   R + R = N gives the two remaining values R and N.

A-32  L + R = S and R + N + (carry) = S gives [NL] with I > M (since I + E must carry).  Try each of the eight cases for the leading carry [BO].  Since R + N carries to [BO], so does L + R, and O + O + (carry 1) = I, so I is odd, reducing to six cases.   If O + O carries (O >= 5), S is odd because of T + T + (carry) = S; if O <= 4 then S is even.   S + S + (carry) = O gives one value of S for each case and reduces to five cases.   Similarly, if O is even, S + S + (carry) = O gives T <= 4, and if O is odd, T >= 5.   T + T + (carry) = S gives one value of T and reduces to four cases.   R + N carries, so [NL] > S, which is only possible in two of the cases, but both split into multiple cases for [NL], giving five cases.  L + R = S gives R and reduces back to two cases.  The last two values are E and M; only one case fits I + E + (carry) = M.

A-33  Leading carry gives G = 1.   L + R + (carry) = G must carry to I + G = S, so I + 2 = S.   A + A = A gives A = 9 or A = 0.   Consider these cases separately. 
(1) If A = 9, I + G + (carry) = S must carry to A + A, so S < G and therefore S = 0 and I = 8.   The largest unassigned values for N and W and 6 and 7, so N + W + (carry) = L makes L <= 4.  L + R + (carry) = G has two possibilities for L/R (which must add to 10).    N + W + (carry) = L must carry to produce G, so W > L.   But since R + M = W must carry, W < R.   In each case, we try the unassigned possibilities for W which are greater than L and less than R; R + M = W duplicates values in all four cases, so A is not 9.
2) Therefore A = 0; there are six cases of I/S where I + 2 = S with no carry.   Now L <= 7, since 9 and 8 are possible values for N and W.   In each case, we try each unassigned value for L, adding the value of R (now L + R = 11).   There are 13 possibilities for S/I/L/R.  Now R + M = W cannot carry, so W > R.  In each case, we try the values of W greater than both L and R; there are 14 cases for S/I/L/R/W.   R + M = W gives M and reduces to four cases; N + W + (carry 0) = L reduces to one case.   O is the unclued value.

A-34  L + E = A means there must be a carry to E + U + (carry) = A, giving [UL]; since N + P = H must carry, neither N nor P is zero; I = 0 and N + I + (carry) = L would give [NL], contradicting [UL].   The remaining candidates for zero are A, H, and U.
(1) If U = 0, [UL] gives L = 1; L + E = A gives [EA], and E + U + (carry) = A does not carry to F + L = D, giving [FD].    E + N + (carry 0) = I and N + I + (carry) = L gives E + N + N + (0/1) = L.   There are seven cases for [EA]; each has one or two possible values for N (10 subcases for [EA]/N) ; E + N = I gives I; N + I + (carry) = L works for only four subcases.   The four remaining values must match [FD] and N + P + (carry) = H.    [FD] is impossible in one subcase; in another N + P = H does not carry for any value of P; in the two remaining cases, N + P + (carry) = H does not work after assigning [FD].
(2) If A = 0, there are eight cases for [UL]; L + E = A gives E, eliminating one case.   There is a carry to E + N = I, so E + N + (carry 1) = I and N + I + (carry) = L gives E + N + N + (1/2) = L; the total carry is always 2 since the difference between E and L is always even here.   Four cases give a possible value for N; E + N + (carry 1) = I gives I; N + I + (carry 1) = L fails in two cases because the carry from E + N is zero.    F + L + (carry) = D has one possibility for F and D in each of the two remaining cases, but N + P + (carry) = H does not work with the two unassigned values for P and H.
(3) If H = 0, we construct an extra-large Crotalus rectangle (16x7) with N and P on one axis (N + P + (carry) = H gives N + P = 9/10) and [UL] on the other axis (L <= 8 since F + L = D does not carry).  In addition to the boxes eliminated by duplication between the two values on each axis, we can eliminate every box where both N > L and N + P = 10, and every box where both N < L and N + P = 9.   Only 29 boxes in the entire grid remain.   N + I + (carry) = L gives I in the first cell (eliminating the six boxes in the P = 9 row); E + N + (carry) = I gives one value for E in the second cell (we know whether L + E = A carries in each box), eliminating 15 more boxes, leaving only 8; L + E = A gives A in the third cell, reducing to four boxes.   F and D are the last two unassigned values in each box (with F < D); F + L + (carry) = D works in only one box, giving the full solution.

A-35  The leading addition gives [TI].  As described in Section 3 in case 6 of Reversed Additions and a Little Bit of Algebra, the additions N + A + (carry) = T and I + N + (carry) = A give N = 4.    With 4 assigned, there are only six cases for [TI]; I + N + (carry) = A gives two possible values for A in all but one case.   A + A = S gives S and eliminates six cases.   Two more cases have the wrong carry from T + A = P to I + N = A, and are eliminated.   T + A + (carry) = P gives one or two possible values of P, yielding five cases for T/I/A/S/P.   If there is a carry, E < A, while E > A is there is no carry.   The possible values for E in each case yield nine cases for T/I/A/S/P/E; A + M + (carry) = E gives M and reduces to three cases.   In each remaining case, try I + K + (carry?) = U with the two remaining values for K and U.  Only one case works, fixing all of the remaining letters.

A-36  The double leading carry gives I = 9, E = 0, and [LP].   T + I = A gives [AT].    L + P = R must carry, giving three cases for [LP].   L + P + (carry) = R gives R.   In each case, there are two or more possible positions for [AT], giving eight cases for [LP]/R/[AT].    Z + T + (carry) = I gives Z and reduces to three cases.   The last two unassigned values are S and H; S + T + (carry) = H works for one case with a carry to I + A = A.

A-40  T + Y = T gives Y = 0.  Leading carry gives [LA].   L >= 3 makes P too large, as A + P would carry.   Try the two cases for [LA], adding two possible values for P for each case from L + A + (carry) = P, producing four cases for L/A/P.  A + P + (carry) = S gives S and eliminates one case which carries.   P + R + (carry?) = A gives R, and P + T = Y gives T, eliminating another case and fixing [LA].   H + P = T gives H and reduces to one case.  I + P + (carry) = R gives I, and O + I + (carry?) = P gives O.

A-41  Search for zero gives R and S as possible (C is not possible because T + C + (carry) = A must carry to [ED]).  R + T = T gives R = 0 or R = 9.   So either R = 0, or R = 9 and S = 0.  Leading carry gives [ED].  Computing E + D + (carry) = W gives seven possible combinations for E/D/W; adding values for T from W + R + (carry) = T for either value of R eliminates [ED] = 45, and gives 11 combinations of E/D/W/R/T.   For each combination, find values of A < T (since T + C + (carry) = A carries to [ED]), for which the carry from C + A + (carry) = E matches the carry to E + D + (carry) = W (that is, if the carry to E + D is 1, A > E, and if the carry is 0, A < E).
There are now 17 cases for E/D/W/R/T/A; C + A + (carry) = E gives C and reduces to nine cases.   Only two cases fit T + C + (carry) = A; in both cases R = 0 and O + U = A must carry, so U > A.   One case is eliminated because there are no unassigned values for U > A, so E/D/W/R/T/A/C are fixed.   Trying the three available values for U with O + U = A gives O and eliminates one case; U + A = S eliminates another and confirms U/O/S.

A-42  Direct entry: leading carry gives T = 1.   Search for zero gives E = 0 (not I because I + I = P duplicates 1).   H + T = R gives [HR], P + R = H gives P = 9, and O + P = R extends to [HRO].    I + I = P gives I = 4.   H + P must carry, so S + S + (carry) = H makes H odd.   [HRO] cannot span 4, so it is [567], giving S = 2.  A + H + (carry) = P gives A = 3.   G + I + (carry) = A gives G = 8.

A-43  Leading carry gives [PA].  P >= 3 makes M too large, as M + T would carry.   Try the two possible values for [PA] and the two possible values of M from P + A + (carry) = M for each, giving four cases as in A-40.  S + S + (carry) = M gives a unique value for S in each case; adding O from M + S = O, and T from M + S = T, reduces to one case.   The rest follows.

A-50  Search for zero shows N and A as possible.  PI + EX = OOH gives O = 1.  N = 0 would give A = 2 from O + N + (carry) = A but also W = 2 from O + O + (carry?) = W.   So A = 0, with N = 9 or a.  But N = a is impossible because N + A + (carry) = H would give H = 0, so N = 9 and H = a.   O + O + (carry) = W gives W = 3, and O + W + (carry?) = C gives C = 4.   H + E = S gives [SE], with three possible cases, reduced to one by E + S = I, which gives I.  S + I = X gives X, and I + P + (carry?) = E gives P.

A-51  Leading carries give I = 1 and T = 2.    R + Y + (carry) = IR gives Y = a.   Trying values for R gives seven cases; R + B = T gives B and eliminates one case; B + T = S gives S and eliminates two more cases; T + S = K gives K and eliminates another case.   E + R + (carry) = Y gives E eliminates two more cases, fixing R/B/S/K, but splitting the last case into two subcases for E.   Y + R + (carry?) = A gives A.  E + K + (carry) = C gives C and reduces to one case, fixing E/C.   A + U + (carry) = E confirms U.

A-55  Search for zero gives I, R, S as possible (not U because F + A = U does not carry).    The leading carry gives D = 1.   The hundreds (actually grosses!) column has A + G + (carry) = F and G + F + (carry) = A + 12, or G + G + (carry 0/1/2) = 12.  Since one of S, I, or R is zero, there cannot be two carries, and there cannot be one carry because G + G = 11 is impossible, so G = 6, and there are no carries to the grosses column in the first two additions.  Thus R is not 0, as S + I = R would then carry {R = 0 is also impossible since R + F + (carry) = D}.  A and F are 6-complements; the only available pair where F + A = U does not carry is 2 and 8 (since A + G = F does not carry, A = 2 and F = 8).   If I = 0, then the tens additions give [SRF], but this duplicates G.   So S = 0, and we have [IR].   Only two cases of [IR] fit I + R + (carry) = F, and only one of those also fits R + F + (carry) = D; this fixes [IR].  F + A + (carry) = U gives U.   K + N = O carries (since S = 0), giving O < K and O < N.   N + O = T also carries to I + R = F, giving T < O.   Since T is the smallest of the four remaining values, this fixes T; O is next smallest (and fits O + T = S); N + O = T gives N and K + N = O confirms K.

A-56  Leading carry gives L = 1.  Y + E + (carry) = E gives Y = b or Y = 0, but the largest possible value for H + A + (carry) is b + a + 1 = 1a, so Y cannot be b, and instead Y = 0.   Now Y + E + (carry?) = E neither carries (so L + L + (carry 0) = B gives B = 2) nor is carried to (so R, A < T).  A + Y + (carry) = E gives [AE], and E + P = A gives P = b.   There are now seven cases for [AE]; M + E = P gives M and eliminates two cases.  T + M = E gives T; one case is elminated by duplication and three because T cannot be less than A.   This fixes [AE]/M/T, and the remaining values follow from additions.

A-60  Leading carries give C = 1 and O = 2.   B and N are not zero because of N + T = B and T + B = E, so B >=  3 and N >= 3 (1 and 2 are assigned).  B + N = L does not carry, so B <= 9.   B + E = O has seven possible cases for B and E; T + B = E gives T and eliminates two cases; N + T = B gives N and reduces to four cases, but three of those are eliminated because B + N = L would carry; B/E/T/N are fixed.  U + I + (carry) = O has four cases for U and I, all of which carry to B + N = L, fixing L.   I + O + (carry?) = F gives F and reduces to two cases.   O + F + (carry) = D fixes U/I/F/D; L + A + (carry) = R gives A and R.

A-61  Leading carry gives [OC].   C + L = R and O + L = R must be C + L + (carry 0) = R and O + L + (carry 1) = R, giving A, E < O.   O cannot be 1, as A + E + (carry) = O would be at least 0 + 1 + 1 = 2.   If [OC] is [45] or greater, L >= 9 and C + L = R would carry.   So [OC] is either [23] or [34].  O + C + (carry) = L gives two possible values of L in each case; C + L + (carry 0) = R gives R.    L + R + (carry) = F gives one or two possible values for F in each case, but R + F + (carry) = O works for only one case, fixing [OC]/L/R/F.   There is no carry to O + C = F, so A < E, and A + E + (carry) = O gives A and E.   N + A + (carry) = E gives N; H + N + (carry?) = O gives H.  W + Y = E gives values for W and Y in either order; Y + E = T gives T and the correct order for W and Y, fixing W/Y/T.   E + T = M confirms M.

A-65  Initial search for zero gives H, U, I, M, O, L as possibilities: other letters are eliminated as leading digits or addends in rightmost additions.   O is also eliminated as it appears in consecutive column additions (M + O = L and I + O = E).    The leading carry gives A = 1; A + A + (carry) = W gives W = 2 or 3; A + W + (carry) = S gives two possible values of S for each W; S + W + (carry) = I gives two possible values of I for each case, yielding eight total cases for A/W/S/I.   W + I does not carry in any of these, so W = 2 and half of the cases are eliminated.   Since A = 1, H + U + (carry) = A is impossible if either H or U is zero (as the other would duplicate either 0 or 1).   A + M + (carry?) = O gives M in the four remaining cases, and neither I nor M is zero in any case, so L = 0.   S + D = L therefore carries, and M + O + (carry 1) = L reduces to one case and fixes A/W/S/I/O/M.   S + D = L gives D, and working backwards through the other rightmost additions gives Y, N, and E in turn.   U + A + (carry) = M gives U; H + U + (carry) = A gives H, and T + S + (carry) = W confirms T.

A-66  The leading carry gives P = 1; O + R = O does not carry, giving R = 0.   A + R + (carry) = O and R + O + (carry) = I give [AOI].   U + O = S does not carry, giving [AOI] < S and O <= b.  N + S = F and S + F = T both carry, giving T < F < N, S.   D + T + (carry) = O does not carry, giving T < [AOI].  There are at least six letters greater than T, so T <= 7.  T + O + (carry) = PR, so T + O = 13 or T + O = 14, and T is at least 2 less than O (because T < [AOI]), so O >= 8.   There are four cases for [AOI] (A = 7/8/9/a), and for each, T + O + (carry) = R gives two possible values for T.   For each of the eight cases, F + A + (carry) = R gives one or two possible values for F, splitting into 10 cases for [AOI]/T/F.  N + S = F gives N for each case, eliminating one.  Y + N = S gives Y, reducing to five cases and fixing S.   U + O + (carry?) = S gives U and reduces to two cases; H + U + (carry?) = O gives H and reduces to one case, fixing [AOI]/T/F/N/Y/U/H.   E + H + (carry) = U gives E; D + T + (carry) = O confirms D.

A-70  E = 0 (E + E = E), so [RT].  I = 1 (E + E = I, with carry).  E + E + I doesn't carry, so neither does R + R = F (repeated), and I + I = A gives A = 2.  B is greater than I (no smaller values left), so B + B = I carries and A + I = T gives T = 4.  [RT] gives R = 3; R + R = F gives F = 6.  B + B = I carries, so B = 5.  The rest follows.

A-71 B + P = R with no carry gives R >= 3;
giving 13 initial cases of R and S from R + R + (carry) = S.   In the four cases where R + R does not carry (R = 3 and R = 4), A + E + (carry) = AE gives A = 0.  In the remaining nine cases (R >= 5),  A = 9, which eliminates the single case where R = 9.   S + S = E gives E (reducing to 10 cases), and E + S + (carry) = C gives C (reducing to 7 cases).   R + P + (carry?) = C gives P, reducing to four cases [there is no carry, since B + P = R is the same addition as the leftmost column].   I + I + (carry) = C gives I; only one of the 5-complements is possible in each case, whichever gives the correct carry to R + R.  I + E + (carry) = N gives N; T + N + (carry) = E gives T, reducing to one case.  B + P + (carry?) = R confirms B.

A-72  M = 0 (M + S = S).  S + S + (no carry) = N shows that N is even.  I + E = O and C + E = O give {CI}, but C + N = I and [CI] would make N = 0 (zero already assigned), so [IC], and since N is even, N = 8.  S + S = N and L + L = N give S and L as 5-complements.  Since I is less than C, the carry comes from S + S = N, so S = 9 and L = 4.  There are six remaining possible values for I.  For each, compute T from I + I + (carry 1) = T (we know C + N = I carries), and C from T + T + (carry) = C.  Only one case fits [IC].  Three values remain for E, O, and V.  Only one value for O gives an unused value for E from I + E + (carry) = O, and the remaining value for V fits E + V + (carry) = C.

A-73  C + S + (carry) = S and O + H + (carry) = O give C = 0 and H = 9, or vice versa.   E + E = T and E + T + (carry) = H give H = 0 or H = 9 only when E = 3, giving T = 6.  E + E does not carry, giving C = 0 and H = 9.   There must be a carry to O + H = O, so there cannot be a carry to O + H = C, giving O = 1.   P + P + (carry) = S does not carry, giving P <= 4.  Only one value of P does not duplicate 3 or 9, giving P = 2 and S = 5.   S + O + (carry) = I gives I = 7; N + E + (carry?) = I gives N = 4; N + A + (carry?) = P gives A = 8.

A-74  E + E + (carry) = E gives either E = 0 or E = 9.  E + I + (carry) = E also gives I = 0 or I = 9, and it is easy to look at both cases.  I + I + (carry) = T gives either T = 1 or T = 8, and T + T + (carry) = N gives N = 2 or N = 7.   P + P + (carry) = R does not carry, so P <= 4, and there are two possibilities for P/R in each case, giving four cases for E/I/T/N/P/R.   R + O + (carry) = E is possible for only one of the E/I/T/N cases, with both P/R combinations possible.   There is no carry to O + M = P (since P <= 4), and this fixes E/I/T/N/P/R/O/M.   The two unused values fit S + S = D.

A-81  A + B + M + O + (carry?) = R cannot have a carry, and A/B/M/O must be 1/2/3/4 in some order, with R = a.    The six remaining letters EKLSTU must be in the range of 5 to 9, plus zero.   S + S + O + M = S gives S + O + M = 11, with 5 <= S <= 8 (S cannot be zero as O and M are too small to add to 1, but must add to at least 3.   The carry to E + T + E + U must be 1, so T + E + U = 21 (not 10, as two of the three must add to at least 11).   Thus all three are in the range of 5 through 9, and must have the values 5/7/9 or 6/7/8 (so S is not 7).   Now a search for zero leaves only K or L.  If K = 0, O + O + T + (carry of 2) = S + 11 (since S <= 8 and T >= 5, T + 4 cannot equal S), so the carry to the 121's column is 1.   But this makes L >= 5, and L + O + A + A + (carry) = U would make U = a, which is already assigned.   So L = 0.    We have four possible values for O (1/2/3/4) and three for S (5/6/8); T + K must be in the range of 11-17.   Finding the sum of T + K from O + O + T + K + (carry 2) = S in each case leaves six possible cases with a carry of 1, and one case (O = 4, S = 5, T + K = 17) with a carry of 2.   We can also find the possible values for O/M (each pair can be reversed) for each S (S = 5, O/M = 2/4; S = 6, O/M = 1/4 or 2/3; S = 8, O/M = 1/2).  Comparing the two tables eliminates 2 cases (O = 1/S = 5, and O = 3/S = 8).   Another case is eliminated because S = 6 and T + K = 11 (only possible with 5 + 6).   This leaves four cases for M/O/S; in each we can determine the two values which must be T/K, but not yet which is which.   We try each of the two possible values for A (values from 1/2/3/4 not assigned to M and O) and compute U from L + O + A + A + (carry) = U.  Only one case produces a possible U (with no carry), fixing the values of M/O/S/A/U.  B is the remaining unassigned value from 1/2/3/4.  We have two values which are T and K in some order: the remaining value is E, and T + E + U = 21 gives T and thus K.

A-90  I + R = R and H + C = C indicate that I and H are 0 and B, or vice versa.  I = 0 will give us [AT]; I = B gives [TA].  M + A = T and I + A = T indicate {MI}, so either M = 1 or M = A.  E + E = I gives E = 6 or E = 5 (with a carry).   For each of the two cases, we have I/H/M/E.  Add the value of B from E + B = H (there is no carry from L + C = O), which is also the leading end addition).  Try possible values of R, remembering that R >= 6 if there is a carry to E + E = I, and R <= 5 if there is not.  Add the value of C from R + R = C.   Find possible consecutive values for [AT], and check the remaining value for G with G + T + (carry) = E.

A-91  A + I + (carry) = I gives A = 0 or A = b.  If A = 0, E + A + (carry) = N gives [EN] and does not carry, so neither does E + E + (carry) = T (to the identical addition S + T + (carry?) = I); therefore E <= 5.   If A = b, the reverse is true: [NE] and E >= 6.   There are ten combinations of A/E/N initially; E + E = T gives one or two possible values of T for each case.  T + N + (carry) = S gives one or two possible values of S for each T (S will have as many as three possible values for each E/N).   S + T + (carry) = I gives I for each subcase, eliminating all cases where it carries.   But T + N + (carry) must carry if A = b, reducing to a single case in that half.   E + I + (carry?) = U gives U for each remaining case, leaving three combinations of A/E/N/T/S/I/U where A = 0 and one where A = b.   Try each available L for the four cases, calculating V from T + L + (carry) = V, P from P + L + (carry) = I, and M from M + L + (carry) = T.  Three cases (with L/V/P) remain, but only one gives the remaining value for G from E + G = M.

A-100  E + E + (carry) = E gives either E = 0 or E = c.   D + D = R in the units column and D + D + (carry) = G in the fifth column give [RG], and E + E = H must carry (so must E + E = E), so E = c, and H = b.  D + D = R must carry (so must D + D = R), but R + R = T must not, so D >= 7, while R <= 6.   There are four available values for D; D + D = R gives R, eliminating one case; [RG] gives G; R + R + (carry) = T gives T, eliminating another case.    U + U + (carry) = L does not carry, as it is the leftmost addition, so there is also no carry to A + L = E.   Start a new table with U <= 6; U + U + (carry) = L gives two values for L in all but one case, giving nine cases for U/L.   A + L + (carry 0) = E gives A, eliminating another case.   Now the two tables can be matched: the D/R/G/T table includes 3 and 7 in both cases, so five cases where either U or L equals either 3 or 7 are removed.   All of the three remaining cases in the U/L/A table include 2, so the D/R/G/T table is reduced to one case, and it eliminates one U/L/A case, leaving two cases, while D/R/G/T are fixed.   In both U/L/A cases, there is no carry to U + U = L, so N + N = I does not carry, and N <= 6.   The four available values of N are used to start a third table;
D + D + (carry 1) = G carries, and adding I from N + N + (carry 1) = I  eliminates three cases and fixes N/I, which eliminates a U/L/A case and fixes U/L/A.   L + P + (carry) = M gives P and M.

A-101  C + T + (carry) = T gives C = 0 or C = c.    D + T = E and E + S + (carry) = T combine to yield D + T + S + (0/1) = T, or D + S = (12/13).  
U + I + (carry) = O with no carry gives U < O; N + N = U and N + T = P both carry to U + I = O, so their carry is the same (if N >= 7, N > P; if N <=5, N < P; the N = 6 case cannot occur, since U will either be zero (impossible since it is a leading digit) or c (too large since U < O)).   Since U + I = O does not carry at the leading end, it does not carry to O + U = P.
(1) If C = 0,
N + N + (carry) = U has eleven cases, but O + U = P cannot carry, and since O > U, U <= 5, eliminating six cases.    Try each value of O > U which does not make O + U carry; U + I + (carry) = O gives I; there are 18 cases for N/U/O/I (I = c is impossible because I < O).   O + U + (carry) = P gives P and eliminates two cases by duplication; six more cases are eliminated because N >= 7 but N < P.  N + T + (carry) = P gives T and eliminates all six cases where N = 1 by duplication.   For the four cases left, S + D = (12/13) gives D, eliminating one case.   D + T = E gives E, duplicating two cases, and eliminating the last case because the carry to E + S = T is wrong.
(2) If C = C,
N + N + (carry) = U has nine cases for N/U if C = c (U is a leading digit and cannot be 0).  Now O + U = P must carry; again U + I + (carry) = O yields 18 cases for N/U/O/I.  O + U = P gives P and eliminates two cases by duplication, and four cases where N <=5 but N > P.    N + T + (carry) = P gives T; one case is eliminated because T = 0 (impossible because D + T = E).   S + I + (carry) = U gives one or two values for S, eliminating one case but splitting five of the remaining ten.  S + D = {12/13} gives only one value of D in eight cases, eliminating two complete cases and two split values for S.   D + T = E gives E, eliminating four complete cases and two split values.   E + S = T eliminates the last split value for S, leaving four cases for N/U/O/I/P/T/S/D/E.   Three values remain for L/A/V; L + I + (carry) = A is possible in two cases, but the remaining value for V fits E + V + (carry) = L in only one case.

A-200  Expressed in letters, this is ABCDEA + FAFGEH = BIHDBJ.   The solution must not have any letters assigned to the same digit as the original.  D + G + (carry) = D gives G = 9 or G = 0, so G = 0 since 9 was the original assignment.  E + E + (carry) = B must not carry, so E <= 4.   For each possible E/B pair, try every A < B (because of A + F + (carry) = B).  
Remember at each step to eliminate values used in the original, so here A is not 4.   A + F + (carry) = B gives F (the carry can be determined from B + A).   Eliminate cases where F = 2.   Now try every unused H (not 6!) to calculate J from A + H = J (which carries if E + E + 1 = B and not if E + E = B).   C + F = H gives C, and B + A = I gives I.   Eventually only one combination remains, and the unclued value is D.

D-1  This is one of my earliest cryptarithm constructions: I include it here as a reminder of how bad I was when I first started making these puzzles.   This is a pair of additions disguised (not intentionally) as a division.  The additions TEND + PAST = LOOS and TEND + SLID = PASTE give a few clues, but solving using the additions only is a tedious slog.   The only clue in the division, but a valuable one, is that the remainder is less than the division, so S < T.   Clearly P = 1.  The addition S + T = A (+ 10) gives A < S, and the addition T + P = L gives T < L (so T <= 8).   So we have A < S < T < L, and we can tabulate all such values of S and T where S >=  2, T <= 8, and S + T carries (S + T might be as small as 9).  There are 15 such cases.  For each we add D from D + T = S and E from D + D = E (reducing to 10 cases).  For each case, we can can compute T + S + (carry) = A, carrying only when E > S, and removing cases where A = 1 (duplicating P) or T + S does not carry .  Down to seven cases, we calculate L from P + T + (carry) = L, checking whether E + A = O will carry (there is one uncertain case where E + A = 9, but it must carry to avoid duplicating L, so for the moment we assume it does).  This gets us to four cases; we also check whether L + E + (carry) = S is possible, removing two more cases.  Finally we compute A + E = O, reducing to a single case (the ambiguous one, where our assumption that it carried proved correct).  We calculate N from S + N + (carry) = O, and I from I + N + (carry) = T.

D-2  Clearly H = 1.  Search for zero gives D, E, I, and L.  L cannot be zero because H + N = L does not carry.  I cannot be zero because R + I = O would not carry, leaving E also as zero.   E is not zero because O + S = E would carry to another copy of itself, giving O + S + 1 = E.  Therefore D = 0, and E = 9 because of E + I = I.   L + L = E gives L = 4, H + L + (carry) = N gives H = 2, and N + R = D gives R = 8.   We have so far [DHN.L...RE].  R + I + (carry) = O gives [OI]; this can only fit as [56] or [67].  O + S = E gives S = 3 (since L = 4), with O = 6 and I = 7.  G = 5 is confirmed as the leading digit of SNIIER.

D-3  Search for zero gives I = 0, creating split partial product N x T = AN.  This has the usual six solutions.  Add the value of O from [NO], and the value of R from O x T = AR (four cases are eliminated because of the wrong value of A).  The split partial product CAN x N = RNC gives the value of C and reduces to one case.  A + R = B gives B, and the remaining values for U and E fit U + R = E.

D-4  D = 0 (S + D = S), O = 9 (M + O = M with carry to [RO]), R = 8.  O + P = I gives [IP]; I x P = D; try two values of [IP] where I = 5 or P = 5.  Divide value of ROP by I to get value of STO.  One set of values works.  Try each remaining value of M, multiplying out STOMP x I = ROPED to get values for M and E.  B + E = T gives the value of B.

D-5  L x T = T has the usual six cases.  Multiply out LT x L = IT to get I.    For each case, try each value of A < L (because of the long product MALT x L = ADMIT).  Compute M by multiplying out ALT x T = MIT; check values for consistency with T + M + (carry) = A.  Finish the long product ADMIT: there is only one valid case.  Calculate W from W + T = D, and S from S + D + (carry) = W.   The remaining values for O and R will fit O + I + (carry) = R.

D-7  Direct entry: A = 1 (partial product), R = 9 (R + O = O with carry), P = 4 (P + P = O),  G = 3 and N = 2 (additions with carries), E = 8 (P x E = N), S = 6 (N x E = S), H = 0 (N + E = H), T = 7 and O = 5 (T + T = O).

D-8  Direct entry: S = 1.  L + 1 = E with carry gives L = 9 and E = 0.  L + L = U gives U = 8.  U + T = E gives T = 2.  G + G = T gives G = 6; [NG] gives N = 5. T x T = O gives O = 4.  R x T = G gives R = 3.  S + M + (carry) = L gives M = 7.

D-9  Direct entry: A = 9 (A + E = E, but A + K = E.)   A + K = E and A + E = R give [REK].    Search for zero initially gives L, R, and X as possible, but X is not possible because R + X + (carry) = A would give [RA], contradicting [RE], and R occurs in unlike additions in two consecutive columns.   So L = 0, and the internal zero gives A x A = R, so R = 1 and [REK] = [123].   Leading carry gives [NI].    A x T = K gives T = 7, H x T = E gives H = 6, and R + X + (carry?) = A gives X = 8.   [NI] must fit in the remaining gap, so [NI] = 45.

D-10  T x N = N has six possible combinations: for each, find values of A that make a valid short product AN x T = IN.   In only one case does I + N = P carry, giving P.  Add D from the leading carry [ID].  S + M = S gives M; O x N = M gives O; AN x O = EM gives E.  S is the remaining value, partially clued because S < N (the remainder AS is less than the divisor AN).

D-11  Direct entry: A = 1 from the last subtraction.  A + N = T carries, so T = 0.  E + A = P does not carry, so A + N = 10 and N = 9.  T + T = T does not carry, so A + A = U gives U = 2.  U x I = U gives I = 6.  L + U = N gives L = 7.  N x I = P gives P = 4.   P + P = O gives O = 8.  E + A = P gives E = 3.  NAU divided by U gives PSI and S = 5.

D-12  Search for zero gives R = 0 (not Y = 0 since D + E = Y does not carry). Leading carry gives [IT].  For each pair, find values of A where T x A = IN (some LDA values will be too small to work with single digits).  E.g., for T = 4 and I = 3, the table gives A = 7/8/9, but 4 x 7 = 28.  You should find 11 valid sets of values for T/A/I/N.  N + M = 10; most of the sets drop out, leaving four cases where either A = 7 or A = 8   [All of the A = 9 cases fail because T x A = N with A = 9 always produces T + N = 10, so M duplicates the value of T.]  Only one set of values allows O x A = ME.  D and Y remain; they will match the two remaining digits (D < Y) so that D + E = Y.

D-13  PROM x E = MAPAV gives M < P, so
P is not 1; try the usual four cases of M and P, adding O from M x M = O and S from M + O = S.  All but one case are eliminated by duplication or by S = 0 (S is a leading digit).  M x M does not carry, so M x O = V, and the leading carry [AV] gives the value of A.  E x M = V gives E, and the rest follows. 

D-14  T > 1 because of the long product TMMDE x N = DOMMTR.  O and T have the usual four possible values from the short product TMMDE x O = RMMNO.  Since O is not 5 and E is not 1 (N x E = R), the product O x E = O gives E = 6 and O = 2 or O = 4.  O = 4 forces T = 2 (T >=3 too large for short product), but T + R = O duplicates (R = 2).  So O = 2.  T = 3 gives R = 9, too large for TMMDE x O = RMMNO.  So T = 4, R = 8, D = 1 (only value for which D + R = I does not carry), and I = 9.  Since there is no carry to D + R = I, M = 0.  B and G are the two remaining values with B + O = G, so B = 5 and G = 7.

D-15  O is even because of I + I = O; I is even because of O x K = I.  K < O because N + K = O does not carry.  Because [NG], G + K = T does not carry either, and O + P = O makes P = 0.  Make a table of all four values of I and O, adding the value of K (from O x K = I) where K < O (K has the same value in all three cases).  Add the value of G from G x K = O (one case is eliminated because G + K carries), and N from [NG].  K + O + (carry) = A gives A and reduces to one case.  The rest follows.

D-16  U is clearly 1.  J + O = O makes J = 0 or J = 9; J + J + (carry) = U gives J = 0,  Y + Y + (carry) = Y gives Y = 9.  U + T + (carry?) = P makes [TP], and Y + L + (carry) = O makes [OL].  TOPICS x S = IJYOLP allows the usual four values for S and T, but [TP] eliminates one case (duplicating S), and S x S = P reduces to one case.   P + P = C gives C.   T + I + (carry?) = J gives I, and [OL] are the two remaining adjacent values.

D-17   S x S = S gives S = 5 or S = 6 (clearly not 0 or 1).  LDA gives A (and E from [AE]); G + S = A gives G.   A + A = G eliminates the S = 5 case and leaves two cases with S = 6.   L must be large enough so that A + L carries, but L < 9 because G + S = A carries and 9 + R + 1 = M is impossible.  Only one value of L is possible for each case.  Calculate R from S x L + (carry) = R (the carry will be 3 in both cases).  M comes from L + R + (carry) = M.   Since you know the whole value of SELLS, compute ALTARS.   The remaining value I comes from S + T + (carry) = I.

D-18  Short divisions tend to be difficult: this can be solved by looking at both cases of A from M + A + (carry) = M.   If A = 9, there must be a carry from S + R, and E < S.   If S = 1, E = 0, which is impossible since M + E must carry to produce [BH].  So S >=2, and we have the usual four cases of the short product STEAM x T = BEARD.   But B must be less than 8 (B = 8 causes [BH] to duplicate 9), reducing to two cases where S = 2 and T = 3, or vice versa.  In either case, E = 1 (remember that E < S), and E + R + (carry) = D gives R, splitting one case into two, but only one of the three resulting cases produces the correct carry from S + D = R, and that case fails for T x M = D.  
So we are left with A = 0.   The internal zero produces the split product STE x T = BEA, and either E or T must be 5, giving eight cases.  Multiplying out TE x T = EA gives only one case where (T x T) + (carry from T x E) = E.   Since S + R does not carry when A = 0, we know that S < E.  Completing the multiplication STE x T = BEA with three possible values of S, and adding H from [BH], leaves one case.  S + R + (carry) = E gives R, and S + D = R gives D.  Two possibilities remain for M and O, but in only one case M + E + (carry?) = O carries to produce [BH].

D-19  Since there is no carry from A + L = O, A < O and L < O.   REED x O = CLOSE also gives C < O, so O >= 3.  O cannot be 5, since O x D = E and E is not zero (C + E = A).  The internal multiplication table in section 11 gives possible values for O and E (blue shaded numbers), from which only O = 3,4,6,7,8,9 need be considered, and any value of E not a multiple of O is rejected (so E is never 5 and E must be even if O is even).  For each pair of O and E, O x D = E gives D; multiply out ED x O = SE to give S, eliminating many cases.  Multiplying out EED x O = OSE leaves only six cases; from those S + S + (carry) = M gives M, and H + O + (carry) = M gives H, reducing to three cases.  In all three there is no carry to S + S = M, so E < A; check each A to get C from C + E = A, and L from A + L + (carry) = O.   Only one case works, and CLOSE / O = REED gives R.

D-20  E = 9 (A + E = A with carry).  W = 0 (everything else impossible).  Since N + D = 10, neither can be 1 or 5, nor can X or I (because of I x X = N).  N and D are also both even (if they were 3 and 7, I would have to be even, making I x X = N impossible).   Both 1 and 5 must come from the four values A, O, S, and T.   O is not 1 (because the remainder AD makes A < O), nor is S (T is not zero).  If T = 1 and S = 2, then either O = 5, or A = 5 and A > O.   I >= 3 (1 and 2 are assigned), and a long product beginning in 1 requires O <= 6 (that is, O = 5 or O = 6).  In either case, I = 3 (I >= 4 would produce a leading digit T >= 2).  If O = 5, A = 4 (nothing else less than O is available).  So either A = 4 or O = 6, and no available pair of N and D adds to 10 (2 and 3 are assigned in this case).  So we finally reach A = 1.

What is T?  If T = 5 and S = 6, then I = 7 and O = 8 (or vice versa) to produce the long product.   Again no values are available for N and D.   So either S = 5 (T = 4, O = 6 and I = 7 or vice versa), or O = 5 (in the latter case T = 2 and S = 3 produces I = 4, making N and D impossible; thus T = 3 and S = 4, giving I = 6 or I = 7).  In each remaining case, N and D are 2 and 8: calculating the value of X and verifying that E = 9 will eventually lead to the unique solution.

Is there an easier way?  You can use a special table of all values of A x BC = DEF, found as Table 7 in Appendix 4 (there are 78 solutions, but only 5 with F non-zero and [DG] having a unduplicated value for G).  The harder way is to make a Crotalus rectangle with the values of N and D (always even) on one side and I (from 2/3/4/6/7/8) across the top.  In each box, compute X, O ((I x O) + carry = E), T, S.  Only one set of values works where A < O (A is the remaining unassigned value).

D-21  H = 1 (because of the partial product, and the carried addition).  S + Y = H carries, so L + I = 10.  LINT x E = IYIN gives the usual four cases for L and E, but the value of I is determined from L, and one case is removed.  H + I = T cannot carry (T is not zero), and H + L = A gives the value of A and removes another case.   A + N = E gives the value of N, and only one case remains.  E x T = N (or T + T = N) gives the value of T, and H + N + (carry) = O gives O.   The remaining two values S and Y fit S + Y + (carry?) = H, but it's necessary to compute LINT x E = IYIN to find which is which.

D-22  The short product OATH x O = SOLE gives O = 2 (O = 3 and S = 9 is impossible because of [SA]). O is even, so E and I are also.  There are only two cases where E + I = O (neither can be 6 or 0, so E = 4 and I = 8 or vice versa).  In either case, 4 is assigned, so S = 5 (from the short product SOLE) and A = 6.   L < O (because N + O = L carries), so L = 0 or L = 1.  L = 0 is impossible because it yields [VS], but V = 4 duplicates E or I.   Instead L = 1 and V = 3 (V + L + (carry) = S).   N + O = L gives N = 9.  
O x H = E is only possible with H = 7 and E = 4.   OATH is half the value of SOLE, confirming T = 0.

D-23  SE x T = SS only has four solutions (see Table 5 in Appendix 4 for base 10, which is also found in the book by Crotalus).  Three of the four cases are eliminated because T x OTDTSE = HARASS would give O = 1; in one case there is no valid value for H, and in the other two cases H = 9 and O + H = I would carry.   We are left with one case for S, E, and T.  Multiplying TSE x T = ASS gives A = 0, and [NO].  A + A = N gives N = 1 and O = 2.   O + S = R gives R = 6, the short product gives H = 7, and O + H + (carry?) = I gives I = 9.   I + R + (carry) = D confirms D = 5.   [It's only a little harder without the table: if O = 1, try each [SR], adding E, H, and T in turn; O + H = I has no solution.  Trying the four usual cases of T/O eliminates two cases because O + H = I carries and another because OT x T = HA does not work with OA + HA = IN.  The last case gives the correct T/O/H/I; A has only two possible values, one of which fits A + A = N, and the rest follows.]

D-24  I + G = G, with I a leading digit, gives I = 9;  S + N = N gives S = 0; R + I = E gives [ER], with no carry from O + T = R, leaving only two of the usual six values for O x T = T (fixing R = 8 and E = 7).  L + R = I gives L = 1.  Finding the value of A from the short product reduces to one case (the other duplicates L).  G + L + (carry?) = T gives G; NT x O = IT confirms N.

D-25  L + A = A gives L = 0.  R x A = A, but A is not 5 (K x A = U, with U not zero), so R = 6, with A, U, and Y all even (these must be 2, 4, and 8 in some order), and the other five letters BEKOS all odd.   Leading carries give [AK] and [US].  Try the three cases for [AK]: L = 0 in the divisor gives split partial product K x A = EU: only one case works, giving S from [US].  R x A = YA gives Y, and B and O follow from S + U = B and O + E + (carry?) = A.

D-26 Direct entry: R = 0 (missing partial product); N = 9 (N + P = P); I = 5 (I x N = I).  H > E (U + H = E carries to N + P = P), so E = 2 (otherwise E x HURON is long).  U = 8 (E x N = U).  S = 7 (S + R + (1 carry) = U).  H = 3 (short product).  Rest follows.

D-27  The leading digits of the subtractions give us [SEU], and also, via the Hubbuber trick, an extra addition SATURN + PLUTO = EANATA.  This gives us P = 9 and R = 0 directly.  There are six different cases for [SEU], with all values between 1 and 8.   We can eliminate the cases where E = 5 and U = 5, since neither N (E x O = N) nor A (U x O = A) can be zero.   We can also eliminate U = 8 (with S = 6), since U + U = A duplicates S.  Computing U + U = A and checking U + A = S gives only one consistent set of values, [SEU] = [234], with A = 8.   U x O = A gives O = 7, and the rest follows.

D-28  The short product DEIMOS x P = PBASEI is only possible if D = 1.  There is no carry to the leftmost part of the multiplication, P x D = P, so we can treat the rest as a reduced short multiplication, EIMOS x P = BASEI.  If E >= 2, then E + D = O makes O >=3, and every possible value of B will cause O + B = H to carry.  The only possible solution is E = 0 (remember that E is not actually a leading digit in the original problem, so E = 0 is allowed).  D + E = O gives O = 2.  The addition H + A = O will carry (all values remaining are greater than O, so O + B = H gives the broken sequence [B..H], and H + S = B (with no carry from D + E = O) gives S = 7.  [This is a quicker way of visualizing the algebra derived from the two additions, which algebraically looks like H + S + O + 1 = H, or S + O = 9.]   We know that M + I = S carries (since E = 0 in the next column), so I > S.  I = 8 or I = 9, but only I = 8 gives a new value for P in P x S = I (P = 4).   Since E = 0, B is now the leading digit of the split partial product IMOS x P = BASEI; that is, B = 3.  The broken sequence [B..H] we already have gives H = 6, and H + A + (carry) = O gives A = 5.

D-29  Direct entry: search for zero gives M and U as possible (not C = 0 because N + G = C does not carry).   U = 0 is not possible because C + U + (carry) = G would give [CG], but N + G = C gives G < C.  So M = 0.   S x R = S and S x N = R gives R = 6 with S even (S x O = N makes O even also).   C + H + (carry) = C gives H = 9 and [AN].   G >= 3 because it produces two long products, but GONGS x N = RSOUR gives G = 3 and N = 2, and [AN] gives A = 1.  A + R + (carry) = S gives S = 8, since S is even.  O is the remaining even digit, so O = 4.   S + C + (carry) = O gives C = 5; C + U + (carry) = G confirms U = 7.

D-30  [PO] (near leading end of last addition), so N = 1 (N + P = O at trailing end of second addition).  There is no carry, and I = 0.   The rest can be solved without any calculation, just observations of letters which must be adjacent, because of additions involving N and I.   O + I = R and R + N = T give us [PORT].  N + R = U must have a carry because of O + G = I (O > I since I = 0), giving [PORTU].  N + U = G has no carry to or from it (two identical side by side additions, and P + N = O does not carry), giving us [PORTUG].  I + A = L gives us a separate piece, [AL].  N + G = A gives us either [PORTUGAL] or [PORTUG.AL], but we already have [IN] as the first two letters, and there is neither room, nor any leftover letters, for the latter.

D-31  Direct entry: T + K = T with no carry gives K = 0.  I + R = R then gives I = 9.  This gives us three pairs of numbers which each add to 10: D/U, M/T, and P/S.  These must correspond, in some order, to the pairs 2/8, 3/7, and 4/6.  So the unpaired letters R and E must be 1 and 5 in some order.  R is not 1 (it is the leading digit of the divisor RTMI, which has four long products), so R = 5 and E = 1.   R + D = I gives D = 4 and U = 6.   U + S = D  gives S = 8 and P = 2.   S + T = E gives T = 3 and M = 7.

D-32  Search for zero gives H and A as possible, but I + H = I carries, so H = 9 and A = 0.   E x E = E, so E = 0, 1, 5, or 6.   THREE x E = VTSHHE, so E is not 0 or 1.  E x I = I, so E = 6 and I is even.  I + I = E, so I = 8.   E + E = N gives N = 2.  [RN] from leading end of third subtraction gives R = 1.   Rest follows.

D-33  R + R + (carry) = O does not carry, so R <= 4; there are two possible values of O for each R, and O + O = I gives I.   O + I = S gives S; eliminating cases where the carry to R + R is wrong leaves only four sets of values for R/O/I/S, one of which is eliminated because S cannot be 1 (because ERE x S = NNRI).   S x E = I gives E, eliminating one case but splitting another into two.   Multiplying out ERE x S = NNRI works for only one case, giving N.  N + N + (carry?) = L gives L; N + B + (carry) = E gives B.  U x E = O gives U, and the leading digit of ERE x U = DBNO gives D.

D-34  The internal multiplication ..RR.. x R = ..RU.. is possible only when R = 9.  R x S = R gives S = 1, and D + R = S gives D = 2.   S + D + (carry) = U gives two possible values for U.  (R x U) + (carry?) = M gives M, and L + M + (carry) = U gives L.  Checking S + U + (carry) = L reduces to one case.   O + R + (carry?) = U gives O.   C + G + (carry) = M gives one pair of possible digits for C and G, but C is a leading digit.   Dividing CDGRUMR by R yields CIRRUS, confirming C and R and giving I.

D-35  Search for zero leaves E, I, and X as candidates.  I is impossible since I + H = S would not carry, and R + I = A would be impossible.  O + H does not carry, so O + H = R and O + H + 1 = E, giving [RE], eliminating E as a zero candidate and leaving X = 0.   Short product AXIMRS x A = OHRIHM; A = 3 is impossible because O = 9 would cause H + O = R to carry, so A = 2 (obviously not 1), and H = 1 (remainder less than divisor).  Since X = 0, split partial product A x A = O gives O = 4, R = 5, and E = 6.  A is even, so M is the only even digit left
, and the rest follows.

D-36   Search for zero initially yields D, N, U, and R, but U is not possible because it creates an impossible split product F x T = TR.   The long product TUNA x F = TRTDF is only possible when F >= 6.   This reduces the usual six cases for F x A = F to one case (F = 8 and A = 6); otherwise A = 1 (in which case T >= 2 and F >= 7).   E + T + (carry) = O does not carry, so T < O, and therefore T < 7 (if T = 8, then F = 9, but there is no available value for O; if T = 7, then F = 9 and A = 1, but no values for O and E fit E + T = O).  There are 11 possible cases in all for F/A/T, and we can add L from L + F = T.   It is possible to run through the remaining values for N in each case, getting D, U, E, R, and O in turn, but we can reduce the work considerably by looking at the three cases for zero separately:
(1) If N = 0, the split product F x A = DF makes A = 1 impossible: F = 8, A = 6, and D = 4.  The split product F x TU = TRT makes T even, so T = 2, but L + F = T causes L to duplicate 4.
(2) If D = 0 and A = 1, then F x N = D, making F = 8 and N = 5.  This leaves only T = 2 and L = 4 (if T = 3, L = 5, duplicating N).  E + D + (carry) = U gives [EU], with E = 7 and U = 8 the only possibility.   But F x UNA = TDF fails.   The other possibility with D = 0 is F = 8 and A = 6, with a carry of 4 from F x A = F, giving F x N = 6.   N is either 2 or 7; the carry to the hundreds place is even and F x U is even (since F is even), so T must also be even, so T = 2 and N = 7, but the carry of 6 makes F x U = 6, but 2 and 7 are both already assigned.   So R = 0.
(3) Since R = 0, we can find possible values for U such that TU x F = TRT (that is, (F x T) plus the carry from F x U must be 10 times T: for example, if F = 8 and T = 1, F x UNA must have a carry of 2, so U = 2 or U = 3 (so U = 2, since L = 3 already).  All of the cases with F = 9 will be eliminated, as no unassigned value of U will work.   There will be seven cases left for F/A/T/L/U (F = 7 has two possible values for U), and with R = 0, there are only four unassigned values of D for each case.  Calculating D from F x NA = DF and E from E + D + (carry) = U reduces the 28 combined cases down to 4, and two of those are eliminated by calculating O from E + T + (carry) = O.   Multiplying out F x TUNA = TRTDF gives the correct case.

D-37   N < P (the remainder must be smaller than the divisor), so P >= 2.  We have the usual four short product cases for P and G from POINT x G = ANPSE; we can list possible values for A as the leading digit, eliminating A = 9 (otherwise N + A + T would carry).   For each A, we can find E from A + E = G, and T from G x T = E.  All but two cases are eliminated: P = 2 in both cases, so N = 1.   Only one case allows N + A + (carry) = T.  Multiply out NT x G = SE to get S, and I and W follow from additions.   The remaining value for O can be verified by multiplying out the full product ANPSE.

D-38  S x S = R has six possibilities; for each add E from the leading carry [ES].  Leading digit analysis eliminates S = 9 (with E = 8, O would also be 9).  For each remaining possibility for S/R/E/O, multiply out OO x S to get possible values of L (e.g. 88 x 3 = 264 with a possible carry as much as 2, so L = 6 which duplicates R); note that L = 0 is impossible because there would be no carry to produce [ES].  Nine cases remain for S/R/E/O/L (S = 7 has two possible values for L).  U + R = L gives U: one case duplicates, and the two cases where it produces a carry with even L are impossible (N + N + 1 must be odd), as is the case where there is no carry with an odd L (N + N must be even).   N + N + (carry) = L gives N for the four remaining cases (N cannot be zero as there would be no carry to N + O = I).  Two cases remain, with S = 4 having two possible N's, producing three cases in all.  N + O + (carry) = I gives I and eliminates one case.   O + L + (carry) = T gives T and fixes nine letters.  Dividing ELONR / S = OOPS gives P.

D-39  Search for zero gives E, H, and L as possibilities.  K x D = K gives either D = 1 or the usual six cases (K = 8 and D = 6 is impossible since I + K = D gives I = 8, leaving five cases).  H and E each split the partial product.
(1) If H = 0, there are two split products K x S = CH (giving K = 5 and S even or vice versa) and K x ED = ECK (giving K >= 6 by LDA).  These combine to give S = 5 and either K = 6 or K = 8.  K = 6 is impossible because E = 1 by LDA, but K x D = K gives D = 1.  So K = 8, C = 4 (from K x S = CH), D = 1 (D = 6 is impossible as noted before), I = 3 from I + K = D, E = 2 from K x ED = ECK, L = 7 from L + C + (carry) = E, but A + E + (carry) = I fails.
(2) If L = 0, L + C + (carry) = E gives [CE].  If D = 1, K x E = C, which has solutions for only three values of [CE].  I + K = D gives I and eliminates one case.  A + E + (carry) = I gives A and reduces to a single case, but A + H + (carry) = R has no solutions without a carry to C.  So D is not 1, and the only combination left where I + K = D carries is K = 5, D = 3, I = 8.  [CE] can only have values [12] or [67].  K x ED = CK works for both cases, but the carry makes K x HED = ECK impossible with K = 5.  We are left with E = 0.
(3) E = 0 gives split product K x D = CK, so D is not 1, and we have five of the usual six cases as noted before, with C added in each case.  I + K = D gives I and reduces to three cases.  L + C + (carry) = E gives L and reduces to one case.  A + E + (carry) = I gives A = 3.   K x SH = CHE gives H = 5.  A + H + (carry?) = R gives R = 8.  CHECK / K = SHED confirms S = 7.

D-41  S x AYE = AYE gives S = 1.  The addition EYME + YM = TBAR with double leading carry is only possible when Y = 9 and B = 0; it also gives [ET].   E x I = E gives either E = 5 (not possible since Y x E = P, with P not zero), or I = 6 (which is therefore correct).  A + A = Y with no carry gives A = 4 (there is a carry from I + Y = M, which gives M = 5).  E is even (I x E = E) and E < I (long product), so E = 2 and T = 3.   Y x E = P gives P = 9, and R + E = Y gives R = 7.

D-42  Y + L = Y gives L = 0.   F x O = O and Y x O = L give O = 5.  [OM] gives M = 6.  F is odd (F x O = O) and greater than O (because of the long product FRO x F = OOMO).  F = 9 would produce O = 8 by LDA, so F = 7.  A + M = L carries, so F + O = A gives A = 3.  Y is even, [IY], and Y + I = A does not carry, giving Y as 2 or 4.  3 is already assigned, so Y = 2 and I = 1.  R is odd, so R = 9 (the only unassigned odd digit).   R + O = D gives D = 4, and S + O = A gives S = 8.

D-43  H + O = H with no carry gives O = 0.  G + M = M gives G = 9.  I x N = N gives the usual six cases; only one is possible with N + N = I.   N x N = H and Z x H = H make Z the 5-complement of N.  C + I = N does not carry, so I + I = C gives C.  M < C, leaving only one possible value for C.  The rest follows.

D-44  [ES] and [TH] are given by leading carries.  E < P (from the remainder ELCH < PLOT), so [TH] < [ES].  L + T = E does not carry (T < E), so S + I = E gives I = 9.   H + H = C carries, so H >= 5.   P <=8, forcing [THESP] = 45678.   L, C, and N follow from the last addition, and O from C + L = O.

D-45  MANY x M = ASHT gives M = 2 or M = 3, but the latter is impossible because A = 9 would make L + A carry.   So M = 2, and MANY x E = LEYOT gives L = 1 (since L < M).   L + T = E gives [TE], and there is no carry (E, a multiplier digit, is not 0), so L + O = N gives [ON] (not O = 9, N = 0, since N + T = S).  The leading carry extends to [TEY].   The only case where E x Y = T gives T/E/Y = 6/7/8 (M x Y = T gives the same lone result).   MANY x M = ASHT gives A = 4 or A = 5, but the latter is not possible as there would be nowhere to place [ON], so A = 5, O = 3, and N = 4.    N + T = S gives S = 0, and O + H + (carry) = O gives H = 9.

D-46  W + S = S, with W a leading digit, gives W = 9, and the leading carry gives T = 8.  EASY x C = TEST has only six possible values for E and C with T = 8, and C x Y = T gives Y and eliminates two of those cases.  S + T = C gives S and eliminates two more.  I + S + (carry) = T gives I and reduces to one case.   TEST / C = EASY gives A.   O + T = H gives O and H.

D-47  O x T = O, but PART x O = PINTO gives O >= 6.   So O = 8 and T = 6.  P + I = R does not carry, so I < R and O < N, giving N = 9.   N x T = R gives R = 4, T + R = E gives E = 0.  R + T = I gives I  =  1.   P + R = A does not carry, so R < A, and A + A = R gives A = 7.   P + R + (carry) = A gives P = 2.   S + I + (carry) = V gives S = 3, V = 5.

D-48  Direct entry: I + D + (carry) = I gives D = 0 or D = 9; D + I = T gives D = 9 and [TI].  M + R + (carry?) = R gives M = 0.   L x N = I and E x N = I gives I even and L/E 5-complements.  I x N = N gives I = 6 and T = 5.  L + I + (carry) = M gives L = 3 (and E = 8).  Leading carries [NL] and [LY] gives N = 2 and Y = 4.   R + I = L gives R = 7.   A + E + (carry) = M confirms A = 1.

D-49  A x B = T and T x B = A give either B = 9 (impossible because of the leading carry [BU], or B = 4 with A and T equal to 2 and 8 in either order.  But B + T does not carry, so T = 2 and A = 8.  
[BU] gives U = 5.  SOB x T = OTTA gives O < T, so O = 1.   B + T + (carry) = L gives L = 6 or L = 7, but there must be a carry since L < A, so L = 7.   E + A = L gives E = 9.   T + O = I gives I = 3; O + E + (carry?) = R gives R = 0.    Dividing either partial product gives SOB and confirms S.

D-50  B x E = B gives either E = 1 or the usual six cases with E > 1.   E + E does not carry, so only one of those six cases is possible, with B = 5, so F = 1 (otherwise FORAGE x B would produce a long product).  F + B = S gives S; E + F + (carry?)= O gives O; E + E + (carry) = A gives A.   GE x B = FB gives G even, but neither allows E + G + (carry?) = I.   So instead we have E = 1 and then usual four cases for B/F from FORAGE x B = REIGFB.  E + E + (carry) = A has an available value for A for only two cases, fixing S and A.   E + F = O gives O and also fixes F and B.   E + G + (carry?) = I gives [GI] (not 9 and 0, since I = 0 with B + I + (carry) = D would produce [BD] and duplicate a value).   [GI] has two possible pairs of values, but one overlaps both possible values for the leading digit of REIGFB.  This fixes R and [GI].    B + I + (carry?) = D confirms D.

D-51  Leading carry [AP] and I + P = A give I = 9.  INS x I = KEEP gives K = 8 as the leading digit.   P x S = S has six cases, but two are duplicated, and P + S = L eliminates two more, giving L for the two remaining cases.  [AP] gives A for both cases.  K + K + (carry) = Y gives Y and fixes [AP]/S/L/Y.    K + S + (carry) = H gives H;  H + E + (carry) = P gives E;  ASKS / P = INS confirms N.

D-52  Search for zero gives A and M as possible.   E + N + (carry) = E and N + S = M gives N = 9.  M + A + (carry) = N gives M and A as 8 and 0 in either order.   N + S = M confirms M = 0 and A = 8, and gives S = 1.   I x E = S gives I and E as 3 and 7 in either order; I + O + (carry) = E does not carry, so I < E, and I = 3 and E = 7.   F x E = F gives F = 5; P + F = S gives P = 6.    I + O + (carry?) = E gives O = 4; L + O + (carry) confirms L = 2.

D-53  R + I + (carry) = R gives I = 0 or I = 9; E x E = I gives I = 9, and E = 3 or E = 7.   SPACE x E = TSXEOI gives T < E; there are eight cases for E/T.   E + C = T gives C and reduces to five cases; E x R = C gives R and reduces to four cases.  R + I = S gives S and reduces to two cases, fixing C.   SPACE x R = EPORIC gives the correct leading digits in only one case, fixing E/T/R/S.   The rest follows by addition.

D-54  Direct entry: A + E = E gives A = 0; R + I + (carry) = R gives I = 9.    E x E = E and E x T = P give E = 6 (not E = 5 since P is not zero) and T odd (E x even T would equal T).  P + E + (carry) = I gives P = 2 and T = 7.  RE x T = PP gives R = 4.  B + P = T gives B = 5; O + P + (carry?) = A gives O = 8.   The remainder STOA is less than the divisor LORE, so S < L; the values for S and L can be confirmed by multiplication and addition.

D-55  R + E + (carry) = R and L + I + (carry) = L give E and L as 0 and 9 in some order; B + R = E does not carry, so E = 9 and I = 0.   S + S = Y has 7 cases for S and Y; S x K = Y eliminates three cases where S is odd, but splits two cases, yielding six cases for S/Y/K (K is 3 or 8 in each case).   SK x Y = ES fits E = 9 in only two cases; the internal zero produces the split product SK x Y = BES, giving B and fixing S/Y/K/B.  The other split product Y x FR = BRI gives R (from Y x R = I), and dividing BRI / Y = FR gives F.  U + B + (carry) = F gives U; the unclued value is L.

D-56  None of the usual six cases of E x O = E produce a short product for OMECCO x E = ALCOVE, so O = 1.  O + O + (carry) = E gives E = 2 or E = 3; S + V + (carry) = S gives corresponding values of V = 0 or V = 9.  E = 3/V = 9 is impossible, as E x CO = VE gives a duplicate value for C.   So E = 2, V = 0, and C = 5.   C + E = S gives S.
OMECCO x  E = ALCOVE gives A as the leading digit of the short product; O + A + (carry) = C forces a carry from L + L = A, which forces L >= 5 and gives L.  ALCOVE / E = OMECCO gives M.   The two remaining values for P and R fit P + C + (carry?) = R in either order; the correct order gives the correct carry to L + L + (carry) = A.

D-57  Search for zero gives N and R as possible.   I + E + (carry) = A does not carry, so I, E < A.   C + I + (carry) = E similarly gives C, I < E.   AS x O = FIE gives F < A, O.   AS x F = CEV gives C < F, A.   C < F < O gives O >= 3.    I, E, C, F < A gives A >= 5.
(1) If R = 0, C + I + (carry 1) = E gives E >= 4, so E + A = 10 with E < A gives E = 4 and A = 6.   Trying each possible O (3, 7, 8, 9) and adding S from O x S = E gives four possible cases for O/S, but AS x O = FIE gives I = 0 in each case, duplicating R.
(2) If N = 0, F + V = 10 gives seven possible cases for F/V (F is not 1 because AS x F = CEV).  F x S = V gives S, eliminating one case but splitting two cases, and leaving eight cases for F/V/S.   Trying each A >= 5 and multiplying out AS x F = CEV gives only eight cases where C < E.   O x S = E eliminates three cases and fixes S.  A + E = R gives R and reduces to one case, fixing F/V/A/C/E/O/R.  C + I + (carry) = E confirms I.

D-58   Initial search for zero gives G, S, and U as possible.   S cannot be zero because the leading carry [NA] forces one of them to be odd and the other even, so their sum (N + A = S) must be odd.   We will come back to G and U later.   E + E + (carry) = A carries to [NA], so E >= 5, and there are six cases for E/N/A.  A + A + (carry) = G has the correct carry to E + E in only two cases, giving three possibilities for E/N/A/G.   N + A = S gives S for each case.   None of the cases have G = 0, so U = 0 by elimination.   U + S = R must have a carry of 1, yielding [SR] and eliminating one case where N + A does not carry (fixing E/N/A/S/U).   [SR] gives R and eliminates one case of G by duplication, fixing R/G.   R + T = U gives T; E x Y = T gives Y; H x Y = A confirms H.

D-59  E + E + (carry) = R does not carry; so E <= 4 and there are eight cases for E/R.  E + R = S gives S for each case.   A + A + (carry) = X gives A <= 4 for the same reason as E.   A x W = E gives A >= 2, and if E is odd, A is also odd (so A = 3).  
This eliminates all four cases with odd E by duplication.  NOW x A = EASE gives E < A, fixing E and giving three cases for E/R/S/A (one E/R/S case has two possible values of A).   A x W = E gives W, eliminates one case, and fixes R/S.   One case splits, giving three cases for A/W.   S x W = N gives N for each case, but one case is elminated because NOW x A = EASE also gives E < N.   S + N = T gives T and reduces to one case, fixing A/W/N/T.  T + S + (carry?) = I gives I; A + A + (carry) = X gives X; EASE / A = NOW confirms O.

D-60  Leading carry gives O = 1.  
N + R = R gives N = 0, and no carry to I + O = F, yielding [IF] with no carry in turn to T + F = OO.  RED x T = FOR has the usual four cases for R/T; T + F + (carry 0) = OO, which gives F for each case.  Two cases are eliminated because F cannot be the leading digit of RED x T = FOR.  [IF] gives I for each case.  T x D = R gives D.  O + S = D does not carry, so O < D and there is no carry to O + S = D, but a carry to O + E = D, giving [ES].  One case is eliminated and R/T/[IF]/D/[ES] are fixed.  RED x I = USES confirms U.

D-61  Direct entry: Search for zero gives M = 0.  O + A + (carry) = A gives O = 9.   ION x I = EAT gives I = 2 (I = 3 would duplicate with E = 9).    Remainder PAL must be less than divisor ION, so P < I, giving P = 1.  ION x I = EAT, with the first two digits IO known, gives E = 5.  P + E + (carry) = L gives L = 7.  L + A = E gives A = 8.  A + E + (carry) = S gives S = 4.   I x N = T, with I even, gives T even also; with only one unassigned even, T = 6.   T x N = A confirms N = 3.

D-62  H + I + (carry?) = H does not carry, so I = 0.  HAD x N = SIRS gives S < H, so H >= 2.  HAD x O = HUSH has ten solutions for H/O.  O x D = H gives D and eliminates two cases.   S < H splits most cases into multiple subcases; there are 24 subcases for S/H/O/D.  AD x O = SH gives A for each subcase, eliminating nine by duplication.  Six more are eliminated because A + S = N cannot carry, leaving nine cases for S/H/O/D/A.   S + H = T gives T and eliminates two cases.   A + S + (carry?) = N gives N.   N + S = R gives R and reduces to three cases, fixing D.   U + R + (carry?) = O gives U and reduces to two cases.   N x D = S works for only one case, fixing the remaining letters.

D-63  Search for zero gives E = 0 and U = 0 as possible.   L + L + (carry) = A does not carry, giving L <= 4 and eight cases for L/A.   We will use this to start both cases for zero.
(1) If E = 0, A + E + (carry) = T gives [AT] and does not carry, reducing to the four cases L + L + (carry 0) = A, with a corresponding T in each case.   P + A = E gives P; P + E + (carry) = O gives [PO] and adds O for each case.  POI x N = PATE gives N to produce the leading digit, eliminating one case.   T + S = P gives S; I x I = S is impossible in two cases and duplicates the third, so E = 0 is not possible.
(2) If U = 0, L/A has all eight cases initaially possible.  A + T + (carry) = U gives one or two values of T for each case, splitting into 12 subcases for L/A/T, but five are eliminated because the carry from A + E = T is the wrong one for L + L = A.   A + E + (carry) = T gives E for each of the seven L/A/T cases, splitting into ten cases for L/A/T/E.  P + A = E gives P and reduces back to seven cases.  P + E + (carry 1) = O gives O (there is always a carry since U = 0), eliminating one case by duplication and another because P + E would carry.   T + S = P gives S and reduces to one case, fixing L/A/T/E/P/O/S.   I x I = S gives I; N x I = A confirms N.

D-64  ABS has two long products beginning in A, so A <= 3  by LDA, and ABS x B = ARIA gives nine cases for A/B.  A x S = B gives S and eliminates four cases, splitting one and yielding six cases for A/B/S.   A + A + (carry) = M gives M, splitting some cases, but A + M = D gives D and reduces to five cases for B/S/M/D, fixing A.  In each case there is only one available value for Y to produce the long product ABS x Y = ALAR, reducing to three cases for B/S/M/D/Y.  Y x S = R gives R, eliminating one case and fixing B.   D + R = S works for only one case and fixes S/M/D/Y/R.   L + I + (carry?) = I gives L; A + R + (carry?) = C gives C; ABS x B = ARIA confirms I.

D-65  A + O + (carry) = A gives O = 0 or O = 9.   The short product HERA x E = DROP has 12 possible cases for H/E, since H = 1 is possible.  For each case, since we have the first two digits of the divisor, we can compute HE.. x E = DR.. with a unique value for D in all but one case, and a small number of possible values for R.  For example, for H = 1 and E = 4, 14 x 4 = 56, while 15 x 4 = 60, so D = 5 and R = 6/7/8/9.   One case is eliminated through duplication (H = 1/E = 2 gives D = 2), and two because there would be a long product (H = 1 and E >= 7 gives 17 x 7  = 119).   H/E/D has nine cases; the leading carry [DS] gives S and eliminates two more cases.  The possible values for R expand to 12 cases for H/E/[DS]/R.   Thie gives the first three digits of the divisor: four cases are eliminated because HERA x E = DROP cannot have O = 9 or O = 0 regardless of the carry from E x A (for example, with H/E/[DS]/R = 1/3/[45]/2, 132 x 3 = 396, with a carry of 0/1/2, so O can only equal 6/7/8.   P + R + (carry) = H gives P, eliminating two cases, with one remaining case having two possible values for P.   There are seven cases for H/E/[DS]/R/P.   E x A = P gives A, eliminating four cases (where E = 5 or E is even and P is odd).   Each of the three remaining cases splits into two, with two values of A which are 5-complements.  Now we can multiply the full product HERA x E = DROP, with only one case having O = 0 (and none having O = 9).  This fixes H/E/[DS]/R/P/A/O.    N + P = Y gives N and Y. 

D-66  The internal multiplication I x I = I gives I = 5, 6, or 8.   I x F = Y and W + Y = L make I = 5 impossible.   Trying each value of L for I = 6 and I = 8, and computing (I x L) + carry = AM, gives nine possible cases for I/L/A/M.   L + I + (carry) = F gives F, eliminating two cases but splitting another into two cases for F.   I x F = Y gives Y, reducing to three cases and fixing I = 6.   The carry to I x I = I must be zero, so either E = 0 or E = 1 (the latter is duplicated in two of the three cases).   Only two cases give the correct product EF x I = TY without duplication.   W + Y = L gives W and reduces to one case, fixing L/A/M/F/Y/E/T/W.   E + T + (carry) = U confirms U.

D-67  L x L = D has six cases for L/D.  L + D = S gives S for each case, but the leading carry [AL] eliminates two cases where D = 9 ([SL] contradicts [AL]).  EMAIL x L = GAUGED gives G < L; one [AL]/D/S case is eliminated because there are no usable values of G.   Trrying each G for the remaining cases gives 12 subcases for [AL]/D/S/G.  Dividing GAUGED / L = EMAIL at the leading end gives the first digit E for each case, eliminating five cases.   A + E + (carry) = M gives M and reduces to one case, fixing [AL]/D/S/G/E/M.   I + G + (carry?) = A gives I; multiplying out EMAIL x L = GAUGED gives U; U + V + (carry?) = E confirms V.

D-68  CHASE x C = PERMS gives C = 2 or C = 3.  The leading carry gives [ER].  Trying each value of [ER] with both values of C gives 11 cases for C/[ER].   C x E = S gives S and eliminates two cases.   A + S = E gives A and reduces to four cases.  Multiplying out: SE x C = MS gives M and reduces to two cases; ASE x C = RMS gives the correct value for R in only one case, fixing C/[ER]/S/A/M.   HASE x C = ERMS gives H; CHASE x C = PERMS gives P.    D and I follow from additions.

D-69  I + M + (carry) = I and TAX x M = THAT gives M = 9.   TAX has two partial products beginning in T, so T <= 3.  M x X = T gives X and reduces to two cases for M/T/X.   TAX x A = TOME gives only one possible value of A for each case.  AX x A = ME gives E, but only the correct M for one case, fixing T/X/A/E.   Multiplying out TAX x A = TOME gives O; TAX x M = THAT gives H.  H + A + (carry?) = I gives I.  I + T = L gives L.  L + E = S confirms S.

D-70  M x R = M has the usual six cases. 
E + R = M must carry to [UO], giving R > M and eliminating two cases.  M + M = N gives N for the four remaining cases.   E + R + (carry) = M gives E (only one possible value for each case); E x R = F gives F; S + F = E gives S and eliminates one case; another case is eliminated because the carry to E + R = M is wrong, fixing M/N/S.  S + O + (carry) = R gives O for the two remaining cases; the leading carry [UO] gives U and reduces to one case, fixing R/E/F/O/U.  SIR x M = POEM gives P as the leading digit; dividing POEM / M = SIR confirms I.

D-71  D + F + (carry) = D gives  F = 0 or F = 9.   SOP x O = UDFA gives U < S and thus S >= 2.   SOP x N = SRFU gives N >= 7, with ten cases for S/N.   In seven of these cases, N = 9 and thus F = 0; in the three cases are split with both possible values of F.   S + F + (carry) = O gives O, eliminating one case.  S + D + (carry) = N gives D, eliminating another case.   SOP x O = UDFA gives U as leading digit, eliminating six cases where the product would be short, but splitting one case, fixing F = 0 and yielding six cases for S/N/O/D/U.   N x P = U gives P, eliminating four cases and fixing N = 9.   O x P = A reduces to one case and fixes S/O/D/U/P/A.   Additions give E and R.

D-72  Search for zero gives W and R as possible, but W = 0 is not possible as the internal zero would make the impossible split product A x O = OE.  So R = 0.  The leading carry gives [AO]; O + O + (carry) = A gives either [AO] = [78] or [AO] = [89].   A x O = E gives E for both cases; S + E = R gives S and eliminates one case, fixing [AO]/E/S.   N x O = S gives N; H + H + (carry) = N, with no carry to S, gives H.   I + S = E gives I; SHOE / A = TWO gives T and W.

D-73  Search for zero gives S and T as possible, but S = 0 and S + S + (carry) = I would give I = 1, impossible since IRE has three long products beginning in other letters (so I >= 4).  Therefore T = 0.  E x E = A gives six cases for E/A; E x A = U gives U and reduces to four cases (note that U = E^3, and E + U = 10 in each case, confirming T = 0.)   R x E = E eliminates the two odd cases for E, and fixes R = 6
(R = 1 is impossible because IRE x R = FFSE) and A = 4.   EEAU / A = IRE reduces to one case (in the other, the division does not come out evenly), fixing E/U and giving I.   E + F + (carry) = R gives F and requires a carry from S + S + (carry) = I, forcing S >= 5 and thus giving S.   N + U = S gives N; F + H + (carry?) = U confirms H.

D-74  Direct entry: S + H + (carry) = H, with DEW x S = DDNE, gives S = 9.   N + D + (carry) = H gives D < H; DEW x H = IHT gives D = 2 (otherwise H = 2 and H < D).  D + H does not carry, so D + I + (carry 0) = S gives I = 7, and DEW x H = IHT now gives H = 3.  Dew x I = NIDD gives N < D, so N = 1.   I x W = D gives W = 6.  H x W = T gives T = 8; S x W = E gives E = 4.   N + E = R gives R = 5; T + D = A confirms A = 0.

D-75  X + T + (carry)  = T with O x X = T gives X = 9.  Search for zero gives I and R as possibilities, but R = 0 and E + R + (carry) = X would give [EX] and E = 8, but NIX x T = ERAO gives E < N and E < T, impossible since neither N nor T is 9.  Therefore I = 0, and the internal zero gives six split partial products.  NIX has three long products with different leading digits, so N >= 4.   T + T = N gives N even (so N is one of 4, 6, or 8), but N + N + (carry) = A and A + A + (carry) = L with no carry gives A <= 5, so N = 6.  P x X = N gives P = 4; E + P + (carry) = N gives E = 1.   Since N + N = A carries to A + A = L, N + O  = T must also carry to A + A = L, so T < N, and T + T = N gives T = 3, and N + N + (carry?) = A gives A = 2, and A + A + (carry) = L gives L = 5.   N + O = T gives O = 7; E + R + (carry?) = X confirms R = 8.

D-76  Direct entry: D + P = D with no carry gives P = 0.   The leading carry gives [OR].   D + E + (carry) = R carries, so D + M + (carry) = R also carries, giving [EM].    DAM x L = OEML gives O < D, so [OR] < D, and D >= 3.   DAM x E = DPDR gives E >= 8, but [EM] gives [EM] = [89], and E = 8 gives D = 3 as the leading digit.   [OR] < D gives [OR] = [12].    R + D = L gives L = 5; R + L + (carry 0) = A gives A = 7.   Y + L = M gives Y = 4; Y + R = S confirms S = 6.

D-77  The leading carry gives [AI].  VAST x B = ABOVE gives [AI] < B and [AI] < V.  I + B + (carry) = N carries to [AI], so N < [AI] < B, and B >= 4.   I + B + (carry) must be at least 11 (N is not 0, since N + E = T), so I + B is at least 10, and now B >= 6 (since I < B).   Trying every case of B and [IA], with B >= 6 and A < B and A + B >= 9,  gives 18 cases of B/[AI].   In each case, AB / B = V (with possible remainder) from the leading digits, and 12 cases are eliminated (including all of the B = 9 cases, as V will duplicate I).   In the six cases left, we multiply out VA x B = ABO; that is, B x A must produce a carry such that (B x V) + (carry) = AB.  Only one case gives the correct carry, fixing B/[AI]/V.  We try the four possible values of T (not 0 or 1); B x T = E gives T, eliminating two cases of T.  N + E = T gives N and reduces to one case, fixing T/E/N.  O + V + (carry?) = E gives O, and dividing ABOVE / B = VAST gives S.   R + O + (carry?) = S confirms R.

D-78  S x S = E has six cases, but ADITS x S = ENTIRE gives S < E, eliminating four cases.  S + E = H gives H.   T + T + (carry) = C does not carry to N, so T <= 4.  Trying each unassigned value (1, 2, 3, 4) of T in both cases gives five cases for S/E/H/T.   TS x S = RE gives R and eliminates two cases.   N + R + (carry) = S gives N and reduces to one case, fixing S/E/H/T/R/N.   T + T + (carry) = C gives C; ADITS x S = ENTIRE gives A as leading digit; E + I + (carry) = A gives I; ENTIRE / S = ADITS confirms D.

D-79  The leading carry gives [CA]; A + O + (carry) = C gives O = 8 or O = 9.   Since O is not 1, there are the usual six cases for E x O = E, but only one case works, fixing E = 5 and O = 9, with a carry of 4 from E x O = E.   Since E = 5, E x B equals 0 or 5, and (E x B) + 4 equals 4 or 9.   Since 9 is assigned, D = 4, and B is even.  Since O = 9, the carry from E x B must be 4 (so B = 8), and R is odd.   TURBO x E = RECODE gives R < T, so R is 1 or 3, and T has two possible values as leading digit for each case of R.   Of the four cases for R/T, only one fits R + D + (carry) = T, fixing R and T.   C is not zero because of C + E = S, so the only place [CA] fits is [12].  Now C + E = S gives S; RECODE / E = TURBO confirms U.

D-80  R + H + (carry) = R gives either H = 0 or H = 9.   The leading carry gives [LG].   RILE x I = LITHO gives [LG] < I, and since L + I + (carry) = O must carry, I >= 6.   Since I x E = O, E cannot be 0, 1, or 5 (O is not zero because D + O = S).   Trying each possible value of E with each value of I >= 6, I x E = O gives O for 20 cases.   L + I + (carry) = O gives L for each case, and [LG] gives G, which reduces to only six cases for I/E/O/[LG].    LE x I = HO must give H = 0 or H = 9, reducing to one case and fixing I/E/O/[LG]/H.    O + T + (carry?) = E gives T.   RILE x I = LITHO gives R as leading digit; D + O = S gives D and S.

D-81 The leading carry gives [CS]; S + S = K gives K with seven cases.  C + A + (carry) = T carries to [CS], so T < [CS].   There are 23 cases for [CS]/K/T; T + D + (carry) = C gives D and eliminates seven cases.   S x R = S has R = 1, plus the usual cases for S = 4 and S = 5.  R = 1 duplicates four cases, R = 5 splits into three cases for each T/D pair.   ER x S = DS gives E, reducing to nine cases.   SER x S = RDS works for only three cases.   USER x S = CARDS gives U as leading digit, reducing to two cases; multiplying out to get A reduces to one case and fixes [CS]/K/T/D/R/E/U/A.   U + R + (carry?) = O confirms O.

D-82  OVER x I = SHOP has the usual four cases, plus 6 cases where O = 1 (Neither I nor R can be 5 because I x R = P and O + P = T).   Construct a Crotalus rectangle with the ten O/I cases and the seven possible values for R (R is also not 0 or 1).   Add the values of P (from I x R = P), T (from P + T = O), N (from R + O + (carry) = N), and E (from ER x I = OP).   Most cases are eliminated.  P + H + (carry) = E does not carry, so cases with P > E are also eliminated, and H is added.  S is added from OVER x I = SHOP, and there are only three cases left.   In each case there is only one value left for V; one case works for OVER x I = SHOP.

D-83  The leading carry gives [SR].   RISE x T = SOUPS gives possible values for T in each case; T x E = S gives E and reduces to 14 cases for [SR]/T/E.   SE x T = PS gives P and reduces to eight cases, but the quotient PURE is less than the divisor RISE, and only two cases remain where P < R.   U + U + (carry) = P gives P as odd only when R + P = I carries, which reduces to one case and fixes [SR]/T/E/P.   E + S = D gives D; R + P + (carry) = I gives I; U + U + (carry) = P gives U.    P + O + (carry) = A carries to [SR], so O > A, confirming O and A.

D-84  Search for zero gives E, I, T, and P as possible.  APHID x L = SAITH gives A = 1 plus the four usual cases for A/L.    Breaking down the four possibilities for zero:
(1) If I = 0, E + I + (carry) = A gives [EA], eliminating A = 1 and all but one of the outher four cases.   R + A + (carry) = H does not carry to S, giving H > A.   L is even, and L x D = H gives H even.   Trying both even values of H (H > A) with L x D = H gives D, but in neither case does D + H = E.
(2) If E = 0, the same argument holds with E and I interchanged.
(3) If T = 0, A + T + (carry) = L gives [AL], with two possibilities from the leading digit cases.  Trying each possible value for H (again, H > A, and H is even if L is) in both cases, L x D = H gives D, with nine total cases for [AL]/H/D.   D + H = E gives E; three cases are eliminated by duplication, and two because D + H does not carry to allow [AL].  E + I + (carry 0) = A gives I, eliminating two cases and fixing [AL].   Neither of the two remaining cases works for ID x L = TH.
(4) If P = 0, all of the A = 1 cases fail (A x L = S with no carry causes S to duplicate L), so we have the usual four cases for A/L, and the leading digit S is equal to A x L.   Once again, H > A, and trying every value for H in each case with L x D = H gives seven cases for A/L/S/H/D.  D + H = E gives E and reduces to four cases.   A + T + (carry) = L gives T and reduces to two cases.   ID x L = TH gives I for only one case, fixing A/L/S/H/D/E/T/I.   R + A + (carry) = H confirms R.

D-85  OPE x A = TANG gives T < O; OPE x M = ONTO with O >= 2 gives 10 cases for O/M.   M x E = O gives E, eliminating two cases and splitting one.  O + A + (carry) = E does not carry to T, so O < E, eliminating three cases.   E + O = S gives S for the six remaining cases.  O + A + (carry) = E gives one or two values for A in each case; A x E = G gives G and reduces to two cases.   E + G = P gives P; OPE x A = TANG gives T as leading digit, but only one case works for P + T + (carry) = E, fixing O/M/E/S/A/G/P/T.   A + N + (carry?) = W gives N and W.

D-86  The leading carry gives [IA].  Search for zero gives H and L as possible, but if L = 0, I + L + (carry) = M would give [IM], contradicting [IA] (as well as failing to carry to it).   So H = 0, and the internal zero creates four split partial products: S x A = ME and E x A = NS are reciprocal multiplications (Table 2 in Appendix 4), so A = 4 or A = 9.   The split products give N < A and M < A; F + E = A does not carry, so F < A and E < A, so A cannot be 4, and thus A = 9 and I = 8.   Trying each remaining value of E, E x A = NS gives four cases for E/S/N; E x N = LM gives M and L and reduces to two cases; S x A = ME reduces to one case and fixes E/S/N/M/L.  S x N = FI gives F; T + M = E confirms T.

D-87  SET x S = GNCU has ten cases for S/G; the leading carry [US] gives U and eliminates two cases; G + S + (carry) = N must carry, eliminating three more cases.   S x T = U gives T, reducing to two cases and fixing U/S/T (only the value of G has two cases); SET x O = USCN gives O to produce the leading digits; O x T = N gives N; O + N = A gives A; (S x S) + (carry) = GN gives the correct value of G.  N + C + (carry) = U.  Only one of the three remaining values for E allows E + U = D, giving E and D.   N + C + (carry) = U confirms C.

D-88  M x E = M has six cases, but E x E = O gives O and eliminates three cases, fixing M = 5, with E odd.   The leading carry gives [EU], eliminating one case, giving U and fixing O.    U + M = O works for only one case, fixing E/U.  O + L + (carry) = M gives L.  AGE x E = SHO gives A.   The remainder HAH is less than the divisor AGE, so H < A, giving H.    R and S follow from additions; dividing either partial product confirms G.

D-89  The leading carry gives [RS].  To reduce the number of cases for the short product, we will consider the case C = 1 separately.
(1) If C = 1, there must be a carry from R + C = A to E + E = C (since C is odd), so A < C and A = 0.   R + C + (carry) = A gives R = 8 or R = 9, but C + O + (carry) = R does not carry, so R = 9, but [RS] makes this impossible.
C >= 2 gives the usual four cases for C/D.   E + E + (carry) = C must carry, so E >= 5, which gives E for each case.   COPIES x D = RECOUP and [RS] gives five cases for C/D/E/[RS].  D x S = P gives P and eliminates three cases, fixing C/D/E.  A + P = D gives A and reduces to one case, fixing R/S/P/A.   ES x D = UP gives U; O + U + (carry) = E gives O.  RECOUP /  D = COPIES confirms I.

D-90 The leading carry gives [OD].  As in D-89, we consider the N = 1 case separately.
(1) If N = 1, I x S = N gives I = 3 and S = 7 or vice versa.   E + N = S gives E for both cases.  I + E + (carry) = C has two possible values for C, but only one (the same one) works for S + C + (carry?) = E, fixing C = 9.   NEARS x I = OCEAN gives O as leading digit, with three cases for I/S/E/C/O (the potential carry from I x E, plus (I x N), equals O).  [OD] gives D and reduces to one case, fixing I/S/E/[OD].  There is no carry to I + E = C, so D + A + (carry) = K gives D < K, but the only such available value of K makes A duplicate.
(2) N >= 2 gives the usual four cases for N/I.  I x S = N gives S, eliminating one case but splitting another.   E + N = S gives E and eliminates a case.  NEARS x I = OCEAN gives O (and D from [OD]), eliminating one case and fixing [OD].   I + E + (carry) = C gives two possible values of C in each case, but S + C + (carry?) = E works in only one of the four subcases, fixing N/I/S/E/C.   D + A + (carry) = K gives only one possible pair for A/K.   OCEAN / I = NEARS confirms R.

D-91  The leading carry gives [AB].   SALON x E = AELBST gives A < E, with E < 9 (E = 9 gives [AS], contradicting [AE]).  A + E + (carry) = O must carry, so try each combination of [AB] and E where A < E < 9 and A + B >= 9 (there are 12 such cases).   In each case, AE / E = S gives the first digit of the divisor.  All but six cases are eliminated by duplication.   E + B + (carry) = I gives I (the carry is 1 when S > E).    Only one case allows I + S + (carry) = E, fixing [AB]/E/S/I.   A + B + (carry?) = O gives O = 0, and the internal zero yields a split products: E x N = ST gives N and T; SAL x E = AELB gives L.    T + L + (carry) = D confirms D.

D-92  Y + B + (carry) = R does not carry to A, so Y < R and B < R.  The remainder YFTBI is less than the divisor BLEAT, so Y < B < R.   BLEAT x F = ABYRUI gives A < B (and thus A < R) and A < F.   Now a search for zero gives L and E as possible, but E = 0 would create a split partial product AT x F = RUI, which would give R < A, which contradicts A < R.   So L = 0, and we have a split product B x F = AB, which gives six cases for B/F/A.    B + I + (carry) = L gives I + B equal to 9 or 10; Y + B + (carry) = R does not carry, so Y + B equals 9 at most, and Y <  I.   So there is a carry from I + U = Y, and I + B = 9, which eliminates one of the six cases. In each case we try every I < Y (in one case there are none), giving eight cases for B/F/A/I.   I + U = Y gives U, eliminating four cases and fixing U.  F x T = U gives T and reduces to two cases.   T + R + (carry) = I gives R and reduces to one case, fixing B/F/A/I/Y/T/R.    ABYRIU / F = BLEAT confirms E.

D-93  The leading carry (with two digits ahead of it) gives [IM], which gives only one case for the short product MARIMBA x I = TIIETRI.   I x A = I gives A, splitting into two cases.  MA... x I = TI... gives T as leading digit ((M x I) + (carry) = T).    MAR... x I = TII makes R the 5-complement of A, which duplicates one case, fixing A/T/R.   The internal multiplication M x I + (carry) = T in the hundreds column gives three possible values of B to produce the correct carry (B >= 5).  B + E + (carry) = P eliminates two of the cases for B, fixing B/E.  N + T + (carry) = O gives two cases for N; O + R + (carry?) = N fixes N and O.

D-94  The remainder KNOWN is less than the divisor WORKS, so K < W,  and WORKS x F = SATIN gives the usual four cases for W and F.   N + N = S gives S even; the leading digit gives S and splits one case.  F x S = N gives N and eliminates two cases; N + N = S eliminates two cases and fixes W/F.   K < W gives K (fixed); KS x F = IN gives I; W + I + (carry) = T gives T; K + S + (carry) = R and reduces to one case, fixing S/N/I/T/R.   O + T + (carry?) = F gives O; N + A + (carry) = I confirms A.

D-95  IDEAS x D = STRAY has seven cases for I/D with I = 1 and the usual four with 2 <= I <= 4.   But the possible carry from D x D added to I x D gives S, eliminating three cases (two produce a long product, the other duplicates) and splitting one.   D x S = Y gives Y and eliminates two cases.   Although we are not ready to compute L + Y = E, we can also remove the case where Y = 0.   D x D plus potential carry (up to (D - 1)) gives possible values for T (for example, D = 3 gives 9 plus 0/1/2, or 9 without a carry and 1/2 with a carry); in all, there are eight cases for I/D/S/Y/T.    D + T + (carry) = A gives A, but there can be no carry (eliminating five cases), and duplication removes another, leaving two cases for I/D/S/Y/T/A.   A + A + (carry) = V reduces to one case, fixing I/D/S/Y/T/A, but splitting into two values for V.   Each case has three remaining values for E; L + Y = E gives L in two cases, but fixes E and L; A + A + (carry?) = V fixes V.    E + R + (carry?) = L confirms R.

D-96  T + S = T gives S = 0, which gives no carries to or from any of the addition columns (so T < C, I < C, F < R, and O < R).   W x A = S gives eight cases, with W = 5 and A even, or vice versa.   Since W x A = S also occurs as an internal multiplication, there is no carry from W x F, and in six of the eight cases, F = 1, with additional values for F in the other two cases (where W <= 4), giving 11 cases in all for W/A/F.   (The case with W = 2 and F = 1 is eliminated, since BAFTA x W = TOSIOS gives T < W, and there are no available values for T).   In each of the ten remaining cases, the minimum possible value of I is W x F (plus 1 when F = 1, otherwise I duplicates W). 
One case is eliminated because the minimum value is I = 9, impossible because I < C.    In every case the maximum range of I is 6/7/8.    I + T = C gives a maximum value for T, and each case has at most two available values for T [For example, if W = 5 and A = 6, F = 1, and I >=7, so T = 2.]   There are 12 cases for W/A/F/T.   TA x W = OS gives O for each case, eliminating five cases by duplication, and one because O = 9 (impossible because O < R).   In the last six cases, dividing TO / W gives B as the first digit of the divisor, reducing to three cases.  F + O + (carry 0) = R gives R and reduces to one case, fixing W/A/F/T/O/B/R.   T + I + (carry 0) = C gives the last two values as I and C.

Direct entry: A + T + (carry) = I and T + A + (carry) = F gives {IF}, with only one of the two having a carry.   Search for zero gives A and Y as possible, but A = 0 would force both to carry and give contradictory [TI] and [TF], so Y = 0, and S + Y + (carry) = T gives [ST].   Also, there is now a carry to A + T = I, giving [FI].   The remainder LIAR is less than the divisor TILE, giving L < T (and so O < [LT]), and thus T >= 3.   T + T + (carry) = 0 does not carry to S, so T <= 4.   TILE x F = TLTTO with T >= 3 gives F >= 9, but [FI] gives [FI] = [89] and T = 3.   T + T + (carry?) = O gives O = 6;  O x E = S gives E = 7, and the rest follows from additions.

D-98  Direct entry: search for zero gives M = 0.   P + D = S and D + P + (carry) = T yield [ST].   R + M + (carry) = O gives [RO], and does not carry to T + P = E.   REDO x T = EPTX gives T < E, and O + T = E does not carry to E + P = T.   T + P = E and E + P = T give P = 5, and T and E are 5-complements.   Since there is no carry to T + P = E, there must be a carry to O + T = E, yielding [OP] and O = 4.   Now [RO] gives R = 3.   REDO x T = EPTX gives T = 2 (and its 5-complement E = 7); [ST] gives S = 1; T + X = M gives X = 8.   O x O = D gives D = 6.   S + E + (carry) = I confirms I = 9.

D-99  Direct entry: search for zero gives S = 0 (not I = 0 since L + I = A must carry).   The leading carry gives [AO]; OLD x A = VOE gives [AO] = [23] (A >= 3 would produce a long product).   The leading digit gives V = 6 (V = 7 would cause O + V = N to carry); O + V + (carry?) = N gives N = 9.   N x D = O gives D = 6; A x D = E gives E = 4; L + O = E gives L = 1; V + Y = L gives Y = 5; A + I + (carry) = L confirms I = 8.

D-100  O + S = S gives O = 0.  AIL x I = RAGI gives R < A.   AIL x L = NID gives the usual four cases for A/L; L x I = I gives I and reduces to one case, fixing A/L/I.  R < A gives R.   L x L = D gives D; D + D = E gives E.  E x L = S gives S; S + A + (carry?) = G gives G.    AIL x L = NID confirms N.   [Tables 5c and 5k combine to give I/L/D/G directly, but the problem is easy enough without them.]

D-101  The leading carry gives [AD]; RAYED x P = APRSTI gives [AD] < R and [AD] < P, with P < 9 and R < 9.   D + P = E must carry, so E < [AD] < R and E < [AD] < P, giving R >= 4 and P >= 4.   Search for zero gives M, T, and Y as possible (S occurs as an addend in consecutive columns).
(1) If Y = 0, Y + T + (carry) = R gives [TR], and there must be a carry from E + I = T, giving T < E.   But [TR] and E < R gives E < [TR], a contradiction.
(2) If T = 0, Y + T + (carry) = R gives [YR], so E < [AD] < [YR], with R >= 5.   Trying each case of [45] <= [YR] <= [78] gives four cases; for each case there are three possible values of P with 4 <= P <= 8.   RAYED x P = APRSTI gives A (and D from [AD]), with only four cases without duplications.    P x D = I gives a duplicate value for I in all four cases.
(3) If M = 0, M + S + (carry) = A gives [SA], so [SAD], with seven cases.    We list the possible values of E < [SAD] for each case, as we will need them shortly.   One case (S = 1) has no such values and is eliminated.  D + P + (carry) = E must carry, and E is not 0, so D + P >= 10; we try each such value of P (again P < 9) in each case, yielding 15 cases for [SAD]/P.   D x P = I gives I and eliminates 9 cases.   S + R + (carry) = P gives one value of R in three cases, and eliminates the other three.   The possible remaining values of E combine to make 5 cases for [SAD]/P/I/R/E.   E + I = T gives T and reduces to two cases, fixing I.   Y + T + (carry) = R gives Y and reduces to one case, fixing the remaining letters.

D-103  The leading carry gives [AG]; FAIR x G = ARGOT gives [AG] < F, giving seven cases for [AG].   The internal multiplication G x A = G is only possible for four of the seven cases.   FAIR x G = ARGOT gives possible values for F as the leading digit (11 cases for [AG]/F); multiplying out FA x G = ARG gives possible values for R in only six cases.   G x R = T gives T and eliminates three cases (two where R = 0).   T + R + (carry) = E gives E and reduces to two cases, fixing F.   Trying the remaining values of O in each case, T + O = S gives S for only three cases of O; I + O + (carry) = T gives I in only two cases.   R + G + (carry) = N gives N and reduces to one case, fixing all remaining letters.

D-104  OAKEN x K = OOHTWO has 14 cases for O and K to produce the leading digits (actually some of these are impossible because of the repeated digit OO, but those cases will soon disappear anyway).   K x N = O gives N and reduces to 10 cases; S + O = K gives S.   H + H + (carry) = S gives one or two values of H for each case (one case is also eliminated), but T + O + (carry) = H does not carry, so T < H, which eliminates all of the split cases and reduces to six cases for O/K/N/S/H.  T + O + (carry) = H gives T and eliminates one case; another case is eliminated because the remainder THAWS is less than the divisor OAKEN, so T < O.   Dividing the left side OOHT / K = OAK (there are only three divisions to try, since two cases have the same values except for N) gives a duplicate value for A in two cases, reducing to two cases and fixing O/K/S/H/T/A.  A + T + (carry) = E gives E and reduces to one case, fixing N/E.   W + W + (carry?) = R gives the last two digits W and R.

D-105  AUTO x H = RUST yields 11 cases for A/H, including seven with A = 1.  H + A + (carry) = U gives one or two values for U in each case, but the internal multiplication U x H = A is possible for only six cases of A/H/U.  The carry from U x H added to A x H gives R, reducing to four cases for A/H/U/R (the other two would produce a long product).   E is not zero because of Y + E = T, so O x H = E eliminates the case with H = 5, leaving H even in the three remaining cases, and E is therefore even also, splitting into six cases for A/H/U/R/E.   H x T must produce a carry which is correct for (A x H) + (carry) = R (for example, if A/H/R = 3/2/7, there must be a carry of 1 from H x T, so T >= 5; if A/H/R = 4/2/7, there is not carry and T <= 4).   There are 14 subcases of T distributed among the six cases, but Y + E = T gives Y and reduces back to six cases for A/U/R/E/T/Y, fixing H.    O x H = E gives O, eliminating four cases, but splitting one of the remaining two.    TO x H = CE gives C and reduces to one case, fixing A/U/R/E/T/Y/O/C.    E + C + (carry) = S confirms S.

D-106  A x Y = Y gives the usual six cases for Y/A, but also eight cases where A = 1.   However, if A = 1, there is no carry from Y x A, and R x Y = A, which gives R = 3 and Y = 7 or vice versa.   This reduces to eight cases in all for A/Y.  We already have R for the two A = 1 cases; RA x Y = AY gives R for the usual six cases, but eliminates three of them.  Two of the others split into two and three values, respectively, for R, yielding eight cases for A/Y/R.   The remainder TOWER is less than OPERA, so T < O, and T + O + (carry) = R does not carry, giving T < R and O < R.   O + R + (carry) = Y gives one or two possibilities for O in each case, but four cases are eliminated where O > R, and a fifth by duplication, leaving five cases for A/Y/R/O/T.   T + O + (carry) = R gives T and eliminates three cases.    OPERA x Y = TORNAY gives the correct leading digit for T in only one of the two remaining cases, fixing A/Y/R/O/T.   Since Y = 5, we have the hidden addition TORNAY + TORNAY = OPERA0; N + N + (carry) = R gives N; R + R + (carry) = E gives E; O + O + (carry?) = P gives P.   Back in the main addition, W + N + (carry) = E confirms W.    [Without the hidden addition, we could have observed that E + A + (carry?) = N gives [NE], and W + N + (carry) = E gives W = 0, with [67] being the only spot for [NE].  We still would have to divide TORNAY / Y = OPERA to confirm P.]

D-107   G + G + (carry) = A has 18 cases for G/A; one is eliminated because A + N = O makes A = 0 impossible.   F + (carry) + A = G gives F and eliminates two more cases because F is a leading digit and cannot be 0.    UNCAP x U = FLAGON gives U as the leading digit producing F, eliminating four cases but splitting two, leaving 13 cases for G/A/F/U.    N must have a value which is a multiple of U, but N is not zero because A + N = O.   This eliminates the two cases where U = 5.    U x N must produce a carry so that (U x U) + (carry) = FL, with L < U (snce N + L = U does not carry).   This eliminates the two U = 4 cases (since L >= 6) and the two cases with U = 8 and F = 7 (U x N must carry at least 6, but there are no even values of N large enough).   There are seven cases left for G/A/F/U; trying available values for N and adding P from U x P = N gives 17 cases for G/A/F/U/P/N.   O + N = A gives O and reduces to 8 cases.  AP x U = ON works for only one case, fixing G/A/F/U/N/P/O.   N + L + (carry) = U gives L; C + O + (carry?) = T gives C and T.

D-108  The remainder ENACT is less than the divisor NASTY, giving E < N;
NASTY x H = RECON yields the usual four cases for N/H.  E < N splits one case, but E + R = C does not carry, eliminating the larger split value of E (since R >= 8 in that case), and fixing E.   H x Y = N gives Y, eliminating one case but splitting another.   T + N = E gives T, eliminating another case and fixing N/T.  NASTY x H = RECON gives possible values for R, eliminating one of the split cases for Y, but splitting another case into three values for R.   E + R + (carry?) = C gives C, fixing H/Y and reducing to two cases for R/C.    C + O + (carry) = R gives O, reducing to one case and fixing R/C/O (TY x H = ON would give the same value for O).   A + C + (carry) = O gives A.   Dividing RECON / H = NASTY confirms S.

D-109  MULTI x U = ULHAE gives M = 1; U x U = L does not carry to M x U = U, giving U <= 3, with three cases for U/L.   M + U + (carry) = B gives B; B + U + (carry) = E gives E and eliminates one case, fixing U/B/E.  I + E = L gives I, but only one case matches U x I = E, fixing L/I.   H x I = U gives H; I + W + (carry?) = I gives W; E + H + (carry?) = A gives A; M + A + (carry) =  T confirms T.

D-110  IS x S = IL has eight solutions (Table 5c, Appendix 4: this is easy to work out by starting with the six solutions to S x S = L, and scanning a multiplication table for values of I where (I x S) + (carry) = I).   S + I = P gives P and eliminates three cases (P is a leading digit and cannot be 0).   The leading carry [PC] gives C and eliminates three more cases.   E x S = I gives E and reduces to one case, fixing S/I/L/[PC]/E.  C + H + (carry?) = L gives H.   O + L = T gives [TO] and carries; A + I + (carry) = S gives A; [TO] gives T and O.

D-113  T + N + (carry) = T does not carry, giving N = 0.  HABIT x I = WANTS has 11 cases for H/I (including the seven cases with H = 1).   I = 5 is eliminated because I x T = S, with S not zero.   The internal multiplication I x I = T has multiple values for most H/I cases (T is equal to (I x I) plus a carry as large as (I - 1): for example, I = 7 gives 9 plus a carry of up to 6, yielding 9/2/3/4/5, since T = 0 and T = 1 are impossible).   There are 28 cases in all for H/I/T.   I x T = S gives S and eliminates 11 cases by duplication.    IT x I = TS reduces to four cases.  B + S = H gives B, eliminating one case.  BIT x I = NTS works for only one case, fixing H/I/T/S/B.  
U + T + (carry) = C gives U and C.   B = 2 gives the hidden addition HABIT + HABIT = WANTS: A + A + (carry) = A gives A; H + H + (carry) = W confirms W.    [Using Table 5i in Appendix 4 gives I/T/S/H/B/N more quickly: HABIT x I = WANTS eliminates all six I = 9 cases; H + S = B eliminates S = 0; B + S = H fixes B; BIT x I = NSH works for only one case.]

D-114  S x T = T gives either S = 1, or the usual six cases.  We consider these separately:
(1) If S = 1, there is no carry to O x T = S, giving O and T equal to 3 and 7 in either order.   For both cases, D + T = S gives D; DEMOS x T = MAYEST fixes M as the leading digit; MOS x T = EST gives E, reducing to one case and fixing O/T/D/E.   EMOS x T = YEST gives Y; M + Y + (carry) = J gives J, but J duplicates E.
(2) Starting with the usual six cases of S/T, D + T = S gives D, eliminating one case.  OS x T = ST gives O and eliminates three cases, but one of the two remaining cases splits into three.  DEMOS x T = MAYEST gives M as the leading digit, eliminating the non-split case and fixing S/T/D/M (O has three possible values).    Now T = 5 gives the hidden addition MAYEST + MAYEST = DEMOS0.   Since M is even, there is no carry from E + E = O to Y + Y = M, and E <= 4.    E + E = O therefore gives one value for E in each case.    In the case where E is even, there is no carry from Y + Y = M to A + A = E, so Y <= 4, but the only possible value for Y duplicates O.   In the other two cases, E is odd and Y >= 5, fixing Y for both cases.     There is no carry to M + M = D, so A <= 4, and A + A = E gives A in each case.  In the main addition, A + S + (carry?) = R gives R, reducing to one case and fixing O/E/A/R.   M + Y + (carry?) = J confirms J.

D-115  I + N + (carry) = I gives either N = 0 or N = 9.   U x D = U gives either D = 1, or the usual six cases.   There are three cases, but they are not difficult.
(1) If D = 1, N cannot be 0, otherwise ND x U = SU gives S = 0.  So N = 9, and N + S + (carry) = D gives S = 2, and (U x N) + (carry 0) = S gives U = 8.    But U + O + (carry) = A does not carry, so U < A, but there are no unassigned values for A.
(2) If N = 0, N + S + (carry) = D gives [SD], and there is a carry from G + U = S, giving U > S and eliminating four of the usual six cases.  The internal zero gives a split product D x S = SU, which fails for both remaining cases.
(3) If N = 9, there are five of the six usual cases (D is not 9), and N + S + (carry?) = D gives [DS], with no carry from G + U = S, giving U < S and reducing to three cases for U/[DS].    ND x U = SU fits in only one case, fixing U/[DS].   G + U = S gives G; U + O + (carry) = A gives only one possible value for A > U.   There are two possible values for O, depending on the carry; multiplying out SOUND x U = ROINSU in both cases gives the correct value for O, as well as I and R.   S + I + (carry) = P confirms P.

D-116  Search for zero gives I, O, and R as possible (not E because F + O = E does not carry).
(1) If O = 0, the split product S x L = W has the usual four cases, also giving W directly.  O + S + (carry) = R gives [SR], giving R and eliminating one case.   L + R + (carry) = I gives I, but none of the cases carry to F + O = E, so F duplicates E.
(2) If R = 0, the internal multiplication L x L = R has four possible values for L (3,6,7,8).   L + R + (carry) = I gives [LI] and thus I.   SOLID x L = WORST gives S = 1 in all but one case, which splits into two cases for S.  The internal multiplication L x I = S is possible in only two cases, and the carry to L x L = R is only possible in one case.  There is no carry to L x I = S, giving D = 1, but L x D = T makes that impossible.
(3) If I = 0, the internal zero gives a split product SOL x L = WOR, and so L x L = R, with six cases for L/R.   L + R + (carry?) = I is only possible in two cases.   SOLID x L = WORST gives W > L and reduces to one case, fixing L/R.   The split product D x L = ST has three cases for D/S/T.  W + T = D gives W and reduces to two cases.  SOLID x L = WORST gives a possible leading digit for W in only one case, fixing D/S/T/W.   O + S + (carry) = R gives O.  The remaining two values are F and E; F + O + (carry) = E confirms F and E.

D-117  The leading carry gives [AN].  READ x N = ANGER gives possible values for R as the leading digit, but R must be a multiple of N because of N x D = R, eliminating N = 5 and all cases with even N and odd R, leaving ten cases for [AN]/R.   One case is eliminated becasuse R + N must carry.   Three cases are eliminated because N x R is greater than AN (e.g. 3 x 9 > 23); three are eliminated because N x R is too small (e.g. 3 x 6 + (carry from 3 x E) < 23).   N x D = R duplicates one cases, but splits one, still leaving three cases for [AN]/R/D.   D + R = Y gives Y; AD x N = ER gives E and reduces to one case, fixing [AN]/R/D/Y/E.   READ x N = ANGER gives G.   A + E + (carry) = S gives S; R + N + (carry?) = O gives O; O + G + (carry) = I confirms I.

D-118  M x E = M has 14 cases for M/E (the usual six, plus eight with E = 1).  E + M = D gives D; ME x M = UM gives U, eliminating five cases.   M + U + (carry) = A gives A; U + R + (carry) = E gives R, eliminating five cases.  IME x M = RUM gives I,  reducing to two cases, but splitting one case into two.   S + A + (carry) = P does not carry, yielding P > A.   The three remaining cases split into seven total cases for M/E/D/U/A/R/I/P.   P + C + (carry) = R gives C and reduces to one case, fixing
M/E/D/U/A/R/I/P/C.   S + A + (carry?) = P confirms S.

D-119  The remainder yields MINOR < APRON and M < A, so A >= 2 and the short product APRON x N = RAPID has the usual four cases for A/N.  N x N = D gives D and eliminates one case.   M < A gives M = 1 for all three cases.   APRON x N = RAPID gives possible values for R, splitting the three cases into seven cases for A/N/D/M/R.   R + D = G gives G and eliminates two cases.   A < R, so there is no carry from A + I = R to M + R = W, which gives W and reduces to three cases.   A + I + (carry) = R gives I, eliminating one case but splitting another, leaving three cases for A/N/D/M/R/G/W/I.   O + I + (carry) = N gives O, reducing to one case and fixing
A/N/D/M/R/G/W/I/O.   N + P + (carry) = I confirms P.

D-120  THIS x N = SPENT and N x S = T have only three possible solutions for T/S/N (these can be found by comparing the multiplication and LDA tables; the solutions are in Table 13b in Appendix 4).   K + T = S gives K and eliminates one case.   IS x N = NT gives I, eliminating one case and fixing T/S/N/K, but giving two values for I.    Trying each of the five remaining values for H in each case, and multiplying out THIS x N = SPENT guves two possible sets of values for I/H/E/P.   A + N + (carry) = E gives A and eliminates one case, fixing I/H/E/P/A.   O + E + (carry) = I confirms O.

D-121  RIVER x I = SWEARS and R x I = S have only two solutions for R/I/S (see Table 13c in Appendix 4, or look for two-digit products with the tens digit one less than the units).   S is the same in both cases, with R and I interchangeable.   ER x I = RS gives E, with one case splitting into two.   W + W + (carry) = E does not carry to S, giving one value of W for each case.   A + E + (carry) = R gives A, reducing to one case and fixing I/R/E/W/A.   The remaining additions give G, N, and O; SWEARS / I = RIVER confirms V.

D-201  D + S + (carry) = R and D + S + (carry) = I give {RI}.  But the leading carry gives [ER], so I must be greater than I, giving [ERI].  This shows that L + O = D carries (and D < L, D < O), and A + S + (carry?) = S does not, giving A = 0.  R + Y + (carry) = L does not carry to A + S, giving [ERI] < L and Y < L.   R + D + (carry) = N does not carry, giving [ERI] < N and D < N.   D + S + (carry) = R carries, so [ERI] < D and [ERI] < S.    Since [ERI] < D, [ERI] < K, giving six letters (DKLNOS) greater than [ERI], so either [ERI] = 123 or [ERI] = 234.   We also have [ERI] < D < L/O/N, so 4 < D < 7, and we can try the seven cases of  E/R/I/D, adding O from O x I = D and S from S x I = O, reducing to three cases, only one of which fits D + S + (carry?) = R.   L + O = D gives L, K + D = E gives K, and R + Y + (carry) = L gives Y.

D-202   Search for zero gives Y = 0 (R is impossible because A + U = R does not carry; C is impossible because the internal zero would give the impossible split product A x C = CE).   The leading carry gives [SA].   A + E + (carry) = S gives E = 9 or E = a (P + E = Y gives P = 2 or P = 1 respectively.)   In either case, A + L = P carries (neither A nor L is zero, so their sum is at least 3), so A + E + (carry 1) = S gives E = 9 and P + E = Y gives P = 2.    [SA] has five possible pairs of values; A x C = E gives C and eliminates two cases.  A + L + (carry) = P gives L; U x C = L gives U, but U + L = S only works for one case, fixing [SA]/C/L/U.   A + U + (carry?) = R gives R.  PUCE / A = TIC confirms T and I.

D-203  A + I + (carry) = A carries, so I = a.  Leading carries give [DS] and [AN].   S + S + (carry) = D with [DS] gives [DS] = [89] (S = a would duplicate).  ANY x M = EAST gives E < A; ANY x E = DIM has only two cases for A/E instead of four; only one case gives the correct leading digit for D, fixing A/E.  [AN] gives N.   ANY x M = EAST has two possible unassigned values for M; M + M = W gives W for both cases; M x W = Y gives Y and eliminates a case, fixing M/W/Y.  M x Y = T gives T; A + T = O confirms O.

D-204  NEARS x E = STORY has 14 initial possibilities for N/E which produce a short product, but multiplying out NE x E = ST gives a long product for three cases, and in another, S duplicates the value of E.   One case has two possible values for S, giving 11 cases for N/S/E.  E x S = Y gives Y, eliminating one case; N + Y = T gives T, but five cases produce impossible values for (E x E) + (carry) = T (for example, E = 6 produces 6 x 6 = 33 with a possible carry up to 5, which makes T = 0 impossible).   For the five remaining cases, find R so that (E x R) + (carry) = R (for example, E = 4 and S = 9, gives Y = 3 with a carry of 3: look for a value of R so that (4 x R) = 3  = R, by scanning the base 11 multiplication table, which gives R = a).   Two cases are eliminated because R duplicates; E + R + (carry) = I gives I and eliminates two more cases, fixing N/E/S/Y/T/R/I.   For the four remaining values for O, M + O + (carry?) = R gives M and eliminates two cases (the two remaining cases have the same M and O in either order).  O + T + (carry?) = P gives P and reduces to one case again, fixing O/M/P.   NEARS x E = STORY confirms the remaining value for A.

D-205  T + I + (carry) = W does not carry, giving W > T.   The short product WELSH x T = SITAR therefore only has solutions for T = 2 (if T >= 3, W > T gives a long product), and the multiplication is equivalent to WELSH + WELSH = SITAR.   Trying each value of H (there are eight cases, since H is not 0 or 1), T x H = R gives R.   A + A + (carry) = R gives A (in each case H + 5 = R), eliminating two cases.  S + S + (carry) = A (from the extra addition) gives S, but two cases are impossible since S < T.   WELSH x T = SITAR (or W + W + (carry) = S) gives W in the four remaining cases; two are eliminated because T is duplicated.   T + I + (carry) = W gives I; I + R = D gives D
and reduces to one case, fixing H/R/A/S/W/I/D.  H + T + (carry) = O gives O; WELSH + WELSH = SITAR gives L and E.

D-221   Search for zero yields I and K as possibilities.  WOE has two long products FELL and DEMO,  so F < W and D < W, giving W >= 3.  The short product WOE x F = EOF is impossible if F > 3, so F = 2 and the leading carry [DF] gives D = 1.   The leading digit E >= 6, but only E = 7 fits F x E = F, also giving W = 3.   O must fit the equation (F x O) + 1 = O to complete the short product, giving O = b.   M + F = O gives M = 9.  E + O = K gives K = 6, leaving I = 0 from the initial search, and I + L + (carry) = M gives L = 8.  L + L = A gives A = 4.   F + E + (carry) = C gives C = a.    Y x E = O  gives Y = 5.

D-222  The leading carry gives [WO]; O + O = W gives O = b and W = a.  T + W + (carry?) = O gives T = 1.  HAD x Y = WHY gives three possibilities for H/Y.  H + H + (carry) = U gives U and eliminates one case, fixing H.   Y x D = Y gives D and eliminates one case, fixing Y/U/D.   U + S = E gives S and E; E + Y = R gives R.  WHY / Y = HAD gives A; HAD x B = TWOS confirms B.

D-223  O + U + (carry?) = O with no carry to M gives U = 0.   M + L + (carry) = A does not carry to P, giving L < A.   The remainder must be less than the quotient, giving E > L.   D x D = A has seven unduplicated cases for D/A; D + A = E gives E and eliminates three cases.   E x D = H gives H and reduces to one case, fixing D/A/E/H.  E < L < A gives L (only one value between E and A).   LD x E = SH gives S with no carry, so E x O = MU acts like a split product and gives O and M; R + H = S gives R; O + E + (carry) = G gives G; OLD x D = PLEA confirms P.

D-224  In base 12, GRATE x O = SOLVE has six cases for G/O (instead of the usual four in base 10).   For the moment we will not try to tabulate possible values for S.   The remainder LOGIC is less than the divisor GRATE, so G + L = I does not carry, and O + O + (carry 0) = E.  But only two of the cases fit O x E = E, fixing G = 2 (and because LOGIC < GRATE, L = 1).  L + G + (carry) = I gives I (there is a carry from the elevens column in both cases because I > G), eliminating one case by duplication and fixing O/I/E.   Now GRATE x O = SOLVE gives two possible values for S, and L + S + (carry?) = R gives R.   But the internal multiplication O x R = O is impossible for one of the two cases, fixing S/R.   The carry to O x R = O must be zero, leaving A = 0 as the only unassigned value producing no carry from O x A.    I + V + (carry) = G gives two possible values for V, but only one works for TE x O = VE.  This fixes V and gives two possible values for T, only one of which fits the split partial product TE x O = LVE, also fixing T.   There is no carry from C + E = N to I + V = G, so C < N, confirming the last two values, which fit C + E = N.

D-225  The leading carry gives [AW].  HASTY x T = ABOUT has a large number of cases for H/T/A, but adding the potential carries from (A x T) to the product (H x T) gives A, and reduces the number of H/T/[AW] cases to only ten, with T <= 5 in all cases (see the table below left; which we put aside for the moment).   If T = 5, T x Y = T gives Y = 1, but H must also be 1 (otherwise A is at least 10 and the carry is too large.)    So we only need consider the cases where T is 2, 3, or 4 (including the Y = 1 cases).   There are eight cases (below right, with the first carry shown in the third column: we show the carries unbolded to avoid seeing them as possible duplications).   TY x T = UT gives U for each case (one case is eliminated), with the second carry also shown.   The additions I + U + (carry) = P and P + O + (carry) = I combine algebraically to make O and U add to a, b, or 0.  We list the possible values for O, expanding horizontally, and unbold those values where (O - c2) cannot be a multiple of T.   Only one row has two possible values for O, and one row is eliminated.    Now we add in, for each T, the possible values of H and [AW] from our first table, eliminating two more rows and eliminating one of the two possibilities for O from the first row (underlined).   Now we only have five cases for T/Y/U/O/H/[AW], and we add (horizontally) the possible unassigned values of S which fit T x S = (O - c2).  This eliminates another row and incidentally fixes N.   S + B + (carry) = H must carry to [AW], giving S > H and eliminating another row (we marked this y), fixing T/O/H/S.   S + B + (carry) = H gives B for the remaining cases, eliminating one of the two [AW] cases in row 4.   Finally we check tow two remaining values, which must be I and P, and find only one case which fits I + U + (carry) = P.   The correct values are in the starred row.

H T A W        T Y (c1) U (c2)  O    H A  W   S  N   B   I P
1 3 4 5        2 1 
0   4   0   678  3 7  8   9  7x
1 4 5 6        2 7 
1   5   0   6    4 9  a   3  1y
1 4 6 7        3 1 
0   9   0   2x  
1 5 7 8        3 5 
1   a   0   012  2 78 89  4  1   9   6 b x
1 5 8 9        3 9 
2   b   0   0    2 7  8   4  1   a   6 5 *****
1 5 9 a        4 1 
0   4x
2 3 7 8        4 7 
2   6   1   5    x
2 3 8 9        4 a 
3   7   1   35   x
3 2 7 8
4 2 9 a

D-226  LIKES x D = SOLID gives D < S.   D x S = D has nine cases for D/S; the leading digit of LIKES gives L, eliminating one case.   S + L + (carry) = O gives one or two values for O, eliminating two cases where there is a carry.   The remainder LEAFY is less than the divisor LIKES, so E < I.   Put the duplicate values of O aside for the moment and try each value of E in each of the six cases for D/S/L.   ES x D = IL; there are 21 cases for D/S/L/E/I where E < I.   Now compare the values of O: the carry from O + E + (carry) = C to L + S = O gives the correct value for O for each E, eliminating seven cases (there is one split case where both values of O, one carrying and the other not, might be possible).  In the remaining cases, A + L + (carry) = E gives A (there is a carry if A < I); two more cases are eliminated.  E + O + (carry) = C gives C for the remaining 13 cases.   Five cases are eliminated by duplication, and another because the other half of the split case does not carry after all.   F + I = A gives F and reduces to three cases.   There are three unassigned values left in each case: in one case Y + D = N is not possible with any two of the three remaining values; in another SOLID / D = LIKES gives a duplicate values for K; in the last K is an unassigned value, and the two remaining values for Y and N work with Y + D = N (they are interchangeable, but there is no carry to F + I = A, so Y < N).

D-241  Direct entry: E + R + (carry) = E with a carry to [EH] gives R = c; O + E + (carry?) = E gives O = 0.  E + R = O gives E = 1 and the leading carry gives H = 2.  H + E + (carry?) = V gives V = 3; V + W = R gives W = 9.  V + N + (carry) = E gives N = a.  E + N + (carry?) = I gives I = b.  I x D = R gives D = 7; X x D = V gives X = 6.  E + A = T gives A = 4 and T = 5 (the only consecutive pair of unassigned digits).  S x D = A gives S = 8.

D-242  Direct entry: P + T + (carry) = P with carry gives T = c.  I + P + (carry?) = P gives I = 0.   P + T = I gives P = 1; leading carry [PH] gives P = 2.  H + P + (carry?) = Y gives Y = 3.   M + Y = T gives M = 9.     P + E = F gives [EF].   Y + A + (carry) = P gives A = a.  P + A + (carry) = O gives O = b.   PTAT / O = NOW gives NOW = 247.   [EF] gives [EF] = [56].  N x R = E confirms R = 8.

D-243  Search for zero gives Y = 0; Y + A + (carry) = H gives [AH].  Leading carries give [WD] and [IL].   L + H = W carries, so [WD] < [IL].  AND x T = IDES gives [IL] < [AH].  D + L = U does not carry, so [IL] < U.  [WD] < [IL] < U gives U >= 5.  U + S = Y has seven cases for U/S (S = 1 is impossible because of AND x S = BLUE).   W + U + (carry) = S gives W (splitting some cases into two); [WD] gives D, but [WD] < U reduces to eight cases for U/S/[WD].   D + L + (carry) = U gives [IL], reducing to two cases for U/S/[WD]/[IL] (I is a multiplier digit and cannot be 0 or 1).   S x D = E gives E and reduces to one case, fixing
U/S/[WD]/[IL]/E.   The remaining letters follow from additions, except for B which is confirmed as the leading digit of AND x S = BLUE.

D-244  W + Y = Y gives W = 0; the internal zero creates two valuable split partial products: A x O = E and FUL x O = ARLY; the latter gives A < O and reduces to five cases for A/O/E.   Add the possible values for F as the leading digit for each row, then put this table aside for the moment.  Create a long list for O = 3/4/5/6 versus the values 2-c for L.  All of the values of O except O = 4 force A = 2, so we can cross out the L = 2 cases (except where O = 4), leaving 37 cases.   L x O = Y gives Y; UL x O = LY gives U for the second cell.  Already 17 more cases are eliminated, including all of the L = c cases.   O + L + (carry 0) = T gives T and reduces to 10 boxes.   Now we add the A/E values from the first table (one case splits and one is eliminated).  At this point, we add the F values horizontally from the first table, and multiply out FUL x O = ARLY.    Most cases are eliminated, leavaing only four cases for O/L/Y/U/T/A/E/F/R.   L + R + (carry?) = P gives P and reduces to three cases.  B + A + (carry) = M does not carry and gives B < M for the two remaining values in each case.  Only one works for B + A + (carry) = M, fixing all remaining values.

D-245  This problem is somewhat similar to D-225: the leading carry gives [CA].   FARMS x B = ALONG has many cases for F/B/[CA], but most are eliminated because the carry from (B x A) added to (B x F) does not add to C, reducing to ten cases.  (B x A) plus a maximum carry of (B-1) gives possible values of O for each case, but B x S = O gives S and eliminates most cases, reducing to eight cases for F/B/[CA]/O/S.   MS x B = BO gives M and reduces to seven cases.  RMS x B = MBO gives R and reduces to three cases, two of which work for FARMS x B = COMBO, fixing F/B/[CA].   I + M + (carry) = O gives I and reduces to one case, fixing O/S/M/R/I.   M + O + (carry?) = L gives L; L + B + (carry) = N gives N; E + O = G confirms E and G.

D-261  The short product GAINLY x G = SMOCKS has five cases for G/S in base 14; The leading carry gives [SL].  G x Y = S gives Y in three cases (one is impossible and one duplicates G).   Multiplying out LY x G = KS gives K.   G x A must gives the correct carry so that (G x G) + (carry) = S (for example, if G/[SL] is 3/[ab], G x A must have a carry of 1, so A must be between 4 and 9.   There are nine total cases for G/[SL]/Y/K/A; in each case (G x A) + (carry) = M gives possible values for M (for example, if G = 3 and A = 4, possible carry is 0/1/2, and G x A = c, so M = c/d/0.   Only one case, and one subcase for M, fits S + M + (carry) = A, and G/[SL]/Y/K/A/M are fixed.  In the same way we found A and M, we can find I and O (in the only case, there is no carry from G x I, so I <= 4.    (G x I) plus a possible carry of 0/1/2 gives seven new cases for I/O; T + O + (carry) = M gives T, reducing to three cases.   D + S = T gives D for each case, and there are three unassigned values for N: (G x N) + (carry) = C gives C (the carry is the same for every case, since G and L are fixed), reducing to two cases for I/O/T/D/N/C.    E + K + (carry) = N gives E and reduces to one case, fixing the remaining letters.

D-262  C + F + (carry) = CH gives C = 1 as leading carry, H = 0, and either F = d (with no carry, and O < U) or F = c (with carry, and O > U).  The short product POTS x U = FACE gives five cases each for P/U with both vaues of F.   U x O must give the correct carry so that (U x P) + (carry) = F; seven of the cases are eliminated because either there are no possible values for O, or all of the possible values of O are greater than U for F = c, or less than U for F = d.    There are eight cases left for F/P/U/O.   Since C = 1 and H = 0, L + C + (carry) = R does not carry to O + A = U, so we get a single value of A in each case, reducing to six cases and fixing F = c.   In only two cases is (U x O) + (carry) = A possible.   The carry must come from U x T, giving possible values for T.    Only one case produces a value for T for which (U x T) + (carry) = C, fixing P/U/O/A/T.   There are six unassigned values for S; N x S = E gives E and reduces to two cases for S/E.   In each case, P + U + (carry) = L gives L; E + L + (carry) = D gives D, reducing to one case again and fixing S/E/L/D.   D + E = N gives N; R + D = S confirms R.

D-263  The leading carry gives [UM].   SKIMS x S = UNBRED gives U < S; D x S = D gives 10 cases for D/S (S = 8 with D even; S odd with D = 7).   SKIMS x D = UNBRED gives U as leading digit; [UM] gives M, eliminating two cases.   MS x D = ED gives E, eliminating four more cases.   (D x S) + (carry) = UN gives possible values for N (the carry is as large as (D - 1).   I + E = N gives possible values for I.    IMS x D = RED gives R in each subcase (those where R + N cannot carry are eliminated); checking D + R + (carry) = I reduces to four cases, fixing D/I/R.  
D = 7 produces a hidden addition, UNBRED + UNBRED = SKIMS0, to simplify the remaining calculations: R + R + (carry) = M fails in two cases, fixing S/[UM]/E; B + B + (carry) = I fixes B = 0 in both cases; N + N + (carry?) = K gives K and reduces to one case, fixing N/K.    In the main addition, R + N + (carry?) = O gives O; O + D = G gives G; A + B + (carry) = V gives [AV], which equals the two (adjacent) unassigned values.

D-281  The leading carry gives [WF].  ANY x A = WITH gives 12 cases for A/[WF].   F + L + (carry) = A gives L, eliminating two cases but splitting most of the others into two cases (write these horizontally).   D x Y = D has six possibilities (3,5,6,9,a,c) for D (Y is not 1 because of A x Y = H): see Table 1 in Appendix 4.   ANY x D = FLED gives possible values for D to produce the leading digits; four cases are eliminated because D is not one of the values for D x Y = D.  Two cases split, yielding eight cases for A/[WF]/L/D.  W + D = E gives E; E + E + (carry) = C gives C, eliminating two cases.   F + L + (carry) = A gives the correct value for L in each of the six remaining cases.  D x Y = D gives possible values of Y in each case, eliminating one but splitting two (one case splits into three); A x Y = H gives H and eliminates two cases, reducing back to six cases for A/[WF]/L/D/E/C/Y/H.  C + H = G gives G and eliminates two more cases.   For the four remaining cases, divide FLED / D = ANY (one case has the wrong first digit for A and two more have a duplicate digit for N).  The remaining case fixes A/[WF]/L/D/E/C/Y/H/N.    ANY x A = WITH gives I and T.    Additions give R and O.

D-282  The short product SECUND x S = EARTHY gives S = 2 or S = 3, with five possible cases for S/E.   The carry from S x E makes SE.... x S = EA.... possible in only two cases.   The remainder RECOIL is less than the divisor SECUND, giving R < S.  Possible values of R split one case, giving three cases for S/E/R; R + E + (carry) = D gives D and splits all three cases.  S x D = Y gives Y for each of the six cases; L + Y = E gives L and eliminates two cases, fixing R; C + R + (carry) = S gives C and eliminates another case; with no carry from S x C, SEC x S = EAR gives S X E = A, eliminating another case and fixing S/E/C/A.  E + A + (carry?) = O gives O and reduces to one case, fixing D/Y/L/O.   O + T + (carry) = A gives T; (S x U) + (carry) = T gives U.   Trying the four unassigned values for N, (S x N) + (carry?) = H gives H, leaving two cases for N/H.   The unassigned values for I and G fit I + H + (carry) = G in only one way, fixing N/H/I/G.

D-283  P + R + (carry) = R gives either P = 0 or P = e.    If P = e, then P + X + (carry) = T gives [TX], and O + T = X gives O = 1, which is impossible since O is the multiplier digit.  So P = 0, giving [XT] and O = e.   Since O is one less than the base of 15, we then have a hidden addition, AREEXPSUXYRTT + ANKYLOSAURUS = ANKYLOSAURUS0, which contains an addition P + L + (carry) = O, giving L = d.  We can make a table of possible values of [XT], which has 11 cases from [12] to [bc].  There is no carry from E + P = E, since P = 0, so T + X + (carry 0) = A gives A, eliminating two cases.   O x S = T gives S (since O = e, T + S = 15), eliminating another case.    H + U = P carries, since P = 0, so E + S + (carry 1) = O gives E (in each case we have [EXT], since E + S = 13).    A + E + (carry) = C gives two possible values for C in all but one case, but three cases are eliminated because A + E carries.  In the remaining five cases, we can now determine whether C + E = H carries, and find the correct value for C.   C + E + (carry) = H gives H (we know in each case whether T + X = A carries), and another case is eliminated.   We now return to the hidden addition, where T + U + (carry 1) = S gives U, eliminating two more cases.   R + R + (carry) = U gives R and reduces to one case, fixing X/T/A/S/E/C/H/U/R.   Y + U + (carry?) = R gives Y; E + K + (carry?) = Y gives K; E + N + (carry?) = K confirms N.

D-301  TWO x R = SHED gives S < T; the remainder USE is less than the divisor TWO, giving U < T, so T >= 3.   TWO x P = CHI gives P <= 5 (otherwise there would be a long product).    E x O = E gives E as even and O as odd (see Table 1 in Appendix 4), but not 1 because of R x O = D.   Make a small Crotalus rectangle with P = 2,3,4,5 and odd O (not 1); fill in the values for I from P x O = I, and the values for T from O + I = T.    TWO x P = CHI gives a long product in all but five cases.    Make a table of the five remaining cases for P/O/I/T, and add the possible values of E (from E x O = E; O = 9 has six subcases for E, and there are 15 in all for P/O/I/T/E).   E + E = N gives N and eliminates two cases.   TWO x E = SIZE gives S as leading digit, eliminating five cases.   S + H + (carry) = O gives H and eliminates three more cases (there is a carry if E > 0).   O + H + (carry) = A gives A and eliminates another case, reducing to four.   A + D = O gives D and reduces to two cases.   C + E + (carry) = O gives C and reduces to one case, fixing P/O/I/T/E/N/S/H/A/D/C.   CHI / P = TWO gives W.   TWO x E = SIZE gives Z; O x R = E gives R; U + I + (carry?) = C confirms U.

I-2  E = 1 (carry).  H = 0  [HE].  C + (carry) = O and H + O = W give [COW].    Only one set of values works for O + W = C.   Add L from O x O = L and M from O + L = M.   S >= 5, and S + S + (carry?) = EM.  The other values follow.

I-3  Search for zero gives R = 0. [RA] gives A = 1.  S + R = F gives [SF].  E + M = E gives M = 9, extending to [ISF].  F + L = I gives L = 8.  I + I = L gives [ISF] = 456.  L + P = R gives P = 2.   K + I + (carry) = P gives K = 7.  K + F + (carry?) = E gives E = 3.

I-4  V + L = L gives V = 0.  S + L = L gives S = 9, and B + S = D gives [DB].  L x B = L (B is not 1, since V = 0) gives L = 5 or B = 6.  L + B = S, reducing the usual six cases to two.  Add D to both cases from [DB].  Only one case fits both L + D = O and L + O = S.  The remaining letters follow.

I-5  Search for zero gives U = 0.  [UT] gives T = 1.  T + T = E, T + T + (carry) = S, T + S + (carry?) = R, I + I = T + 10, L + L + (carry?) = E, L + T = M, D x M = L, Y + D = M give the remaining letters, in ascending numerical order!

I-6  Search for zero gives E, I, U as possible.  U is not possible because L + U = S gives [LS], contradicting [SL] from the same addition.  I = 0 is not possible because I + O = E, also in the same addition, must carry.  So E = 0.  Leading ends of additions give [OSL].  S is even because of N + N = S, giving four cases for [OSL].   L + T = S gives T = 9, eliminating one case.  N from T + O = N eliminates another case, and only one of the two remaining cases fits N + N = S.   The other values follow.

I-7  Leading carry of the bottom subtraction gives [IT].  Make an LDA table of O and T from OOO x OA = TIERS, remembering that a given O can produce a T as large as the leading digit of (O + 1) x (O + 1).  For example, O = 5 can produce T = 3 as well as T = 2; O = 7 can produce T = 4, T = 5 or T = 6.  (Disregard cases where T = 1, since I cannot be 0).  For each combination, find E from E x T = O and S from E x S = T (all but two cases drop out).  Check T + O = S; one case will have an inconsistent value of S.  For the remaining case, add I from [IT], and divide OOO by IT to get ME (givine the value of E and confirming M).  Add A from O x A = S, R by multiplying OOO x OA = TIERS, F from O + F + (carry) = R, and L from L + L + (carry) = E.

I-8  Search for zero gives M = 0, and [OI].  Bottom multiplication gives [UA].  O is even from D + D = O.  U x O = D makes D even also.  For each of the four D/O pairs, add I from [OI], U from U x O = D (U will be 3 or 8), and A from [UA].  E from D + E = I eliminates one case.   N from E + O = N reduces to one case.  I x E = T gives T, and A + T + (carry) = S finishes.

I-9 Search for zero gives D, G, or L.  O x O = L eliminates L and G + E = D with no carry eliminates D.  G = 0, giving [ED] in addition to the [SB] we have from the bottom row addition.  A = 1, since any larger number could not have the same leading digit for AGO x ADO = ATOLL.  B <= 4 because of B + B + (carry?) = T.  There are only two cases for [SB], since S >= 2 (1 is already assigned).  For each case, add T from B + B = T (no carry from G + O = O), O from O + T = B, and L from O x O = L (down to one case).  [ED] only fits in one place, and it is easy to check the remaining value for I.

I-10  Search for zero gives F, O, or R.  F is impossible because R + I = F does not carry.  We'll leave O and R as possibilities for a moment.  A + O = O, but A + S = L, gives A = 9.  From this, A + S = L and A + D = T give us [LS] and [TD]; L + E = S then gives us E = 1.  Then D + E = L connects the two sequences into [TDLS].  E + O = A makes O = 0 impossible; so R = 0, [TDLS] extends to [TDLSIF], and the lack of carry makes O = 8, and [TDLSIF] fills the remaining gap perfectly.

I-11  R x S = S and R x K = K make R either 1 or 6; R x N = S confirms R = 6.  S and K are even.  S cannot be 2, as SR x SN = CANS could never produce a four-digit number.  For the other two possible values of S (4 and 8), find N from R x N = S (N in each case is the 5-complement of S).  K = S x N (reducing to one case).  Multiplying out the five longer products gives the remaining values.

I-12  Y x R = A and Y x A = R occurs when Y = 9 (impossible here since S x A = Y; 9 is never the product of two different digits), or Y = 4 (with R = 8 and A = 2 or vice versa).  In the two cases we can compute S from S x A = Y.   We can find the range of possible leading digits for ANY x SPA = MEMBER, ranging from A x S to (A + 1) x (S + 1).   The only valid value is M = 1 when R = 8.  Give M = 1, we can directly compute MS x MR = ONE, giving values for O and N.  Computing SPA and BAR gives the last two values.

I-13  Search for zero gives A, S, or T.  T is not possible because E + T = M must carry.  A is not possible because A + O = T would give [OT], contradicting [OI] in the same addition. So S = 0.  [OI] also gives N = 1, from N + O = I, which in turn gives [UT].  The last column gives [IE], combining to [OIE].  D + E = O gives D = 8, and D x D = T (from the division) gives T = 4 (and U = 3 from [UT]). Now there is only one spot for [OIE], and the last two letters are easy.

I-14  Search for 0 gives I = 0.  M = 9 (M + N = N).  O = 8 (M + M = O).  W = 7 (O + M = W).  W + A + (carry) = M gives A = 1 or A = 2.  W > A in either case, so E + W = A carries, and A = 1.   Values of G, S, and E follow by addition.   A + N = R gives last two values.

I-15 Search for 0 gives U = 0.  [OA] (appears in two places), so H = 1.   M x M = B and M + M + (carry) = S with no carry, so M = 2/3/4.  O + B = M (all cases carry), and M + M + (carry 1) = S.   [SE] (from SO + B = EM).  L + H = B,  [OA], and L + B = T give the remaining values.

I-16  Search for zero gives L = 0 (N = 0 is impossible because N + I = R carries).  I = 5 (not E because E x O = K).  The short product OR x A = TO (the usual four cases for O and A) and the addition [OA] give only one possibility, giving values for R and T as well.   M + R = I, K + M = T, E x O = K, and N + I + (carry?) = R give us the remaining values.

I-17  LO + EM = EPU gives E = 1 and P = 0, with either L = 8 or L = 9.   RU + EPU = EGO gives [RG], with U >= 6 (not 5, as U + U = O would duplicate zero; also not 9, as either U or O would duplicate L).   In MI + LO = EEL, there is no carry from the first column (otherwise L <= 7), so M + L = 11.   M + M + (carry) = R expands to four cases for L/M/R, but [RG] eliminates one, and a second is eliminated because 6, 7, and 8 are all assigned, leaving no possible value for U.  For the two remaining cases of L/M/R/G (L and M are fixed), there is one possible combination of U and O.   I + G = U gives I and reduces to one case.   G + M = T confirms T.

I-18  P + E = E gives P = 0; D + S + (carry) = D gives S = 9.   E x E = I usually has six cases, but three are eliminated because they would duplicate 9; I + D = P gives D and eliminates another case (I and D are fixed).  D + N + (carry?) = S gives N.   I + P + (carry) = C gives C; H + N + (carry) = I gives H.  Dividing ICNDP / DP = UCD gives U.   Only one case fits HE x IO = UCD.

I-19  Search for zero gives S and V (everything else is a leading digit), but V cannot be zero because T + T + T = V would make T zero also, so S = 0.   A and T are leading carries from three-addend additions, so must be 1 and 2 in either order.   T + A + T = N gives N; E + T + S = S gives E; T + N + R = A gives R.  Completing the addition RISE + TENT + ANTS = WSES reduces to one case, and gives I and W.   The leading column of the leftmost addition E + U + W + (carry) = TS confirms U.

I-20  Search for zero gives Y = 0 (not U or O, the sums of non-carrying additions, nor H, as S + H = E could not carry to [AS]).  A + A + (carry?) = O without a carry to P gives A <= 4, with corresponding O in each case.  [AS] gives S and eliminates one case.  O + A = E gives E; S + H + (carry) = E gives H, but must carry, fixing [AS]/O/E/H.    The rest follows by addition.

I-21  Direct entry: search for zero gives M = 0.  P + P = M gives P = 5.   Leading carry from T + Y = OR gives O = 1; OR + A = US gives leading carry [OU] and U = 2.   U + O + (carry) = E gives E = 4.   OR + A = US gives S < R.   S + R = M gives S = 3 and R = 7.   R + A = S gives A = 6.   A + Y = P gives Y = 9.   T + Y = R gives T = 8.

I-22  The double leading carry SITS + NO = ALOE gives I = 9 and L = 0, with [SA].   L + A + (carry) = O gives [AO], combining to [SAO].   [SAO] has six cases; N x O = S gives N and reduces to three cases.   T + N = O (from GO - AN = AT) fixes T and reduces to two cases for [SAO]/N.   S + O = E gives E and reduces to one case, fixing [SAO]/N/E.   A + A + (carry) = G gives G; Y + T = E confirms Y.

I-23  Search for zero gives U = 0.   N + U + (carry) = P gives [NP], combining with another leading carry to give [NPH].   H + H + (carry) = A must carry to [PH], so H >= 5, and there are five cases for [NPH].  H + H + (carry) = A eliminates two cases, with one case splitting into two values for A.    AS x NO = PHI is possible in only one case (A x N > P in the others), fixing [NPH]/A.  O + N = A gives O.   I + I = S must carry to H + H, and there is only one possible set of values for I and S.   S + Y = A gives Y; A + H + (carry) = E confirms E.

I-24  Direct entry: O + T = T gives O = 0.   Leading carries gives [IN] and [NT], combining to [INT].  T + D = N gives D = 9; D + D = E gives E = 8.   M + E = O gives M = 2.   E x M = N gives N = 6 and [INT] = 567.  P + I + (carry?) = N gives P = 1.   I + E + (carry) = A gives A = 4.   R + P + (carry?) = A confirms R = 3.

I-25  Leading carry gives A = 1.  Search for zero gives N = 0.   T + N + (carry) = D gives [TD].   A + S + (carry) = O gives [SO] or [S.O]; O + D = S gives [TD] = [89] or [78] respectively.   For the two [TD] cases, try each available value for O; O + D = S gives S, with eight cases for [TD]/O/S.   T + O = R gives R and eliminates two cases.  O + H + (carry?) = D gives H and eliminates two more cases.   Y + H = A gives Y and eliminates two more cases.   B + O + (carry) = AH gives B and reduces to one case, fixing the remaining letters.

I-26  S x S = S and E x E = S give S = 6 and E = 4.    P x I = S gives six cases for P/I.    U x I = E gives U; V x P = E gives V; checking V x U = S eliminates two cases.   The leading digit H of UU x EI = HAVE can be as small as large as the leading digit of U x E, and as large as the leading digit of (U + 1) x (E + 1).  This eliminates two cases; multiplying out UU x EI = HAVE for the other two cases gives unassigned values for H/A (and the correct value for V) in one case, fixing P/I/U/V/H/A.   HV x VP = ERE gives R; ERE x HAVE = CHAIRS confirms C.

K-1  rehiring has a short product and two long products.  rehiring x r = hnonheono gives r >= 3, so e = 2 (with r = 3 or r = 4, fixing h = 1).  e x g = r gives r = 4 and g = 7.  a x g = h gives a = 3.  r x g = o gives o = 8.  reh... x r = hno... gives n = 6.  ng x a = th gives t = 0.  Dividing hnonhoeno / r = rehiring gives i = 5; ring x e = uhar confirms u = 9 and completes the lower case keywords.  The leading carries [hP] and [hU] give P and U as 1 and 2 in some order.  U + o = N does not carry, so U = 1 and P = 2, giving N = 9.  U + r = O gives O = 5.   P + o = D gives D = 0.  A + h = N gives A = 8.   The rest of the capitals follow.

K-3  The identity product sting gives o = 1.  E + n = E gives n = 0.   l x g = g and g x g = g gives g = 5; l is odd and b and e are even.  The partial products of sting give o < b < l < e < g, fixing b = 2, l = 3, and e = 4.  R + s = NR gives s = 9 (and N = 1).  The internal zero makes split products sti x b = osfb (giving i = 6) and sti x l = bsgt (giving t = 8).  sting x b = osfbon confirms f = 7, completing the lower case keywords.   D + s = D carries to give [oR], so R = 2.  The same is true of [bE], so E = 3, and [lD], so D = 4.  E + s = R also carries, since R < E, so [eP] gives P = 5.  O + g = N gives O = 6.  C + g = E gives C = 8.  P + b + (carry?) = U in the next-to-last addition gives U = 7.  H + g = D gives H = 9; I + b + (carry) = E confirms I = 0.

K-4  The addition YOMNA + YNANCE = LFYMEC allows most of the capitals to be calculated.   M + N + (carry) = M gives N = 0 or N = 9; Y + N + (carry) = F must carry to [YL], so N = 9.  N + C + (carry?) = E gives [EC]; A + E = C gives A = 1.  Y + N + (carry?) = F gives [FY], combining to [FYL].   O + A + (carry) = Y gives [OFYL] (there must be a carry since O and F must be different].  Since A = 1, neither E nor O can be zero (nor any letters in sequence with them).  I is not 0 because it produces a partial product, so M = 0.   Now we use some of the lower case clues.   e is either equal or one less than both Y and F; since F < Y, e = F.  So there is no carry from L + w = E, and L < E, so [OFYL] < [EC].   d + d = Y gives Y as even, and if Y = 6 there is no room for [EC], so [OFYL] = [2345].   I is either 6 or 8 (to avoid splitting up [EC]), and I x o = E with I even gives E also even, so [EC] = 67 and I = 8, completing the capitals.   e = F gives e = 3;  E + s = A gives s = 5.   F + o + (carry?) = M gives o = 7.   E x o = d gives d = 2.   The remaining lower case values follow from additions.

K-5  The letters descending from the dividend give N = o and G = m (so [Tm] is a leading carry, as T cannot equal m).   T x e = T gives either T even and e = 6, or T = 5 and e odd.   The leading carry [ea] has three cases (in a double key, e could also be 5, but E x e = g makes it impossible here, since a + g = o makes g = 0 impossible).  ague x E = ehnhg gives possible values for E to produce the leading digits; there are six cases for [ea]/E.   e + E = m gives m for each case, eliminating one case where m = 0 (m is a leading digit).   E x e = g gives g; the leading carry [Tm] is now possible in only one case (since T x e = T), fixing [ea]/E/mG/g/T.   A x e = E gives A.   ague x T = SNGOT gives S as the leading digit.   a + g = o gives o (which is equal to N).   Since there is a carry to [Tm], u < g.   There are only two possible values for u; ue x E = hg gives the correct value for u, and also gives h.   u + n + (carry) = o gives n; n + Z + (carry) = a gives Z.   Three possible values remain for M; e + M + (carry) = gives the correct M and also s.  There is only one remaining value for tt + T = I gives I; o + O + (carry) = T confirms O.

K-6  The leading carry gives [ou]; o + t + (carry) = u gives t = 0 or t = 1, but since it does not carry to s + s = t, t is even, so t = 0, giving s = 5.   OPERA x O = utsgsl has six cases for O/[ou] with 0 and 5 already assigned to lower case letters.   Dividing uts / O = OP yields a correct O and an unassigned P in only one case, fixing O/[ou]/P.   OPERA x F = mostly gives m < O, so m = 1 or m = 2.   m + t + (carry) = I does not carry, so the leading carry gives u = R.   u + s + (carry) = L and u + s + (carry) = V gives L and V as 9 and 0 in either order.   t + g + (carry) = A does not carry (A is not zero because of O x F = y), so V = 9 and L = 0.  
OPERA x F = mostly gives F = 2 or F = 3 to produce the leading digit m.  RA x O = sl with s = 5 gives a carry of 1 from O x A, so A = 2 or A = 3 (so there are two F/A cases with 2/3 in either order).  In either case F x A = y gives y = 6.   O x A = l gives l for each case, but g + y = l duplicates y in one case, fixing F/A/y/l and leaving m = 1 as the only possibility left.   n + l + (carry?) = a gives n and a, completing the lower case letters.   The dropped down letter gives D = l; a + l = E gives E and m = t + (carry?) = I confirms I.

K-21  UNFAILING shares letters with AW, GAUBWFRLWL, and GFUAIAWBA, forming one set as
ABFGILNRUW; the other three words form CEHKMOPSTY.   P + L = P gives L = 0; U + K + (carry) = K gives U = 9 (since L and U are in the same key).  UNFAILING x A = GAUBWFRLWL gives [GA] since U = 9.   G x A = L gives [GA] as either [45] or [56].   Dividing GAU / A = UN gives N for each of the two cases; NG x A = WL gives W (the same for both cases).  NG x W = EY gives E and Y for both cases; E + W + (carry?) = O gives O, but the case that carries to C + L + (carry?) = C is eliminated, since L = 0.  This fixes G/A/N/W in one set and Y/E/O in the other.   The internal zero gives split product UNFAI x W = SSTKTE; I x W = E gives I.  The split product ING x W = MTEY gives M and T; ING x A = RLWL gives R.    T + R + (carry?) = S gives S; the leading carry [SH] gives H.   The split product UNFAI x A = GAUBWF gives F as the trailing digit; multiplying out gives B, completing one key.  B + E + (carry) = P gives P; A + M + (carry) = C gives C; A + T + (carry?) = K confirms K.

K-22  The two sets of letters are ABDKLNOSUW and CEFGHIMRTY.   A + Y = A gives Y = 0; S + F = S gives F = 9.   C and M are in the same set; there are two cases, C > 1 and C = 1.
(1) if MERIT x C = SKNLW is a typical short product with C > 1, we have the usual four cases for M/C.   N + W = U and N + S + (carry) = U give [SW]; there is no carry to N + W so there must be a carry of 1 to N + S.    S >= 8 is impossible since N + S = U gives U = 9, but [SW] gives W = 9.  This leaves only two cases for C and M, with C = 2 and M = 3 or vice versa, and [SW] = 67 or [SW] = 78.   C x MERIT = RTFGCY gives R < M and R < C, so R = 1.   H x T = Y with Y = 0 gives T = 5 or T is even.   C x T = W fixes [SW] = 78 with T even and H = 5; there are still two cases for C/M/T.   N + W = U gives N = 1.   A + C + (carry?) = N gives A, but U or W is duplicated in both cases, making C > 1 impossible.
(2) C = 1 gives five letter equivalences, since SKNLW = MERIT.   I = L and I + B = L give B = 0 (and B = Y).    Since Y and B are both zero, and H and I are in the same set and cannot both be 5, T = 5 (and W = 5) and H and I are both even.  The same argument as in (1) gives [SW], so S = M = 4.   A + C + (carry) = N gives [AN]; I + N + (carry) = A gives I = 8 with a carry (since F = 9).  I = L gives L = 8.  MERIT x I = KSONLB gives K < M (not K = M since S = M).   Since I = 8 and F = 9, H < I and therefore RTFGCY < KSONLB, so R < K.   Since K = E, this combines to R < E < M, giving R = N = 2 and E = K = 3.     N + W = U gives U = 7; O + L + (carry?) = S gives O = 6; E + L + (carry?) = A gives A = 1; D  + K + (carry?) = N gives D = 9.   H x T = Y gives H = 6; D + G + (carry?) = O confirms G = 7.

K-23  The two sets of letters are ABCDEHKNOS and FGILMPRTUY.   IMPLY x F = IMPLY gives F = 1.   The missing partial product gives T = 0.  The dropped letter in the subtraction gives E = R.    L cannot be 1 (being in the same set as F); IMPLY x L =  KDNCB gives the usual four cases for I/L and nine cases for I/L/K.   L + Y = K gives Y for each case, eliminating two cases where Y duplicates L (they are in the same set).   L x Y = B gives B for each of the seven remaining cases (B is in a different set from I/L/Y and can duplicate any of them, but B cannot be zero because N + B = R would be impossible, since N = R would contradict E = R).   Two cases are eliminated; LY x L = CB gives C in each of the five remaining cases (C can be zero or duplicate Y).    U + L + (carry) = C gives U for each case.  
Since G is in the same set as F and cannot be zero, there is no carry to K/U, and K = U, which reduces for one case and fixes I/L/K/Y/B/C/U.   S + C + (carry?) = L gives S (there is no carry, otherwise S would duplicate B).  Four values are available for P; multiplying out PLY x L = NCB gives N for each new case; A + N + (carry?) = U gives A, eliminating one case.   N + B = R gives R (and E, since E = R), reducing again to one case and fixing P/N/A/RE.   Since A + N does not carry, D = G, and there is only one digit available with nothing assigned, so D and G are both assigned there.   G + P + (carry) = O gives O; U + M + (carry) = H confirms the two remaining values M and H.

K-24  The two sets of letters are ABCEJLMPUY and GHIKNORSTW.  The divisor, quotient, and partial products are all in the same set, which can be entirely worked out by multiplication.   GROWS x H = GROWS gives H = 1; GROWS x G = HSTONO gives G = 3 or G = 4 to produce the leading digit H.   S x O = G and S x G = O gives S = 9 (the 4/2/8 case is not possible).   GROWS x O = IKWSWG fixes I = 2 for both cases.    WS x O = WG gives W; OWS x O = SWG works in only one case, fixing G/O/W.  ROWS x O = WSWG gives R; GROWS x O = IKWSWG gives K.   GROWS x G = HSTONO gives N and T, completing one key.  The other key will be recovered by addition.  U + S = J gives [JU].  M + T + (carry) = P gives [MP], and does not carry, giving S = E and H = U ([JU] then gives J = T).   U + K + (carry) = J carries, giving [IP], so I = M and N = P.  P + S + (carry) = P carries to E + W = C, giving W = C.   M + G = A gives A; L + O = Y gives L and Y; P + G + (carry) = B confirms B.

M-2  N x P = N has six solutions, but only four produce an unassigned digit for A in NN x P = AN.   O + P = A does not carry, so P < A and we are reduced to two cases, fixing N.  In both cases N x I = E gives E = 0 and I is even.   B + N = P, but B < P because of the long product LGONN x P = BPIEAN, reducing to one case and fixing P/A/B.   O + P = A gives O, and we know that N + I = G does not carry, leaving only one even value for I.  D + A + (carry?) = I gives A, N + I + (carry?) = G gives G,   and L is the leading digit producing both partial products.

M-3  T is not 1, otherwise T + T = Y gives Y = 2 and leading carry [RY] gives R = 1, duplicating T.   Of the usual four short product cases, only one fits T + T = Y and [RY].  H + T = T gives H = 9 (not zero because H x R = N).   H x C = T gives C, confirmed by C + Y + (carry) = R which appears twice.  H x R = N gives N, giving us both complete partial products.  We can divide CNHYCTN by R to get the complete multiplicand, giving us O, U, and G (neither 0 nor 1 appears until the last step).

M-4  The short product WOOL x W = FMEO gives W = 2 or W = 3, but the latter gives F = 9, impossible since I + F = M does not carry.  Since W = 2, the long product WOOL x E = IMANL gives I = 1.  WOOL x W = FMEO gives F = 4 or F = 5, and I + F + (carry) = M gives M = 6 or M = 7.  M + S + (carry) = M gives S = 8 or S = 9 (the carry from F + A + F = L might be 2).  At this point we look at the six cases for L x E = L.  L = 5 is impossible because L x S = E.  Of the three cases for E = 6, only two allow L x S = E with either S = 8 or S = 9, and adding the value N from E + L = N duplicates one case.  The remaining values also duplicate one of the two cases for F, giving us one set of values for WIFMLSEN.  L x W = O gives O, and the remaining value for A fits F + A + F + (carry) = L.

M-6  O is 8 or 9 (from I + O + (carry 1 or 2) = I). Hubbuber trick (IMTIRT + MUEOU = POOPSO) gives M + M = O + 10, so M = 9 and O = 8.  R + O = S must carry (no values for S > O left), so E = 0.  The rest of the values follow easily.

M-7  Leading carry [DB] gives a Hubbuber addition FEAOA + ROOF = DEFIE, with its leading carry adding to the sequence, producing [FDB].  E + R = E with a carry gives R = 9, giving [TE] and confirming the earlier sequence.  F x D = A and F x E = A gives F even, and D and E 5-complements.  [FDB] has three cases with F even, and F x D = A eliminates two cases (one where A = 0 and the other where the 5-complement E duplicates A).  Returning to the extra addition, A + O + (carry) = F gives O, and O + O + (carry) = I gives I.  In the main addition, F + A + F + (carry) = N gives N, and T + E + (carry) = A gives T.

M-8  For each E, compute E x E = D, (E x D) + carry = B, check versus B + D = E (only one case works).  E x R = D, E x W = B, I + W + (carry) = 10, giving I = 0.  Internal zero gives R x H = DE, E x H = LI, W x H = SD, and D + E + N + (carry) = I.

M-9  E x R = E and E x E = M give R = 6 with two cases for E and M (both even).  E + M = T gives T and reduces to one case, leaving only one even value for S.  E x O = S gives O, E x A = R gives A, and MORE x A = CHNAR gives the rest.

M-10  L has three different multipliers producing P, so L = 5 and P = 0.  The multipliers producing zero (E, A, and T) are even.   M is odd, and the leading carry gives [ST], so S is also odd.  B is odd because of B + L = E.   E x MUTUAL = LLTLDBP gives L < E, so E = 6 or E = 8.  Dividing LL by E gives M = 9 or M = 6, but the latter is not possible since M is odd, giving E = 6 and M = 9.  B + L = E gives B = 1.   MUTUAL x M = ASBALEL gives A = 8 as leading digit.  MUTUAL x A = DSMTUAP gives D = 7, the fifth odd digit.  S = 3, the only odd digit unassigned, and the leading carry gives T = 4.   The remaining value is U = 2.

M-11  Direct entry: the short division FORE x F = INOS gives F = 2 (F = 3 and I = 9 is impossible since A + I = S does not carry).  FORE x S = ASNFE gives A = 1.  E x S = E and E x F = S give S = 6 and E = 8.  F + N = S gives N = 4.  E x R = N gives R = 3.  D is the only unassigned even value, so D = 0, and E x I = D gives I = 5.  A + E + S + O carries at least 1, so it must carry 2 to fit R + N = U, giving U = 9.   O = 7, the remaining value (confirmed by RE x F = OS).

M-12  Search for zero shows E and O as possibilities.  O = 0 would give D = 5, impossible since R x H = D.  Therefore E = 0, and we have four split products, including R x H = AD.  The sum A + H + (carry) = R carries to [IP], but since A < R, we must have [AR], with H = 9 and a carry of 2.  DOER x H = SRHAD also gives us [SD] from the leading digits, which gives us a Hubbuber addition IASOL + DOER = IHDAO.   S + O + (carry) = D gives O = 1, since we already have E = 0.  The leading digits give us A < I < S, so we can put our three pairs in order as [AR] < [IP] < [SD], all of which must fit in a seven-digit range from 2 to 8.  We can visualize this as [EO?AR?IP?SD?H], where only one question mark is a gap, which must be filled by L.  Either A = 2 or A = 3, and A + L = E gives L = 8 or L = 7.   The latter is impossible, as there would be gaps at both 2 and 8, so the only possibility is [EOARIPSDLH].

M-13  Direct entry: N + A = N gives A = 0; G x S = A and G x I = A give G = 5; leading carry [GS] gives S = 6.  Split product G x S = RA gives R = 3; G x R = NG gives N = 1.  DIAG x  R = YEYNG gives Y < R, so Y = 2 and G x I = YA gives I = 4.  Dividing GSIRA by S gives DIAG, and D = 9.   E + S + R + (carry?) = L gives E = 8 and L = 7.

M-14  Leading carry gives [RA] and a Hubbuber addition MICRTH + CHEAT = RIACMM.  The extra addition has a leading carry extending to [MRA], and I + C = I with carry gives C = 9, and C + H = A extends to [MRAH].  Leading digits of CHEAT x I = TDTSCE with C = 9 gives [TI].  H + T = M and [MRAH] gives T = 7 and I = 8.  T x I = E gives E = 6.   [MRAH] has three possible placements: T x R = H (or alternatively T x A = M) gives [MRAH] = 4321.  Values of D and S from additions, or by multiplying CHEAT x I = TDTSCE.

M-15  DAD x A = DAD gives A = 1.  I + D + I + (carry) = D gives I = 4 or I = 9 if the carry is 2, or I = 5 or I = 0 if the carry is 0.  I is the leading digit of a long product, so I = 0 and I = 9 are both impossible.   Since A = 1 and I = 4 or I = 5, A + I + W = D cannot carry 2, so it must carry 0, and I = 5.  This gives W <= 3, and D >= 6.  The carry to H + (carry) = E is 1, so [HE].  Since A = 1, the internal product R x A + (carry) = A gives R >= 6.  The carry from R x A = A to R x D = II is 1, so I = 5 gives R x D = 54.  This gives E = 4, and the carry from R x D is 5, so 5 + R = 11.  This gives R = 6 and D = 9.   A + D = L gives L = 0, and I + A + W + (carry) = D gives W = 2.   O x D = W gives O = 8, and DAD x O = MHIW gives M = 7 and H = 3.

M-16   S x Y = S and S x A = S gives S = 5 (since neither A nor Y is 1).  This gives E = 0, with R even and A and Y odd.   The internal zero splits the partial products into six pieces, each a two digit product of single digits.   Y x R = SI gives S < Y, so Y = 7 or Y = 9.   S x Y = AS in the two cases gives A, and A + S = R gives R.  The second case duplicates Y, so we are reduced to one case.  We get the remaining digits easily from the split multiplications, which we can do in any order: Y x Y = VT gives V and T, S x A = US gives U, Y x A = LU gives L, and Y x R = SI gives I (we didn't need S x R = VE).

M-17  ASK x A = STET gives leading digit (sometimes two possibilities) for each A from 3 to 8.  (A = 9 can be eliminated, because S = 8, and there is no available value for O to fit S + T + (carry) = O without a carry.)  Multiplying the first two digits of ASK x A = STET gives possible values for T (e.g. 64? x 6 = 38??, so T = 8).   Many cases can be eliminated because S + T would carry.   A = 8, S = 7 is also eliminated because ASK x N = SIDE gives N = 9, and there is again no available O.   K x A = T eliminates A = 5, and there are three cases left.   K x N = E gives E, eliminating one case, and D + T = S gives D and fixes all seven letters.   S + T + (carry) = O gives O; I + E + (carry) = U gives both I and U.

M-18  The easiest way to reduce the number of possible combinations is to search for zero (giving D, I. T as possibilities) and try each separately with the usual six N/A cases from N x A = N.  
(1) If I = 0, E + N = I gives E (eliminating four cases) and the leading carry [RE] gives R.    ON x A = RYN gives R < A and reduces to one case; there is only one possibility for the leading digit O, but it does not multiply out to RYN.
(2) If D = 0, N + Y + (carry) = D gives one or two possibilities for Y in each case.  ON x A = RYN (that is, O x A + (carry) = Y) gives O for only four cases, but two of these have O = 1 (impossible since ON has two long products, so A < O and R < O).  One of the other two cases (the same as in the I = 0 case) does not give a valid RYN; the last case gives RYN but [RE] gives a duplicate value for E.
(3) We are left with T = 0, giving S = 5 when A = 6, or S even when A = 5.  ON x S = NET gives N < S and reduces to eight cases for A/N/S.   ON x S = NET gives one or two possibilities for the leading digit O in each case; multiplying out ON x S = NET gives E for each case.  Note that the three cases for N = 5 (S = 6 or 8) can be done simultaneously, since the value of A can be disregarded for the moment.  Adding the value of R from [RE] fixes the values of E and R, leaving four cases (three of which have the same N/S/O and a different A).  E + N = I eliminates two of the cases, fixing N/S/O/I with two possible values for A.   One of these gives the correct values for R when multiplying out ON x A = RYN.   N + Y + (carry?) = D confirms D.

M-19  MA x M = TRY gives one or two possible leading values for T for each M >= 3.   In each of the ten cases, we can find possible values of A for which A x M = Y gives the correct carry for the value of T (for example, with M = 6 and T = 4, the carry must be at least 4, A >= 7).   Values of A which make A x E = T impossible can be removed (A = 5 in all cases, since T cannot be zero because of R + T = N; even values of A when T is odd).   Eighteen combinations of M/T/A are left.  Multiplying out MA x M = TRY gives valid values for R and Y in only seven cases.  A x E = T eliminates two cases and gives E (with one case having two possible value for E).   R + T = N gives N and reduces to four cases.  Multiplying out MA x E = SIT reduces to one case and gives S and I.  T + I + (carry?) = O confirms O.

M-20  Search for zero gives E, I, and L as possibilities.  P x D = P gives the usual six cases, but P x O = D eliminates the three case where P = 5 (since D has a partial product and cannot be zero).  
(1) We will consider the cases E = 0 (E + E + (carry) = L gives L = 1) and L = 0 (giving E = 5) together, combining each of E = 0 and E = 5 with the three cases of P/D (D = 6, P odd).  IP x D = EP gives one or two possible values of I for three of the cases (the other three fail because the carry from P x D would make I x D odd, when D = 6).    There are five cases for P/D/E/I.   P x O = D gives one or two values for O, increasing to eight cases for P/D/E/I/O.   Multiplying out IP x O = ND gives N and reduces to six cases for P/D/E/I/O/N, but N + P = A gives a duplicate value of A in every case.
(2) So I = 0, giving four split products.  P x O = D gives one or two values of O for each P/D, increasing to five cases in all.  The split product P x O = ND gives N and eliminates one case.  P x D = EP gives E and eliminates another case.  O x T = SE gives T and S and eliminates another case.   N + P = A gives A and reduces to one case; E + E + (carry) = L confirms L.

M-21  Scanning the LDA table for combinations of P/S/T where TUG x P = SRUN and S + T + (carry) = P gives only eight cases.   [This takes only a couple of minutes, but the results are in Table 13 in Appendix 4.]  In each case, find possible leading digits U from TUG x U = STAE, and multiply out TU x U = STA to see if the first two digits are correct.   Only two cases of T/S/U work.   The case with U = 5 can be eliminated, since G x U = E and E cannot be zero because of U + E = O.   This fixes P/S/T/U.   Try every possible value of G (there are only fives cases in all, since G cannot be 0, 1, or 5).    G x U = E gives E and reduces to four cases.   G x P = N gives N and reduces to two cases, fixing N.   U + E = O gives O and reduces to one case.   Multiplying out the partial products gives R and A.

M-22  L + E = E gives L = 0.  P x E = E has the six usual cases, but P x P = M eliminates the three cases with P = 6 and leaves E = 5 and P odd.  MOP x P = ATOM gives M as the trailing digit (eliminating one case, since E, T, and A are all less than M) and A as the leading digit.  MOP x A = EELS confirms the correct M, fixing P/M/A.  P x A = S gives S, MOP x E = TERE gives T as the leading digit, E + R + M + (carry?) = S gives R, and E + E + O + (carry) = U gives both O and U.

M-23  Initial seasrch for zero gives H and T as possible (not S because N + S = H must carry).   ED x W = ASP (with leading carry [AW]) gives E >=6, which makes T = 0 impossible, as neither D (D x W = P) nor E can be 5.  So H = 0.  For each case of A/W/E from ED x W = ASP (remember to eliminate W = 5 because of D x W = P), ED x E = NIT gives one or two possible N's, and N + S + (carry) = H gives one or two possible S's for each N.  Dividing AS / W = E reduces to six cases for A/W/E/N/S (for example, 1/2/7/4/5 gives 15 / 2 = 7, which works; 2/3/7/5/4 gives 24 / 3 = 8, which fails).   W is even in every case; try any unassigned even values for T, and D x E = T gives D, eliminating one case.   Multipliying out ED x E = NIT gives I and reduces to one case.  D x W = P confirms P.

M-24  N x S = S gives the usual six cases.   VAN x S = OARS gives O < S, with 15 cases for N/S/O (O >=  2 because of VAN x O = CITE).  N x O = E gives E and reduces to 11 cases.  T + S = E gives T and initially reduces to 10 cases, but C + A + (carry) = T with no carry to O gives T >= 2 (since C could be 1 and A could be 0).   Two cases with T = 1 are eliminated, and another with E = 0 and T = 2 (C + A >= 4).    AN x O = TE gives A, reducing to six cases, but three of those are eliminated because A > T (which would make C + A = T carry).   C + A + (carry) = T gives C for only two cases, fixing A.  Multiplying out VAN x O = CITE gives a possible V and I in only one case, fixing all but R.   I + R + (carry?) = T confirms R.

M-25  SURD x R = DELTI gives D < R; O + R + (carry) = I with no carry to D gives R < I.   D x R = I has only four solutions where D < R < I.   D x O = R gives O and eliminates two cases.  D x Y = O fixes D/R/I/O/Y.   O + I = E gives E.  SURD x R = DELTI gives S as the leading digit of SURD; SURD x O = UEDOR gives U as the leading digit.  D x T = U gives T.  Multiplying out SURD x R = DELTI confirms L.

M-26  S x O = O and S x H = H give S = 6 with H and O both even (S is not 1 since S x P = L).  Trying the three even values for O and computing SS x O = HO gives O = 8 as the only case with H even, giving H = 2.  SS x H = IH gives I = 3; leading carry [CH] gives C = 1.  T + O + (carry) = S gives T = 7.  PASS x O = THDHO gives P = 9 by LDA.  S x P = L gives L = 4.  Dividing COCIH / H = PASS gives A = 0.  PASS x P = OCDPL confirms D = 5.

M-27  Obviously P = 1 (from the repeated partial products, or the leading carry).  R x E = R has the usual six cases; OR x E = ER gives O and eliminates two cases, but splits another into two.  O + R = L gives L and eliminates another case.  RUMOR x E = WIRIER gives W as leading digit, eliminating one case; another case, where W + R cannot carry, is also eliminated, fixing R/E.  One of the two remaining cases splits, giving three cases.  M + E + R + (carry) = O gives M; MOR x E = IER gives I and eliminates one case, fixing L/O/M/I with two possible values for W.  U + I + O + (carry) = E gives U; multiplying out RUMOR x E = WIRIER gives W.  W + R + (carry) = F confirms F.

M-28  Make a table of the six solutions to S x S = E.   Add leading digit T from SILLS x S = TIIDLE, eliminating cases where T + T = I doesn't carry and where T is odd (L + L = T).  Two cases remain.  Add solutions to T from L + L = T (and D = 0 if no carry or D = 9 with a carry) and R from S x R = L.  Add A from leading digit of SILLS x R = ATLRSL.  Three possible values for I remain; find the one with a valid value for O in I + R + (carry) = O.  Remaining value for P should fit I + L + (carry) = P.

M-29  Leading carry gives [LA], with seven cases (L > 1).   For each case, L x A = E gives E, and F + F = E gives one or two possible values of F for each E.  But L < F because of the long product FOOL x A = LDAAE, reducing to two cases: only one of these fits the long product.   L x C = F gives two possible values for C, and the long product FOOL x C = TAUUF gives T and reduces again to one case.  L x T = D gives D and FOOL x T = IETFD gives I.    T + U + E + (carry) = D gives U, and dividing any of the three partial products gives FOOL and confirms O.

M-31  Search for zero gives R and N.  Both create internal zeros, but R = 0 is impossible because it produces impossible long product NK x C = CHN.  So N = 0, C = 5 (not K because of non-zero multiple E).  K is even (four cases).  K x C = HN gives H, K x H = AE gives A and E, [HI] gives I (reducing to one case), and A + E = R gives R.   Two possibilities remain for F; one gives the correct value for C and also gives the last remaining value for T.

M-32  U x E = E and [US].  If U = 6, S = 7, but there is no solution to U x L = S.  So E = 5, and U is odd.  U is not 1 or 9 (S = 0 impossible), so U = 3 or 7 (and S = 4 or 8).  Find L from U x L = S; checking that U < L because of the long product LUAU x S = UUATA.  Only one set of values remains.  Add A from U x S = A, and both values of C + C = A.  Add O from U x O = C, removing one of the C cases.   J is the leading digit of LUAU x L = JJELS (confirmed by J + J + S + (carry?) = J).   The carry from E + J + A + (carry) = E must be 1, so J + U + 1 = I.   T is the remaining value, checked by (S x A) + (carry) = T.

M-33  E = 0 and U = 5.  D is even, so C = 6 and H is also even.  H + U = A does not carry, so H = 2 or H = 4.   B + E + E + (carry) = U, so B = 3 or 4.  If H = 2, N = 4 by LDA (from both U = 5 and C = 6, N being even).  So either H = 4 or N = 4, so B = 3.   If H = 4, LDA gives N = 8 (only value satisfying U = 5 and C = 6), but then R = 4 to give the leading digit of 3 for BACH.   So H = 2, N = 4 (as we saw before), A = 7 (H + U = A with no carry), D = 8 (only remaining even), R = 9 (D x R = H), and O = 1 (verify by checking any partial product).

M-34  Search for zero gives I, N, and O as possible, but I cannot be zero because S + I + (carry) = Y gives [SO] (the carry from Y + I + E cannot be 2 if I = 0), and it could not carry to produce [SY] (which would contradict anyway).  We look at the two remaining zero cases separately.  If O = 0, O + O + F + (carry) = T gives [FT], with a carry from E + F.  
T x L = L gives the usual six cases: T is not 6 (because T x E = F makes F = 5 impossible), so L = 5.   There are three cases for T, and T x E = F gives E for each case.  But one case is eliminated because E + F does not carry, and another because E + F = 0, duplicating O.   O/F/T/L/E/N are fixed.   The internal zero gives a split product H x L = YL, and the only possible (odd) value of H giving an unduplicated value for Y is eliminated by the leading carry [SY], with the value of S duplicated.    So we have N = 0, and six cases for E + F = N.   T x E = F gives either T = 4 (impossible because T x L = L) or T = 9 (with L = 5).   L + E + O + (carry) = O gives E = 3 or E = 4, and the split product HO x E = SIE gives O = 1 (E = 4 and O = 6 duplicates F = 6).   O + O + F + (carry) = T works only for F = 6, giving E = 4.   The leading carry [SY] gives either S = 2 or S = 7; only S = 2 fits ST x L = EL, giving Y = 3.   S + H + O + (carry) = N gives H = 7, and S + I + (carry) = O confirms I = 8.

M-35   The LDA table gives all solutions for A and O.  T = O + 1 adds the values for T and eliminates the two largest cases.  T x A = N reduces to four cases.   A x A + (carry) = OW (check to be sure O matches) adds W and reduces to two cases.   T x S = N reduces to a single case.  A x S + (carry) = CI, I + N = R, and C + W + (carry) = H get the remaining values.

M-36  Search for zero gives I, R, and Y as possibilities.   A cannot be 5 because of A x E = B (B is not zero because of O + B = R). The leading carry [WA] leaves seven possibilities for A (A = 9 is not possible because there is no available leading digit for AA x E = WEB).   A quick check of multiples of AA shows that AA x E = WEB only works with E = 9 and A + B = 10.   This eliminates R = 0 (O + B = R duplicates A).  If Y = 0, then S = 5 and A is even, but none of the possible AA's fit AA x S = TOY (even AA times 5 is a multiple of 110, and will start with a double letter).   So I = 0, and T + E + (carry) = I gives T = 1.   This leaves five cases for W/A/B.   Trying possible values of S which fit AA x S = TOY (with T = 1) leaves only one case, fixibng the values of W/A/B/S/O/Y.    O + B = R confirms R.  [The keywords are a reference to a board game.]

M-37  U + M = U gives M = 0.  H x H = H and H x E = H gives H = 5 with E odd.  H x A = M gives A even.  A + A + (carry) = I gives A >= 5, since there is a carry to [IT], so A = 6 or A = 8.  The carry from T + H + T + (carry) = T is 1 (H + T cannot be 17 to produce a possible carry of 2, since H = 5).  A + A + (carry 1) = I gives I, and the leading carry [IT] gives T, fixing A = 6, I = 3, and T = 4.  SNGH x H = IATNH gives S = 7.  H x E = H gives E = 9.  Dividing AHHAH / E = SNGH gives N = 2 and G = 8.  GH x A = UM confirms U = 1.

M-38  MINI x H = RSYS and MINI x R = IRER gives M = 1 (if M >= 2, H >= 3, R >=6 and MINI x R would not be a short product).  I x S = H and I x H = S gives either I = 4 (with H = 8 and S = 2 or vice versa), or I = 9 (with H + S = 10).  I x R = R gives I = 9 and R = 5.   MINI x H = RSYS gives H = 3 or H = 4.  For the two cases, I x H = S gives S, and Y + R = S gives Y.  Dividing RSYS / H = MINI for both cases confirms H = 3 (with associated values for S and Y) and N = 0.  Split product  I x R = ER gives E = 4; I x S = KH gives K = 6.  H + H + (carry) = A [the carry is 2!] confirms A = 8.

M-39  The missing partial product gives U = 0.  IGDN x V = DERAS gives D < I, so IGDN x R = ASIG gives the usual four cases for I/R, with I < A.  S + A + (carry) = I must then carry to A + R + S + (carry) = S, so A + R = 9.  This eliminates two cases where IGDN x R cannot equal ASIG.  E + A + (carry) = I and S + A + (carry) = I give {ES}; the carry must come from A + R + S and not from I + S, giving [SE].  S + A + (carry 0) = I gives [ES], reducing to one case.  D < I gives only one possible value for D; I + S = N gives N; N x R = G gives G; N x V = S confirms V.

M-40   It seems likely that N = 1, which would give us H x I = S and T x I = H.  We have [SH], so we can try each S/H pair and compute I and T.  None of them work, so N = 6, and H, A, and T are all even (2, 4, and 8 in some order).  Since [SH], T + T + (carry) = 9, therefore T must be 4.  The long product HDTHT tells us that H < T, so H = 2 (and S = 1) and A = 8 (so H + A = E gives E = 0).   J + H = 9 from H + A + J + (carry) = A [the carry from D + A + S = A must be 1], so J = 7.  Dividing STJSH / H = JOIN gives O and I; multiplying out JOIN x T = HDTHT confirms D.

M-41  T = 1 because it has three different short products. Since E x N = T, E and N must be 3 and 7 or vice versa.  E + I = 9 or 10.  I x E = Y.  P x E = I.  P + Y = S.  R comes from any of the three partial products, e.g. RE x P = II.  N + O = R.  A is confirmed by TORE x P = AOII.

M-42  C + G = G gives C = 0.   R = 1 because it has three different short products.   RUT x E = EHG indicates there is no carry to R x E = E, so we have UT x E = HG and U/E have the usual four cases for a short product.   T x E = G and T x G = E gives either T = 9 (with E + G = 10) or T = 4 (with E = 2 and G = 8;
the reverse is not possible because E <= 4).    But RUT x G = TCE gives G < T and eliminates the T = 4 case, fixing T = 9.   There are four cases for U/E/G; only one multiplies out RUT x G = TCE correctly, fixing U/E/G.   RUT x E = EHG gives H.   T + H + I + (carry?) = E gives I; T x L = I gives L; multiplying out RUT x L = SRI confirms I.

M-43  ITS has three long products, so I >= 4.  S x A = I eliminates I = 5 and I = 9 (also A = 5, since I is not 0).  ITS x M = ATLA gives A < I.    For each possible I (4, 6, 7, 8), try each A < I.   S x A = I gives S for each case, reducing to 14 cases for I/A/S.  S x M = A gives M and reduces to eight cases.   Checking the leading digits of ITS x M = ATLA reduces to four cases and fixes A.   ITS x A = LERI gives L as the leading digit, reducing to three cases and fixing L.   L + I = T gives T.   TS x A = RI gives R and fixes I/S/M/T/R.   Multiplying out ITS x R = EEOD gives the remaining letters.

M-44  D x D = R gives six cases for D/R; DD x D = BR gives B and eliminates three cases.   D x R = H gives H and reduces to one case, fixing D/R/B/H.   The leading carry [YD] gives Y; D x Y = M gives M; ADD x Y = MAIN gives A as the leading digit.  Multiplying out the first two partial products gives the remaining values.

M-45  The identity partial product gives L = 1.  URDU has three long products, and D, O, and T cannot be 0 or 1 and are all less than U, so U >= 5.  O + D = E gives E >= 5 also.   U + U = I and U x E = I gives either I = 0 (with U = 5 and E = 6 or E = 8), or E = 7 (with U and I both even).   But I cannot be zero (with U = 5), as the largest possible carry from  D + U + L + L (9 + 8 + 1 + 1 + 3 = 22) is 2, not nearly large enough to fit I + L + (carry) = U.  The maximum carry of 2 eliminates all of the other cases of U and I except U = 8 and I = 6 (with E = 7).   The leading digit of URDU x E = OILNI gives O = 5, and O + D + (carry?) = E gives D = 2.  U x T = C works for only one remaining value for T, giving T = 3 and C = 4.  Unusually, we are left with 0 and 9 as the last two unassigned values (N and R).  R + D + I + (carry) = N confirms R = 0 and N = 9.

M-46  Direct entry: search for zero shows K = 0, so T = 5 (not O because it gives three trailing digits) and O is even.  I and L are even (multiples of O), and F + I = K makes F even also.  The other five letters (SATEC) are all odd.  From LDA we get S = 7 (SOLO x S = TFSAI), A = 9 (SOLO x A = SKFTL), and E = 3 (SOLO x T = EACFK); so C = 1 and L = 2 (leading carry).  F, I, and O are 4, 6, and 8 in some order, but F + I = 10, so O = 8; S x O = I gives I = 6 and F + I = K gives F = 4.

M-47  Direct entry: Leading carry gives [AF] and the Hububber addition RPAWK + TRAP = AEFPS, whose leading carry extends to [RAF].  T + A = R gives T = 9, TRAP x T = PARWA gives P = 8, and P + T + (carry?) = E from the extra addition gives E = 7.   Since P x A = K and P x E = K, P is even and A and E are 5-complements, so A = 2, and [RAF] gives R = 1 and F = 3.  P x A = K gives K = 6.  K + P = S gives S = 4, W + A + (carry) = P gives W = 5, and P + W + K + (carry) = O confirms O = 0.

M-48  Obviously N = 1 from the identical partial product ROLL.  The leading carry [EA] and E + A = N gives E = 5 and N = 6.   L x L = A gives L = 4; LL x L = IA gives I = 7.    L x O = A gives O = 9 (O and A are 5-complements).  Dividing NEIIA by L to get ROLL gives R = 3.   ROLL x Y = RNEEG gives Y = 8 from LDA, and L x Y = G gives G = 2.   D = 0 can be checked by addition.

M-49  Direct entry: T + O = O gives T = 0 and creates split products.  N x N = R is a single digit product, so N = 2 or N = 3.  O x N = PO is then only possible if O = 5, giving N = 3, P = 1, and R = 9.  N x D = EP gives D = 7 and E = 2.  The leading carry [BO] gives B = 4.   N x L = PA gives L = 6 and A = 8.

M-50  Search for zero gives N = 0 (not very helpful yet).  W x W = I has only two possibilities with I < W (because of EYRW x W = IONRI); W x T = I gives T and reduces to one case.  The leading carry [IA] gives A; O + I = T gives O; W + W + E + (carry) = T gives E.  W x S = E and W x R = E make R and S 5-complements (2 and 7); EYRW x S = IRWOE gives I < S, so S = 7 and R = 2.   Y + O + (carry?) = N gives Y = 1.

M-51  Search for zero gives B and S as possibilities.  If B = 0, R = 5 (T has four different products and cannot be 5).  MOST x T = RLIRO gives R < T; T is not 6 because T x T = O, so T = 8 and O = 4.  But then R + O = I gives I = 9, impossible because L + I = M would carry (also I is the leading digit of the long product IMRRA).   So instead S = 0, creating split products.  T x T = RO has four possibilities, but R cannot be 1 and R + O = I duplicates values for two of the other three, fixing T/R/O/I.  The split products T x I = AL, T x R = AB, and T x E = RA give all but one of the remaining values.  L + I + (carry) = M confirms M.

M-52  USLR has partial products ODPSE and LRRER, giving O < U and L < U, so U >=3.  USLR x I = U gives I >=8.  R x P = R has the usual cases, but R has three multiples and cannot be 5.  So P = 6 and R is even.  The leading carry [LR] gives L for the three remaining cases, and R x I = P gives I (with two possible I's where R = 2), but cases with I < 8 are eliminated, leaving two combinations of R/P/L/I.   USLR x P = LRRER gives one value of U for each case; R x U = E gives E and eliminates one case, fixing R/P/L/I/U/E.   S + P = L gives S.   Multiplying out USLR x U = ODPSE gives O and D; USLR x I = UVPEP confirms V.

M-53  F x L = F gives L = 6 (F is not 5 because it produces four different trailing digits).  F is even; so are U, N, and Y.  This accounts for all five, so one of U/N/Y must be 0, and one of O/A/H is 5.   HAOWE are the five odd digits.   F < A because of the long product FEOOAN, F < H because the sum F + E = H doesn't carry, so F < 7, otherwise odd digits A and H could not be larger.  We already have L = 6, and FF x L = EF would duplicate L if F = 4.  So F = 2 and E = 3.  The odd numbers H, A, and O are all multiplier digits and not 1, and W is the only remaining candidate, so W = 1.  H, A, and O are 5, 7, and 9 in some order.   The leading digit of FLUFF x A = FEOOAN gives A as either 7 or 9, and the addition  H + F = O gives O as also either 7 or 9, so H = 5 and Y = 0.   That gives O = 7, U = 4, A = 9, and N = 8.

M-54  T x A = T has the usual six possibilities, but T has three different multiples and cannot be 5.  So A = 6 and T is even, as are its other two multiples S and U.   U + T = X gives X as even also, which accounts for all five even digits.   Search for zero among these five gives S = 0, and T x R = S, with T even, gives R = 5.    There are six combinations of T, U, and X from 2, 4, and 8; T + U = X is only possible with X = 2.  The leading carry [XO] gives O = 3.   T x O = U gives T = 8 and U = 4.    I + E + (carry) = I gives E = 9 (E = 7 is too small with a maximum carry of 2).   The split partial product RE x O = INN gives I = 1 and N = 7.

M-55  I has two long products (I >= 3) and a short product (I <=4). In either case, R = 2; N x R = I gives I = 4 and N = 7.  U = 8 or U = 9, but U = 9 would force a carry from W + U = E.  So U = 8, E = 9, and W = 1.  N x U = D gives D = 6.  C follows from N x E = C and O from O + I = E.  T can be confirmed from T + W + W + (carry) = R.

M-56  Direct entry: Partial product same as multiplicand gives A = 1; Leading carry [AT] gives T = 2 and Hubbuber addition ABTEB + ABTEB = EUMRU.  Since T = 2, A + A + (carry) = E gives E = 3, and B + B = U must carry, so E + E + (carry) = R gives R = 7, and T + T + (carry?) = M gives M = 4.   B x E = R gives B = 9, and B x Y = Y gives Y = 5.  B + B = U gives U = 8.   B x G = M gives G = 6, and M + B + R + (carry?) = I confirms I = 0.

M-57  Search for zero gives I and T.  If I = 0, H + E + I + (carry) = E gives H = 9, but H + H = S gives S = 8, which is too large to be the leading digit of EHCOQ x L = SQLHHS (which would require both L and E to be 9).   So T = 0, and L + L + T + (carry) = L gives L = 9.   Since S is even from H + H = S, Q is also even (since L = 9 and Q x L = S, Q + S = 10).  So H and I are also even, accounting for all five even digits (T/S/Q/H/I).  Make a table of the four sets of values, starting with H, and adding S from H + H = S and Q from Q x U = H.  I is the missing even value, and O and U are the odd values where Q x O = I and Q x U = H (O and U have the same value in all four cases).  Since L = 9, the leading digits of the long product EHCOQ x L = SQLHHS give us [SE].  Only one set of values has an unused value for E.   C is the leading digit of EHCOQ x O = CEQSTI.

M-58  The sum D + K + A = D has a carry of 1, so E + E + 1 = A.  This gives us a Hubbuber addition of SEAAT + SEAAT + ALSO = DDRTS.  The extra addition T + T + O = S, compared to the visible addition T + R = S, gives us a new addition, T + O = R.  Combine this with the six possible values of O x R = R (one case drops out), T + R = S, and O x E = T (a second case drops out because E + E = A cannot carry, and a third because the long product ALSO x E = SEAAT requires S < E).  O x A = S reduces to two cases.  D is the leading digit of ALSO x A = DDRTS, finally reducing to one case.  I find the easiest way to get the last three letters (LNK) is to divide SEAAT by E to get ALSO and the value of L, then multiply by R to get EKANR and the values of K and N.  (If you prefer, you can work through the additions to get N and K, and trust L to be the last correct value).

M-59   Direct entry: G has the product T from three different multipliers, so G = 5 and T = 0; L/N/B are even and S is odd.   LSFG x L = GAIT gives L = 2.    LSFG x B = FENST gives F = 1, as F < L.   Multiplying out FG x L = IT gives I = 3.  LSFG x S = LBLIG gives S >= 7 by LDA; S + G = N is only possible if S = 9 and N = 4.    FG x N = BT gives B = 6.   LSFG x L = GAIT gives A = 8.    F + G + (carry) = E confirms E = 7.

M-61  Search for zero gives W and L as possibles.  W = 0 would create an internal zero with S x A = AY, which is impossible.  So L = 0 and D = 5 (S cannot be 5 with Y, P, and L as multiples).  Y has four long products, so E/S/A/M must all be less than Y.  Y >= 6, since we already have D = 5.  Comparing the first two leading digits to their multiplier digits gives E < A, S < E, A < D, combining to S < E < A < D.  S is the last digit fof the multiplicand and obviously not 1, so S >= 2 and A >=4.  But A < 5, since A + A = I does not carry.  This gives us S = 2, E = 3, and A = 4.  Y, P, and I follow easily from trailing multiplications.  M is the leading digit of YEWS x I = MAYLY, and since A x S does not carry, A x W = A  (W = 1 can be confirmed from S + W + Y + (carry) = S.

M-62  [AP].  Check each pair with LDA to find values where POET x P has a leading digit A (two values).  Find T as the leading digit of POET x A (only one combination of T and A has a possible value for T x Y = A, and there is a unique value of S for T x S = S.  The values of E and F follow from the remaining trailing multiplications, and R from F + A = R.  Two values are left for O and M.   Multiply out POET x P = AFYMF in both cases.

M-63  S is even from O + O = S, so O is also even from S x K = O.   SOAK x S = ARETO has one or two possible values for A for three even values of S; add T from the leading carry [AT] and O from O + O = S (with O even).   There are three cases for S/[AT]/O. 
K x S = O fixes K and eliminates one case.   K x A = P gives P and reduces to one case, fixing S/[AT]/O/K/P.    R is the leading digit of SOAK x P = RKSOS, and K x W = R gives W.    SOAK x W = AWIER gives E and I.

M-64  The long division SINK x R = UDKTS gives U < S, so S > 1.  SINK x A = SDTRR then has a number of solutions with A >=7.  But we can eliminate those with A = 9, since K x O = A is not possible with A = 9.  If A = 7, then S = 2 and U = 1; K and O would be 3 and 9 in some order, but K x A = R would either duplicate 3 or 1.  So we are left with A = 8, and S = 2 or S = 3.   Trying each value of K with K x A = R and K x R = S gives only two cases for K/R/S, with S = 2 in both cases (also giving U = 1; U + D + (carry) = S then gives D = 0).   K + R + A + (carry) = O gives O, reducing to one case.  T + R = U gives T.   Dividing UDKTS / R = SINK gives I and N.

M-65  D x D = E gives four values where D < E (D + B + (carry) = E does not carry).  L + A + T = A must have a carry of 1, so D + B + (carry 1) = E.   In three cases, B = 1, but BLEND cannot have long products where L, D, or M are smaller than B.  The other case is correct.  The long product MBTANE gives the value of M, and M + M = L gives L.  A and Y also follow from the other trailing multiplications.  N can be found from ND x D = NE.  O + L + E + (carry?) = A gives O, and L + A + T + (carry?) = A gives T.

M-66  ANDES has three long products: D, E, and N are all less than A, so A >= 4.   S x D = A means that A cannot equal 5 or 9.   Try each remaining combination of D and A where D < A; D x S = A gives 14 cases for D/A/S.  
ANDES x D = NCDCNA gives N as the leading digit; S x G = N gives G, reducing to six cases.  ANDES x G = DACRON only works for two cases.   S x U = E has two possibilities for U and E in each case.   O + E = U fixes eight letters.    E + C + (carry) = S gives C;  R + D + A + (carry?) = C confirms R.

M-67  Y + Y + (carry) = T does not carry to S, so Y <= 4.  The carry from L + L + N can be 0, 1, or 2, giving eleven cases for Y/T.  T x L = Y gives L and eliminates five cases (Y = 2/T = 4 has two possible values for L), yielding seven cases for T/L/Y.   ELECT x E = LCININ gives values for E by LDA, removing one case where L = 9.  T x E = N gives N and reduces to three cases.  ELECT x L = SYNSIY gives S, with one case splitting into two.  T x I = S gives I and reduces to one case.  Dividing SYNSIY / L = ELECT gives C.  The remaining values K and R can be found by addition.

M-68  LEFT x N = SLOWY gives S < L, so S >= 2.  The short product LEFT x E = AAYE has the usual four cases for L and E, but T x E = E eliminates one and W + E = L another, fixing T = 6.  The leading carry [FW] reduces to one case (F is not zero) and fixes E/L/W/F {this is an unusual problem, finding five digits without 0, 1, 5, or 9!}.  S > L gives S.  LEFT x E = AASE gives A as the leading digit.  Multiplying out LEFT x F = SFOOL gives O.  T x N = Y gives N and Y.

M-69  O + P = 8/9/10.  LDA of OPENS x O = PSUIUI makes the sum of O + P too small if O <= 5 and too large if O >=7, so O = 6 and P = 3 or P = 4.  S is odd (otherwise S x O = S). For each S, compute S x O = I and S x U = O, and try both values of P to find F x S = P.  U + P = T, and C is the leading digit of OPENS x F.  E comes from C + E + (carry 1) = O, and N from U + N + S + (carry) = E.

M-70  A and S possibilities can be found by LDA: APPLE x A = SUPLPR.  Make a table with each A/S, and each value of R < A.   Compute E, U, and T from the right side multiplications, leaving only one case.  L + U = E gives L, and C is the leading digit of the partial product CEPCPU.  C + P + R = O, but there can be no carry, since P + C + P = C, so P < O.

M-71  SCRUM has two long products, so C < S and N < S, and S >= 3.  E + M + S + (carry) = M gives E + S = 8, 9, or 10.  SCRUM x E = CEASUL gives E >= 2.  Try all 13 possible combinations of S and E, calculating C from the long product CEASUL, and checking the product of SC x E to see if it can start with CE (e.g. 31 x 5 = 153, which fits; 31 x 6 = 186, which is too big; 52 x 4 = 208, which is too small).  Three combinations of S/E/C are possible.  Since N + E = R does not carry, E < R, so CEASUL < NEMAAN, so C < N.  For the three cases, try values of N > C which do not create a carry from N + E, and calculate the possible values of R from N + E + (carry) = R.   Then M x R = N gives M, and M X E = L gives L, reducing to six cases for S/E/C/N/R/M/L.  Try the remaining values for U in each case, calculating A from U + N = A.   This reduces to three cases, only one of which fits S + A + L + (carry) = N.  A + A + U + (carry) = I confirms I.

M-72 From the short product CHESS x R = ESETT: if C >=2, then R >=3 and E >= 6, but CHESS x E = AHTCI could no longer be short.  So C = 1, and the long product gives A >= 6, but A < 9 since A + (carry of 1 or 2) = U.  S is even since it has T as the product of two different multipliers (T is also even).  Since S is even, A cannot be 6 (otherwise S x A = S).  Try A = 7 and A = 8 with each even value of T (except 0, since H + T = R) to find possible values for S.   R < E < A from the short products and R is not 5 (since T is not 0), so R <= 4.   Find possible values of R for each combination of T and S.  Only two combinations produce possible values for R, reduced to one case by H + T = R.  U can be found from A + (carry) = U, and I from S x E = I.   C + E + I does not carry, so P + S + T = S, or P + T = 10.

M-73  HIGH x L = HIGH gives L = 1.  HIGH has three long products: Y, I, and L are all less than H, so H >= 4.   HIGH x S = LIYLA gives possible values of S for each H (since L = 1).  There are eight cases for H/S.  H x O = S gives O and eliminates four cases; one splits with two values of O, leaving five cases.  H x S = A gives A for each case and reduces to three cases.  Y + S = A gives Y and fixes H/S/O/A/Y.   I + (carry) = O gives I (with a carry of 2 from I + H + Y).   H x W = G (with H even) gives both W and G.   The split product HI x O = IHR confirms R.

M-74  Direct entry: search for zero gives R = 0.  E cannot be 5 as it has four multiples, so S = 5 and E is even, as are its other multiples A, O, and M.   E x M = A and E x A = M with E not 9 gives E = 4, with A = 8 and M = 2 or vice versa.  A + A = E gives A = 2 and M = 8.   O = 6, the only unassigned even digit.  E x I = O gives I = 9.  Leading carry [NA] gives N = 1.   Leading digits of TAME x I = OSSSO give T = 7; TAME x S = DOEAR confirms D = 3.

M-75  Search for zero gives H, E, and T as possibles.  O > 1 and has a short product OHMEO x S = IOTEH.  O = 2 would not be able to produce the long product OHMEO x O = ATWLAL.  So S = 2 and O = 3 or O = 4.  In either case, A = 1.   O x S = H eliminates H as a zero candidate, and A + T + O + (carry) = O eliminates T, so E = 0. The internal zero gives us O x O = EM, so O = 3 and M = 9 (A + M = E confirms this).  O x W = AS, O x S = EH, and O x L = AL give us W, H, and L respectively.   The internal zero also gives us OHM x S = IOT (the value of T confirmed by A + T + O + (carry) = O), and OHM x O = AAEI (the value of I confirmed by A + I + (carry) = M).

M-76  Search for zero gives A and R as possibilities.   Leading digits of partial products give I < L < (O,U,E).  L + A = T with no carry gives L < T and A < T (so LARTN < LTDLE and O < U).  So I < L < O < U and L < (E,T).   Taking the two zero cases separately: if A = 0, the carry from L + A + U = E cannot be 2, so it is 1 and [LT], and L + N = T gives N = 1.   N = 1 is only possible if D and O are 3 and 7 in some order.  Try every value of U larger than O, calculating E from D x U = E.  L as the leading digit of both LTDLE and LARTN is only possible in one case, and L x D = R repeats the value of R.     So R = 0; D is not 5 (or 1) because of the three distinct trailing digits, so L = 5 and D is even, and D x O = N makes N even also.  The four digits larger than L are O, U, E, and T, so D and N are 2 and 4 in either order.   D x O = N gives O (O > L) and L + N = T gives T for the two cases; in each, there is only one unused value of U larger than O, giving E from D x U = E, and I as the leading digit of EIOD x L = IAUNR.  One of the cases fails because the remaining value for A makes L + A = T impossible.   The other case is correct.

M-77  Search for zero leaves G and N as possible, but N as an internal zero gives E x A = CC, which is impossible (no product of single digits in base 10 is a multiple of 11).   So G = 0, which doesn't help immediately, but we can also do a search for 5.  None of the partial products end in 0 or E, so we can rule out A, R, C, E, I, and T (and G which is 0), leaving U, N, and S as possible.   The partial products give the inequalities T < A,S; C < R,S; U < C,S.  The addition C + S = A with no carry also gives C,S < A.  So we have U < (C,T)  < S < A.   C cannot be odd, otherwise A and E and T would also be odd, but none of the four is either 1 or 5, and leaving only three possibilities (3,7,9) for four letters.  So C is even, and so is T, and both are less than S and A, so they are two of 2, 4, and 6.   We can try the six cases, using E x C = T to give E and E x A = C to give A, eliminating cases with duplicates, or where A < T.  For the five remaining cases, U has only one possible value where U < C, and we find S from SINE x A = TSUCC.   Two cases fail for the addition C + S + (carry) = A.   In none of the cases is either U = 5 or S = 5, so we have N = 5.    U + I = N gives I and reduces to a single case, and E x R = I gives the remaining value.

M-78  Obviously S = 1, but this gives us nothing further as it appears nowhere else.   The other two partial products give U < (G,P,R).     U + P + A + (carry) = U cannot carry 2 (9 + 8 + 2 < 20), so [AR], and U is also less than A.   U is not 1 or 5, and cannot be as large as 6.   It is easy to try each possible value of U (2,3,4) with each larger value of G, computing R from U x G = R (eliminating duplicates and cases with R < U) and Y from U x R = Y.   Only six cases remain, and only two fit Y + R + R + (carry) = U.   There are two possible values for G, but U, R, and Y are fixed, to which can be added A from [AR] and T from T + U = A.  P can be determined from U + P + A + (carry) = U, or as the leading digit of PERU x R = UOYTY.   The value of P tells which of the two values for G fits PERU x G = UAAPR.   Dividing UAAPR by G gives the value of E, and PERU x R = UOYTY gives O.

M-79  O + G = O gives G = 9 (G is a leading digit).   S + S = O must carry, and O + S + (carry) = G gives O + S = 8, only possible for one value of S and O.   Leading digit of GUARD gives [OE] and [DR].   Only one value of the latter fits D x R = 6.   The rest follows easily.   The value of U can be checked by multiplying out either partial product.

M-80  Direct entry: O x M = M and O x O = T gives M = 5 (and B = 6 from [MB] in leftmost sum) and O odd.   Leading digit of BIO x M = OSLM gives O = 3.   T and E follow as trailing digits of partial products, S from S + S + E + (carry) = S, L as leading digit of BIO x O = LTST, N and A from remaining additions, and I is remaining value, verified by multiplying out.

A search for zero gives R and A as possibilities (E is not possible because D x W = L means L is not 5).   Obviously O = 1, and D x T = T gives the usual six cases.   For each case, calculate the two possible values for A from O + A + T + (carry) = D; the carry from this addition determines whether R = 0 or R = 9.   Two cases are eliminated because A and R would both be 0, a third because neither is (two of the other three cases have two possible values for A).  The leading digit of OLD x W = ORAL gives W >= 6.    Try each possible value of W (no more than three for each case), calculating L from D x W = L and E from L + L = E (the carry, or lack, determines the correct value of A).  What is left is one of the original six cases and two possible sets of values for W/L/E.   Multiplying out OLD x T = GET shows which is correct and gives the value of G; O + G + (carry?) = C gives C.

M-83  P + O = O, but P is a leading digit, so P = 9.   A multiplicand beginning in 9 always produces a long product starting with a digit one less than the multiplier digit, so [SN] (and U = 1 from U + S = N).   We also know that [HA] (confirmed by the leftmost column of the addition).  There is no carry from U + S = N, so T + P = U gives T = 2.   There are five possible H/A pairs, from which we can calculate S from T x A = S and N from [SN].   Only one pair has no duplicated values, and the value of D comes from T x N = D.   The two remaining values O and B, come from S + O + (carry 1) = B, with a carry to the leftmost column, so O > B.   (Adapted from analysis originally published on The Games Cafe website, January 2000.)

M-84   This can be solved using a special form table, giving values for the multiplication ON x H = SS: there are 23 solutions (Table 5b in Appendix 4), 4 of which are clearly impossible since S cannot be 0.  Multiplying out each case to get OON x H = ESS leaves 9 solutions, for only one of which E + E = O is possible.   Otherwise it's a fairly hard problem with a lot of possibilities to work through: search for zero gives R and E as possibilities.   If R = 0, E + E = O must carry, and E >= 5.   N x I = E eliminates 5 and 9 as possibilities for E, so E is 6, 7, or 8, with two possibilities for O in each case depending on the carry from I + S = E.  We note that the leading digits of the partial products B and P are not zero and are less than S, so S >= 3.    In each case we look at possible values of I:
(a) If E = 7, I x N = E gives I = 9  and N = 3 or vice versa.  If I = 9, I + S = E gives S = 8, but SOON x I = BEIGE gives B = 7, duplicating the value of E.  If N = 9 and I = 3, I + S =  E gives S = 4, but E + E + (carry?) = O also gives O = 4.
(b) If E = 8, I + S = E cannot carry (9 + 7 + 1 is the largest possible value), so O = 6.   Since S >= 3, I <= 3.  I is not 1 since SOON x I = BEIGE, and I = 3 would duplicate 6 because I x N = E would give N = 6.    Finally, if I = 2, N = 4 or N = 9, but neither works when we multiply out OON x I = IGE.
(c) If E = 6 and O = 2, there is no carry from I + S = E, but S >=3 and I cannot be 1 (partial product), 2 (duplicating O), or 3 (duplicating S).   If E = 6 and O = 3, there is a carry and I > E, but none of the possibilities for I (7/8/9) and corresponding N (two cases if I = 8) make OON x I = IGE work.   
Having exhausted the possibilities for R = 0, and thus knowing that E = 0, makes the rest direct entry:  E + E = O gives O = 1; N x I = E makes I = 5 with N even (N cannot be 5 since N x H = S).    I + S = E gives S = 4.   SOON x I = BEIGE gives B = 2 by LDA.   G + S = B gives G = 8.   N = 6, the remaining even value.   N x H = S gives H = 9.  B + R + (carry?) = H gives R = 7.   SOON x H = PRESS gives P = 3

M-85  Search for zero initially gives I and U as possibilities, but I = 0 is an internal zero which produces the split partial product L x R = LO, which is impossible, as R would have to be at least 10.  So U = 0.  T + L + (carry) = L gives T = 9.  LDA gives [SE] and [BR].  Since there must be a carry to T + L = L, A > E and O > E, so E <=6 (since also T > E).   There are initially five cases for [SE] (S = 1/2/3/4/5), and S + O + (carry) = U, which simplifies to S + O = 9, gives O for each case.   One case duplicates O and one case has O < E.  For the remaining three cases, try each placement of [BR] (4 cases in all; S = 1 allows two values for [BR].   R x L = O allows an unused value for L in only one case.  STAR / E = TIL confirms the value of I.

M-86  N + T = T gives N = 0; the split partial product D x S = S gives D = 1.   The split partial product A x I = MI gives the usual six cases, only one of which fits the leading carry [MI] and does not duplicate D = 1.  The split partial product A x S = DE gives both S and E.     E + N + I + (carry?) = O gives O.  T x A = FO gives T and F.

M-87  N + D = N gives D = 0; S has two different multiples equal to 0, so S = 5, L is odd, and O and I are even.   For the three cases of odd L (not 1 because of ITS x L = TUNS),  ITS x I = LIED gives L for two of three,    L + O + (carry) = I gives O and reduces to one case.   ITS x L = TUNS gives T by LDA, and we can multiply out to get U and N, and ITS x I = LIED gives E.  U + E + D + (carry?) = A confirms A.

M-89  S x H = O and S x E = O makes S even (H and E are 5-complements), and O and D are also even.  The six usual cases of W x S = S are reduced to three, with W = 6.  R + O = E and R + F + (carry) = E gives [FO]: the carry cannot be 2 because R + F = E does not carry and S + R + F + (carry)  could not add to S + 20.   Since O is even, F is odd.  Multiplying WS x W = FS for the three cases of S produces odd F for only one case, which gives O.   Since R + F + (carry) = E does not carry, and so E > F, there is only one possible value for E and R.   SEWS x E = SWWNO gives N, SEWS x N = RHORD gives H and D, and R + W + O + F + (carry) = T confirms T.

M-90  Direct entry: RE x E = RE occurs only when E = 5, and R = 2 or R = 7; R and Y are 5-complements.   N x E = E makes N odd, and O x E = A gives A = 0 with O even.  LYRE x N = NOYE is possible only when L = 1, by LDA.   There is no carry from N + Y + Y + (carry) = O to A + O = O, so Y <= 5, thus Y = 2 and R = 7.    Since N is odd, LYRE x N = NOYE gives N = 3 (clearly not 1, and 5 is too large, since 12?? x 5 is at least 6000).   N + Y + Y + (carry) = O makes O >= 7, and O is even, so O = 8.   Multiplying out LYRE x E = BNRE gives B = 6.  L + N + (carry?) = G gives G = 4.    B + O + A + E + (carry?) = D confirms D = 9.

M-91  BOOK x O = BOOK gives O = 1.  K x U = K gives the usual six cases, and knowing O, we can multiply out OOK x U = UNK, which fails for three of the cases.   In the other three cases, there is no carry to the multiplication B x U = OB, which has a solution (B = 2) for only two of the cases, but one of those duplicates 2, leaving one case.    O + B + O + (carry) = L gives L, and O + B + (carry?) = E gives E.   I + K = E gives K, K x T = N gives T, and T + N + K + (carry) = V confirms V.

M-92  Direct entry: FOUR x F = FOUR gives F = 1.   X + F + U + (carry) = X cannot carry 2 to F + I + O + (carry) = I, so F + O = 9 and O = 8.  The carry to F + F + (carry) = S is 1, so S = 3.  O + O = E gives E = 6.   FOUR x R = SXON gives R = 2, and R x R = N gives N = 4.   R x U = O gives U = 9 (4 is already assigned).   Multiplying out FOUR x R = SXON, FOUR x U = FXTRO, and FOUR x O = FIFSE in turn gives X, T, and I.

M-93  EASY x Y = EASY gives Y = 1.   We can disregard the final digit of each partial product, and consider them as e.g. EAS x A = TIAL.  We have S x S = S, so either S = 5 or S = 6.   But S x A = L and S x D = L cannot both be true if S = 6; whatever even value L takes would be duplicated by either A or D.   So S = 5, with L = 0 and D and A both even.   S + Y = T gives T = 6.   So far we have L, D, A, and T even, and so is I, because of I + S + A + (carry?) = S.   That accounts for all five evens; the remaining letters are all odd.  T + Y + (carry) = E gives either E = 7 or E = 8, but E is odd, so E = 7.    EAS x S = RKIS gives R=3, and from EAS x D = RYDL gives D = 4.   There is no carry to T + Y = E, so I < A, and they are the last two evens, so I = 2 and A = 8.   K is the last odd, confirmed by multiplying out EAS x S = RKIS.

M-94  H x R = H gives the usual six values, but H x E = R is only possible in the three cases where R = 6.  There are five cases for H/R/E: calculating N from N + H = E eliminates one case.  The value of C can be calculated from (C x E) + (carry) = N, and checking each case vs. (C x R) + (carry) = R.   Only one case works for both.   ENCH x E = OANR gives O and A, A + R + (carry) = L gives L, O + U + (carry) = R gives U, and the value of F can be confirmed by multiplying out either partial product.

M-95  Leading carry [RG] allows us to make a table of values for R/G/E from R x G = E, eliminating cases where E = 0 (leading digit).  E + R + R + (carry) = N gives N (the carry from E + B + E = E cannot be 2); only two cases fit R + N + (carry) = E.   Possible values for S can be found from LDA on the partial product SITAR x G = EEGJRE, but for one set of R/G/E/N, we have S < R, impossible since SITAR x I = RRBONA.  So we know the values of R/G/E/N, and there are three possible values of S.   SITAR x I = RRBONA gives possible values for I in each case, but adding A from R x I = A eliminates all but one case of S, and R + A = T establishes I.  R x B = T gives B, and O can be confirmed from G + O + A + (carry) = R.

M-96  AIM x A = SALT, combined with the leading carry [SL], yield a short table of possible values for A/S/L, which can be greatly reduced by that fact that none of the three can equal five (M x A = T with T not zero eliminates A = 5; M x P = L and M x E = S eliminate S and L since 5 cannot be the product of a multiplication with three unlike digits).  A, as the leading digit of the multiplicand AIM, is also greater than the leading digits (P,T,L) of the partial products, and if A = 4, it is also greater than L, which is too many non-zero digits smaller than 4.   Thus A/S/L is reduced to two cases!  The leading carry [SL] also forces either S or L to be odd, hence the last digit of the multiplicand AIM is also odd, since an even digit cannot have an odd multiple.  M cannot be 1 or 5, so it is either 3, 7, or 9.   This produces four cases of A/S/L/M, and computing T, P, and E from the last digit multiplications, and R from P + L = R, reduces to one case and establishes all eight values.   Additions yield the values of O and I.

M-97  A = 1 as the leading carry.   The carry from A + O + I + (carry) = S cannot be 2 (1 + 9 + 8 + 2 is the maximum possible, but S is not zero).  So A + U + (carry) = L gives L = 0 and U = 8.   NOISY x N = AINYAG gives N = 3 or N = 4, but N = 3 has no solution for NOISY x S = UINMU, so N = 4 and S = 2.  S x Y = U gives Y = 9 (4 is already assigned), and Y x N = G gives G = 6.    A + I = U gives I = 7, Y x O = I gives O = 3, and Y + U + U + (carry?) = M gives M = 5.

M-98  SPA has two short products.  If S = 2, N is at least 6, (D cannot be 1 or 2), and the short product HIS would be impossible.  So S = 1; A x N = S forces A = 3 and N = 7, or vice versa.   We can add values of W from A x A = W, and P from A + S = P.   Then in each case we can determine possible values for D (by LDA) and then Y (by trailing digits) from SPA x D = NAY.   H can be determined from SPA x N = HIS, eliminating one of the two cases, and I and O cen be found from additions.

M-99  From the leading carry [SF], which has eight initial cases, find H from the leading digits of FRO x H = SONS (there will be several possible H's for most cases), and O from the trailing digits.  There will be nine combinations of S/F/H/O.  Since W + O + (carry) = L must carry to [SL], W + O must be at least 9, and since W < F because of FRO x E = WEAR, F + O must be at least 10, eliminating three cases.   In the six remaining cases, find W < F but large enough to carry, and L from W + O + (carry) = L.  One case is eliminated, leaving five combinations of S/F/H/O/A/W/L.  For each, check the three remaining possible values of E, computing R from E x O = R and N from E + N + (carry) = O.   Only one case works.

M-100  Direct entry: DUE x D = SAD and E x D = D have only one value for D in common, so D = 2 and E = 6.  The leading digit S is not 5 because of E x F = S, so S = 4 and F = 9.  Either of the other two partial products give A = 1 by LDA.  A + E = I gives I = 7.  A + R + (carry?) = F gives R = 8, and D + M + (carry) = R gives M = 5.   S + Z + S + (carry?) = A gives Z = 3, and dividing SAD / D = DUE gives U = 0.

M-101  Search for zero gives B, N, and Y as possibilities (not I since O + E = I does not carry).  E = 9 is impossible for the same reason, leaving five possibilities for E x E = R and E + R = N.   Looking at the three zero possibilities, only one case (E = 4) has N = 0.  T must be less than E, but none of the three values fits both (E x T) + (carry) = A and ATE x E = T.  If Y = 0, then H = 5 and E is even (two cases where N is not zero).  (H x T) + (carry) = E, but no value of T works with H = 5 (H x T = 1 or H x T = 4).   So we are left with the case B = 0, only possible if E + R carries (otherwise A and N are the same digit) and N > 2 (A = 1 is impossible because there are two long products), leaving the case where E = 7, R = 9, and N = 6.  B = 0 gives A = 5.  (E x T) + (carry) = A gives T = 3.  O + E = I gives I = 8 and O = 1.  ATE x H = OBEY hives H = 2, and E x H = Y gives Y = 4.

M-102  NONE x I = DADO gives the usual four cases (The long products give N > A).   What can the carry to I + (carry) = N be?   M is clearly not 0 or 1, and either N = 2 or I = 2, so M >= 3.   A < N, so A = 1 or A = 3.  Even if D and S have the maximum values of 8 and 9 or vice versa, the sum A + D + S + (carry) cannot possibly equal 23, so the carry is 1.  This gives [IL], reducing the possibilities for I and N to three cases, and we also have an extra Hubbuber addition DADO + NONE = AREAS.  This gives A = 1.  Since E is not zero, O + A = E does not carry, so we have N + D = R and therefore N + D + 1 = A, so [RA], and R = 0.   For the three cases of I and N, we add L, A, R, and D (from N + D = 10).  A + O = D gives O, and only one case allows E x I = O.  E x L = S (or E + O = S from the Hubbuber addition) gives S, and the last value M fits E x M = M (we never even looked at the six cases of E x M = M).

M-103  The three short products each give T = 1, and corresponding split partial products (for example, UBAS x B = ITES).  If U >= 2, UBAS x A = BSSR gives B >= 6, impossible since UBAS x B = ITES would no longer be a short product.  So U = 0, and we have three split long products.  The leading carry gives [CR].   S x B = S, but S is not 5 (S x A = R with R not zero).  Therefore B = 6 and S is even.  BAS x B = ITES gives I = 3 or I = 4 as the leading digit, but S is even, so I must be even since S x C = I.   S = 8 is impossible since C = 3 and [CR] gives R = 4 (already assigned to I).   So S = 2, C = 7, and R = 8.  S x A = R gives A = 9, and E + R = N gives the last two values E and N.  [Note that despite the carry [CR], E > I, since A = 9 and the carry in  A + I + (carry) = E is 2.]

M-104  BLUNT x B = INQDUB and [IT] give eight possible cases for B, I, and T, but only one case allows T x E = I.  This gives a Hubbuber addition IIEATI + BLUNT = INQDUB, which gives U from T + N + (carry?) = U.   A + U + (carry?) = N in the main addition gives A, and A + U + (carry) = D in the extra addition gives D.  E + L = Q in the extra addition gives the last two values for L and Q.

M-105  PAY x S = TWO is not possible with P >= 2 (in no case would P + S = T fit PAY x S = TWO).  So P = 1; P + S = T gives [ST], and P + T + (carry) = W gives [STW] or [ST.W].  S <= 7, and not 5 because Y x S = O (O not zero).  PAY x O = PUTS gives O >= 6.   Y x S = O and Y x O = S give either Y = 9 (with O + S = 10, S < O (because TWO < PUTS)), or Y = 4 (with S = 2 and O = 8).  This gives four cases for P/S/T/O/Y.  P + S = T does not carry, so A + T + O = O gives A + T = 10, eliminating one case.   Dividing APE by PAY gives a definite value for U, reducing to one case and also giving E.   P + T + (carry) = W gives W and U + W + (carry) = R gives R.

M-106  L + O = L, so O = 0 or O = 9, but either seems possible at the moment.  D x S = D and D x U = L (L not zero) give S = 6 and D and L even.  TOED x U = SHOAL give S < U and S < T.  There are six cases for D and L with both even and not 0 or 6.  Each gives a unique value for U from D x U = L and U > 6.   U + L = E gives E, and only one cases fits ED x S = UD.  ED x U = AL gives A.  Only one T fits TOED x U = SHOAL, and TOED x S = CLOUD gives C.  This tells which value for O gives L + O = L, and C + H + (carry?) = A gives H.

M-107  This is an incomplete cryptarithm (we are told that the absent digit is represented by G).   EE x X = NN has only four solutions, since neither E nor X is 1 and E x X does not carry (otherwise the tens digit could not also be N).  E and X have the same four possible values as they would for the short product E... x X = N..., but in this case there is only a single value possible for N.  Two of the four cases are eliminated when we add S from N + S = E.  We also have X x R = X, with R < X (because of the long product RHHXNN), so R = 1.   This reduces to one case, since E x S = R.  X x H = H is now only possible if H = 0.  X x T = RH gives T.  I x E = S gives I.  THREE x I = OTRRIS gives O as the leading digit.  The missing digit is represented by G.  R + T + H + (carry) unfortunately adds to one less than G, otherwise it would be an ideal doubly true.

M-108  Search for zero gives A = 0 (N = 0 is impossible because it creates an impossible split product T x P = TS).  Combining with the leading carry gives [NEB].  L + T = L with a carry gives T = 9, so T + I = P gives [PI].  We also have (from the multiplications T x P = S and T x U = I), P + S = 10 and U + I = 10, which also gives [US].  U + S + (carry?) = E carries (because L + T = L), so [NEB] < U and [NEB] < S.  Only 3 values of [US] carry, and only one gives valid values for P and I and also has room to fit [NEB].  L is the leading digit of SENT x P = LUATS.

M-109  T is even because of I + I = T; its multiples I and S are also even.  T x N = T gives N = 6.  I + I = T has only two solutions with both even but not equal to 6. PAINT x O = IEOEPI gives I < O.  If I = 4, T = 8, but T x O = I has no valid solution with I < O.   So I = 2 and T = 4.   O = 8 gives duplicated P = 4 from O + P + T + (carry?) = N, so O = 3 and P = 9.  PAINT x N = RTERDT gives R leading digit.  T x R = S gives S.   NT x N = DT gives D.   N + E + D + (carry) = I gives E.  Dividing TRNOIS by R gives PAINT and the value of A.

M-110  Search for zero gives E, L, and Y.  E is impossible because of F + D = E with no carry; L is impossible because it would create a split product F x F = TT (no square of a single digit can be a multiple of 11).  So Y = 0 and D = 5, with O and F odd and S and A even.  F + D + (carry) = E gives F < 4 to avoid a carry; F odd and not zero gives F = 3.  Leading digit of FLED x F = TTFFD gives T; FLED x S = TDTSY with S even gives S.  We now have an entire partial product TDTSY; dividing by S gives the whole multiplicand, giving L and E.  T + D = A gives A.   FLED x A = PPLTY gives P as leading digit; remaining value for O is confirmed by FLED x O = FDYAD.

M-111  There is an immediate Hubbuber addition, ALUD + TURN = UDTNA, giving U = 1 as leading carry, and [AE] from U + A = E.  Leading carry of multiplication gives [DL].  N x A = A and N x L = A gives N = 6, A even, and L the 5-complement of A.  Similarly D is even and G its 5-complement.   TURN x D = ALUD gives D = 2 or D = 4; the latter is impossible because [DL] gives L = 5 and A = 0 (not possible because of U + A = E).  So D = 2, and the 5-complements and consecutive digits give L, A, E, and G.   T follows from TURN x D = ALUD, R from the extra addition R + U + (carry) = N, and I from U + E + (carry) = I.

M-112  A x T = S and A x B = S give A and S as even (A is not 5 because of A x S = E).  So ARIA x B = SASS only has three cases for A/B instead of four.   Adding possible even values for S increases to four cases.   A x S = E gives E and reduces to two cases; A/S/E are fixed and B has two possible values.   Dividing SASS by each B confirms the correct B and gives the entire multiplicand ARIA.   N + S + (carry?) = T gives unique values for N and T, and the internal zero makes K the leading digit of IA x S = KIE.  The remaining value for L is confirmed by multiplying out IA x E = LA.

M-114  N x N = N gives N = 5 or N = 6 (not 0 or 1).  Short product LION x N = OPEN gives L = 1 (L >= 2 would give a long product).   O > N (short product again), but O < 9 because [OS].   Six cases are possible for N and O; add S from [OS] and Y from N x O = Y (four cases left).   P + P = O with a carry, P is the larger 5-complement in each case, reducing to a single case.   Multiplying out ON x O = AY and ON x N = EN gives A and E.  A + N = R gives R, and LION x N = OPEN confirms the remaining value for I.

M-115  K is even because it has two partial products ending in S, which is therefore also even.   K < O because of the long product BILK x O = KERBS.  Each possible combination of even K and S must have two multipliers different from K and S which produce each S; this eliminates K = 6 and all cases where K x K = S.   There are six possible cases; list possible values for O and R, with O > K, for each case (the two K = 2 cases have O and R possible in either order, but neither is possible for K = 8 S = 6).  This leaves seven cases.  O + S = A gives A, and BILK x O = KERNS gives B as the leading digit of the multiplicand (two values are possible in one case), which in turn gives G as the leading digit of the partial product BILK x R = G.  R + B + (carry) = L gives L and reduces down to one case.  I and E follow by addition.

M-116  Search for zero leaves D, E, and N as possible.  T x M = M gives the usual six cases, but if M = 5 none of the candidates for zero are possible (D = 0 fails because neither T nor Y could be 5; E = 0 fails because W + M = E duplicates 5; N = 0 fails because the internal zero produces a split partial product A x M = RY, with Y not zero).    So we have T = 6 and M even.     If N = 0, then W + M = E does not carry, and Y < M because RNWD < RYWM.   M must be 4 or 8, but the combination of M x T = WM and W + M = E fail both cases (M = 4 gives W = 2 and E duplicates 6; M = 8 gives W = 4 and the addition carries).   So N = 9, and now M < Y since RYWM < RNWD, so M = 2 or M = 4.   Multiplying out NT x M = WM duplicates 9 for M = 2, so M = 4, W = 8, and E = 2.   D is the only possibility left for 0, and T x Y = D gives Y = 5.   R + Y + (carry) = O does not carry, so Y < O, giving O = 7 and R = 1.  Dividing RNWD / Y = ANT confirms A = 3.

M-117  PEN x C = NIP has the usual four cases for P and C, but only one case has a value for N which fits both C + N = P and N x C = P.  PEN x Y = SECE gives S < P and only one value is available for S.   S + N = G gives G.  N x R = N gives R.   E is the only remaining even value, and N x Y = E gives Y.   Internal zero and N x C = IP gives I.   E + C + P + (carry) = A gives A.

M-118   H x H = S has six possible cases, two of which are eliminated because O + H + (carry) = S does not itself carry.   O has an unduplicated value in three of the four remaining cases (the carry is 1 if  H < O, 0 if O < H).   H x O = R gives R and eliminates one more case, and R + R = P gives P and reduces to a single case.   The short product INCH x O = HOUR gives I, and O + U + (carry?) = R gives U.   We now have the full value of HOUR, and HOUR / O = INCH gives N and C.   INCH x H = ODORS gives D.

M-119  Y x Y = Y gives Y = 6 (not Y = 5 since it has three different multiples).   Y x L = L makes L even, with E < L and F < L as leading digits of long partial products.   So L is not 2 (or 6); either L = 4 or L = 8.  LEY x L = FAIL gives F for the two cases, but L = 8 gives F = 7, and F + E + (carry) = L gives E = 0, impossible as a leading digit (the carry from E + A + A + (carry) = A must be 1).   So the correct case is L = 4, F = 1, and E = 2.   Multiplying out LEY x Y = EDDY gives D = 5; LEY x L = FAIL gives A = 7 and I = 0.  D + L = H gives H = 9.   Y x S = T gives the two remaining digits S = 3 and T = 8.

M-120  A + S = A gives S = 0.   O is not 5, since O x N = L, so E = 5 and O is even.  L is also even, since O x N = L, and L > O, since A + E = L with no carry.   L = 6 or 8, and E + L = N (with no carry from A + S = A) gives N = 1 or 3.  N cannot be 1 because of the first partial product, so N = 3 and L = 8.    The additions gives the value of O (from O x N = L), R (from R + L + carry = O), and A (from A + E + carry = L).  We now have the full value of the first partial product, and dividing AREAL by N gives the value of TYRO (and thus T and Y), and TYRO x E = CELLS confirms C as the leading digit.

M-121  Search for zero gives T = 0 or D = 0.  Since S has multiples ending in three different letters, S is not 5; S is even and either A or B = 5.  In either case E cannot be 2 or greater, as the corresponding partial product would be four digits. So E = 1.  [Another way of showing E = 1 would be a search for one: ALB are eliminated as multiplier digits, N and O as leading digits of short products, and D and T as products of the even digit S.   I cannot be 1 as E would then be at least 3 because of I + S = E, impossible because ENA has two short products.]    S x L = S gives L = 6.    The short products give B < N and A < O, and the leading end of the sum gives O < B, so A < O < B < N.   A cannot be 5, as A/L/O/B/N would be 5/6/7/8/9, and ENS x A would be greater than 900, making ODD impossible.  So B = 5 and T = 0.    D is not 9, since S x A = D and S is even, so D = 8 and there is a carry of 2 to E + D = E, and a carry of 1 to E + O = B, so O = 3.   A < O gives A = 2, S x A= D gives S = 4, and S + I = E gives I = 7.   N = 9 can be checked by the addition N + L + D + (carry) = S or by multiplying out ENS x B = NIT.

M-122  T + O = T gives O = 0; E cannot be 5 because it has three different multiples, so E x U = O gives U = 5 and E even.   E x P = E gives P = 6 (half of the six usual cases: E = 2/4/8).  Internal zero gives split partial products: E x U = TO gives T for each E (E x P = TE gives the same values).  L is even (two possible values for E = 2, one for the other two cases, expanding to four cases for E/T/L).  E x S = TL gives S for three cases and eliminates the fourth.    The split product
AL x S = AOE yields L x S = E and reduces to one case, fixing E/T/L/S.   L + T + L + (carry?) = A gives A.   ALOE x P = DPLTE and ALOE x U = NSOTO give D and N by LDA.

M-123  This is a hard problem with no obvious entries.  But the long partial products yield L < Y and D < Y.  There are only eight cases of L x D = Y where both L and D are less than Y (see Table 6 in Appendix 4).   For each case, we can find O, I, and A by LDA of the three partial products (the number of cases gradually decreasing).  The multiplications L x I = C and L x A = S give C and S, and reduce to a single case.   L + P + (carry) = I gives P, and LILAC / I =  YOWL confirms W.

M-124  S x W = S gives W = 6 with S even (S is not five because it has three different multiples).  For each case, S x A = W gives A (splitting into five cases), and S + W = D gives D (eliminating one case).  LS x W = SS gives L (eliminating one case but splitting another into two).  S x L = P gives P (reducing to three cases).   Multiplying out LS x L = OP gives O, and reduces to one case.   D + W + P + (carry) = N gives N; D + D + O + (carry) = E; O + N + L + (carry) = F gives F.

M-125  Direct entry: N x I = N and N x V = N give N = 5 (neither I nor V is 1), with I and V both odd.  N x Y = S gives S = 0 and Y even.  CON x I = VIN with I and V odd gives C = 2 and I = 3 and V = 7.  CON x Y = EARS gives E < C so E = 1.   E + V + (carry) = A gives A = 9.   R + N = E gives R = 6.    EVEN /. V = CON gives O = 4.   CON x Y = EARS confirms Y = 8.

M-126  LUG x F = LUG gives F = 1.  LUG x O = EUE gives the usual four cases for L/O.   F + L + (carry?) = U gives one or two possibilities for U in each case, but G x R = U makes U = 5 impossible, so there is only one U in each case.   U + U = I gives I, eliminating one case; U + U + (carry) = N gives one or two possible values for N (taking the carry to F + L into account), splitting again into four cases for L/O/U/I/N.    LUG x O = EUE gives possible values for E as the leading digit of the short product, but E cannot be odd if O is even because of the trailing digits G x O = E.   Only one case produces possible values for E and G, fixing L/O/U/I/N/E/G.    G x R = U gives U; E + G + G + (carry?) = T confirms T.

M-127  Leading carry gives D = 1.   Y x T = O and Y x O = T give Y = 4 (impossible because of Y x M = M; M is not zero) or Y = 9 (with T + O = 10).  Y x M = M gives M = 5.   LAY x T = AGO has the usual four cases for L/T since L is not 1.   Y x O = T gives O for each case.    E + T = O gives E and eliminates one case.   Dividing out DEEM / M = LAY gives correct values for L and Y in only one case, fixing L/T/O/E/A.   Multiplying out LAY x T = AGO gives G; LAY x O = LILT confirms I.

M-128  Search for zero gives E, K, T, and U as possible, which is not very useful yet.   AUTO has two short products; if A >= 2 then AUTO x O = FARM gives F >=6, and AUTO x F would be a long product.   So A = 1.    This makes U = 0 impossible, as the split product F x A = M is impossible with A = 1.   The short products give O < F < M, and the addition M + A = L does not carry, so O < F < M < L.  So O <= 6, and O x O = M gives three values for O and M.   Now
T = 0 is also impossible, as the split product O x O = RM would duplicate 1 in the only case where O even has a two-digit square.   O < F < M gives one value for F in two cases and five in the other.   AUTO x O = FARM eliminates three values for F in that case and AUTO x F = MORE eliminates a fourth, leaving three cases in all for O/M/F.  O x F = E gives E and reduces to two cases.   Finally K = 0 is impossible, as R + M = K would duplicate a value in either case, so the case with E = 0 is correct, fixing O/M/F/E.   There are five values left for T; TO x O = RM gives R and eliminates one case for T.  R + M = K gives K and eliminates two more cases.   O + R + (carry) = U gives U; M + A + (carry) = L gives L and fixes the remaining values.

M-129  Search for zero gives A and C as possible, but C = 0 creates an impossible split product K x H = KH, so A = 0.    S + A + (carry) = P gives [SP].   BLACK x L = BLACK gives L = 1.   K x H = H has the usual six cases; CK x H = KH gives two possible values of C in two cases, but eliminates the other four.    BLACK has long products starting in S and P, so [SP] < B; B >=4 since also B > L.   B + H + (carry) = A is impossible if H = 8, and only possible for H = 5 if B = 4, fixing K/H/B.  [SP] < B also fixes [SP], which in turn fixes C.  K x E = S gives E and K x O = B confirms O.

M-130 Search for zero gives G and P as possible.   TIGER x I = TIGER gives I = 1.  If G = 0, the split product TI x N = LOP is impossible with I = 1, so P = 0.     R x O = O gives the usual six cases, but if R = 6, R x L = N gives N even, but R x N = E would be impossible as E would always duplicate N.  So instead O = 5 and R is odd.   TIGER x L = ERONN has four cases for T/L, but TIGER x N = LOPNAE gives L < T, so L = 2, with T = 3 or T = 4.   TI x L = ER produces no carry from I x L = R, since I = 1, so T x L = E and the leading carry [EA] gives A for the two cases.   A + O = T eliminates one case and fixes T/E/A.  R has two possible odd values; R x N = E gives the correct one and also gives N.   ERONN / L = TIGER confirms G.

M-131  Search for zero gives A, I, and V as possible (P + A = E does not carry, so E is impossible).   W x T = T has the usual six cases.  If V = 0, L + T = V eliminates all but two cases with W = 6.  Either T = 2 and L = 8 or vice versa, and W x O = E gives E = 4.  Then P + A + (carry) = E gives P = 1 and A = 3 or vice versa with no carry from I + S, but there are no values available for I and S where I + S = E would not carry.  So either A = 0 (giving [PE]), or I = 0 (giving [SE]).   For each W/T pair, W x O = E and P + A = E give possible candidates for E  (E >= 2, E is never 5 or 9, and E is even when W = 6).    W x O = E gives a single value for O in each case, and there are 22 possible cases for W/T/E/O.    First consider the case I = 0; [SE] gives S for each case (duplicated in five cases, which can be eliminated).  
Consider the products SAW x O = PILE and SAW x T = PAST and look for values of S and P where the leading digits fit both products for each value of T and O (five cases with S = 1 can be eliminated immediately since S > P).   There are five cases for W/T/E/O/S/P (for example, T = 4 and O = 3 with S = 7 gives P = 2 as leading digit for both partial products).   But P + A + (carry?) = E gives a duplicate value for A for every case.   Therefore A = 0, and the internal zero gives four split products which lead to an easy solution: W x T = ST gives S for each of the six cases of W x T = T, and only one case works for T x S = PA, and [PE] gives E, fixing W/T/S/[PE].    W x O = LE gives O and L;O x S = PI gives I; L + T = V confirms V.

M-132  R + M = R gives M = 0.  F is not 1 because FUSE x I = SCRUM, so FUSE x T = ACRE gives the usual four cases for F/T.   But E x T = E has only one case where T is one of 2, 3, or 4.   So T = 3, E = 5, F = 2, and S = 1.   FUSE x T = ACRE gives A = 6, 7, or 8, but the leading carry [CA] eliminates A = 6 (since E = 5), so [CA] = 67 or [CA]  = 78.   E x I = M gives I even, and FUSE x I = SCRUM gives I >= 5, so I = 6 or I = 8 (each matches one case of [CA]).  U + C + (carry?) = I fixes I/A/C/U.   A + R + (carry) = T confirms R.

M-133  I + S = I gives S = 0.  E x O = S and E x R = S gives E = 5 and both O and R even.   HERE x R = THIS gives H = 1 (H = 2 forces R = 4, too large for a short product (25.. x 4 > 10000)).   Similarly, R >=6 would produce 15.. x 6 > 9000, and T = 9 is impossible because of T + S = P, duplicating either T or S.   So R = 2 or R = 4; multiply our HERE x R = THIS for both cases; in one case I duplicates R; the correct case fixes R/T/I.  H + K + (carry?) = S gives K; T + S + (carry) = P gives P.   The only even number left is O; HERE x O = ASKS confirms A.

M-134  O x O = S has six cases for O/S, but O = 9 is impossible because I + O = U would carry.   AGO x O = IRIS gives I < O.   In each case, try every value of I < O but where I + O <= 9.   There are nine cases for O/S/I.   In each case, GO x O = IS gives G (four cases are eliminated, one case has two possible values for G).  In each of the six O/S/I/G cases, AGO x O = IRIS gives up to three values for A as the leading digit, and A + S = E gives E.   There are eight cases in all for O/S/I/G/A/E.  Multiplying out AGO x O = IRIS gives R, but reduces to two cases.   O x N = R gives N for only one case, fixing O/S/I/G/A/E/R/N.  O + I + R + (carry?) = B gives B; I + O + (carry?) = U confirms U.

M-135  P x O = T gives both P >= 2 and O >= 2 (and neither equal to 5, since M + T = A makes T not zero); O + P + (carry) = E gives O + P <= 9.    There are 12 pairs of O/P which meet both conditions; P x O = T gives T and eliminates two cases.  SIP x O = MPIT gives M < O; adding each possible M expands from 10 to 18 cases.  M + T = A gives A and reduces to 14 cases for M/O/P/T/A;  T + I + (carry) = T gives I = 9 and a carry to O + P when M + T carries, and I = 0 and no carry to O + P if M + T does not carry [that is, the carry from M + T passes through to O + P].   O + P + (carry) = E gives E and reduces to seven cases for M/O/P/T/A/I/E.   SIP x O = MPIT gives S as the leading digit, eliminating two cases but giving two possible values of S in three cases, fixing M and I and leaving eight cases for O/P/T/A/E/S.  SIP x K = OTML gives K from the leading digits, eliminating the case where S < O and three more where K duplicates.  One of the four cases left splits into two cases for K, but P x K = L gives L and fixes all remaining letters.

M-136  D + S = D gives S = 0; E x B = S and E x Y = S give E = 5 with B and Y both even.  OWE x Y = BIDS gives B < Y; yielding only six combinations of even B and Y.   OWE x Y =  BIDS also gives O as the leading digit for each case (half of the cases split into two cases for O).   OWE x B = INYS gives I as the leading digit (removing three full B/Y cases), with the leading carry [IM] giving M, reducing to three cases for B/Y/O/[IM].   I + Y + (carry) = N gives N and reduces to two cases; B + N + (carry) = I reduces to one case and fixes B/Y/O/[IM]/N.   INYS / B = OWE gives W; OWE x Y = BIDS confirms D.

M-137  Direct entry: E x S = E and E x R = S gives S = 6 with E even.   RYE x R = SOWS gives R = 8 as the leading digit.   E x R = S gives E = 2.   Search for zero now gives U = 0 (P = 0 is impossible because W + R = P duplicates E; Y = 0 creates a split product R x S = DU which duplicates R).   O + U + (carry) = R gives O = 7 (2 is the maximu carry and 6 is already assigned).   RYE x I = ODOR gives I = 9 from the leading digits.   S + D + D + (carry) = O gives D = 5.   ODOR / I = RYE gives Y = 4.   RYE x R = SOWS gives W = 3.   W + R = P confirms P = 1.

M-138  T + E = T gives E = 0.  O x U = E gives U = 5 (O = 5 is impossible because of three multiples E, M, and S) with O even.   R + E + (carry) = O gives [RO].  TWO x U = RARE gives R < U with only two cases for [RO]; it also gives T as the leading digit (with three cases in all for [RO]/T).  TWO x M = OATS gives M from the leading digits, but M must be even because of O x H = M, giving four cases for [RO]/T/M.   O x M = S gives S and reduces to two cases.   TWO x H = TEAM gives three possible values of H in the two cases, only one of which fits O x H = M, fixing [RO]/T/M/S/H.   A + R + M + (carry?) = S gives A; OATS / M = TWO confirms W.

M-139  R + S = S gives R = 0.  T x E = T and T x B = S gives E = 6 (not T = 5) with T even.   UT x E = RT gives U for each of the three cases; O + E + (carry) = U gives O.  CUT x E = SORT gives C and S and reduces to one case, fixing T/U/O/C/S.  The leading carry [PC] gives P.   S + I + (carry) = R gives S; T x B = S gives B (which can be checked by multiplying CUT x B = PIES).

M-141  Direct entry: Search for zero gives N = 0.  INDEX has two long products starting in E, so I < E, but it has three short products, so I = 2 and E = 1.  INDEX x I = SEARS gives S = 4 (S = 5 would make a long product instead of DRIAD).  INDEX x R = AISLE gives R = 3.  X x R = S gives X = 7; A, D, and T follow from the righthand products.  L + I = X confirms L.s

M-142  Search for zero gives H, S, and V as possible.  O + O = L gives L even; Y x L = O gives O also even, leaving four cases for O/L.  Y + L + (carry) = O does not carry, giving L < O and reducing to two cases.  Y x L = O gives the same two possible values of Y in both cases, but Y + L = O is only possible in one case, fixing O/L/Y.   Y x O = D gives D; Y x P = L gives P.  E + P + L + (carry) = P gives E; Y x E = I gives I.  LY x P = VH gives V, leaving only H = 0 possible for zero.  IILPYOPO / L = SOLIDLY confirms S.

M-143   There is no carry to or from the addition B + R = O, which is both the addition second from right and second from left.  Therefore, using an extension of Hubbuber's trick, we can set up the addition ZOAETT + EBBTGG = RUGNAR.   A must be 5, since A + A + T + (carry 0) = T (A is a leading digit and not zero).   The extra addition gives us R = 4, since G + T = R and (with a necessary carry) G + T + 1 = A.    LDA gives us E = 2, and O = 7/8/9.  Since B + R = O,  O = 7 and B = 3 (other values duplicate).   T = 6 (E x T = E).    Remaining values follow from the extra addition.

M-144  E x U = E and E x S = E gives E = 5 and U = 3, 7, or 9.  CE x U = EE gives C for each U (reducing to one case, since C > U because of the carry to A + 1 = O).   UCE x U = AEE gives A, and the carry A + 1 = O gives O.  S is likewise odd, and multiplying out OUCE x S = DDLE for the two remaining cases gives S, L, D, and M (only one case works).  U + S + (carry?) = T gives T.

M-145  The short product LESE x I = HOBO has the usual four solutions, since B < L.  However, H cannot be as large as 8, otherwise A = 9, and there would be a carry from A + O = M, and since B is not zero, B + H + (carry) would be greater than 9.  This eliminates the two cases where I or L is 4, leaving them as 2 and 3 in some order, and H = 6 or H = 7.   B < L gives B = 1, and S + B + (carry) = I is only possible without duplication if S = 0, giving [BI], so B = 1, I = 2, and L = 3.  E x M = S gives M = 5 and E even (E cannot be 5 because of E x I = O).  In the two cases H = 6 or H = 7, B + H + (carry 1) = A gives A, A + O + (carry?) = M gives O, and K + O = S gives K.  This reduces to one case, and HOBO / I = LESE confirms E.

M-146  O + E = E gives O = 0, giving split products TA x T = BOP, giving values of T from 3 to 9 with one or two possible values of B for each.  Adding possible values of L and E from split product L x T = BE yields seven cases for T/A/L/E.  Two are eliminated by B + C + (carry?) = E, giving C.  E + A + (carry) = L gives A, and A x I = E gives I, reducing to one case.   A x T = P gives P and B + P + (carry?) = S gives S.

M-147  E x S = E gives the usual six cases, and APE x P = EEL gives the usual four cases for A and P.   Combining these tables gives E = 6, 7, or 9 as  possible leading digits of the short product (E = 8 is impossible because of E x S = S).  This reduces to six cases for A/P/E.   Since M < A because of the long products, we know that M = 1 in all but the last case, where M = 3 is also possible, so we will split that into two, giving seven cases for A/P/E/M.   Adding L from E x P = L eliminates two cases where L is repeated, and adding U from P + L = U eliminates another, leaving only odd values of E, so that S = 5 in the four remaining cases.   Multiplying out APE x P = EEL shows which case is correct.   A + E + Y + carry = S gives the value of Y, and O x E = Y gives the value of O (and I from [OI]).

M-148  C + T = T gives C = 0.  U x U = T has six cases (U = 2/3/4/7/8/9); U x T = O gives O for each case, reducing to four.   U x O = Y gives Y.   Internal zero C gives a split partial product RU x T = RCO which gives R and eliminates two cases; the split partial product T x E = OR gives E; U x E = RA gives A and reduces to one case;  O x E = SL gives S and L.

M-149  NONE x P = SASNS shows S < N; then N + N = S is true only when N >= 5.   N = 5 does not work since S is not 0.   For the four remaining N/S cases, find P from LDA on NONE x P = SASNS; one case is eliminated but N = 6 splits into two cases for P.  E x P = S gives E; again one case is eliminated but another splits into two (still four cases for N/S/P/E).  E x I = N gives I and eliminates one case.   NONE x I = AGAIN gives A as the leading digit, eliminating another case; E x L = A gives A and reduces to one case.    S + I + A + (carry) = O gives O; multiplying out NONE x I = AGAIN gives G; NONE x L = RPPIA gives R (both G and R are unclued in the addition alone).

M-150  N x O = N gives O = 6 with N even (N cannot be 5 because it has three different multiples).  For each case of N (2/4/8), N x C = O gives C, splitting into five cases, but the leading carry [UC] eliminates two, leaving three cases for N/C/U.  Multiplying out UN x C = TO gives T and eliminates one case.  UN x O = YN gives YN x W = Y gives W and reduces to one case.   UN x W = RY gives R, R + N = H gives H, and W + N + (carry) = A gives A.

M-151  SAW x A = ATE gives S = 1, with no carry from A x A, so A = 2 (with T = 4 or T = 5), or A = 3 (with T = 9).   In each case W (not 0 or 1) has a limited number of possible values: one value each for T = 4 and T = 9 (with no carry from A x W), and four for T = 5 (with a carry of 1).  Each W gives a corresponding E (one case is eliminated), and W x A = E and W x M = E make M the 5-complement of A (reducing to four cases).   D + E = S gives D and eliminates another case; I + T + O + (carry) = O gives I and reduces to two cases.   S + A + W + (carry) = H gives H and reduces to one case.  W x H = O gives O.

M-152  W + L = W with no carry gives L = 0.  Split partial product from the internal zero CO x E = WO has the usual six cases for O/E, but only four solutions for the short product (C = 1 except for E = 3, where it might also equal 2).   A x E = OD has a solution for only case, giving A and D.   A x M = UM gives M and U.  O + M = R gives R.

M-153  Initial search for zero leaves four candidates: D, N, U, and V.   Additions E + H = D and E + H + (carry!) = T yield [DT].   Since A + U + (carry) = A must carry, U = 9, and there also must be a carry from V + S + (carry?) = N.   This eliminates U and V as possible zeros, and D is also eliminated because T cannot be 1 (GANG x T = EAVES).  Therefore N = 0, and we have four split partial products.  G x A = SH and GA x A = SHU indicates that A x A = U with no carry, so A = 3.  G x A = SH has four possible solutions (A = 4/6/7/8, with corresponding S and H).   G x T = ES gives T and E and eliminates two cases; [DT] gives D and reduces to one case.   V + S + (carry) = N [or GA x T = EAV] confirms V.

M-154  Search for zero gives A, L, N, and T as initial possibilities.  BLAB x M = UMBRA and BLAB x I = MATTE gives U < M < I,B.  Since U is at least two less than I, [UI] is impossible, so A cannot be zero.  L cannot be zero because the split products B x M = A and B x M = M would contradict each other.  T cannot be zero because it occurs in two consecutive additions: [BI] would not carry to enable [MN].  So N = 0.  Since M < B and M + T is at least 9 from M + T + (carry) = N, B + T would be at least 10 and would carry to M + T.  So M + T = 9.   U < M < I,B allows 2 <= M <= 7.   Trying each M with each smaller U and larger I, calculate A from U + A + (carry) = I, B from B x M = A, E from B x I = E, and R from R + E = M.   All but one case are eliminated.  Dividing UMBRA / I = BLAB confirms L.

M-155  Search for zero gives A and O as possibilities (E is not possible as there is no carry from M + I = E; P is not possible because I + I = P would give I = 5, but E x I = D).
(1) First try the case O = 0: A + M + (carry) = M gives A = 9.   Five of the usual six cases are possible for E x S = S (since A = 9), but M + I + (carry 1) = E gives E >=4, eliminating one case.   FADE x S = MAIMS gives M < S, and we can try each possible value of M in each of the four remaining E/S cases (making 13 total subcases).  M + D = O gives D and reduces to five cases.  Multiplying out DE x S = MS shows that all five cases fail.  
(2) So we have A = 0, and the internal zero gives a split product F x I = TI, but the usual six cases for F/I are reduced to two because A + M = M must have a carry of 0 and I + I = P gives I <= 4, so F = 6 (and we have T for each of the two cases).    E x S = S is in turn reduced to three cases because 6 is already assigned, giving S = 5 and E is odd.  For the six combined cases of F/I/T/E, M + I + (carry?) = E gives M, reducing to two cases, and again M < S fixes the values of F/I/T/E/M.   E x I = D gives D, M + D = O gives O, and I + I + (carry) = P confirms P.

M-156  Search for zero gives O = 0 (not T because of E x E = T).  E x E = T gives six cases for E/T; IE x E = CAT gives C < E.  For each of 25 E/T/C combinations, look for a value of I giving C as the leading digit and where C + I + (carry) = O (C + I equals either 9 or 10).   There are eight possible cases for E/T/C/I; multiplying out CAT gives A and reduces to five cases.   For each, try the four unassigned values of B (B is not 1, giving 18 combinations in all); B x E = N gives N and reduces to four combinations of E/T/C/I/A/B/N; IE x B = SIN gives S, with the correct value of I in only one case.  The leading carry [SP] confirms P.

M-157  L + E = L gives E = 0.  N x L = E and N x A = Y give L = 5, with N and Y both even.  The leading carry [IR] gives either I or R as even.   F + C + (carry 0) = E makes F and C add to 10, so either both are even or both are odd, but they cannot both be even, as that would give six evens (E, N, Y, F, C, and either I or R).  So F and C are both odd.   ON x L = ICE gives I < L, and [IR] gives I <= 3.  With N even, there are nine combinations of N/I/R.   ON x L = ICE gives one or two values of O as the leading digit (one value for I = 1 or I = 2, two for I = 3), ten cases of N/I/R/O in all.  Multiplying out ICE and eliminating even values of C leaves four cases for N/I/R/O/C.   F + C = 10 fives F and reduces to two cases.   Y must be even, giving three cases for N/I/R/O/C/Y.  Only one case has an unassigned value of A which fits N x A =Y; multiplying out ON x A = FLY fixes all values.

M-158  Leading carry gives [TO].  ON x S = TWO gives S as the multiplier for the leading digits.  Cases with O >= 4 and S = 9 can be eliminated (as ON x E = OIL gives E = 9 when O >= 4), as can cases with O = 5 or S = 5, and those with S even and O odd (both because of N x S = O).    There are 11 cases left for [TO]/S.  Multiplying out ON x S = TWO gives W, eliminating all but three cases.   O + W + (carry) = R (which must carry itself) fixes R = 0 and eliminates one case.   ON x E = OIL fixes E = 9.  E x N = L reduces to one case; multiplying out ON x E = OIL gives I and L.   I + O = A confirms A.

M-159  E x E = O has six solutions. Trying possible values of H for each case and multiplying out HE x E = TAO gives 15 solutions.   A cannot be zero (AWN) and HE x Y = AWN gives A < H, which reduces to nine cases for E/O/H/T/A.  For each case, HE x Y = AWN gives possible values for Y as the multiplier giving leading digit A.   Y x E = N reduces to two cases for E/O/H/T/A/Y/N.   Multiplying out AWN gives W and reduces to one case.  A + N = S gives S; T + W + (carry) = L confirms L.

M-160  Search for zero gives A, C, H as possible.  Table 5e in Appendix 4 gives six solutions for IX x O = OI.   None of the six cases allow X x N = H with H = 0.   X + O + (carry) = A gives A, splitting one case into two.   None of the cases has A = 0, so C = 0; E + I = C gives E and eliminates one case; the carry from E + I = C eliminates another.  I + B + (carry) = E gives B and eliminates the case where E < B (since I + B = E does not carry), fixing I/X/O/A/E/B.   BBOI / O = SIX gives S.  X x N = H gives both N and H.

M-161  P x S = S and P x P = T give S = 5 and P odd, with three cases for S/P/T.  P + T = A gives A; P + O + S + (carry) = P fixes O = 4 for all three cases.  Leading carry [NO] fixes N = 3.  OP x S = OS fixes P/T/A.  P x Y = H has two values for Y and H, but MOP x Y = SPPH gives S < Y, fixing Y and H.   SPPH / Y = MOP gives M; E + M + (carry) = O confirms E.

M-162  DEAN x O = ENDSI gives possible values of O for each case of leading carry [DE], producing 21 cases for [DE]/O.  Multiplying DE x O gives possible values for N (e.g., if [ED] = [34], O could be 7/8/9 by LDA; multiplying 4300 and 4399 by 7/8/9 gives possibilities O = 8 and N = 5, or O = 9 and N = 8).  There are 13 cases left for [DE]/O, three with two values for N, giving 16 cases for [DE]/O/N.   N x O = I gives I, reducing to 7 cases.  O + I = L gives L, still with 7 cases.  L + S + (carry) = E gives S, reducing to two cases and fixing O/N/I/L; N + D + (carry?) = R gives R.   N x R = Y gives Y and reduces to one case; A + N + (carry) = I confirms A.

M-163  T x T = T gives T = 5 or T = 6 (obviously not 0 or 1 because of AIOAT).   ERST x T = AIOAT gives A < T; trying each possible A with ST x T = AT gives four combinations of T/A (for the moment disregard the multiple values of S possible for each case).   A + T = U gives U in each case.  Add the possible leading values for E from ERST x T = AIOAT in each case, giving six cases for T/A/U/E.   R + I + (carry) = T does not carry, so R < T and I < T.   In each case there is at most one combination of I and R which adds correctly with the carry from E + O + (carry) = R: one case has no possibilities; in all but one remaining case (the only one in which E < R) I and R are interchangeable, leaving nine cases for T/A/U/E/I/R.  J + A + (carry) gives J, reducing to four cases; E + O + (carry 1) = R gives O, reducing to one case.  T x O = M gives M; ERST x T = AIOAT confirms S.

M-164  E + E = E gives E = 0; G has three different multiples, so G x A = E gives A = 5 and G even.   G x G = S has three possibilities, but
multiplying out AG x G = ES fixes G and S.  G x S = W gives W.   RAG x S = GREW gives G as the leading digit; the other two partial products give D and O.   Addition gives H and U.

M-165  P x T = T has the usual six cases (P is not one because of its other two multiples).   A + O + (carry) = A gives O = 8 or O = 9 (since there is a possible carry as great as 2).  This gives ten cases for P/T/O.  P x O = A gives A and reduces to seven cases; O + A = E gives E and the leading carry [GE] gives G, reducing to four cases.   AMP x T = GOAT gives the wrong leading digit for G in two cases, reducing to two cases and fixing P/T.  AMP x M = ADOS gives M by LDA.   P x M = S reduces to one case, fixing O/A/E/G/M/S.   Multiplying out AMP x M = ADOS gives D; addition confirms L.

M-166  Search for zero gives A, I, U, and R as possibilities.   R is not zero because D x B = E prevents D and E from equaling 5 (E is not zero), making D x E = 0 impossible.   The other three cases can be examined individually:
(1) If I = 0, O + B = 10 with BAD x E = ODOR giving O < E, and also giving one or two possible values of B for each of the four cases (six cases in all for O/E/B).   D x B = E gives D and reduces to four cases.  D x E = R gives R and fixes O/E/B/D/R, but BAD x B = TRUE gives duplicates for both possible values of T.
(2) If U = 0, D + U + (carry) = E gives [DE].  D x E = R gives R and reduces to five cases for D/E/R.  D x B = E gives B and reduces to two cases.   BAD x E = ODOR gives O as leading digit and fixes D/E/R/B/O.  O + E = I gives I, but BAD x B = TRUE gives a duplicate value for T as the leading digit.
(3) If A = 0, the split product B x B = TR has four possibilities.  The possibility with R = 9 is eliminated because O + R = H would carry.   In the two cases with even B, D x B = E makes E even also, yielding three cases for B/T/R/E.  B x E = OD gives O and D, but the only case which works fails for D x E = OR.   We have one case left with R = 1 (also fixing B and T); D x E = OR gives D = 3 and E = 7 or vice versa, with O = 1 in both cases.   B x E = OD fixes E/D/O.  O + E = I gives I.   D x B = UE gives U; O + R + (carry) = H confirms H.

M-167  Y x Y = G has six cases; Y x A = T and UGLY x Y = TAGTG give T as a multiple of Y but less than Y, producing 16 cases for Y/G/T.   Y x A = T gives A (expanding to 18 cases).  LY x A = GT gives L (and W from the leading carry [LW]), reducing to five cases.  T + L = N gives N, but only one case fits Y x N = L, fixing Y/G/T/A/[LW]/N.   G + W + T + (carry?) = I gives I (an initial search for zero would have given I = 0).   UGLY x N = EUIWL gives E and U as leading digits.

M-168  Direct entry: S x E = S and S x S = S give S = 5 with E odd; S x W = N gives N = 0 and W even.  ITS x S = WAS gives I = 1 (I >= would make a long product); I + S = W gives W.   R + A = N must carry since N = 0; I + W + (carry) = K gives K.  K + I + S + (carry?) = O gives O.  TS x W = IN gives T ((T x W) + (carry from S x W) = I).   Multiplying out ITS x S = WAS gives A.  R + A + (carry) = N gives R.   ITS x E = IRIS confirms E.

M-169  S x E = A and S x A = E give S = 4 or S = 9; E + S + (carry) = E confirms S = 9, with E + A = 10.  TIS x E = ASIA gives A < E, giving three cases for E/A.  TIS x T = EDDY gives T as leading digit, reducing to two cases and fixing T.   S x T = Y gives Y (also fixed); R + Y = S gives R and reduces to one case, fixing E and A.   Leading carry [AD] gives D.  TIS x A = PYRE gives P; I and M can be found from the additions.

M-170  STEAL x P = STEAL gives P = 1 (also the leading carry).  S + O = S gives O = 0.   L x I = O gives I = 5 and L even (L has three different multiples, so it cannot be 5).    AL x I = PO produces A x I + (carry) = P; A x I is either 0 or 5, so the carry from L x I must be 1 (6 is too large a carry from L x 5), so L = 2.  The carry of 1 gives A x I = 0, so A is also even.    STEAL has long products EGPSPO and SOIOST, so E < S and S >= 3 (0 and 1 are already assigned, so E >= 2).  STEAL x G = SOIOST gives G as either 8 or 9 to produce S as the repeated leading digit.    L x G = T gives T for each of the two cases; A can be any unassigned even digit, giving three cases for G/T/A.   AL x G = ST gives S, reducing back to two cases and fixing A.  EAL x G = OST gives E (E x G + (carry) = O), fixing G/T/S/E.   I + S + A + (carry?) = N confirms N.

M-171  Direct entry: the leading carry gives [NP]; only one pair gives a short product PIED x N = DDOY.   The leading digit D has two possible values, but D x D = T gives the correct one as well as T.  D x N = Y gives Y; only one available value for I fits PIED x I = PRIES.  D x I = S gives S.   The remaining values follow from additions.

M-172  Search for zero gives G and N as possible.   If N = 0, scan Table 7 in Appendix 4 to find values of A x BC = DEF where B + E = 10 and F is not zero.   There are only two such sets, which are assigned to S/T/O/L/E/G.   In both cases the leading carry [FS] gives a duplicate value for F.   So instead G = 0; O x S = G gives S = 5 (O x A = T makes O = 5 impossible) and O even.   [FS] gives F = 4, leaving only three unassigned even digits: 2, 6, and 8.  One of these is O, and O x A = T makes T another.   There are six possible cases of O/T; multiplying out TO x S = LEG gives L and E for only two cases.   E + T = N gives N and fixes O/T/L/E/N.   L + I + (carry?) = O gives I; O x A = T confirms A.

M-173  L x EN = AIM (with M not zero and leading carry [AF]) matches the five starred values in Table 7 in Appendix 4.    Only one set of values fits N x A = E, fixing L/E/N/[AF]/I/M.   L + M = S gives S; O and U are the unassigned values, with O + I + (carry) = U.

M-174  PI x R = NAG has four solutions in Table 7 which fit the leading carry [NG].   A + G = D and G + A + (carry) = O give [DO] for two cases.   I x E = S gives available E and S for only one case.

M-175  I + E = E gives I = 0.   AN x O = RID has eight solutions in Table 7 with I = 0.    Try each available E in each case where R + E does not carry.   There are six cases in total for A/N/O/R/I/D/E/P.   N x T = E gives T in two cases.   AN x T = SEE gives S and fixes all letters.

M-176  T x A = E and T x N = E give T and E even, with N and A 5-complements.  T x P = G gives G even, and G + E = N gives N even (and A odd).   We have four even letters (T, N, A, and P), none of which are zero.   T x N = E makes T = 6 and N = 6 impossible (as E would equal the letter not equal to 6).   
LILT x N = GRIPE gives G < N.    For each of the three remaining possible values for T (2, 4, 8), N has only one possible value, since it is one of the two largest available values (since G < N), but not 6.   T x N = E gives E for each of the three T/N cases; G + E = N gives G and fixes T/E/N/G.   A is the 5-complement of N.   T x P = G gives P; E + R + (carry) = A gives R (the carry from G + E + I + (carry) = I must be 1).   Dividing GR / N gives L; EELEE / A = LILT gives I; O + E + E + (carry?) = I confirms O.

M-177  Direct entry: the leading carry [RH] gives a Hubbuber addition OSSBES + ASIDE = RSRBRB.  This has another leading carry [OR], giving another Hubbuber which in turn gives [UO], which gives yet a third Hubbuber and [EU].  All of this combines to [EUORH].   The first addition contains S + A + (carry) = S, which gives A = 9 since it carries {A = 9 would also give [EUORH], by a similar series of leading digit calculations}.   In the main addition, E + A + R + (carry) = A  must carry 1 to U + S = E, which gives S = 8 from [EU].   E + D = O gives D = 2 from [EUO].   This only leaves room for [EUORH] at [34567].   The first Hubbuber contains S + E = B which gives B = 1; B + I + (carry?) = B confirms I = 0.

M-178  SET has two sort products, so S = 1 or S = 2.   O + E = P and S + E + (carry) = P gives [SO].  If [SO] = [23], SET x T = EKE gives T = 4 (anything larger would produce a long product), but then E >=  8 and S + E would carry.   So [SO] = [12]; E must be no greater than 7 to avoid a carry.   T x T = E and SET x T = EKE combine to fix T = 4 and E = 6.   O + E = P gives P = 8.  SET x O = FOP gives F = 3; F + Y + E + (carry?) = E gives Y = 7.    T + K + (carry) = D must carry, confirming K = 5 and D = 0.

M-179  Y x S = T and Y x T = S give either Y = 4 (with T and S as 2 and 8 in either order) or Y = 9 (with T + S = 10).  In either case S + T = D gives D = 0.  AWAY x S = SHOT gives A = 1 and reduces to WAY x S = HOT, with the usual four cases for W and S in the short product.  The leading carry [SR] gives R and eliminates one case.    Each case has 4 assigned, so Y = 9, and S + T = D gives T.   O + O = A gives O and eliminates another case.  AY x S = OT gives S, fixing W/R/T.   Multiplying out both partial products gives L and H.

M-180  Search for zero gives I and S as possibilities (not U because A + I = U does not carry).   EN has two long products, so E >= 3.    N x N = T has six cases, but N = 9 is impossible because the carry of 8 to E x N = AR will make A duplicate E in every case.   Trying every value of E >= 3 for the five remaining cases, and multiplying out EN x N = ART, and removing cases with R = 0 (because of R + G = S) leaves 12 cases for N/T/E/A/R.   We then consider the two cases for zero separately.
(1) If I = 0, A + I + (carry) = U gives [AU]; only three of the twelve cases have the value of U available.    R + G = S with a carry works for one one case, but N x O = G duplicates.
(2) If S = 0, R + G = S gives an available value of G for six cases.  N x O = G eliminates four cases, one of which is eliminated because G > O (impossible for EN x O = GIG), fixing N/T/E/A/R/G/O.   EN x O = GIG gives I; A + I + (carry) = U confirms U.

M-181  Search for zero gives R = 0.    U + N must carry to [AB], s U + N >= 9.   TO x O = USE gives U < O, so O + N >= 10.   O x O = E gives six cases for O/E; trying every large enough N gives 22 cases for O/E/N.   O x N = Y gives Y and eliminates three cases.   TO x N = ANY gives T for each case (T x N plus the carry from O x N equals Y).   Only six cases give possible values for T, and two of those give a duplicate value for A.   Two more give a duplicate value for B from the leading carry [AB], leacing two cases for O/E/N/Y/T/[AB].   S + Y = A gives S and fixes eight letters.    U + N + (carry) = R confirms U.

M-182   Search for zero gives E and R as possible.   AS x I = SIX has only three solutions (you can scan Table 6 in Appendix 4, dividing SIX / I for each product S x I = X with S < I: the solutions are given in Table 14a).    AS x N = THE gives T < A; T + I = U does not carry and gives T + I <= 9.   There are only five values of T which fit both inequalities over the three cases.   N is the value which produces the leading digits A and T in four cases.  S x N = E reduces to one case, fixing S/I/X/A/T/N/E.  AS x N = THE gives H; H + X = R gives R; T + I + (carry?) = U confirms U.

M-183  A + C = A gives C = 0.  EM x E = S gives 10 cases for leading digits E/S, but two are eliminated by the leading carry [ST] which gives T.   M x E = C gives either E = 5 and M even, or E even and M = 5; four more cases are eliminated and E = 5 splits into three possible values for M, giving six cases for E/[ST]/M.   Multiplying out EM x E = SIC gives I for each case; EM x N = MAD gives M < E, eliminating three cases.  M + I + (carry?) = O gives O, eliminating one case.   EM x N = MAD gives N to produce the leading digits E and M; one case is eliminated, fixing E/[ST]/M/I/O and giving two possibilities for N.   EM x N = MAD gives A and D.

M-184  OH x O = UPS has ten cases for leading digits O/U; the leading carry [HO] gives H and eliminates two cases.  H x O = S gives S and eliminates one case.  H = 5 is impossible, since H x N = R would give R = 0, contradicted by P + R = T; this eliminates two more cases.  Multiplying out OH x O = UPS gives P and reduces to three cases.   OH x N = HER gives two of three possible values for N from the leading digits O and H; H x N = R reduces to three cases for [HO]/U/S/P/N/R.   Multiplying out OH x N = HER gives E and reduces to two cases.   P + R = T gives T and fixes
[HO]/U/S/P/N/R/E/T.   U + E + (carry) = A confirms A.

M-185  Table 7 in Appendix 4 gives the five starred solutions to PI x N = OAR, with the leading carry [OG] giving G.  I x O = E gives E and reduces to two cases, I + R = E reduces to one and fixes P/I/N/[OG]/A/R/E.   F + A + (carry?) = L gives F and L.

M-186  EH x N = TEA gives T < E; the leading carry [TA] means A < E also, but A + E + (carry) = C must carry, so A + E >= 9.   E must be at least 5; there are 22 cases for E/[TA].  In each case dividing TEA / EH gives possible values for N (e.g. for E = 7 and [TA] = [45], 475/ 7? = 6, so N = 6; for E = 9, N will duplicate the value of T in each case).   There are 10 cases with possible values for N; H x N = A gives H but reduces to only two cases (one case splitting, with two possible values for H).  For the three cases, multiplying out EH x N = TEA eliminates one case.   EH x O = AWL gives O from the leading digits E and A, splitting one case again with two values of O.  H x O = L fixes E/[TA]/N/H/O/L; multiplying out EH x O = AWL gives W.   W + A = Y gives Y; A + E + (carry) = C confirms C.

M-187  T x S = T gives the usual six cases for T/S.  ISNT x S = TAROT gives I as the leading digit for each case (two are impossible because S < T, two have two values each for I, two have one).  The leading digit [PI] gives P for each case and reduces to two cases for T/S/P/I.  T x A = S gives A; A + O + (carry) = P gives O and eliminates one case, fixing T/S/I/P/A/O.   O + S = R gives R; NT x A = PS gives N (that is, (N x A) + carry = P).   L and M are the two remaining values; T + L + (carry) = M gives the correct order (ISNT x A = PLOPS confirms L).

M-188  RICH x O = AROMA gives A < O; the leading carry [AM] extends to [AM] < O.   We can list all combinations of [AM]/O, keeping in mind that H x O = A, and eliminating those with O = 5 or with even O and odd A.  There are 17 possible combinations; G + A = O gives G and eliminates five cases.   H x O = A gives H and eliminates two cases, but splits another into two, leaving 11 cases.  RICH x O = AROMA gives R as leading digit, which eliminates all but three cases (note, for example, that O = 9 is always impossible here, since R and M would have the same value), but splitting one case to produce four in all.   N + M = R (there is never a carry, since A < O) gives N, eliminating one case.  H x N = S gives S, eliminating two cases where N = 1, and fixing A/M/O/G/H/R/N/S.    The remaining additions give C and I.

M-189  A + A = N gives N even and A not zero; E x N = T gives T even (but T is not zero, since E x I = A with A nonzero means E cannot equal 5).  STATE x I = RTOIOA gives R < I; STATE x N = INAOAT gives I < N; R < I < N gives N >= 3, and since N is even, N >= 4.   There are nine combinations of N and T (both even, with N >= 4); E x N = T gives one or two possible values of E for each case.  I + T = E does not carry, so E > T, reducing to seven cases for N/T/E.   STATE x I = RTOIOA gives I >= 2; I + T + (carry) = O gives one or two values of I for each case, but eliminates cases with I <= 1, leaving six cases for N/T/E/I.  E x I = A gives A for each case, but leaves only three cases where A + A = N.   A + I + (carry) = O gives O, but one case is eliminated because the carry from O + O = U is wrong (E and O are fixed by the two remaining cases).  O + O + (carry) = U reduces to one case, fixing N/T/I/A/U).  N + O + (carry) = C gives C.   INAOAT / N = STATE gives S; STATE x I = RTOIOA confirms R.

M-190  Direct entry: Short product RUMOR x S = NERMM gives S >= 2 and R <= 4.  R x U = U has only one of the usual six solutions, R/U = 3/5, and O + U = R gives O = 8.   The short product gives  S = 2, and R x S = M gives M = 6.   RUMOR x N = SIVNOE gives N = 7 to produce the leading digit S.  R x N = E gives E = 1, and E + N + (carry) = V gives V = 9.   RUMOR x N = SIVNOE gives I = 4.   V + I + M + (carry) = T confirms T = 0.

M-191  N x P = P has the usual six cases, but N x S = P eliminates P = 5 (fixing N = 6) and gives S for the other three cases.  P + P = U gives U and eliminates one case.   WN x P = NP gives W and fixes P/U/S/W.   AWN x S = EUPP gives A and E.   N x T = O gives O as the only remaining even digit, which also gives O.   W + O + (carry) = R confirms R.

M-192  L + O = O gives L = 0.   Three long products beginning in U give U < S, so S >= 2 and SURE x E = RGOD has the usual four cases for S and E.   Every possible U less than S is odd, so E x H = U makes S odd also, leaving only one case and fixing S/E/U/H.    E x E = D gives D.  U + R + U + (carry) = D gives R < D; only one value of R works for E x R = O, and E x O = G gives G.  Multiplying out SRE x H = UNUGU confirms N.

M-193  ZEBRA x A = FAWISA gives F < Z, so ZEBRA x S = RFBZE has the usual four cases for Z/S.  F + R + (carry) = G gives R < G, so R cannot be 9 and there are seven cases for Z/S/R.   Since F + R does nor carry, F = 1 is fixed in each case.   R + A = F gives A for each case, but A x A = A reduces to two cases and fixes A = 5.  A x S = E fixes E = 0 and S even, fixing Z/S/R.   I + S + E + (carry) = F gives I.  A x W = E makes W even also, and there is only one even value left for W.  FAWISA / A = ZEBRA gives B, and F + R + (carry?) = G confirms G.

M-194   O x O = N has six solutions; NO x O = IN gives I and reduces to four cases.  I + N = B gives B and eliminates one case.  O x B = S gives S and reduces to two cases.  N + I + S = T gives T and reduces to one case (T is a leading digit), fixing O/N/I/B/S/T.   P cannot be 2, or A would be 4 and PIANO x A = BNNIR would cause B to duplicate either S or N.   So P = 1, and the leading digit [LP] gives L = 0.   There are two possibilities left for A and R; O x A = R confirms the correct one.

M-195  R x P = R has the usual six cases, but R has three different products, making R = 5 impossible.  So P = 6 and R is even.  ROTOR x P = TOOYSR gives T as leading digit; one case splits, giving four cases for R/P/T.  T + R = E does not carry, eliminating two cases.  ROTOR x A = RTLRLY gives possible values for A to produce the leading digit, yielding four cases for R/T/A; R x A = Y gives Y and eliminates two cases, fixing R/T.  L + R = A gives L for the two remaining cases; OR x A = LY gives O and reduces to one case, fixing A/Y/L/O.  OR x P = SR gives S; R x S = I; T + R + (carry?) = E confirms E.

M-196  The leading carry gives I = 1; since I + T + (carry) = M carries, M < I and thus M = 0 (T is either 8 or 9).   Since all unassigned values for E are greater than 1, I + A + (carry) = E does not carry.  If T = 8, then R + R = P carries and R >= 5; if T = 9, there is no carry and R <= 4.   Making a table of the two values of T and the corresponding values of R gives 7 possibilities; R + R = P gives P and eliminates two cases.  P + P = D gives D and eliminates another case.  T x S = P gives S for each case; multiplying out ST x S = AP gives A, reducing to three cases.   I + A + (carry) = E gives E and fixes T/R/P/D/S/A/E.   T x O = E confirms O.   [Note that we did not even use the fact that there is a short product.]

M-197  The leading carry gives [RO]; E + O + (carry) = R gives E = 8 or E = 9.  PLOD x P = EARLS gives P = 9 and E = 8.   D x O = O is reduced to four of the usual six cases;  [RO] gives R for each case.   OD x O = EO gives E = 8 in only two cases; D x P = S gives S and eliminates one case, fixing D/O/R/S.  OP x P = LS gives L; L + O = N gives N; R + E  + (carry?) = A gives A.  A + D + (carry) = G confirms G.

M-198  Search for zero gives E or N as possible (not O because of the repeated additions). 
(1) If E = 0, O + N + (carry) = O gives N = 9.  G x P = E gives P = 5 (not G = 5 because of G x U = H) and G even.   L + E + (carry) = P gives L = 4.   G x U = H gives H even also; there are six cases for G/H with 4 already assigned.  S + H = L gives S, reducing to two cases and fixing L/G.  G x U = H gives U and fixes H/S/U.   SONG x U = TENTH duplicates T as the leading digit, so the E = 0 case fails.
(2) If N = 0, the internal zero N gives P x O = O with the usual six cases.   O + T + (carry) = P does not carry, so P > O, eliminating two cases.   SO x P = LOO gives S and L for two cases.   S + H = L gives H; O + T + (carry) = P gives T and reduces to one case, fixing P/O/S/L/H/T.   L + E + (carry?) = P gives E; G x P = E gives G; G x U = H confirms U.

M-199  E + N + (carry?) = E does not carry, so N = 0, and I + T = S gives T < S.   EGADS x T = DNTSGD gives D < E, so E >= 2 (and T >= 2).  EGADS x O = EINSIE gives 10 cases for E/O; S x O = E gives S and eliminates two cases (and splits one), giving nine cases for E/O/S.  N + S + (carry) = P gives [SP], eliminating three cases.  For each of the six remaining cases, try each value of T < S, giving 11 cases for E/O/S/P/T.   S x T = D gives D and eliminates five cases.  I + D = T gives I and reduces to three cases.   S + G + (carry) = I gives G and reduces to one case, fixing E/O/S/P/T/D/I/G.   DNTSGD / T = EGADS confirms A.

M-200  K + D = D gives K = 0.  S x D = S has the usual six cases, but S x I = D makes S = 5 impossible (D is not zero), fixing D = 6 and S even, with three cases for S.   S x I = D gives I and yields five cases for D/I.   CS x D = KS gives C, eliminating the two cases where S = 2.  CS x I = ED gives E; C + E + (carry 0) = R gives R, eliminating one case where C + E carries (impossible since A + K = A), fixing S/D/C and leaving two cases for I/E/R.  MACS x D = RACKS gives one possible M as leading digit in each case, but only one case works for MACS x I = CAKED, fixing I/E/R/M.  R + A + (carry 0) = M confirms A and H.

M-201  S x D = S gives the usual six cases, but S x C = K makes S = 5 impossible (K is not zero because of T + K = U).  D = 6 is fixed, with S even (three cases).  The leading carry [SR] gives R; RS x D = TS gives T and eliminates one case.  T + A + (carry) = D gives A, eliminating one case where it does not carry to [SR], and fixing S/R/T/A.  S + L + (carry?) = A gives L.   CURS x C = SLACK gives C as the leading digit.  S x C = K gives K; T + K = U gives U; A + C + (carry) = I confirms I.

M-202  R + C + (carry) = C gives R = 9 (R is not zero because D x R = T).  D x O =O has five of the usual six cases, since R = 9; the leading carry [UD] gives U.   D + O + (carry) = U only works in one case, fixing D/O/U.   U + D + (carry) = L gives L; D x R = T gives T; WILD x O = UODCO gives W as the leading digit.   LD x R = IT gives I; I + O = E gives E; LD x O = CO confirms C.

M-203  The leading carry gives [IB], with eight cases.   T x B = O gives T >=2, and E + O = B prevents O = 5 and thus prevents T = 5.   Internal multiplication I x B = T gives multiple values for T in each case (with 23 subcases since T = 0/1/5 are omitted).    B x T = O gives O for each subcase, and only three subcases have the correct carry to give IB x T = BO.  E + O = B gives E, but two cases are eliminated because E cannot be 9, appearing in adjacent unlike additions.   This fixes [IB]/T/O/E.   E + T + (carry) = L gives L.   LIT x B = INTO gives N; B + N + (carry?) = U gives U; the leading digits of LIT x Y = BEES give Y; T x Y = S confirms S.

M-204  USE x E = BUN and USE x R = ANT give either U = 1 or U = 2, but the latter is impossible because E and R would have to be 3 and 4 in either order, and E x R = T would duplicate U.   So U = 1, and the leading carry [OU] gives O = 0.   E x E = N has five cases for E/N; U + T = E gives T and eliminates one case.   E x R = T gives T,   reducing to two cases and fixing N.   SE x S = UN gives S and reduces to one case, fixing T/E/R/S.  USE x E = BUN gives B; USE x R = ANT gives I; E x A = I confirms I.
M-205  The leading carry gives [AD].   Search for zero gives E, M, and U as initial possibilities.  M cannot be zero because it would create split partial products P x T = ID (with I < P) and I x T = PA (with P < I, contradicting the first split product).   E cannot be zero as T + E + (carry) = U would only be possible as 9 + 0 + 2 = 1, impossible since no long product (TIER) can begin in 9.   So U = 0.  IMP x O = TIER gives T < O and T < I, so T <= 7.  IMP x T = PAID gives P < T (and P x T = D gives P >= 2), so T >= 3.   Since P x T = D and D is not zero, T is not 5 (also D is not 5).   So T = 3/4/6/7.   IMP x D = AERO gives six possible cases for [AD] (D is not 5 as noted, and D = 9 would give I = 9, duplicating D).   For each case, there are up to four cases for T, but some are eliminated by duplication and others because P x T = D with odd D requires odd T.   There are 14 cases for A/D/T.   P x T = D gives P (splitting one case).  P x D = O gives O and eliminates eight cases.   P x O = R gives R and reduces to four cases.   IMP x O = TIER gives T < O, eliminating two cases, and gives I as leading digit for the two remaining cases.   I + R = E gives E.   T + E + (carry) = U is only possible in one case, fixing [AD]/T/P/O/R/I/E.   AERO / D = IMP confirms M.

M-206  Y x T = D and DRY x T = YHSD give Y < T and Y < D, and scanning the multiplication and LDA tables gives 3 cases for Y/T/D (see Table 13b, Appendix 4).   Y x O = H gives H not equal to 5 or 9 (and H is not 0 or 1 because DRY x H = PYSE), and H is even if Y is even.   This gives seven cases for Y/T/D/H; Y x H = E gives E and eliminates three cases; Y x O = E gives O and eliminates another case; S + H = O gives S and eliminates another case, fixing Y = 2.   DRY x O = PESH gives P as leading digit and reduces to one case, fixing T/D/H/E/O/S/P.   I and R follow from additions.

M-207  A x A = S and A x R = S give A and S even, with three cases (R is the 5-complement of A).   SPA x A = LAWS gives L as the leading digit, reducing to one case and fixing A/S/R/L (one case is a short product and another duplicates).   SPA x R = IANS gives I as the leading digit; SPA x E = ALLY gives two possibilities for E to produce the leading digit A.   A x E = Y gives Y and reduces to one case, fixing E/Y.  W + S = E gives W; ALLY / E = SPA gives P; the internal zero gives the split product A x R = NS, confirming N.

M-208  A + V + (carry?) = A does not carry to E, giving V = 0.   ELM x O = AFAR gives A < E, and A + N = E gives N < E.  Since neither A nor N is zero, E >= 3 (at least 1 + 2).   ELM x T = EVEN gives T = 9 in all cases except E = 3, where T = 8 is possible.   In the six T = 9 cases, for each value of E, we can find N directly, since E + V + E + N must add to a multiple of 9.   For example, for E = 4, 4 + 0 + 4 = 8, so N = 1.  Three cases are eliminated either by duplication, or because N > E.   In the other three cases, dividing EVEN / T = ELM gives L and M; duplication reduces to one case.   F + E + (carry?) = T gives F, but neither remaining value for O gives an unduplicated value for R from M x O = R.   So the only possibility left is T = 8, also fixing M = 3.   A + N = E has two possible orders for A and N, but M x T = N with T even gives N even also, fixing N and A.   Dividing EVEN / T = ELM gives L and M as before, and F + E + (carry?) = T gives F.   There are two possibilites left for O; multiplying ELM x O = AFAR gives the correct value for O and confirms R.

M-209  U + O + (carry?) U does not carry to N, giving O = 0.  E x P = E gives the usual six cases, but E x U = K with K not zero prevents E = 5, so P = 6 and E is even, with three cases.  E x U = K, with E even, gives K even also, with six cases for E/P/K.   U has two possible values for most cases, giving 10 cases for E/P/K/U, but IRE x P = URGE gives U < P, eliminating five cases.   RE x U = OK (with O = 0) gives R, eliminating three more cases and fixing P/K/R.   RE x P = GE gives G and reduces to one case, fixing E/U/G.   G + K = S gives S.   URGE / P = IRE gives I; IRE x U = NOOK confirms N.  {This was the 500th problem added to this booklet.}

M-210  Search for zero gives L and S as possible.   E + N + (carry) = O occurs in two consecutive columns, and does not carry to T, so the hundreds column does not carry to the thousands, so the tens does not carry to the hundreds, and W + T = L gives W < L and T < L, so L is not zero and thus S = 0.   Either D or E is 5, but D x B = t with T not zero prevents D = 5, so E = 5 and D is even.   D x B = T gives T even also.   AND x B = TENT gives T < A and T < B, so T <= 6 (since we saw T < L earlier).   Pairing each even D with another even T <= 6 gives nine cases for D/T.   D x B = T gives B, splitting four cases but eliminating three cases where B < T, leaving ten cases for D/T/B.  AND x B = TENT gives possible values of A in each case, splitting three of them (one case has four possible values for A).  AND x E = NEWS gives N for each case, reducing to ten cases for D/T/B/A/N.   Checking ND x B = NT for each case reduces to only two cases.   E + N = O gives O and reduces to one case, fixing D/T/B/A/N/O.   ND x E = WS gives W; W + T = L confirms L.

M-211  BETS x O = BUOUR and BETS x N = BDTET give B <= 3, with O >= 6.   Search for zero gives A, D, E, and R as possibilities.  Three of the four can be eliminated quickly:
(1) D = 0 and B + D + (carry) = O give [BO], but the inequalities for B and O prevent this.
(2) E = 0 gives an internal zero with an impossible split product B x O = BU.
(3) R = 0 gives either S = 5 (impossible because of S x N = T, with T duplicating either R or S), or O = 5 (too small again for BETS x O = BUOUR).
(4) A = 0 with U + T + (carry) = A and U + T = E gives E = 9, and O + E + (carry?) = T gives [TO].    E = 9 also removes a possible value for O or N, and gives B <= 2 (B = 3 would make either N or O duplicate E).   B and O have five possible cases, with [TO] giving T.   One case is eliminated because N has no available values; another case splits with two available values, still leaving five cases for B/[TO]/N.   S x N = T gives S and reduces to one case, fixing B/[TO]/N/S.    S x O = R gives R; U + T = E gives U; B + D + (carry) = O confirms D.

M-212   UNIT x I = UELTW and UNIT x N = UTODD give U <= 3 and N >= 6, with nine cases for U/N.  UN x N = UTO gives possible values for T (for example, 18 x 8 = 144, so T could be either 4, or 5 with a carry).  One case is impossible (UN x N is too small to produce a long prodiuct beginning with U), and two cases are eliminated because T = 0 or T = 1.    There are ten cases for U/N/T; T x N = D gives D and elminates two cases (one by duplication and one becuse D = 0, impossible because D + W = O).    IT x N = DD gives I for each remaining case (I x N = (D - carry)), but only two cases give I which fits the leading digits of UNIT x I = UELTW; both D and I are fixed by the two remaining cases.    T x I = W gives W; D + W = O gives O and reduces to one case, fixing U/N/T/W/O.    The remaining letters follow from addition.

M-213  S + E = E gives S = 0.  A x E = E gives the usual six cases; GA x E = EE gives G in only two cases (one case splitting); A x G = R gives R and reduces to one case, fixing A/E/G/R.   Multiplying out RAGA x G = UBTSR gives T/B/U.    B + B + (carry) = N gives N; U + E + (carry) = I confirms I.

M-214  The leading carry gives [OS].  BITS x B = ORBIT gives B >= 3; BITS x Y = BARER gives Y >= 8 (with Y = 8 only for B = 3), with seven cases for B/Y.   BITS x B = ORBIT gives O for each case (three cases, where B >= 6, splitting), and [OS] gives S and eliminates one case.   S x B = T gives T and eliminates four cases by duplication, and another because T = 0 (contradicted by E + T = O).   S x Y = R gives R and eliminates two cases (note that B and Y are 5-complements in those two); Y is fixed.  B + R = U gives I in only one case, fixing B/O/S/T/R/U.   The rest follows by addition.

M-215  S x P = D gives S >= 2; ARTS x O = SDDIT gives S < A, so A >= 3 and we have two cases for ARTS x P = HEAD, with P = 2 fixed.  But then A cannot be 3, as there is no value left for S.  So A = 4 and S = 3.   S x P = D gives D; ARTS x P = HEAD gives two possible value for H; H + D + (carry?) = A fixes H.   The leading carry [DT] gives T; S x O = T gives O; A + T = E gives E; E + I + (carry) = T gives I; HEAD / P = ARTS confirms R. 

M-216  MOST x M = OBIS gives three cases for M/O, but O cannot be 9 because O + C + (carry) = S does not carry, so M = 2 is fixed, with two cases for O.   MO x M = PB gives two values for B in each case; B + O + (carry) = I gives I, splitting one case and yielding five cases for O/B/I.   O + C + (carry) =  S gives C <= 5; if there is a carry to B + O = I, C < I (if not, C > I).   Try each possible value of C in each case; O + C + (carry) = S gives S and reduces to eight cases for O/B/I/C/S.  Since M is even, T x M = S makes S even also, eliminating four cases.   I + N = C gives N and eliminates another case, fixing O/C/S and leaving three cases for B/I/N.   T x M = S gives two values for T in each case; T x E = N eliminates four cases and fixes B/I/N, leaving two interchangeable values for T and E.   OBIS / M = MOST gives the correct value for T (and thus E); MOST x E = BACON confirms A.

The leading carry gives [RU].  Search for zero gives R and T as possibilities.    ARE x H = DRUM gives D < A, so ARE x E = WAS has the usual four cases.  E x E = S gives S, eliminating one case.   D < A fixes D = 1 for all three remaining cases.  If R = 0, the internal zero gives E x E = AS, but none of the cases fit, so T = 0, and A + M = T gives M.   E x H = M gives H in two cases, eliminating the third and fixing A/M.  [RU] can only be placed in one spot in one case, eliminating the other and fixing E/S/H/[RU].   ARE x E = WAS confirms W.

M-218  S + A + (carry) = A gives S = 0 or S= 9.   ASK x O = USES gives U < A, so ASK x T = HAT has the usual four cases for A/T.   U < A gives U, with one case split, but U > 1 is impossible because U + H = W would carry.   K x T = T eliminates one case and fixes K = 6 for the three remaining cases.   K x O = S, with K even, gives S also even, so S = 0 and O = 5.    The internal zero gives split products K x T = AT (reducing to one case) and K x O = ES, giving E.   E + T = Y gives Y; T x A = H is another split product, giving H; U + H + (carry?) = W confirms W.

M-219  R + I + (carry?) = R does not carry, giving I = 0.  The internal zero gives split products T x U = FI and T x P = RI, giving T = 5, and U and P even.   Trying the four remaining even values of U gives F for each case, but I + F + (carry) = U gives [FU], which works for only one case, fixing [FU].  S + T + (carry) = I gives S.  Trying the two remaining even values for P, P x T = RI gives R, reducing again to one case and fixing P/R.  D x P = S gives D; D x U = Y gives Y; E + Y = T confirms E.

M-220  RYE x S = HERE gives H < S; RYE x I = SHOP gives S < I, R.   E x S = E gives S = 6 and E even (E = 5 is impossible since E x I = P would give P = 0, but R + P = C).  E x I = P with E even gives P even also.   There are six cases for E/P (neither is zero, so they are any two of the three remaining even digits 2,4,8).   E x I = P gives I, eliminating one case (remember that I > S).   H + H + (carry) = P does not carry (so H <= 4), giving H and eliminating two more cases.   RYE x S = HERE gives R as the leading digit, but two cases fail for RYE x I = SHOP, reducing to one case and fixing E/P/I/H/R.   R + P = C gives C; YE x S = RE gives Y; YE x I = OP gives O; E + O + (carry) = A confirms A.

M-221  A + M = A gives M = 0.   The leading carry gives [TH].   T x H = M gives either T = 5 or H = 5, but T x E = N makes T = 5 impossible (N is not 0, which is already assigned), so H = 5 and T = 4.    CT x H = EM gives E = 2 or E = 7 (since C x H is either 0 or 5).   L + E = M gives L; T x E = N gives N and reduces to one case, fixing E/L/N.    ACT x H = THEM leaves only A = 9 as possible.   ACT x E = PLAN gives P as the leading digit. 
P + H + (carry) = U gives U.    PLAN / E = ACT confirms C.

M-222  OFT x I = SAIL gives S < O and therefore O >= 2.  O + A + (carry) = I does not carry, so O < I.  OFT x F = OUTS gives F >= 7 to produce the repeated leading digit, with O < F, and with F = 9 whenever O >= 4.     O < I and O < F gives O <= 7.  There are nine remaining cases for O/F.  
If F = 9, T x F = S gives S > 1 (S = 1 would also give T = 9, duplicating F).  T x F = S makes S = 5 impossible.   S < O splits into 17 cases for S/O/F (e.g. O = 6 and F = 9 gives S = 2,3,4).   T x F = S gives T, with two cases impossible and one case split.   For the two remaining cases with F < 9, FT x F = TS does not work, fixing F = 9.   Now there is a hidden addition OUTS + OFT = OFT0; S + T = 10 gives T and eliminates two cases, leaving 11.   U + O + (carry) = F gives U and eliminates four more cases, leaving seven cases for S/O/F/T/U.   OFT x I = SAIL gives I to produce the leading digit, eliminating one case but splitting two.   T x I = L gives L, eliminating four cases (two are split values for I) and fixing I.   T + L = N gives N and reduces to two cases.  U + I + (carry) = G gives G and reduces to one case, fixing S/O/T/U/L/N/G.   O + A + (carry) = I confirms A.

M-223  The leading carry gives [MI].  Search for zero gives T = 0 (not E = 0, since S + E = T must carry).  For each case of [MI], AND x I = MEAN gives possible values for A to produce the leading digit, giving 19 cases for [MI]/A.   A + A + (carry) = E gives 1 or 2 values for E in each case (eliminating four cases but splitting six); S + E + (carry) = T gives one value for S, reducing to 14 cases for [MI]A/E/S.  AND x F = SAYS gives one value for F in each case, but eliminates three cases.   D x F = S is impossible in seven cases and duplicates in one case, reducing to three cases.   D x I = N gives N and reduces to one case, fixing
[MI]/A/E/S/F/D/N.   Y + N = M confirms Y.

M-224  The leading carry gives [IS].  Search for zero gives C and O as possibilities.
(1) If O = 0, the internal zero yields split products AR x A = HYR and AR x R = IEN, giving A = 6 and R even.  There are only two possibilities for A/R/N, fixing N = 4.   AROSE x R = IENIII gives I as the leading digit, but [IS] duplicates S in both cases.
(2) If C = 0, H + E + (carry) = C gives H + E = 8/9/10.   AROSE x A = HYRHAY gives 10 cases for A/H, each with up to three cases for E (one A/H case is eliminated, and there are 17 subcases for A/H/E).   E x A = Y gives Y and reduces to nine cases; E x Y = R gives R and reduces to four cases;  E x  R = I gives I and reduces to three cases; N + Y = E reduces to one case and fixes A/H/E/Y/R/I/N.   [IS] gives S; I + H + I + (carry?) = O confirms O.

M-225  S x H = H gives the usual six cases for S/H.   LAWNS has two long products PWAHPP and TSWALH, giving L >= 3.    LAWNS x P = ONTSA gives P = 2, eliminating one case for S/H.   S + P = I (repeated) does not carry, eliminating the S = 9 case.   S x P = A gives A and eliminates both remaining S = 6 cases, fixing H.  S + P = I gives I and reduces to one case, fixing S/A/I.   S x O = D gives O; LAWNS x P = ONTSA gives L.  W + W + (carry) = T does not carry to the leftmost S + P = I (since the lone A in the units column does not carry), so W <= 4, with a carry up to 2, gives only one value for W and T.   T + P + H + (carry 0) = N confirms N.

M-226  The leading carry gives [SR]; RUIN x S = ULNAE gives U as leading digit, yielding seven cases for [SR]/U (one value of [SR] has two possible values for U).  RUIN x A = SITED gives A >=7 to produce the correct leading digits, eliminating one case by duplication.   U + I = E must carry to [SR], yielding E < U.   N x S = E makes E a multiple of S (E even if S is even, E = 0 if S = 5).  There are 13 cases for [SR]/U/E; N x S = E gives N, eliminating four cases but splitting one case into three, yielding 11 cases for [SR]/U/E/N.    N + E + (carry) = A gives A, eliminating four cases and splitting one, leaving eight.    N x A = D gives D and eliminates four cases.    A + D = L gives L and eliminates one case.   L + T + (carry) = S gives T and reduces to one case, fixing [SR]/U/E/N/A/D/L/T.   U + I + (carry) = E confirms I.

M-228  ARE x W = WAS gives A = 1, and makes the short split product RE x W = AS (since there cannot be a carry to A x W = W).  RE x O = UT and RE x T = HO are also short products for the same reason, and there cannot be three different short products for RE if R >= 2 (since none of W/O/T could be 2 if R = 2).   Therefore R = 0.   E x O = T and E x T = O give either E = 4 (with O = 2 and T = 8 or vice versa), or E = 9 with O + T = 10 (6 cases), giving 8 cases in all.   If E = 4, E x W = AS gives W = 3 and S = 2, duplicating 2.   So E = 9, W = 2, and S = 8, reducing to four cases for O/T.  E x O = UT gives U, eliminating one case; E x T = HO gives H and eliminates another; A + T = N gives N and reduces to one case, fixing O/T/U/H/N.

M-229  Direct entry: M x N = M and M x O = M give M = 5 with N and O both odd.   M x S = T gives T = 0 and S even.  SUM x S = ANT with S even gives S = 2 and A = 4 (5 already assigned).  N + M = S gives N = 7.  UM x N = AM gives U = 3 ((U x N) + (carry 3) = A).  Multiplying out SUM x N = EDAM gives E = 1 and D = 6.  S + D + (carry?) = L gives L = 8.   SEEM / O = SUM confirms O = 9.

M-401  Search for zero gives I or S, but O x E = I makes I = 0 impossible, so S = 0.  DO has two short products with neither R nor E equal to 1: if D = 2, either R or E would be at least 4 and the corresponding product would be long.  So D = 1, and P + D = S gives P = 6.  The leading carry [EP] gives E = 5.   The carry from O x E = I to D x E = P is 1, so O cannot be as large as 3 (3 x 5 = 15 which would carry 2).  So O = 2, and O x E = I gives I = 3 (2 x 5 = 13 in base 7).  DO x R = ED confirms R = 4 (12 and 51 in base 7 equal 9 and 36 in base 10).

M-411  Direct entry: Search for zero gives N and R as possibilities.  The leading carry [TI] gives a Hubbuber addition POGO + GIG = TOIL, which gives another leading carry [PT], combining to [PTI].  O + G + (carry) = O gives G = 7 (one less than the base 8), since there is a carry to [PT].  O + G = L in the extra addition gives [LO]; G + L = R in the main addition gives [RL], combining to [RLO].   O + T + (carry) = I gives O = 6 (two less than the base), so [RLO] = [456] and N = 0.  [PTI] fits in the gap [123].

M-421  Search for zero gives A, D, and L as possibilities.   If D = 0, W x E = D gives W and E as 3 and 6 in either order, but then W x W = S would also give S = 0 in either case, duplicating D.   MAW x E = BEND gives B < E and MAW x W = ELMS gives E < M.   If L = 0, B + L + (carry) = M gives [BM], impossible because there could be no value of E with B < E < M.    Therefore A = 0, and we have four split partial products.   W x W = MS has four cases for W/M/S; M x W = EL gives EL and reduces to two cases; W x E = ND gives ND and fixes W/M/S/E/L/N/D.    E x M = BE confirms B.

M-432  The leading carry gives [LB].  BIO x B = LIED gives two cases for B/L.   BIO x D = ELSE gives D >= 2 and E < D.   Try each value of D >= 2 for both B/L cases, giving 14 cases for B/L/D.  O x B = D gives O (in base 11 there is never more than one possible value for O), eliminating three cases.  O x D = E gives E, eliminating four cases where E > D.   Checking the leading digits of BIO x D = ELSE eliminates four more cases.  O x E = F gives F for the three remaining cases.   BIO x E = CLEF gives C and eliminates one case, fixing B/L.   S + F = C gives S.   Dividing ELSE / D = BIO gives a remainder for one case, eliminating it, and fixing D/O/E/F/C/S/I.   N and U follow from addition.

M-433  ALLY x F = ALLY gives F = 1 (not too helpful, since F appears nowhere else).  Search for zero gives E and L as possible, but L as an internal zero would create impossible split products like Y x T = IAS.   So E = 0, and S + E + (carry) = A gives [SE] (a carry of 2 from D + L + (carry) = Y is impossible; even if D and L were 9 and a in some order and there were a carry of 3 from M + A + I + M, Y would be zero and duplicate E.   [SA] has eight initial possibilities.   A + Y = E gives Y and eliminates two cases.   Y x T = S gives T and eliminates two more cases.  Y x I = A gives I, which is fixed for all four remaining cases.  ALLY x T = MTIAS gives M as leading digit, eliminating another case which would produce a short product.   Y x G = M gives M and reduces to two cases.   ALLY x G = DELNM gives D as leading digit, eliminating one case and fixing [SA]/Y/T/I/M/G.   There are two possibilities for D; dividing MTIAS / T = ALLY gives L and multiplying out ALLY x G = DELMM confirms D.

M-434  O + S = S gives O = 0.   AGE has long products SLOT and PEPS, giving S < A and P < A, so A >= 3.  AGE x I = ATOP gives I = 9 only if A = 3 or A = 4.   I = a is possible for 3 <= A <= 9.   We consider the two cases of I separately.
(1) If I = 9, there are eight possible values for E (E is not 0 or 1); for each case E x I = P.   Since AGE x R  = PEPS gives P < A (and we know that A <= 4), each case with P > 4 is eliminated, as well as a case where A must duplicate either P or E.  Only two cases are left.  
Next GE x I = OP (knowing that O = 0) gives G in each case.  For each case, try A = 3 and A = 4 (A = 4 duplicates in one case: there are only 3 cases for I/E/P/L/G/A.   Multiply out AGE x I = ATOP for each; none gives the correct value for A.
(2) So I = a, and there are still eight possible values for E.   Again compute E x I = P, giving P.   Since there are eight cases and the value of A does not allow any to be eliminated as we did with I = 9,  we use
L + P + P + (carry?) = I to give L for each case, eliminating one.    We use GE x I = OP again to give G, eliminating another case.   Now since P + T = R does not carry, giving P < R, we try each unduplicated value of R greater than P (precomputing L eliminates a few possibilities here), and use E x R = S to give S in each case, yielding eight cases for E/P/L/G/R/S.  GE x R = PS gives the correct value for P in only three cases; we can divide PEPS / R = AGE to get A for those three cases.   Only one case divides out evenly, fixing E/P/L/G/R/S/A.  Finally P + T + (carry) = R gives I, and E x K = T confirms K.

M-435  E + H + C + (carry) = H indicates that E + C + (carry) = 11, with a carry of 1 to the next columns, so that S + C + S + 1 = C + 11, thus S = 5.   T x T = S gives either T = 4 or T = 7.   EMIT x T = USERS gives U < T, and we try each such value of U for each of the two cases for T, giving eight cases for T/U.  In each case T x R = U gives R, and R + U = E gives E, reducing to five cases.   EMIT x T = USERS also gives U < E, reducing to three cases.   EMIT x R = MACHU gives M as the leading digit (eliminating one case) and M + S does not carry, reducing to one case and fixing T/U/R/E/M.   Now E + C + (carry?) = 11 gives C and
T x A = C gives A.   U + A + H + (carry) = U has a carry of 1 both to and from it, so A + H = 10, giving H, and and M + S + 1 = O gives O.   Dividing MACHU / R = EMIT confirms I.

M-436  O + Q + L + (carry) = Q gives O + L = 9/10/11, depending on the carry.  UNTO x D = OLDIE gives O < D and O < U, so O is at most 8.   There are 19 cases for O/L; O x L = Q gives Q for each case, and the leading carry [QI] gives I for each case, eliminating six cases where Q = a or I duplicates an existing value.  O x E = L gives E and eliminates two more cases by duplication.   O x D = E gives D and eliminates five more cases, reducing to six.   D + Q + Q + (carry) = I is equivalent to D + Q + Q + (carry) = Q + 12 (because of [QI]).  This gives D + Q = 11/12, and reduces to two cases.   One of these is eliminated because the carry from L + E + Q + (carry) = U is too large to fit O + Q + L + (carry) = Q.   This fixes O/L/Q/I/E/D.  I + L = R gives R, and UNTO x D = OLDIE gives U as the leading digit.   Dividing OLDIE / D = UNTO gives N and T, and I + A + (carry) = N confirms A.

M-437  The partial products give V, R < W, R < I, and V < T.  Construct a Crotalus rectangle with T from 2 to a and W from 3 to a.   Compute S from S x T = W, I from TS x T = IW, R from S x I = R (eliminate cases where R > I), and
A from I + R = A.   Check the leading digit R from WETS x I = RAVNR; only two rectangles are correct.   W + N + (carry) = R gives N and reduces to one case, fixing T/W/S/I/R/A/N.  Compute E from ETS x T = WIW and multiply out to get VKWIW, giving V and K (V is confirmed by V + A + (carry) = E).  K + V + (carry) = D confirms D.

M-438  CHIC x O = SNEER gives S < O and S < C.  CHIC x S = MANGO gives M < S and therefore S >= 2.   Trying every case of S x C = O which fits the conditions, and eliminating those where S is the wrong leading digit, leaves 11 cases.   C x O = R gives R for each case, eliminating one case.  CHIC x S = MANGO gives M as the leading digit, eliminating two cases but splitting three others, leaving 11 cases once again for S/C/O/R/M.    S + A + (carry) = E does not carry, so E > A.   E = a is impossible because of the repeated additions E + O = I and E + G + (carry 1) = O, making G and O equal.   Trying every possible E in each case gives 17 subcases; E + O = I gives I and reduces to 10 subcases.   E + G + (carry) = O gives G and reduces to six subcases.   N + N + (carry) = M gives N and reduces to two cases, fixing S/C/O/R/M.   S + A + (carry?) = E gives A and fixes E/I/G/N/A.    MANGO / S = CHIC confirms H.

M-461  Since LAD x M = SAID gives S < L, and thus L >= 2, the short product LAD x I = MAN gives six possibilities (instead of the four in base 10) for L and I: one is 2, the other is 3/4/5.   The leading digit of the project gives M >= 6, but D x M = D only has solutions for M = 7, 9, a, or b.   We can eliminate M = b, since S + M + (carry) = E would carry.   This leaves seven combinations of L/I/M, for which we can calculate S by LDA.   The cases with L >= 4 are also eliminated because S + M carries, and we are left with five cases, all with S = 1.   In each case, we can try each value of D where M x D = D (four unassigned values each when M = 7, two when M = 9 or M = a).   L + D = O gives O, D x I = N, and I + I + N + (carry) = J gives J, gradually reducing to three cases.   The case with L = 3 fails L + A + A + (carry?) = N, since L is odd, N is even, and there is no carry.   For the two remaining cases, S + M + (carry) = E.   With L = 2 in both cases, LAD x P = LILY gives P >= a.  Trying P = a and P = b for both cases gives only one solution to D x P = Y.

M-462  O x T = T and O + O + (carry) = T give five cases for O/T.  DUCT x O = ABOUT gives A < O; trying each possible A gives one or more values for D.   D + T = C gives C; multiplying out CT x O = UT gives U; UCT x O = OUT checked against the value we already have for O reduces all of the possible combinations for O/T/A/D/C/U down to a single case, fixing all six letters.  DUCT x O = ABOUT gives B.  W + B + (carry) = T gives W; DUCT x F = WORDS gives F as the leading digit; multiplying out WORDS gives R and S; R + U + (carry) = I confirms I.

M-463  T x N = N has 15 solutions in base 12 (Table 1 in Appendix 4), but BENT x N = TAKEN gives T < N, reducing to six cases.  The leading carry [TB] duplicates N in two cases, and only two of the remaining four fit the LDA for TAKEN.   NT x N = EN gives E.   B + N = D gives D, and L + E + (carry) = N gives L.  But L < B because B + A = L carries, reducing to one case and fixing T/N/B/D/E/L.   BENT x O = BULBS gives O by LDA.   The remaining letters can be found by multiplying out the partial products and adding.

M-464  TA x A = TM has six solutions (Table 5c in Appendix 4, but not hard to work out by hand).  IOTA x A = TYSTM gives T < A and eliminates two cases.   T + T = E gives E and eliminates two more cases.  Leading carry [TI] gives I and reduces to one case.   E + T + M + (carry) = D gives D; A x U = T gives U.   IOTA x U = SUTTT gives S as the leading digit; A x K = S gives K.   S + Y + (carry) = N gives N < S (since it carries to [TI]); trying the two possible values of N gives N and Y.  Multiplying IOTA to get any of the partial products confirms O.

M-465  O x O = G has eight cases, but G = 0 can be eliminated because of I + G = L.   TO x O = PEG gives P < O, and the leading carry [PA] gives [PA] < O, which eliminates O = 2.   There are initially 25 cases for O/G/[PA], but most will be eliminated by getting the leading digit T from TO x O = PEG (e.g., in all 8 cases with O = b, T duplicates A).   There will be 12 cases left for O/G/[PA], though multiple possibilities for T still gives 26 cases.  Multiplying out TO x O = PEG will reduce down to eight cases.   TO x R = HID gives H < T, and H + E + (carry) = U must carry to [PA], so two cases where T + E is less than 12 (so that H + E + 1 < 12) are eliminated, leaving six cases for O/G/[PA]/T/E.   Two of these cases are eliminated because there is no available value for H where H < T and H + E >= 11.   Adding possible values of H to the four remaining cases yields 8 cases for O/G/[PA]/T/E/H; TO x R = HID gives possible values for R in each case (back up to 10 cases).  O x R = D gives D and reduces to five cases; multiplying out HID confirms H and gives a valid I in only two cases.   I + G = L gives L and eliminates the case where I = 0, fixing all the letters except U; H + E + (carry) = U confirms U.

M-466  N x U = U and N x T = N gives eight cases for N/U/T (see Table 3 in Appendix 4).  N x H = U gives possible values for H in seven cases, but WORN x H = TNBWU gives T < H which eliminates another case and leaves only one value for H in five of the other six, with seven cases in all for N/U/T/H.   WORN x H = TNBWU gives a single value for leading digit W in five cases, eliminating the other two.  WORN x U = ADIEU gives leading digit A and eliminates another case.   A + U = O gives O and fixes N/U/T/H/W/A/O.   WORN x T = RDNAN gives leading digit R, completing the multiplicand.   Multiplying out WORN x U = ADIEU gives D, I, and E.   B can be confirmed by multiplying out TNBWU or by the addition R + D + B + (carry) = E.

M-467  E + A = E gives A = 0.  ER x Y = ER has nine solutions with R not zero (see Table 5f in Appendix 4).   For each case, there are up to three combinations of the leading carry [VB] where R x B = 0.  ER x B = LA gives L but reduces to five cases for E/R/Y/V/B/L.   B + L+ (carry?) = W gives W and eliminates one case; M + L + (carry) = E gives M and fixes E/R/Y/V/B/L/W/M.   There are three values left as possibilities for O; OVER x B = VILLA eliminates one case and fixes U.   U + I + (carry?) = E gives I and fixes A.

M-468  S + N = U carries, so U < S.   Leading carry gives [OQ].
RAN x T = ONLY gives [OQ] < R, T.   RAN x O = SALE gives S < [OQ], which all combines to give U < S < [OQ] < R, T.   So T >= 4.  A Crotalus rectangle with N = 2 to B and T = 4 to B can be filled with Y (from N x T = Y), L (from L + Y = T), A (from AN x T = LY), and I (from A + L + (carry) = I).   Only six boxes contain distinct values; only three have valid pairs for [OQ] where 1 < [OQ] < T.  N x O = E reduces to one box, fixing nine values.   RAN x T = ONLY gives R as the leading digit; RAN x O = SALE gives S; S + N + (carry?) = U confirms U.

M-469  W x E = T and W x T = E allow four values for W (see Table 2 in Appendix 4).  TOW x T = W gives T as the leading digit in three cases, but only 2 give a valid E for the reciprocal multiplications.  TWO x E = COST gives C as the leading digit, with one case splitting into two.  R + T = C gives R for all three cases.   C + E = R works for all three cases, but none have a carry from W + O + A.   OW x T = RE gives two values for O in each of two cases, but one value in each case is eliminated because W + O is already too large and will carry.    We now have two possibilities for TOW; multiplying out TOW x E = COST gives the correct case as well as S, fixing W/T/E/C/R/O/S.   TOW x T = WARE gives A.  W x L = L has three possibilities remaining; multiplying out TOW x L = PEAL gives the correct L as well as P.   Additions give N and I.

M-470  I x T = T and T x T = Y give five cases for I/T/Y.   T x S = L makes L a multiple of S, with 12 cases for I/T/Y/L, but U + Y = L gives U and eliminates eight cases.   T x S = L gives S, splitting two cases to yield six cases for I/T/Y/L/U/S.   BUT x I = SUIT gives S < I, eliminating two cases.   UT x S = UL works for only one case, fixing I/T/Y/L/U/S.    BUT x I = SUIT gives B to produce the correct leading digit; multiplying out the other two partial products gives F/O/A/R.    A + U + (carry) = Q confirms Q.

M-504  Leading carry gives [ST].  THEM has partial products starting with three different letters which all must be less than T, so T >= 4.  SOYSB and SHRCS have different multipliers; there are not two distinct values possible for E and O if T > a.  So there are seven possible values for [ST].  Trying each possible value for E from THEM x E = SHRCS gives 18 cases for S/T/E.   M x E = S gives M and reduces to 14 cases.  EM x E = CS gives C and reduces to 7 cases (none of the cases with E = c work).   M x C = Y gives Y and eliminates one case.  C + Y = R gives R and reduces to four cases.  THEM x C = DERBY gives D as the leading digit and reduces to three cases.   EM x C = BY gives B and reduces to two cases.  M x O = B gives O; only one case fits B + O + (carry) = R, fixing ten letters.  R + B + H + (carry) = E gives E; M x N = H gives N; H + R + R + B + (carry) = P confirms P.

M-505  Direct entry: TOTS x T = KERF gives T = 2 or T = 3.  If T = 3, K >= 9 and R >= a, so FOAM would be a long product.  So T = 2, and the long products of TOTS gives A = 1.  S x M = R and S x R = M give S = c, with M + R = 13.   S x T = F gives F = b.  TOTS x R = FOAM gives R = 5 (and M = 8); the leading carry [KR] gives K = 4.   TS x M = UR gives U = a; dividing AKSUR / M = TOTS gives O = 3; TOTS x R = KERF gives E = 6; S x I = E gives I = 7.  TOTS x I = ATHIE gives H = 9.  A + T + O + R + (carry) = L gives (a well-hidden) L = 0.

M-506  Direct entry: D + A = A gives D = 0 (this will produce four pairs of split products).  RUDE has three long products, giving S < R and P < R.   The leading carry [PU] also gives U < R, and since P + O + (carry) = N carries to [PU], N < P and hence N < R, giving four letters (N/P/S/U) less than R, so R >= 5.  The short product RUDE x N = IFDT gives N = 2 and R <= 6 (otherwise there would be a long product).  Since D = 0, E x N = T, so E <= 6.  So far we have fixed D = 0 and N = 2, and we know that [PU], S, E, and R are all also less than 6.  [PU] can not fit in the gap between 0 and 2, and neither E not R is 1, so S = 1.  Since there is no room for T <= 6, we know that E >= 4, but E = 4 (with R = 5 or R = 6) leavs no space for [PU].  So [PU] = [34], with E and R as 5 or 6 in some order.  The split product RU x N = IF gives F = 8.  The split product F x E = PS (8 x E = 40 in base 10) gives E = 5, so R = 6.  E x N = T gives T = a and RU x N = IF gives I = c.  E x U = SA gives A = 7, and E x A = NY gives Y = 9.   P + O + (carry) = N gives O = b.

M-507  TYPE x T = PPPKU gives 15 cases for T and P by LDA.  In each case you can calculate Y by dividing PPP / T = TY (PPP is 183 x P in base 10; for example, T = 5 and P = 2 gives PPP as 366 in base 10, divided by 5 is 73, which is 58 in base 13, so Y = 8).   Only four cases produce a valid Y (most are too small or too large for T).  Try each value of E in the four cases: E x T = U gives U, and Y + U = E checks whether the values for U and E are correct.  This reduces to two cases for T/P/Y/E/U.   Multiplying out TYPE x T = PPPKU gives K; one case is eliminated because K = 1 (impossible because of TYPE x K = HUHTA).  TYPE x K = HUHTA gives H and A; TYPE x H = SKMYR gives S, M, and R; I cannot be zero because of TYPE x I = HOPIP, which then confirms O.

M-508  IDEM x I = NIGHT gives 15 cases for I and N (exactly as in M-507).  N + M + (carry) = I gives as many as three potential values for M in each case (depending on the carry), but M x A = I eliminates most of the possibilities (M = 0 and M = 1 are both impossible) and there are 18 cases for I/N/M/A.  M x R = A gives R and M x I = T gives T, reducing to nine cases.  IDEM x I = DRGLA and IDEM x A = DMTSI must give the same leading digit for D; this is true in only two cases.  We can now find the carry from D + I + T, and N + M + (carry) = I reduces to one case.  E + A = D gives E and M x E = S gives S.   The remaining letters can be found by multiplication and addition of the partial products.

M-509  Leading carry gives [EU].  EE divided by U in each case gives an exact value for L (e.g. [EU] = 56 gives ((13 x 5) + 5) / 6 = 11, so L = b).  In turn EEL / U = LI gives an exact value of I ((169 x 5) + (13 x 5) + 11 = 921; 921/ 6 = 153 which is ba, so I = a.  There are 10 cases of [EU]/L/I.  LIT x R = IOTA gives one or two values of R as the leading digit, but all but case can be discarded because LIT x N = ROAD gives R < L, fixing [EU]/L/I/R, and giving N as the leading digit.  A + A = N gives A; T x R = A gives T; and T x N = D and T x U = S give D and S.   The remaining letters can be calculated by addition.

M-510  O + U + (carry) = R does not carry, so O < R.   OUR x N = TALE gives T < O, so O >= 2.  OUR x E = ONTO has 17 cases for O/E as leading digits.  R x E = O gives R and eliminates one case by duplication and six where R < O.    R x N = E gives N and eliminates three cases.   OUR x N = TALE gives T as the leading digit.  UR x E = TO gives U, eliminating one case because U does not fit O + U + (carry) = R.   Multiplying out OUR x E = ONTO works for only one case, fixing O/E/R/N/T/U.    OUR x N = TALE gives A and L; L + O = G gives G.    Trying the remaining values for F, F x R = S gives S and fixes F and S.   UR x F = BS gives B; A + T + S + (carry?) = D confirms D.

M-541  E x O = E has 10 solutions with O not equal to 1 (see Table 1 in Appendix 4), analogous to the six solutions in base 10: either E = 7 and O is odd, or O = 8 and E is even.  E x W = O makes E = 7 impossible (all of its multiples would have to end in 7 or 0), so the five cases with O = 8 remain.  G + O = E gives G and eliminates one case.  E x W = O gives W; the cases with W < G are eliminated because of URGE x W = GIORO, leaving three cases for O/E/G/W.  URGE x W = GIORO gives U (increasing to five cases for O/E/G/W/U); URGE x O = YWMNE gives Y (leaving four cases where Y + Y + (carry) = U fits).  GE x W = RO gives R; E x S = R gives S (eliminating two cases but splitting another).  URGE x S = GUARD reduces to one case, fixing eight letters.  E x V = S gives V; multiplication and addition give the remaining five letters.

M-542  Y x A = B and Y x M = B gives Y and B even, with A and M 7-complements.  Y x L = A gives A even and M odd.  Y x B = D gives D odd.   IDLY has four long products: B, G, and U are all less than I, so I >= 4.  IDLE x M = IGISB gives M >= c, and since M is odd, M = d and A = 6.   Y is one of the remaining even values (2, 4, 8, a, or c).   Y x M = B gives B, eliminating one case; Y x B = D gives D; Y x L = A gives L (with one or two possibilities for each case, six combined cases in all for A/M/Y/B/D/L).  IDLY x L = BAMNA requires B < L, eliminating three cases, and gives I for the remaining three cases (one is eliminated because I < 4, one splits into four).  IDLY x A = UDAGB fixes U and removes one case (U is the same for all four remaining cases).  U + A + (carry) = E gives E (also fixed); R + B = E gives R, fixing Y/B/D/L/G/R and leaving two cases for I.  Dividing GUARD / B = IDLY gives the correct I; the rest follows from multiplication and addition.

M-543  P x P = D has 10 cases initially for P/D.   We can greatly narrow down the possible values of U:
SHOP x P = USAID gives U < P and U < S, so U <= 6 (if U >= 7, then S >= 8, and U + S = N would carry).   P x C = U gives U as a multiple of P, which eliminates P = 2 and P = 4 as they have no available multiples less than P (P = 4 gives D = 2).    There are 29 cases for P/D/U; P x C = U gives C for each case, eliminating two cases with duplication and two cases where C < U (SHOP x A = UHUET gives U < A; SHOP x C = ASRKU gives A < C, so U < C).   Three cases have two values for C.    SHOP x P = USAID gives one or more possible values for S as the leading digit in each case; those where U + S >= 14 can be eliminated.  SHOP x C = ASKRU gives possible values for A in each case, but in only five cases for P/D/U/C/S/A the leading digits also work for SHOP x A = UHUET (three of those have the same values for P/D/U/S/A and three possible values for S).  P x A = T reduces to three cases.   SHOP x E = THIRN gives possible values for E, fixing P/D/U/C/A/T.   P x E = N fixes S and leaves two pairs of values for E/N.   Since P x A = T does not carry, O x A = E, fixing E/N/O.   Multiplying out OP x E = RN, OP x P = ID, and OP x C = KU gives R/I/K.  I + I + T + (carry?) = H confirms H.

M-561  FF x U = LL indicates that F x U = L is a multiplication with a single-digit product, which has 12 solutions.  Since there is no carry, we also have O x U = DE, giving D < U.  For each case, try every D less than U (there are not very many, since U is usually small: there are 24 cases in all).   D + L = E gives E, and we can check U versus DE on a base-15 multiplication table (Table 11 in Appendix 4) to see which combinations produce a valid product.   There are seven combinations, but one is eliminated because O < E, impossible because of OFF x T = ENDS.   In the six cases left, OFF x T = ENDS gives T (LDA table for base 15 is right below the multiplication table); this eliminates another case.   T x F = S gives S: there must be a carry which satisfies (T x F) + (carry) = D.   Only one case works, and we have fixed more than half the letters.   Completing OFF x T = ENDS gives N.   Try each possible B: only one value fits FF x B = SH; completing OFF x B = CASH gives C and A.   The remaining two letters I and V can be found by addition.

M-562  M x I = I has 14 solutions in base 15 (see Table 1 in Appendix 4), but all but five can be eliminated because I + M = S would carry.  Adding up to three possible values for S (with carries 0, 1, or 2 from P + M + O = W) gives 11 cases for I/M/S.  M x O = S gives S and reduces to 9 cases.   SWIM x I = TMOHI gives T as leading digit, but in only two cases SWIM x O = TRIPS has the same value for T, fixing I and O with two sets of values for M/S/T.    SWIM x N = IMPEL has an available value for N in only one case, fixing M/S/T/N.   M x T = E gives E; SWIM x T = PRUDE gives P as leading digit; P + E = W gives W.   M x N = L gives L; multiplying out SWIM x T = PRUDE gives R, U, and D.   SWIM x T = TMOHI gives H; I + D + L + (carry) = A confirms A.

M-563  The leading carry gives either [EV] or [E.V] (A + L + (carry) has a maximum value of 14 + 13 + 2 = 29, just large enough to make a carry of 2 possible).  SIR x T = VOWS gives V < S; SIR x B = EELY gives E < S, so S >= 3.   SIR x U = AHA has seven cases for S/U, and 15 cases for S/U/A.   R x U = A gives R; two cases are impossible and six more are eliminated by duplication (one case splits).     R x T = S gives T, eliminating two by impossibility and three by duplication.  W + A = T gives W and reduces to two cases, fixing T/W.  IR x T = WS is possible in only one case, fixing S/U/A/R and splitting into two cases for I.  SIR x U = AHA gives H; multiplying out SIR x T = VOWS gives the correct value of I, and fixes I/H/V/O.   The leading carry must be [EV], giving E.   SIR x B = EELY gives an interchangeable pair of values for B/Y; multiplying out SIR x B = EELY gives the correct value of B, and fixes B/L/Y.   O + H + Y + (carry) = N confirms N.

M-581  LL x B = EE gives L x B = E as a single digit product; there are 14 cases of L/B/E.  The leading carry [KB] gives K and eliminates one case.  L x E = T must carry to allows LL x E = OT, eliminating another case.  Multiplying LL x E = OT reduces to three cases of [KB]/E/O/T (fixing L).  ALL x B = KNEE gives possible values of A as leading digit with six cases; multiplying out ALL x E = SOOT reduces to three cases.  L x S = Y gives Y and reduces to one case.   O + S = H gives H.   Multiplying out DUDS and KNEE gives D, U, and N.   Adding to get the product BRIGHT gives the remaining letters.

M-582  THROW x T = DITSUR gives 12 cases for T/D.  THROW x C = ACYDFA gives A < T.   THROW x A = ISPSID gives I < A, and A >= 2.  Trying each possible A with W x A = D gives W for each subcase (if D is odd, A is also odd).   W x C = A gives C for each subcase; checking the leading digits of THROW x C = ACYDFA eliminates many cases.   W x T = R gives R,
reducing to six cases.  THROW x A = ISPSID gives I as the leading digit; OW x T = IR gives O and reduces to one case, fixing T/D/A/W/C/R/I/O.   U + A = O gives U.   The internal zero gives TH x T = DIT (giving H odd); trying the unassigned odd value for H with TH x C = ACY fixes H and Y.   TH x A = ISP gives S and P.  OW x C = FA gives F.   Additions give N and E.

M-583  The leading carry gives [US].  STEP x Y = KCLPT gives K < [US]; STEP x A = IRNBA gives I < [US]; therefore [US] >= [34].   P x A = A and P x V = V (see Table 1 in Appendix 4) give P = 5, 9, or d, with both A and V even.   STEP x V =  ULROV, with S >= 4, gives V = a, c, or e.   I + N + (carry) = L carries to [US], giving N > L (I = f and a carry of 2 is impossible, since f cannot be the leading digit of a long product).    Since N > L, UNITS > ULROV, and  N > V.
(1) If V = e, N > V gives N = f
But when V = e, P x V = V gives only P = 9, and P x N = S gives S = 7.   But P + V = O then duplicates S, so V = e is impossible.   This eliminates all the cases with [US] >= [67].
(2) We are left with the cases with [US] <= [56], and V = a or V = c.   We can quickly scan the values P = 5, 9, d and S = 4, 5, 6, looking for values of N from P x N = S where N > a.   There are only three cases for P/S/N, fixing V = c.  One case is eliminated by [US], duplicating P, and P + V = O gives O and reduces to one case, fixing [US]/N/P/O.   P x A = A gives two possible values for A; L + O + A + (carry) = N gives L and reduces back to one case, fixing A/L.  STEP x A = IRNBA gives I as the leading digit.   EP x V = OV gives E; EP x N = TS gives T; P x Y = T gives Y.   Multiplying out STEP x Y = KCLPT and STEP x A = IRNBA give the remaining letters.

M-606  This can be solved, with great difficulty, with an extended Crotalus rectangle, with the 11 cases for G/O versus the eight possible values of L.   L x O = F gives F in the first cell; EL x O = FF gives E (two possible values in some cases) in the second cell; GRUEL x O = STAFF gives one or two values for S in the third cell (three in one box).   At this point there should be 17 boxes active; it might be easier to copy them into a table.   R x O must give the correct carry to fit (G x O) + (carry) = S.   (R x O) plus possible carries (less than O) give possible values for T.   In each case (there are quite a few) the two remaining values must fit U and A, so that (U x O) + (carry) = A, with the correct carry to R x O = T.    The correct combination is unique.    The problem and keywords might bring to mind a famous scene in Oliver Twist.

M-622  The table in the text gives ten cases for O/R for the internal multiplication ..RO.. x O = ..OH..  For the moment, only consider the five values of O (2, 3, 6, 7, and 8), and try all values of M < O.  M x O = L gives L and SM x O = LL gives S.  Only five cases for O/M/L/S work.   Now add possible values for R; one case is eliminated because both values duplicate; two cases have a single available value for R and the other two have two, yielding 6 cases for O/M/L/S/R.  In each case, dividing MO / O = H gives H, and eliminates three cases.  Look for possible values of E (by LDA) so that O x E gives the correct carry to O x H = MO (e.g., in two cases O/M/H = 8/5/7, the carry to 8 x 7 needs to be 2 to make 58, so O x E must be at least 23 to produce a carry of 3 with a possible carry from O x R as high as 7, so E = 3).   Multiply HERO x O = MONOH to verify the carries and give N; only one case works, fixing O/R/M/L/S/R/H/E/N.   Trying the two possible values for I for the rest of the multiplication gives I and U.

M-623  The table in the text gives ten cases for N/E for the internal multiplication ..EN. x N = ..NU (ignoring U for the time being).    For each case, calculate I based on the internal multiplication .IN.. x N = .EC. [for example, if N = 7 and E = 6, the carry from N x N can be 4 or 5, so (N x I) equals (E minus either 4 or 5); E - 4 = 2 would give I = 6 which would duplicate E, but E - 5 = 1 would give I = 3.].  There are 16 cases for N/E/I.  In the same way the carry from N x I = E allows G and B to be calculated (G x N + (carry) = BE).   This reduces to seven cases for N/E/I/G/B.   G x N = T gives T and reduces to three cases; NG x N = UT gives U and reduces to two cases.  Trying each possible remaining S and completing the multiplication ..NS.. x N  = CH reduces to one case, giving S, H, and C and finishing the problem.

M-624  FORTIS x F = CUPFUL is a short product, giving F = 2 or F = 3.   It's easier to look at the two cases for F separately, although the general procedure is the same.
(1) F = 2:  All carries must be either 0 or 1.   The carry to F x F = C gives C = 4 or C = 5, which determines possible values for O.  If there is no carry, F x O < 10, so O = 0, 1, or 3.   If there is a carry, O = 6, 7, 8, or 9.  
(F x O) + (carry) = U has one or two possible values for U, with nine cases in all for C/O/U.   The internal multiplication ..T.. x F = ..F.. has only two solutions (T = 1 or T = 6), and in both cases there cannot be a carry from I x F = U, and there is at most one possible value of I for each U.  None of the cases for C = 4 work (O x F = U and I x F = U give the same value for O and I).   If C = 5 and O > 5, I is the 5-complement of O, giving four possible cases for C/O/U/I, but one is eliminated because it duplicates both possible values for T.   In the remaining cases S x F = L gives L even, and trying available values for L and corresponding values for S, gives only one case where the carry from S x F = L correctly produces (I x F) + (carry?) = U.    The value for T is the value (1 or 6) not duplicated by L, but the two values left for R and P do not fit (R x F) + (carry?) = P.
(2) F = 3: All carries must be 0, 1, or 2.   F x F = C gives C = 9, and there can be no carry, so F x O < 10 and O = 0, 1, or 2.  
(F x O) + (carry) = U has up to three possible values for U, with seven cases in all for O/U.   The carry from I x F = U determines the value of T in (T x F) + (carry) = F, with carry 0/1/2 corresponding to T = 1/4/7.   I x F + (carry) = U gives up to three possible values for I for each case; I cannot be 1, 4, or 7, as the corresponding carry would produce T with the same value as I.   Six possible cases remain for O/U/I/T.   In each case the carry needed to produce (I x F) + (carry) = U determines possible values for S; there are only four possible cases for O/U/I/T/S, and S x F = L reduces to two cases.   In only one case do the two remaining values fit (R x F) + (carry) = P, which fixes all remaining letters and completes the solution.

M-625  A Crotalus rectangle with the values of A and Y from 2 to 8 allows the computation in each box of E (from Y x A = E).   The leading digit of the short product D x A = O gives D = 1 whenever A >= 5
(and also possibly for smaller values of A), and also the four usual values if D > 1.  This will eliminate many boxes, as the carry from A x E cannot be zero when D = 1, and cannot be too large to create a long product from (D x A) + (carry).  [For example, when A = 8, D = 1 and O = 9, and the carry from A x E must be 1.   The entire row of A = 5 disappears, since D = 1, and E must be either duplicate 5 or be zero, creating a carry of zero and duplicating A].  For all remaining boxes, (A x E) + (carry) = R gives possible values of R with a carry from 0 to one less than A, and a corresponding value of T from RY x A = TE.    CRY x A = ATE then gives the value of C, by which time only four boxes remain with the values of A/Y/E/D/O/R/T/C.   Trying the remaining values for S and N in both orders with (S x A) + (carry) = N gives a unique solution.

M-626  Since R < A because the product is long, we have the usual six cases for A and E.  R is the leading digit, but in only one case does R fit RA x E = RE.   We can then try the remaining values for B, multiplying out EBRA x E = SURE.  Two cases work, and in turn we try the four remaining values for G and calculate N (four cases for B/U/S/G/N now remain).   Since there is no carry from the internal E x L = I to E x A = RE, we know that L is either 0 or 1; one case produces an unsued value for I.

M-627  The short product gives U = 1, and R and N have the four usual cases.  Taking possible carries from R x R = D into account, there are only five cases including possible values of E.  Only two of the three cases also fit R x E = N in the second rightmost column, and D can be calculated from (R x R) + (carry) = D, which reduces to one case, fixing R/N/E/D.   D x R = G gives G.   Four values are left for T, and (T x R) + (carry) = I gives I and reduces back to two cases.   Trying both remaining values of S for each case, (S x R) + (carry) = Y works for only one case.

M-628  L x E = L does not carry, since the hundreds column and the units column have the same product S x L = A.  Therefore E = 1, and there is also no carry from either column with S x L = A.  L x HORSES = IMPALA is also a short product, so L = 2 with H = 3 and S = 4 or vice versa.   Search for zero now leaves M, O, P, and R as possible, but if either O or R is zero, there is no available value less than L for the respective carry M or P.   If M = 0, any remaining value for R would cause R x L to carry 1 to O x L, making (O x L) + 1 = 0 impossible since L is even.   Therefore P = 0, and R x L = P (with no carry from S x L = A) gives R = 5.   L x O = M will carry to L x H = I for all remaining values of O, so there are only two cases for H/S/A/I.  Trying the two remaining values for O in each case and multiplying out gives only one possibility and fixes H/S/A/I/O/M.

M-629  The internal multiplication A x A = A has four solutions: 5, 6, 8, and 9 (see the chart in section 12).  In each case there is a unique carry from N x A producing a unique leading digit S (e.g. for A = 6, 6 x 6 = 36, needing a carry of 3 to make 39, so S = 3).   The case A = 9 (S = 8) is eliminated because N would also have to be 8 or 9 to produce a carry of 8, duplicating either A or S.   S x A = D gives D and eliminates the case A = 8.      In each case, try each available E: SES x A = POD gives O and P and leaves three cases for A/S/D/E/O/P.   The value of U can be found from USES x A = OPOD (the carry from SES x A plus (U x A) equals O).  This eliminates the remaining case for A = 6, fixing A/S/D/O.  
In the two remaining cases, there is no carry to S x S = AS, giving N = 1 (since 0 is assigned).   NGUSES x A = UROPOD gives U > A, leaving only one possible U for each case.   The carry needed to produce (A x N) + (carry) = U is the leading digit of a product GUSES x A = ?ROPOD, allowing the value of G to be worked out (e.g. for E = 9, A x N + (carry) = U becomes (5 x 1) + (carry) = 7, so GUSES x 5 needs a value of G producing a leading digit of 2, so G = 4 or 5, both of which are assigned, and this cases fails).  The other case with E = 7 produces a valid G, andmultiplying out the whole multiplicand confirms all values.

M-630  ROADWORK x R = TOMATOES is a short product with three cases for R/T.  The internal multiplication ..R. x R = ..E. has one value for E in two cases and two in the third, giving four cases for R/T/E.   ..OR. x R = ..OE. has a solution for only one case, and only one value of O, fixing R/T/E/O.  R x W + (carry?) = T gives W.   Trying the five remaining values for D and multiplying out ..AD.. x R = ..MA.. fixes D/A/M.   K x R = S fixes K and S.

M-631  The long product gives S < I.  For each of the 22 cases for S x I = N, try each possible A which gives the correct leading digit S, then find Y from YS x I = AN and T from AYS x I = TAN.   There are 15 cases for S/I/N/A/Y/T.   Try each of four remaining values of L (expand horizontally), and compute A x I = SP with the carry from I x L = A.   For each case that works, check the two remaining values for W and R to find one that fits (W x I) + (carry) = R with the correct carry to I x L = A.

M-632  Table 15 in Appendix 4 gives all possible values for C, T, A, and Y.  Only six cases have Y x T = A correct.   In the lone case with T = 7, the carry from T x L = L would have to be 8, which is greater than T.   So we have five cases left, all with T = 9, and we have a hidden addition, CYCLEERA + CALUMNY = CALUMNY0.   C + A + (carry) = L gives one or two values of L in each case, but the carry from L + L = U gives the correct value (there is still a split case with L = 4/5; another case is eliminated).   Y + C + (carry) = A only works for one case, fixing C/A/Y/L/U.   There are four possible values left for R; R + N + (carry) = Y leaves two cases for R/N (with interchangeable values).   Now there are two values left for E; E + M + (carry?) = N gives interchangeable values for E/M in only one of the two R/N cases, fixing R/N.   E + U + (carry) = M confirms the correct values for E/M.   [Using the hidden addition saves a lot of tedious computation in trying to find possible values of L and U, and greatly reduces the number of cases quickly.]

M-660  The short product gives four cases for A/D.  
Each case gives a range of possible values of N to produce a carry of 0 or 1 (a carry of 0 occurs when N x A = E is a short product, 1 when it is a long product starting in 1).   The internal multiplication I x A = I has one solution for I for each possible carry from B x A = A (0 or 1 for A = 2 and 0 or 1 or 2 from A = 3).   There is a unique value for B in each case to give B x A = A.   In all there are nine cases for A/D/B/I and 25 subcases for A/D/B/I/N  (see the table below); we spread out the values for N to save space.   For each main case we have a carry from A x D = C (expressed negatively, as it will be subtracted from N), and a carry from O x A = N (as a decimal multiple of 11, added to N).   After computing the carries, we calculate O for each subcase as (N plus AD carry plus AO carry) divided by A.    For example, in the case A/D/B/I/N = 3/9/4/5/1,  A x D has a carry of 2 (3 x 9 = 25 in base 11), and the carry to A x B = A must be 2 (3 x 4 = 11 in base 11, requiring a carry of 2 to make 3).  So we divide (22 + 1 - 2) / 3 = 7 to get O = 7 for that subcase.    Most of the subcases have a division that does not come out evenly (marked - in the O columns), or the value of O duplicates (marked with x in the O columns).   We are left with six cases for A/D/B/I/N/O.    In each case, A x N = E (with a possible carry as large as (A - 1)) gives possible values for E.   All of these are duplicated except in two cases (the second has two possible values of E, separated by commas).    Y x A = E gives Y, with duplications eliminating all but one case, fixing A/D/B/I/N/O/E/Y.   DY x A = CE gives C, and the two remaining values for T and V must fit (T x A) + (carry) = V.  The correct values are underlined.         

A D B I  AD  AO   N            O            E             Y  C  T  V
2 4 1 0   0   0   3            -            .
2 4 6 a   0  11   0 1 3        - x 7        . . x
2 5 1 0   0   0   6 7 8 9 a    3 - 4 - x    x . 6 . .     3  a  9  7
2 5 6 a  -1  11   7 8 9        - 9 -        . x .
3 9 1 0  -2   0   2            -            .
3 9 4 5  -2  22   0 1 2        - 7 -        . x .
3 9 8 a  -2  11   0 1 2        x - -        . . .
3 a 1 0  -2   0   4 5 6 7      - x - -      . . . .
3 a 4 5  -2  22   6 7          - 9          . 0,1

M-701  The carry from e + A + o + (carry) = A to R + r = E cannot be 2 (e cannot be greater than 7, because the two long products give e < p and e < s), so it is 1, and r = 9, giving a leading carry [pE].   This also gives C = 9, since there is obviously no carry to the units column.   p has a long product, so is at least 2, giving seven cases for [pE]. p x E = i gives I, but the long product EARNER gives E < i, fixing the values of p/E/i.  E x i = R gives R; E x s = r gives s (equal to E).   eersmi gives e < s, so e = 1.  E x t = t gives t = 5.  TE x s = er give T = 7 (E x s = r does not carry, so T x S = e).   UTE x p = smi gives m = 4 and U = 1 or U = 6; UTE x t = sit gives U as even, so U = 6.    The only available value for A which is correct by LDA for all four partial products is A = 5.   Multiplying out all of the partial products gives a, n, o, and N; adding them (or multiplying the whole multiplicand and multiplier) gives the remaining capital letters.

M-702  If L >= 2, then (since k >= 2), K >=4 and w >= 6, which would make isle a long product.  So L = 1.   LIST x s = LLAMA and LIST x i = LAPEL give both i and s in the range 6-9.   T x i = L gives i = 7 or i = 9, with T = 3 or T = 9 respectively.  Since T x s = A, A is not zero and A > L, so LAPEL > LLAMA and i > s.   There are four cases for i/T/s [7/3/6, and 9/9/? with s = 6, 7, or 8).   In each case T x s = A gives A and M + L = s gives M.   Dividing LLAMA / s = LIST gives a whole number for LIST in only one case, fixing i/T/s/A/M/I/S.   LIST x i = LAPEL gives P and E.  T x k = P gives k; LIST x k = KPOP gives K and O, fixing the capital keyword.  LIST x w = isle gives w by dividing (is / LI) ; multiplying it out gives l and e.   Adding or multiplying the full product gives the remainder of the lower case key.

M-703  The missing partial product gives E = 0, and the units column s = E gives s = 0.  NATO has two partial products ending in s and two in y, so O = 5 and y = 5.  The leftmost addition with y and W indicates either y = W or a leading carry with [yW]; since y = O we have [yW] and W = 6.   NATO x W = yelps gives either N = 8 or N = 9 to produce the leading digit y, but O x N = y gives N as odd, so N = 9.   Trying all six unused values for T, TO x N = py gives p for each case, eliminating three cases by duplicated values.   NATO x S = plods gives S to produce the leading digit p (since N = 9, we have [pS] in each case).  TO x S = ds gives d in the three remaining cases, reducing to two cases; d + y = S works in only one case and fixes T/p/S/d.   NATO x N = loopy gives l as the leading digit.   o + p + (carry) = U gives U.   l + o + y + (carry?) = O gives o, allowing the remaining letter A in the multiplicand to be calculated by plods / S = NATO.   O x R = y gives R as odd; using the only remaining odd value with NATO x R = gamey complete the lower case keyword.  Adding or multiplying confirms H.

M-704  The leading carry gives L = 1.  stamen has two short products, both with repeated letters, so neither R nor I is 1, and s <= 3 (otherwise there would be a long product, since either R or I would be at least 3).  R and I must both be less than 4.  stamen also has two long products, so s >= 2, and t < s, so t is either 1 or 2.   t + N + (carry) = A carries to produce L [normally we could deduce that A < t, but in a double key problem A = t is possible.   This is only possible here if A = 2, t = 2, s = 3, and R = 3, but I has no values left to produce the short product SOSAYY.   So A < t as usual.]  Since 1 is already assigned, A = 0.   w + U + (carry) = I cannot carry 2, since I is at least 2, and even w = 9 and U = 9 and a maximum carry of 3 from the fourth column from the left cannot add to 22.   So t + N + 1 = 0, and N is either 8 or 9.   The reciprocal multiplications n x S = R and n x R = S usually give values where n = 9 and S + R = 10, or n = 4 and S and R are 2 and 8 in either order.  However, n can equal S or R here, so there are two other solutions where n = 4 and S and R are 4 and 6 in either order (S and R cannot be 9 and 1 since L = 1, although that case could occur in other double keys).   There are ten cases in all, the five with R >= 5 are eliminated.   R + s = S gives s in the five cases remaining.   n x N = S gives N = 8 or N = 9 in only three cases; all three have even values of R (either 2 or 4).   Since s <= 3 as we deduced earlier, the short product stamen x R = NURSES cannot produce N >= 8 with R = 2, so R = 4 and s = 2 (also giving t = 1).  This also fixes S = 6 and N = 8, with n = 4 and n = 9 both still possible.   stamen x I = SOSAYY fixes I = 3 in both cases.  n x I = Y gives Y in each case.    Dividing LILYARR / S = stamen for the two possible values of Y indicates which one is correct (Y = 7 does not divide evenly), and gives the values of a, e, m, and n.   Multiplying out the other partial products yields all of the remaining letters.

M-801  M + D + (carry) = D gives M = 9, since it is a leading digit.  M + D + (carry) = E gives [DE].  The two partial products of different lengths give E < R.  E + R + (carry) = M gives E <= 3 and M >=6.  For each of the three [ED] cases, there are two possible R's depending on whether S + E = O.   Set up six cases, three with carry and three without.  In the no-carry cases, try each value of O > E; in the carry cases, values of O < E.  Compute S in each subcase: there will be ten valid combinations of [ED]/R/O/S.   Try all remaining possible values for A < S in each subcase and compute T from A + E = T and I from A + I = S (all of the no-carry cases are eliminated, and the carry cases are reduced to one set of values for [ED]/R/O/S, with interchangeable values of A and I.   Dividing ESMMAAY / REDDIE (set Y = 0 for the moment) gives a value of about 2.66, indicating that ESMMAAY is 8 times the multiplicand and REDDIE is 3 times the multiplicand.  The value of I where REDDIE is a multiple of 3 is correct, which also gives the correct values for A and T (the remaining value is Y).  Dividing REDDIE by 3 gives the multiplicand, and multiplying that by 8 confirms the value of Y.  The multiplier is 38.

M-803  The leading carry gives [IH]; T + H = I gives T = 9; G + O + (carry?) = G gives O = 0.  O + N + (carry) = E gives [NE]; E + R + (carry) = N gives R = 8.    N + H + (carry 0) = U must carry, and zero is already assigned, so N + H >= 11.   Trying every combination of [IH] and [NE], only two combinations give a large enough sum: [IH] = [45] and [NE] = 67, or vice versa.   N + H = U fixes U (the same for both cases); R + C + (carry) = U fixes C.   G is the remaining value, unclued by the addition, which has two solutions.   Dividing NGORETT / IHONCRH for the two cases gives a ratio of 0.642 in one case (which is not the ratio of two single digits) and 1.4 in the other (giving 7 and 5 as the digits of the multiplier).   Dividing NGORETT / 7 gives the multiplicand.

M-804  The leading carry gives [NQ].   N + E + (carry) = T and Q + E + (carry) = U give three possibilities:
(a)  If Q >= 5, there is a carry to N + E = T (making it equivalent to Q + E = T), so there must be a carry to Q + E = U (otherwise T = U).  Therefore I > E and T + 1 = U (the case T = 9/U = 0 is possible).
(b) If Q <= 4 and I < E, then T + 1 = U (again the 9/0 case is possible).
(c) If Q <= 4 and I > E, then T + 2 = U (8/0 and 9/1 are possible).
There are eight cases for [NQ]; Q + Q + (carry) = I gives one or two cases for I, eliminating one case for [NQ] and splitting into 12 cases for [NQ]/I.   E must be large enough so that Q + E + (cary) = U can carry (Q + E >= 9), but E < 9 (otherwise Q + E + (carry?) = U gives [UQ], contradicting [NQ].   Also, if Q >= 5, I > E, which eliminates three cases of [NQ]/I.   There are 25 subcases for [NQ]/I/E.   N + E + (carry) = T gives T; Q + E + (carry) = U gives U (T and U are related as specified above);  N + I + (carry) = S gives S; I + R + (carry) = E gives R, by which time we are reduced to four cases for [NQ]/I/E/T/U/S/R.   The remaining two values are H and O, and must fit R + H = O (two cases), with the correct carry to Q + Q = I (one case, fixing all ten letters).   QINNQRN / NERIEQH gives a ratio of 1.3333, with two possible sets of multiplier digits (8/6 or 4/3).    QINNQRN / 8 gives the correct multiplicand beginning in H, and the multiplier is 68.

M-805  C + I + (carry) = I gives C = 0 or C = 9; C + U + (carry) = B gives {UB}.  M + S = U does not carry, so M < {UB};  B + A = M therefore carries to C + I = I, so C = 9 and [BU].   M + S + (carry) = U gives U >= 4 (M and S are at least 1 and 2 in some order).  There are five cases for [BU], and M + S + (carry) = U gives up to three interchangeable pairs for M/S in each case, with 18 cases in all for [BU]/M/S.   B + A + (carry) = M gives one or two values for A in each case, with three cases eliminated.   I + A + (carry 1) = L does not carry to C + U = B, so A <= 8, eliminating fuve cases and two split values for A.   There are only ten possible cases for A/L/I, with I = 0 in all but two cases.   Y + M = E with the correct carry to B + A =  M only works in one case, fixing all remaining letters.   SSUAIAM / MCICBYS gives a ratio of 3.5, indicating multipliers of 7 and 2, and a multiplicand of SSUAIAM / 7.

M-806  U + O + (carry) = O gives U = 9 or U = 0, but A + U + (carry) = E does not carry, giving U = 0 and [AE].  R + E = N and E + R + (carry) = S gives [NS], and the latter must have a carry, so P >= 5.   E + R = S does not carry to U + O = O, so R + E = N does not carry to P + P = I, leaving four cases for P/I.   S + N + (carry 0) = I carries to A + U = E; only one pair of values for [NS] matches a value of P for N + S = P + 10, fixing P/I/[NS].  There are three possible placements of [AE]; R + E = N gives R.    Dividing RUN / ASU for the three cases gives an approximate ratio for each, but only one is usable: 1.75 fixes the multiplier digits as 7 and 4, making the multiplier PI.  The two unassigned values are G and O; dividing ASUEPRG / I with the two possible values of G gives the correct value of G and also the multiplicand (RUNORPE / P confirms the correct value for O).

M-822  Search for zero gives A, B, and S as initial possibilities.   B is impossible because the internal zero creates an impossible split product E x R = RU.  If A = 0, the split products M x Y = NM, M x R = EM, and M x C = UA give M = 5, with C even and R and Y both odd.  Since C is even, E x C = N makes N even also, giving Y = 9 and N = 4 (the only solution to M x Y = NM with even N).  Trying all remaining even values of C and computing M x C = UA gives two possible cases, but E x C = N in both cases give values of E larger than M, which is not possible with MAYBE x R = EMYYRU.   So instead S = 0, and E x Y = S gives Y = 5 and E even (E has three different multiples and cannot be 5).  For each even value of E, BE x Y = US makes U equal to either the carry from E x Y = S (for even B) or 5 plus the carry (for odd B), but U must be even because of E x R = U.  In each case, either R = 3 or R = 8, but E < R because of MAYBE x R = EMYYRU.  E < R eliminates two of the cases of E; one of two remaining has two possible values of R.  Now there are three cases for E/U/R, but only one case works for BE x R = RU.  This gives B and fixes E/U/R. MAYBE x Y = NMEYUS gives N < Y, and there is only one unassigned value less than Y.   E x C = N gives C.  M and A are the two unsassigned values, and it is easy to try both possibilities, multiplying out to see which matches MAYBE x R = EMYYRU.  Multiplying MAYBE x CRY gives the missing product.

M-823  WEEK x S = JOTRK gives J < W, so WEEK x T = ESUW gives the usual four cases for W/T.    K x S = K gives S = 6 and K even (K cannot be 5 because it has four multiples); K x T = W and K x O = E give W and E as even also, eliminating one W/T case.   K x T = W gives K and eliminates another case (since K is even) and fixes W.  
K x P = S gives P.   WEEK x S = JOTRK fixes J as the leading digit for both remaining cases.   WEEK x T = ESUW gives an available even value for E in only one case, fixing T/K/P/E.    K x O = E gives O; EK x P = US gives U; EK x S = RK confirms R.   The product can be recovered by addition or by multiplying WEEK x STOP.

M-824  S x H = H has the usual six cases.   RENDS x H gives possible values of R which result in a short product IDRAH; there are 11 cases for S/H/R.   RENDS x N = SASOE gives possible values for N; one case is impossible and another duplicates N, but some have multiple possibilities for N, expanding to 12 cases for S/H/R/N.  S x N = E gives E and eliminates five cases where E = 0 or is duplicated.   S x E = T gives T and reduces to three cases for S/H/R/N/E/T.   RENDS x E = RNSNRT fails to give a long product in one case.   Multiplying REN?? x H = ID??? for the two remaining cases gives I and D and fixes S/H/R/N/E/T/I/D; now RENDS x H = IDRAH gives A and RENDS x N = SASOE confirms O.   Adding the partial products gives the missing full product.

M-825  M x M = M and M x P = E gives M = 5 or M = 6, but M x I = N forces M = 6 (E and N cannot both be zero).   M x P = E gives E even, with three cases.  M x P = E gives P; multiplying out EM x P = NE gives N; M x I = N gives I and reduces to one case, fixing E/P/N/I.   EM x M = SM gives S; TEM x M = SSM gives two possibilities for T; ITEM x M = EOSSM gives O and fixes T/O.    ITEM x I = DOEPN gives D as the leading digit; multiplying out ITEM x P = EIGNE confirms G.    Adding the partial products gives the missing full product.

M-826  ARGON x G = VIEBAD gives V < A, so ARGON x R = GVVVA has the usual four cases for A/R.   N x R = A gives N, eliminates one case, and splits another.    ARGON x R = GVVVA gives one or more possible values of G for each case (splitting another case, yielding five cases for A/R/N/G); N x G = D gives D and reduces to three cases for A/R/N/G/D.   ARGON x G = VIEBAD gives V as leading digit.     Dividing GVVVA / R = ARGON in all three cases gives five different digits in only one case, fixing A/R/N/G/D/V/O.    N x E = O gives E.    ARGON x G = VIEBAD gives I and B.   Adding or multiplying gives the missing product.

M-827   PATIO x P = RRPRA? gives possible values for RR as double leading digit in only four cases (e.g. P = 4 does not work, as P x P = 16 and the carry cannot bring it to 22).   Dividing RRPR / P = PAT gives repeated or duplicated digits for A/T in two cases; RRPRA / P = PATI reduces to one case and fixes P/R/A/T/I; the missing last digit which makes the division RRPRA? / P come out evenly gives O; PATIO x A = N????? gives N as leading digit, which also makes the third partial product RRPRAN.   Adding PATIO to itself repeatedly to match ?ELS?? gives only one possibility where E, L, and S are unassigned, giving the missing digit as R and the partial product as TELSIS.   PATIO x A gives the second partial product as NTEIAI.   Adding or multiplying gives the missing full product.

M-828  E x N = N and E x P = P give E = 6, and N and P even (E is not 1 because of E x U = D).   There are six cases for N/P (neither is zero); UE x P = EP gives U in four cases (one split); E x U = D gives D and reduces to one case, fixing E/N/P/U/D.  U + D = A gives A; TRUE x P = DRTEP gives T as the leading digit; TRUE x N = RIAUN gives R as the leading digit.   Multiplying the partial products gives I and K; adding or multiplying gives the missing full product.   [Tables 5h, 5i, and 5j in Appendix 4 combine to give U/E/N/D/P directly, but the solution here is not much harder.]

M-829  LOCKS x K = OTKOOO gives O < K; LOCKS x I = KCIOTI gives K < I, so I >= 3, eliminating one of the usual six cases for S x I = I.   Adding all possible values for K (with K > 1 but K < I) yields 16 cases for S/I/K; S x K = O gives O, eliminating three cases by duplication and nine where O > K, leaving only three cases for S/I/K/O.  KS x K = OO works for only one case, fixing S/I/K/O.  CKS x K = OOO gives C.   KS x I = TI gives T; CKS x T = NUL gives L, U, and N, and completing the multiplication of LOCKS x T = ATTNUL confirms A.   Adding or multiplying gives the full product.

M-841  O + E = E gives O = 0.  R is not 5 because of it has three multiples, so E = 5 and R is even. 
V and T are multiples of R and are also even.   The addition ******** + FIVE = FORTYONE cannot carry as far as FOR, so [TF].  [TF] is less than both N and I, so T <= 6; only possible values are T = 2 and T = 6 (not T = 4 because F = 5 duplicates).   Internal zero gives split partial products N x F = T* and I x F = T*.   There is only one possible value for T = 6 and F = 7 (N and I would both have to be 9), so T = 2 and F = 3.    E x F = Y* gives Y = 1.   Possible values for N are 7, 8, and 9: the hidden second digit (call it X) of the last partial product is respectively 1, 4, and 7, but T + X + (carry) = 10, and 1 and 4 are too small (e.g. 2 + 4 + 2 < 10).  So N = 9.   There are two cases for I, which give values for R (I x R = T) and V (R x N = V).   The remaining value in each case must be U.   (E x U) + (carry from E x R) gives the next-to-last digit of the first partial product (call it Z), which must be odd (since Z + V + V = N).    Multiplying out the whole problem confirms all the values.

M-842  R + C = C gives R = 0.  M x D = R and M x V = C give D = 5, with M, C, and T all even.  SEDM x D = CNAVR gives C < D, so C = 2 or C = 4.  Set up a table with the two cases of C, and the known values of R and D.   D + C + R + (carry?) = A gives A, and LDA of SEDM x D = CNAVR gives S.  SEDM x A = ERDRT gives E, and SEDM x V = EVCCC gives V, eliminating one case but leaving two possible values of V for the other, so we still have two cases.  M x V = C gives M and M x A = T gives T, reducing to one case.   E + N + (carry) = T gives N.

Q-1  A + E + F with A = 2 can only carry 20 if E and F are 8 and 9, but the same is true of E + O + A).  So A = 1, and S + O + A = O gives S = 9.  K + O + A + (carry 1) = A, so K + O = 11 (not 1, since we already have A = 1).  K and O are each between 3 and 8.  For each pair, we use S + L + K = O (upper left diagonal) to find L, and O + L + R = O (or L + R = 10, row 2) to find R, and F + R + K = O (3rd column) to find F.  Two cases remain; we check O + R + R + (carry 2) = AT and find that one case is too large for A = 1; the other case is correct and gives us T.  T + L + Y = O gives us Y, and we can add a complete row containing E to confirm its value.

Q-3  (Warning: light algebra ahead!)  W is the only non-initial letter, so W = 0.   A + S + O + Y + N = A, so SOYN add to a multiple of 10; so do DIRF. Since the ten letters must add to 45, A = 5.  How large can N be?  The fourth column addition gives us A + R + Y + I + (carry) = NA; even if R/Y/I are as large as possible, they cannot add to 30 even with the maximum carry of 4.  So N <= 2.  But the upper right main diagonal gives us A + A + A + Y + Y + (carry) = NA.  We know that A = 5.  If N = 1, we get 15 + Y + Y + (carry) = 15, impossible since Y is not 0.  Therefore N = 2, and Y + Y + (carry) = 10.  The carry must be even, so Y = 4 or Y = 3.  The trailing end of the fourth column addition tells us that D + N + R + Y adds to a multiple of 10, so that D + R adds to either 4 (or 14) or 5 (or 15), depending on the value of Y.  The carry to the middle column is either 1 or 2, and I + A + A + W + W + (carry 1 or 2) simplifies to I + (11 or 12) = F + 10; that is, I + 1 = F or I + 2 = F.  There is a carry of 1 to the leftmost column, which tells us that A + R + Y + I + (carry 1) = NA = 25, or R + Y + I = 19.  So R + I = 15 or R + I = 16.  I and R are each at least 6, so we know that D + R = 14 or 15 (not 4 or 5), the carry to the middle column is 2, and I + 2 = F. So I = 6 or 7, F = 8 or 9, R = 9 or 8, and D = 5 or 6.  In either case R + D = 14, so Y = 4.  We know from the trailing end of column 1 that D + I + R + F adds to a multiple of 10, which makes only the 6789 case correct.   We have only S and O unassigned: Y + W + D + N + S = A gives us N = 3, and we can verify that O = 1 with by checking any addition containing O.

Q-4  [Heavier algebra] Search for zero gives A, S, and T as possible (all other letters are leading digits).  The value of P is the carry from four digits (bottom row, last column, and lower left diagonal), so P <= 3.   The units column of each addition gives (in varying orders) O + E + A + T + P = E, so A/O/P/T must add to a multiple of 10 (10, 20, or 30).   But what is the carry?  The second column has the tens addition E + V + V + E + V + (carry) = V, so E + E + V + V + (carry) also adds to a multiple of 10.  Since E + E is even and so is V + V, the carry must be even, and A + O + P + T = 20.   So we have E + E + V + V ending in 8 (8, 18, or 28), meaning E + V is either 4, 9, or 14.   In the second row, the tens addition F + V + O + P + C + (carry 2) = V, so F + O + P + C must end in 8 (8, 18, or 28).  The same is true of A + R + S + T in the tens addition of row 3.   So we have all ten letters, two pairs of four adding to a sum ending in 8.  Since F + O + P + C + A + R + S + T adds to a sum ending in 6, and we know that all ten must add to 45, we are left with E + V = 9.   The fifth column has the hundreds addition E + P + V + O + (carry) = PA; the largest possible value is 9 (E + V) plus 9 (maximum value of O) plus 4 (largest carry from five digits) plus 3 (largest P) = 25, so P = 3 is impossible; either P = 1 or P = 2.  A + R + S + T cannot add to 28, since one of its letters (A, S, T) is equal to 0.   Since P <= 2, F + O + P + C cannot add to 28 either (F + O + C is 24 at maximum).  Since neither set can add to 28 and they must add to 36, both sets must add to 18.   The fourth column has the tens addition S + P + S + S + P + (carry 2) = V, or P + P + 2 = V.   So we have two cases: P = 1 and V = 4 and E = 5, or P = 2 and V = 6 and E = 3.  Comparing the first and second columns, we see that the first column hundreds is missing a P which is present in the second column hundreds.  Since they add to the same sum, A + A + A + F + F must be greater than E + V + V + E + V by either 10 or 20 depending on the value of P.  In the first case P = 1, A + A + A + F + F must add to 32; if P = 2 they must add to 44 (in both cases A is even, otherwise the sum would be odd).  The latter case is not possible (maximum is 8 + 8 + 8 + 9 + 9 = 42), so P = 1 is fixed along with V = 4 and E = 5.  The only available values which add to 32 are F = 6 and A = 7.   Six letters are now fixed, leaving C/O/R/T.  In the fifth column, the hundreds addition is E + P + V + O + (carry) = PA (17); O cannot be as large as 8 or the sum would be too large, so O = 2 or O = 3.  But we have A + O + P + T = 20, so O = 3 and T = 9.  F + O + P + C = 18 then gives C = 8, and A + R + S + T = 18 confirms R = 2.

Q-6  (Light algebra again)  In the first column addition, the leftmost digits add to a single digit (E + E + M + E + (carry) = W).   The carry from L + O + M + O + (carry) = O must be at least 1, so (3 * E) + M <= 8.  E must be less than 3, and if E = 2, M = 1.   But the third row gives E + M + W + M = M, so E + M + W adds to a multiple of 10.  This makes E = 2 and M = 1 impossible, since W = 7 is too small because of the carry.  So E = 1, and M = 2 or M = 3.  But M = 3 gives W = 6, also too small.  So E = 1, M = 2, and W = 7 are fixed.  The hundreds column of that addition is L + O + M + O + (carry) = O, and it must carry 2 to the thousands column, so L + O + M + (carry) = 20, or L + O + (carry) = 18.   The carry from the tens column S + M + W + T + (carry) = S is either 1 or 2, so L + O = 17 or L + O = 16.   The tens column simplifies: 9 + T + (carry) must be a multiple of 10.   We also note that the rightmost digits of the fourth column addition T + A + M + A = M make T + A + A add to a multiple of 10, so T must be even.  So either T = 0 with a carry of 1 from the ones column (making L = 9 and O = 8 or vice versa), or T = 8 with a carry of three from the units (impossible, since E + Y + E + R = 32 is not possible with E = 1).  So T = 0, making A = 5, and and L and O are 9 and 8 in either order.   We also have E + Y + E + R = 12, so Y + R = 10. and must be 6 and 4 in either order.  S is the unassigned digit 3, and E + O + S + T = M from the ones column of the first row addition gives O = 8 (so L = 9).  Y + L + Y + A = M from the ones column of the second row addition gives Y = 4 (so R = 6).

Q-7  The carry from four addends makes I either 1, 2, or 3.  The third column addition has S + O + I + O = I, so S + O + O must add to a multiple of 10.  O + O must add to an even number, so S is also even.  The diagonal starting at upper left has S + D + I + A = I, and the second column has N + D + N + A = I, so S + I = N + N, making I even too, so I = 2.   S must be 4, 6, or 8, and for each we can find two possible values of O from S + O + O and two possible values of N from S + I = N + N (there are eight cases in all for S/O/N).  The top row has S + N + S + R = I, which gives R, eliminating three cases.  The diagonal from lower left has T + N + O + R = I, giving T, eliminating two more cases, and fixing T = 5.  Comparing the first and fourth columns, we have S + E + U + T = R + U + E + A, so S + T = R + A, giving A and reducing to two cases.   The bottom row has T + A + O + A = I, correct in only one case, fixing S/O/N/R/A.  N + D + N + A = I in the second column gives D.  The tens column of the bottom row is N + S + A + E + (carry) = N, giving E.   R + U + E + A = I in the fourth column confirms U.

Q-9  1 <= E <= 3 because it is the carry from the third column.  But the addition TEA + REE + TAU + TEE = EGAD gives E + E + E + (carry) + A = A; neither E = 1 nor E = 2 allows a carry adding to 10, so E = 3, and there is a carry of 1 both to and from that column.  The trailing column of the fourth column addition gives D + G + S + E = D, so G + S + E is a multiple of 10 and G + S = 7 or 17.   T + T + T + R + 1 must add to at least 30, so T >= 7.   The leading column of the fourth vertical addition gives A + A + T + T + (carry) adding to at least 30, so A + T >= 14.  The leading column of the top row addition gives A + A + A + S + (carry) also adding to at least 30, so A >= 6.    The trailing column of the same addition gives R + O + R + D = D, so R + O + R = 10 or 20.   For each possible value of T, there is a minimum possible value of R (T = 7, R >= 8; T = 8, R >= 5; T = 9, R >= 2.   For each of the 12 cases of T and R, add the value of O (R + R + O is a multiple of 10), G (adding T + T + T + R + 1  = G), and S (G + S = 7).  Duplicate values (including 3, since E =3) reduce us to five cases.  Comparing the trailing column of the third vertical and horizontal additions, we have R + U + I + U = G + O + I = S, so R + U + U = G + O + S.  The first case has O/G/S = 2/1/6 and R = 9, which gives U + U = 0, so U = 0 or 5.   Only one other case has a possible value for U, but it leaves no possible value for A >= 6.   We have one case, and the available value is A = 8.   We can finally find the value of D from the second vertical addition, O + T + O + E = D.   The third horizontal addition gives G + O + I + S = D, giving the value of I and telling which value for U is correct (the second horizontal addition confirms this).

Q-10  The first column gives M + M + Y + S = S, so M + M + Y adds to a multiple of 10 (either 10 or 20).  Make a table of the nine possible values for M (not zero since it is a leading digit), the corresponding value for Y, and the carry.  The tens column of the same addition is A + M + A + A + (carry) = TT; for each possible A we can determine T, and given a carry of 1 or 2, two possible values for M; the carry from M + M + Y will tell which value of M is correct. [For example, for A = 6, A + A + A + (carry) = 18 or 19, so T = 2, and M must be 3 or 4.  But M = 3 and M = 4 both carry 1, so M = 3.  The case A = 5 has M's with two different carries, but neither works.]  Five cases of A/T/M are possible, but adding the value of Y eliminates two cases.  The third column units addition is Y + S + U + T = S, so Y + U + T adds to a multiple of 10.   Adding the value of U eliminates another case, leaving two.  Comparing the first and third columns shows that the carry from T + U + Y, added to R, must equal the carry from M + M + Y, added to M.  We can eliminate the case where M + M = T + U (this would make M and A in the tens columns the same value); the remaining case fixes A/T/M/Y/U; since M + M + Y = 20 and T + U + Y = 10, R must be one greater than M.   The units addition in the second row gives M + I + R adding to a multiple of 10.  The upper left diagonal has units addition M + I + U + A = S, giving S.  The units addition in column four, D + R + A + A = S, gives D.  The units addition in the second column, N + I + D + R = S, confirms N.

Q-11  The carry to the leading digit of EAST gives E <= 3.  The second row has the units addition O + T + O + E = T, so O + O + E adds to a multiple of 10; since O + O is even, so is E, giving E = 2 (and O = 4 or O = 9).  The upper left diagonal has the units addition R + T + A + E = T, giving R + A = 8 (18 is too large for the sum of two unlike letters).  The third row has the units addition R + P + A + P = T; for each available value of P, P + P + 8 = T gives T; T is a leading digit, so we can remove cases where T = 0 or T = 2 (duplicating E), leaving six cases.   The units addition of the last column is N + E + P + E = T, so N + P + 4 = T gives N, eliminating one case.  In each of the five remaining cases, O has only one available value (4 or 9).  Comparing the units additions of the second and third columns, we see that T + P = O + A, which gives A and reduces to three cases; add R to each case from R + A = 8 which we found earlier. The units addition in the first column is R + O + R + Y = T, giving Y and reducing to two cases.   Comparing the tens columns of the second and third columns shows that S and Y are adjacent in value since T + P and O + A differ in value by 10.  (Y is larger if O + A is smaller, and vice versa).  Only one case has an available value for S.  The second column units addition gives I + P + S = 10, confirming I.

R-1  Direct entry: S x S = LM has four cases, but only one where M + L + (carry?) = S.  L x L = I gives I, and the leading carry [NI] gives N.  The rest follows easily.

R-2  Direct entry: Missing partial power gives G = 0.  C x C = UT has four cases, but only one where T x T = U.   Leading carries [UN] and [TP] give N and P.   R + T = P gives R; A + C + (carry?) = R gives A; N + T + (carry) = E gives E.  H x H = R gives H.

R-3  R + E = E gives R = 0.  Flush left remainder gives S = 1, eliminating two of the four cases for A x A = HI.  For each case, G + I = H gives H and S + H + (carry) = C gives C.  C x C = E gives E and eliminates one case, fixing A/H/I/G/C/E.   N x N = E gives N; S + K + (carry?) = H gives K.

R-4  Direct entry: P is flush left, so P = 1 and I = 9 (I x I = P).  Examining additions involving P lets us build the sequence [TSONA], which also gives D = 0 (D + T = S).  A + L + (carry) = O gives L = 8 (O is 2 behind A in the sequence).  P + P + (carry?) = U gives U = 2.   [TSONA] fits in the remaining space.

R-5  U = 2 (not U = 3, B = 9, since M + B = P would carry).  B = 4, M = 3 [UM], P = 7 (M + B = P).  S and A both have squares equal to themselves, so they are each one of 0, 1, 5, or 6.  In order for U + P = I to carry, there must be a carry from T + S = A, and I = 0.  Since T + S = A carries, S > A.  A is not 1, otherwise M + A = O duplicates the value of B.  So S = 6 and A = 5, and the remaining values follow.

R-6  Direct entry: N + H = N without carry gives H = 0.  R x R = NE has four cases, but only one fits E x E = N.  Leading carry [NA] gives A; A + E = S gives S.  N + N = I gives I.  A + O = N gives O; D x D = O gives D.   H + E + (carry) = G gives G.

R-7   G = 1 (flush left).  Only two sets of values for W x W = OR remain, and only one fits G + O + (carry) = W.  E x E = G has only one possibility.  N + G = T does too (or GUNG can be calculated directly from ((20 x W x E) + (E x E) = GUNG)).

R-8   N = 2 or N = 3.  Partial power LO is equal to (20 x N x O) + (O x O).  If O >= 5, the result would be > 100, so O x O = O gives O = 1 and [OU] gives U = 2.  Therefore N = 3 and R = 9.   LO = 61, so L = 6.  Other values follow by addition.

R-9   Direct entry: S = 0, U = 1 (flush left; also U x U = U and U + U = H without carry).  N = 9 (N x N = U).  U + U = H and U + C = H force C = 2 and H = 3.   Only one set of remaining letters for G x G = EA.  Rest follows.

R-10  Direct entry: S = 1 (leading carry), D = 3 (D = 2 too small as the root of ST), E = 9 (D x D = E), R = 2 (S + S = R), M = 7 (M x M = E), N = 6 (D + N = E), T = 5 [TN], O = 8 (N + R = O), H = 4 (O x O = H), U = 0 (N + H = U).

R-11  Direct entry: T x T = EA has only one solution where E + A + (carry?) = T.   The leading carry [AB] gives B; B x B = R gives R; the leading carry [SR] gives S; U + A = E gives U; A + R = O gives O; A + T = M gives M; B + R + (carry?) = N confirms N.

R-12  R x R = N has six possibilities; leading carry [DR] gives D for each case.  R + T = N gives T; only the two cases with T = 6 are possible (O x O = ST is impossible if T = 2).  T = 6 gives O = 4 and S = 1, also fixing D/R/N (the other case with T = 6 duplicates 4).  W + O + (carry) = I carries, so I < O and hence I = 0, which gives W = 5.   E + N = P gives [PE], which fits the remaining space.

R-13  Direct entry: remainder is flush left, so A = 1.   F + E = E gives F = 0.   [TM] from 1st carry, [MO] from A + M + (carry?) = O.    [TMO] and O + L + (carry?) = T gives L = 8, [LE] gives E = 9.   E + B = O gives [OB], T + E = S gives [ST].    I x I = E gives I = 7 in order for [STMOB] to fit into the remaining gap [FA.....ILE].

R-14   Direct entry: O + I = O and I leading digit gives I = 9.  [AI] gives A = 8.  G x G = TI gives G = 7 and T = 4.  [TR] gives R = 5.   T x T = E gives E = 6.  T + E = N gives N = 0.  S + E = I gives S = 3.   O + N + (carry) = S gives O = 2.  M + E = G gives M = 1.  (We did not use the fact that MOOT is flush left, which would have given M = 1 at any time.)

R-15  P = 3 (P = 2 is too small to be the square root of a two-digit number, P = 4 has a two-digit square).  P x P = N gives N = 9; leading carry gives H = 1.  I x I = E has three possibilities (2, 4, 8) with 3 and 9 already assigned.  The partial power SEE is equal to (20 x P x I) + (I x I); the case I = 8 is the only one which fits the pattern.   O + E + (carry) = A does not carry, so O = 2.  F + E = T gives F = 6 and T = 0; O + E + (carry) = A now gives A = 7.

R-16  Search for zero gives R = 0 (not V = 0 because E + F = V does not carry).   The leading carry gives [UE].   N ^ 2 = E has six cases for N/E, but [UE] gives U and eliminates one case.    E + F = V eliminates two cases with E = 9 (there would be a carry to O).   S + E = R gives S.   I ^ 2  = OF gives four cases for I/O/F; matching them with the two N/E/U/S cases gives only one possible pairing and fixes N/E/U/S/I/O/F.   E + F = V gives V; A + S + (carry) = E confirms A.

R-17  N + A = N does not carry, giving A = 0 with no carry from E + N = S (so N < 9).   U ^ 2 = N gives four cases for U/N with N < 9; N ^ 2 = MD gives M and D and reduces to two cases, fixing N/M/D.    The leading carry [MG] gives G and reduces to one case, fixing U/G.  The partial power RAN is equal to (20 x N x U) + (U ^ 2), giving R.  R + D = I gives I.  E + N = S with no carry gives E < S and confirms the last two values as E/S.

R-20 (Base 9)  O = 3 has a two-digit square in base 9, so O = 2, N = 4, and B = 6.  [OF] gives F = 1.  L + (carry) = A carries, so L = 8 (one less than the base) and A = 0.  N x N is 16 in base 10, which becomes (1 x 9) + 7, or 17 in base 9, so U = 7.  The two remaining letters are found from E + U = R + 9 (the carry in base 9), so E = 5 and R = 3.

R-21 (Base 11)  Search for zero gives R = 0 (O is impossible, since I + I = O does not carry).   U x U = AM has six solutions, but the leading carry [AD] reduces to three cases for U/[AD]/M.   P x P = E has 9 solutions, but S + E = P eliminates one case.  Matching the two tables gives only two cases for U/[AD]/M/P/E/S.   The value of HIE is computed from (U x P x 22) + (P x P), converted to base 11.   Only one case works (the other produces a four-digit partial power).  I + I  + (carry) = O gives O.  (H + M = R confirms R = 0).

R-25 (Base 12)  EELY is flush left, giving E = 1.  The leading carry [AE] gives A = 0.   Since 1 is assigned, S x S = IS has only the solution S = 9 and I = 6.   E + S = G gives G = a.  E + I + (carry?) = U gives U = 7.   The partial power EACH is equal to (24 x 9 x O) + (O x O); EA?? has a numerical value in base 12 of at least 1728 (1 x 12^3 + 0 x 12^2), and at most 1848 (1728 + 120).  Dividing these by (24x9) gives O = 8, making the partial power 1792, which converts to 1054 in base 12, so C = 5 and H = 4.   O + C + (carry) = L gives L = 2 (carrying to [AE]).  F + H = Y with the remaining values gives F = b and Y = 3.

R-30 (base 13)  Left-flush remainder gives A = 1.  R ^ 2 = T gives T as one of 3, 4, 9, a, c.  A + T = N gives N for each of five cases.  A + P + (carry) = T gives one or two possible P's for each case; R ^ 2 = T gives one or two possible R's for each case, yielding 14 combinations of T/N/P/R.   Start a separate table with D ^ 2 = MY, giving six cases for D/M/Y.   Leading carry [MO] gives O for each case.   Now match the two tables, omitting matches where T + Y = V duplicates or fails to carry.  Only four combinations of D/M/Y/O/A/T/N/V work, with two to four P/R combinations on each.   Compute PUT for each of the eight D/R combinations (PUT in base 10 is (D x R x 26) + (R x R), converted to base 13.)  Only one combination gives a valid value for PUT, fixing R, P, U and the other eight letters.  This leaves two values for H and E; H + U + (carry) = E gives the correct combination.

R-33  T^3 = OM has a unique solution, giving T = 3, O = 2, and M = 7.  A + A = O (and does not carry, since it occurs a second time in the last addition), so A = 1.  E + M = A gives E = 4.   There is a carry to A + O = E, so D < O and therefore D = 0.  L + E = S does not carry to D + E = E, so L = 5 and S = 9.   T + I + (carry?) = A gives I = 8; M + S + (carry?) = P confirms P = 6.

R-34  H^3 = H gives H = 1; H + O = B extends the leading carry [RO] to [ROB].  R + D + (carry) = R with a carry itself gives D = 9.   L + A + (carry?) = L gives A = 0.  O is one of the six digits whose cube ends in the same digit (0, 1, 4, 5, 6, 9), but only 4, 5, and 6 can be the middle of [ROB].  O + R = I gives I and reduces to one case.  Three possible values remain for N; N + O = E gives E and R + E + (carry) = L gives L and fixes N/E/L.

R-35  O^3 = O gives O = 1; O + O = M gives M = 2.   Trying the possible values of R yields the partial power OOPS for R = 3, giving P = 9 and S = 7.   Trying five remaining values for E gives E = 8 and H = 5; I + O + (carry) = U gives I = 4 and U = 6; C is the unclued 0.   [Not a very good problem, but included because all six words are coherent.  This is the smallest possible radicand for a cube root in base 10.]

R-36  O + N + (carry) = N and O + O = D give O = 9 and D = 8.   G + D + (carry) = I must carry (there are no unassigned digits larger than D), so D + W + (carry 1) = O gives W = 0.  Trying all seven remaining values for T, D + T = G gives G, G + D + (carry) = I gives I, and I + I + (carry) = H gives H (there is a carry only in one case, when G > = 5); this reduces to one case and fixes T/G/I/H.   H + M + (carry?) = T gives M; T + M + (carry) = N gives N; G + G + (carry?) = E gives E.   The last two digits of the root can be determined from the corresponding partial powers (each digit in base 10 has a different cube).   The first digit has a two digit cube; one of the two cases gives the correct partial power GIGMO, yielding the first partial power, which gives the start of the radicand when added to GHEND.

R-40  Direct entry: M ^ 4 = RUG gives M/R/U/G.   C + G = G gives C; E + U + (carry?) = R gives E.  E ^ 4 = Y gives Y.   Rest follows from addition.

R-50  L + A + (carry) = T and A + R + (carry) = T give {LR}; P + K + (carry) = E and J + P + (carry) = E give {JK}.  Search for zero initially gives A, K, L, and R as possible.  A cannot be zero as it appears in three consective sums.   J + P + (carry) = E does not carry, so neither does P + K + (carry) = E, and L cannot be 0.   R cannot be zero either, because A + R + (carry) = T would give [AT], but then L + A + (carry?) = T would give L = 1, and could not carry to A + R.   So K = 0, giving [PE] and [AS].  {JK} gives J = 1.   P + E + (carry) = T must carry to P + K, so P >= 5.    There are six cases for P/E/T; T + S = E gives S and [AS] gives A for each case, eliminating three cases.   A + L + (carry?) = T gives L and reduces to one case; {LR} gives R.   Y + T + (carry?) = L confirms Y, and Y to the fifth power gives the first power; adding it to ESTT gives the beginning of the radicand.

R-60  This is trivial to solve if you use a calculator to try eleventh powers of all the digits to find one which matches the pattern of CAFETERIA.   But it can be solved as an addition alone.  Either R = 0 or R = 9.   The additions U + I + (carry) = T and I + T + (carry) = U have possible solutions I = 4 or I = 5 (in either case, U and T are 5-complements, and I < L because of I + F = L with no carry).   
(1) If I = 4, both O + A = E and O + E = L must carry, yielding L < E < (A,O).    Try each value of L with I < L < (E, O): that is, L = 5/6/7.    For each case, try each O at least two larger than L (there are six cases); O + E + (carry) = L gives one or two values for E and a corresponding value for R for each E (one case is eliminated because E > O; only one case splits into two values for E/R).   O + A = E gives A and reduces to three cases.   I + F + (carry) = L gives F and reduces to one case; I + E + (carry) = C gives C, but the two remaining values for U and T are not 5-complements.
(2) If I = 5, neither O + A = E nor O + E = L carry, yielding (O,A) < E < L.   O must be less than half of L.   Try each value of L again (this time 6/7/8/9), and try each small enough value of O (there are 12 cases).    O + E + (carry) = L gives one or two values for E (one case is eliminated and four split); O + A = E gives A and reduces to nine cases for I/L/O/E/A.     The carry to O + E = L gives the value of R (R = 0 if no carry, R = 9 if carry), eliminating two more cases.    I + F + (carry) = L gives F, eliminating three more cases.   Only one of the four cases leaves two available digits which are 5-complements, fixing I/L/O/E/A/R/F.    I + E + (carry) = C gives C, and the carry is 1, giving U < T (confirmed by R = 0).

V-2  Direct entry: Leading carry gives I = 1.   I + P + (carry) = G carries, so G < I and G = 0.  T + G + (carry) = A gives [TA].  There are four different partial products, two ending in P and two in S.   Neither P nor S is 0, so the divisor cannot end in 5 and must be even, and P and S are also even.  I + P + (carry) = G now gives P = 8.  T + P = G gives T = 2; [TA] gives A = 3.    T + R + (carry) = P gives R = 5.  I + P + (carry?) = N gives N = 9.   O + P + (carry) = R gives P = 6.   R + S = N gives S = 4.    O + M + (carry) = S confirms M = 7.    RPMRP / PANS gives the ratio 7, confirming PANS as the divisor.  Diving the other two partial products by PANS gives the remaining digits of the quotient; adding RGAOS + RNMP gives the beginning of the dividend.

V-3   S + M = M and S a leading digit shows S = 9.  S + O = R gives [RO], and the leading end of the first visible addition gives [OW], extending to [ROW].  N + N + (carry) = S gives N = 4, and N + U = R must carry to S + M = M, so N > R.  R + W = N (no carry since S = 9) and sequence [ROW] gives R = 1, O = 2, W = 3.   N + M + (carry) = B must carry to O, so N > B.  The only available smaller value is B = 0, giving M also.   N + U + (carry) = R gives U and R + E + (carry) = S gives E.  L is not directly clued, but we will fill in the last available value.  Divide the full values of the two largest partial products, ESNNUL and WEWWNW, by the smallest, OMMMUO to get ratios 3.5 and 1.5 (this confirms that L is correct).  This indicates that the quotient is 723 and the divisor is OMMMUO divided by 2.   Add the values of ESNNUL + WBMMR to get the first six letters of the divisor.

V-4  The main text gives a complete analysis of the additions and reconstruction of the key.   Divide the numerical values of each of the long partial products by the short one.  The divisor is the value of the short partial product divided by 4; the first digit of the quotient is 4.   Multiply each of the ratios for the long products by 4 to get the corresponding digits of the quotient.   Add OEMD + AEDM to get the first four letters of the dividend.   All three results are pairs or triplets of musical notes.

V-5   B = 0 (A + B = A).  O + B + (carry) = S gives us [OS], and O + S = E tells us that O <= 4.  R + P + (carry?) = O gives us O >= 3.  O + P + (carry?) = S gives us P = 1, and since O + B = S does not carry, we have simply R + P = O and [ROS].  A + S = R then gives us A = 8, and E + E + (carry?) = A gives us E = 4 or 9.   E is too small because of O + S = E, so E = 9, and [ROS] = [345].  The remaining letters follow, and the normal procedure gives us the missing words.

V-6   U = 0 (U + C = C), and A = 1 (M + Y + (carry) = AA).  Since there are three short partial products, and two long partial products, let's try a different approach and see what we can learn about the divisor.  Let's call the unknown first digit of the divisor X (there is no X in the puzzle, so this shouldn't cause any confusion: soon we'll figure out what letter it really is).  The three short products tell us that X <= 3 (see the LDA table).  We know that M <= X, and since A = 1, M >= 2 and X >= 2.  M = 2 or M = 3, and [ME] gives E = 3 or E = 4.  In either case, M cannot be the first digit of the divisor, since we have a short product EMUS which cannot be a multiple of a hypothetical divisor M---, since M x 2 > E in both cases.  This tells us that either EMUS is the divisor, or it is twice the divisor with E = 4 (and our undetermined letter X = 2).  We'll put that aside for a moment, and calculate in both cases N from E + M = N, C from E + E + (carry) = C, and S from S + N = E (no carry since U = 0).  The M = 3 case has a duplicate, so we know that M = 2, E = 3, and EMUS is the divisor.  We can see that EMUS x 2 = COAC, and it must be EMUS x 3 = YCMO.  This gives us Y = 9, and the partial quotient MA??E.  Also S x 3 = O, so O = 4.  The last letter B comes from C + B = E.  What is the rest of the quotient?  We know that EMUS x (third digit) = MSSBM, so it's either 4 or 9 (4 is too small, giving a leading digit of A = 1).  EMUS x (fourth digit) = MMONC, so it's either 2 or 7 (2 is too small, giving a short product).  So the quotient is 21973, and the first four letters of the dividend come from adding COAC + CEE.

V-7  T + C = C gives T = 0; N + P + (carry) = P gives N = 9.  N + C + (carry?) = A gives [AC]; N + A + (carry?) = E extends to [EAC].   A table of [EAC] has six cases; O + O = C gives O for each case (
O >= 5, since it must carry to N + P = P.   E + H + (carry?) = O gives H and eliminates two cases; H + C + (carry?) = N reduces to one case, fixing E/A/C/O/H.  C + P = T gives P; P + E = I gives I; R + O + (carry) = N gives R.   Dividing HPOCPIOHP by HTCCRPPOE gives the first two digits of the quotient; the divisor and last digit of the quotient can be recovered by the usual method, and adding the first partial product and first difference gives the dividend.

V-8  Y + Y + (carry?) = A does not carry to D, so Y <= 4 and Y < A.   So there is no carry from H + Y + (carry) = A, and there are four cases for Y/A.   But since A + T = L in the rightmost column of the second addition, and it also appears in the third column of that addition, there is no carry from A + A = N, so A <= 4 also.   This leaves only two cases for Y/A, and the leading carry [DA] gives D, and reduces to one case for Y/A/D.  A + S = Y gives S, and leaves only one possibility for A + A + (carry) = N.   H + Y + (carry) = A gives H; D + E + (carry) = H gives E [note that the carry here is the same as A + A + (carry) = N because of the repetition of A + T = L].   E + T + (carry) = A gives T; A + T = L gives L.   I is unclued in the additions because of the missing dividend, but assigning it the leftover value makes DYYTS / HLEIT an integer.   Since DETAT and DYYTS are close in value, we subtract to see if the difference makes a valid divisor which divides all three partial products evenly.  It does, and we easily recover the quotient, and add HLEIT + AHLN = ????? to get the beginning of the dividend.

V-9  This is the hardest of the topless divisions in this booklet.  
R = 0, so [FL] and O = 9 (from I + O = I).   There is a carry both to and from E + N = R (that is, E + 1 + N = R + 10), so T >=5, and we can make a table of T/E/M/N from T + T + (carry 1) = E (+ 10), M + T = E (+ 10), and E + N + (carry 1) = 10 (that is, E + N = 9).   This is as far as the addition carries us, leaving two possible sets of values for T/E/M/N, and four possible values for the partial product ERETEOMF (from the fact that [FL], and only two F/L pairs fit into the gap in each case).   We need to test each case against the possible values of the other partial product, LRATTNNM, looking for a divisor which divides both partial products with single digit quotients.   None of the four values of ERETEOMF are divisible by 3, 4, 5, or 7, so the ones digit of the quotient must be 1 or 2.  1 is only possible for the smaller value (the larger value gives too small a value for LRATTNNM), and no multiple of it matches LRATTNNM.   So ERETEOMF must be 2 times the divisor, and F must be even.  Trying multiples of both possible divisors produces one possible value for LRATTNNM (giving us the value of A, as well as the divisor and quotient.   Adding ELRERIEF and LRATTNNM gives us the dividend and the value of I.  

V-10  Search for zero gives K and N as possible (O is not zero since M + O = S must carry; Y is not zero since C + T = S must carry).   Leading carries give [NAS], with eight cases (N can be zero as it is not a leading digit).  A + S + (carry) = M gives two values for M in all but one case, eliminating the last case.   Seven of the fourteen [NAS]/M cases are eliminated because S + M >= 10 (S + M does not carry to T).   A + C = M gives C and reduces to four cases.   M + T = N gives T and reduces to two cases.   K = 0 is possible only in the second case, but S + K + (carry) = Y gives Y which duplicates C, so the first case with N = 0 is correct, fixing [NAS]/M/C/T.   T + R = A gives R.   S + O + (carry) = A gives O.    C + Y + (carry?) = S gives Y.    S + K + (carry?) = Y confirms K.    Dividing CMKAC / CNORT gives a ratio of 1.125, indicating multiplier digits of 9 and 8 respectively.  CMKAC / 9 gives the divisor, allowing the other multiplier digits to be recovered.   Adding CTYR + SCAMS gives the beginning of the dividend.

V-11  Direct entry: L + D + (carry) = D and L + I = D gives L = 9 and [DI].  L + L + (carry?) = M gives M = 8.  S + D + (carry?) = I gives S = 1 (not 0, as it is a leading digit).    [DI] and D + I = S gives [DI] = [56].  R + R + (carry) = L gives R = 4.    I + Y + (carry?) = L gives Y = 3.   I + E + (carry) = L gives E = 2.    D + E = A gives A = 7.   S + P + (carry) = E gives P = 0.   Dividing SREDI / DYRI gives a ratio of 2.6666, indicating multiplier digits of 8 and 3; SREDI / 8 gives the divisor, and the other multiplier digits follow.     SESM + ASEM gives the first four letters of the dividend.

V-12  Search for zero gives E, R, and S as possible (N is impossible because A + N + (carry) = R must carry; O is impossible because P + A = O cannot carry).   The leading carry gives [UP].  P + A + (carry) = O gives A < O and [UP] < O.  A + N = R carries, giving R < A and R < N.
(1) If R = 0, I + I = R gives I = 5 and carries to A + U = I, but R + A = S gives [AS] and does not carry to P + A = O.    A + U + (carry) = I and [UP] is equivalent to A + P = I, so I and O will be equal regardless of the values of [AS]/[UP].
(2) If E = 0, try each value of I and the corresponding value of R from I + I = R (duplication eliminates one case, leaving eight cases for I/R).   I + T = E gives T in each case.    In each case, try each value of A > R but A <= 8 (since A < O).   When T = 9, O <= 8 and A <=7.    Two cases are eliminated because R = 8; there are 17 subcases for I/R/T/A.   A + U + (carry) = I gives U (and P from [UP]) on each subcase, eliminating 11 cases by duplication.   Five more cases are eliminated because A + P = O carries, and only one case remains, fixing I/R/T/A/[UP].    R + A + (carry) = S duplicates S, and E = 0 is impossible.
(3) If S = 0, A + R + (carry) = S gives A + R = 9 or A + R = 10.   I + I = R gives R even, and there are only four cases for A/R, since R < A.    I + I = R gives two values of I, splitting into eight cases; A + U + (carry) = I gives [UP] as in the E = 0 case, eliminating three cases by duplication and another because A + P = O carries, reducing to one case and fixing
A/R/I/[UP].  A + N + (carry) = R gives N; P + A + (carry) = O gives O; I + T = E confirms the two remaining values for T and E.    PAAT / UNUI gives a ratio of 1.3333, giving the multiplier digits (one is repeated) as either 4 and 3, or 8 and 6.    UNUI / 6  does not come out evenly, so the divisor is UNUI / 3, and the quotient is 343.   Adding UNUI + POS gives the start of the dividend.

V-13   The leading carry gives [IL].  T + M + (carry) = T gives either M = 0 or M = 9.   L + T + (carry) = I gives either T = 9 or T = 8, respectively.   The 0/9 case of M/T has seven cases for [IL]; 9/8 has six.  R + L = T gives R and eliminates two cases by duplication.   I + H + (carry) = T gives H; all six cases where there is a carry are eliminated because H duplicates R {[IL] makes I + H + (carry) = T equivalent to L + H = T, which, compared to R + L = T, makes R equal to H}.   In the five remaining cases, without carries, I + H  = T gives H (with [RH] in every case).   
S + S = E gives E even, but E is a leading digit and not zero.   Try the unassigned even digits for E in each case and check both possible values of S; one case is impossible and the other four cases have only one possible E/S pair each.   L + A + (carry) = R gives only one possible value for A in two cases, and the other two are eliminated.   Dividing LHAS / ESD in both cases gives an impossible ratio of 7.69 in one case, but the other case gives 4.5, indicating multiplier digits of 9 and 2 in the correct case.   ESD / 2 gives the divisor; ITML divided by the divisor gives the middle multiplier digit; LIT + ESD gives the start of the dividend.

V-14  The leading carry gives [NS].   E + E = S and E + R + (carry) = S gives [RE].   U + A + (carry) = R does not carry, giving R >= 3 (U and A are leading digits, so neither is 0).    Y + T = E carries, so E <= 7.   There are four cases left for [RE]; E + E = S gives S (and N from [NS]) and eliminates one case.   T + Y = E with a carry gives one pair of interchangeable values for T and Y in each case, splitting into six cases for [RE]/[SN]/T/Y.   E + A + (carry) = Y gives A, reducing to two cases and fixing A.  U + A + (carry?) = R gives U; R + U + (carry) = I gives I and reduces to one case, fixing [RE]/[SN]/T/Y/U/I.   G is the value unclued in the additions.   UUAE / NRET gives an ambiguous ratio of 1.5, but UUAE / SYGS gives 1.125, indicating multiplier digits of 9 and 8 (and 6 for NRET).    The divisor is UUAE / 9;  the dividend starts with SYGS + SIS.  

V-15  The leading carry gives [RE].  R + C + (carry) = R carries to [RE], giving C = 9.  
Search for zero gives P and S as possible (not I since B + I = O must carry to R + C = R).   There are two different partial products ending in O.  Neither E nor O is 0, so the divisor cannot end in 5 and must be even, and O and E are also even.   There are four cases for [RE] with E even.   O + E = S makes S even also, and it carries to C + H = H, so S < E.    There are ten cases for [RE]/S; O + E = S gives O and eliminates two cases.    A + B = O does not carry, giving O >= 3 (neither A nor B is 0), eliminating one case.   We split the remaining seven cases into two groups:
(1) If P = 0, we temporarily put aside the three cases where S = 0.  
H + O = P gives H, reducing to two cases.   In each case, we try each value of B < O (five cases in all for [RE]/S/O/H/B); A + B + (carry) = O gives A, but every case duplicates.
(2) We are left with S = 0 and three cases.   We again try each value of B < O (eleven subcases with B); A + B + (carry) = O gives A and reduces to four cases (two cases for [RE]/S/O/H with B and A interchangeable).   H + O = P gives H and P for the two main cases; the remaining unassigned value must be I, but O + I + (carry) = B works for only one subcase of B/A, fixing all nine remaining letters.   RCIO - RBHE gives the correct divisor (it divides all three partial products evenly); the quotient and the dividend can be recovered as usual.

V-16  (Light algebra again) The leading carry gives [SF], with eight cases.   T + O + (carry) = H and F + H + (carry) = O combine to give F + T + (0/1/2) = 10, so F + T = 8/9/10 (case 3 of the standard reversed addition cases).   This yields 18 cases for [SF]/T.   T + H = E and H + E + (carry) = S combine to give T + H + H + (0/1) = S.   This gives one value for H in 12 cases (none split), eliminating six.   T + H = E gives E and eliminates three more cases.   Checking H + E + (carry) = S eliminates five more cases.  T + O + (carry) = H carries to [SF], giving T > H and eliminating two more cases, fixing E.   T + O + (carry) = H gives O for both remaining cases.   F + H + (carry) = O is possible for only one case, fixing [SF]/T/H/O.    There is a carry from H + W = C to F + H = O, so C < H, giving only one possible value for C.   H + W + (carry?) = U gives W; since there is no carry, S + U = L gives U < L and confirms U and L.    SOEH - SHWU gives the correct divisor; the missing words can be recovered as usual.

V-17  The leading carry gives [MA].  M + M + (carry) = R does not carry, giving M <= 4, with seven cases of [MA]/R.  A + R + (carry) = U gives U, eliminating three cases which do not carry and two more by duplication, fixing [MA].  A + U = O gives O; R + O + (carry) = M works for only one case, fixing R/U/O.   S + S = N gives N even, with two cases from the unassigned even digits.   S + S = N gives S for each case; D + N + (carry) = A gives D and reduces to one case, fixing N/S/D.    Dividing AMNS / MROU gives a ratio of 1.66666, indicating multipliers of 7 and 6, and a divisor of AMNS / 7.   The partial product DPLO and the last digit of the divisor give the first digit of the quotient; multiplying by the divisor gives DPLO and the values of P and L.   Adding gives the rest of the dividend.

V-51  Search for zero gives E, N, and R as possible (not M because M + K = W must carry).   The leading carry gives [HW].   H + W = S does not carry, so E + W = S does not carry either; therefore there is a carry to E + W = S, giving [EH], expanding to [EHW].   Now R is not zero because R + E + (carry) = A would give [EA], contradicting [EH].   If E = 0, [HW] = [12], but W + Y = N must carry to R + E = A, giving N < W, but there are no available digits less than W.   So N = 0.   H + W = S does not carry, yielding three cases for [EHW].    H + W = S gives S; Y + W = N gives Y, eliminating one case.   E + R + (carry) = A gives three possibilities for R/A (two in one case and one in the other.  A + Y = I gives I, eliminating one case.   M + K + (carry) = W works in only one of the two remaining cases, fixing [EHW]/S/Y/R/A/I, but leaving interchangeable values for K and M.    Converting SHEY into base 10 gives 6916, which factors into 7 x 988 in base 10 (multiplier digits 2 and 4 yield four digit divisors, which would not work out even if we weren't told that the divisor was three digits).   The middle digit of the quotient is 7.   988 base 10 is 819 base 11; adding 819 to itself repeatedly in base 11 eventually gives a value which matches HMRW and confirms the value of M (and gives the last digit of the quotient); subtracting IRSK - SHEY (with the now-established value for K) gives a multiple of 819, which added to 7 gives the first digit of the quotient, corresponding to IRSK.   Addition gives the beginning of the dividend as usual.

Appendix 4: Tables

Table 1: Identity Multiplications (never in prime bases such as 11 and 13)

X x Y = Y  (X > 1, Y > 0)
[base 10]          [ base 12 ]         [base 14]      [base 15]          [base 16]
X   6   379       7     59  4a  3b      8    359bd     6b   47ad      9        5d   3579bdf
Y  248   5      2468a  369  48   6    246ac    7      369c   5a     2468ace   48c      8

The tables include a few cases where X and Y are the same (i.e. X x X = X); this was done to more clearly show the groups of digits which behave similarly.

X x Y = Y, X x Z = Y (Y>0)                        X x X = Y, X x Y = X (Y not 1)
[base 10]        [ base 12 ]                      [base 10]  [base 12]
X 6 6 6      3 3 4 4 4 9 9 9 9 a                X    4          3 8
Y 2 4 8      6 6 8 8 8 3 3 6 6 8                Y    6          9 4
Z 7 9 3      2 a 2 5 b 7 b 2 a 2               

Table 2: Reciprocal Multiplications

X x Y = Z and X x Z = Y  (Y and Z interchangeable)
 [ base 10]       [ base 12 ]           [base 10 double key]
X 4 9 9 9      2 5 5 5 7 7 b b b b         4 4 9 9 9 9 9
Y 2 2 3 4      4 2 4 7 3 5 2 3 4 5         2 4 1 2 3 4 5
Z 8 8 7 6      8 a 8 b 9 b a 9 8 7         8 6 9 8 7 6 5

Cases where X is one less than the base and Y + Z add to the base occur in every base from 4 upward.   In prime bases (e.g. 11 and 13), those are the only solutions.   In base 10 double key problems there many be extra solutions if the three letters are mixed between upper and lower case (so that X = Y, X = Z, or Y = Z); see M-704 for an example.

Table 3: Chain Identity Multiplications

This case cannot occur in most bases.  The table below gives possible values in base 12.   See M-466 for an example.

X x Y = Y, X x Z = X       

    [base 12]            
X  3   4   9   a        
Y  6   8   36  48      
Z  59  7a  5   7       

Special Form Tables

Table 4: Addition/Multiplication Identities

X x Y = Z,  X + Y = Z  (X, Y interchangeable; * carry to addition)
  [base 10]      [base 11]        [base 12]         [base 13]
  * * *   *    *     * * *            * *       *   *   *     *   *
X 2 3 4 4 7    2 3 4 4 5 6 6 8        2 3       2 3 4 4 5 5 6 7 7 9
Y 3 7 5 8 8    3 7 5 9 7 8 a 9        3 8       3 8 6 a 8 b 9 a c b
Z 6 1 0 2 6    6 a 9 3 2 4 5 6        6 0       6 b b 1 1 3 2 5 6 8

Table 4a
X x Y = Z,  X + Z = Y  (* carry to addition)
[base 10]         [base 11]
               * *
X 4 2          8 9 3 a 4 5 7 2
Y 2 8          2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Z 8 6          5 5 1 6 2 2 1 7

Table 5: Two-digit Multiplication Identities

Table 5a
XY x Z = XX

  [base 10]   [base 11]   [base 12]   [base 13]
X  3 4 4 8      1 2 7      2 5 6 8     4 5 9 B
Y  7 3 8 4      8 7 4      A B 2 2     9 3 2 3
Z  9 8 3 7      7 5 A      5 7 3 A     C 6 B 8

Table 5b
WX x Y = ZZ
                   [base 10]
W  2 7 2 7  7 4 3 8 5  1  9 9 1  8 7 3  5 5  3 7 9 9 9
X  5 5 5 5  4 6 7 7 8  9  2 3 6  3 4 8  3 9  2 2 4 6 7
Y  4 4 8 8  3 7 6 6 9  7  7 8 9  2 9 7  9 3  9 4 2 3 4
Z  0 0 0 0  2 2 2 2 2  3  4 4 4  6 6 6  7 7  8 8 8 8 8

The booklet by Crotalus contains base 10 tables for four different cases where a partial product ends in a repeated letter: AB x C = AA (4 cases, as above), AB x C = BB (14 cases), AB x C = CC (9 cases), and AB x C = DD (23 cases, above).   In 1950, ACA member Cryptox computed many multiplication patterns of the form *** x * = **** (full product rather than just the ending digits), almost certainly by hand (see the Bibliography).   Puzzle Virtuoso has an application to compute any such pattern on the fly, in any base, also allowing for longer multiplications with multipliers and partial products ending in a particular pattern.  For example, it can find all 12 solutions to multiplications of the form .....ABC x D = .....ADF (including four solutions with A=0).

Table 5c
XY x Y = XZ

      [base 10]         [base 11]       [base 12]      [base 13]
X   0 0 5 3 1 6 2 4    0 0 7 3 4 6     0 0 6 9 1 5    0 0 3 6 5 5 3
Y   2 3 3 4 7 7 8 9    2 3 4 7 8 9     2 3 3 6 8 b    2 3 5 7 8 a b
Z   4 9 9 6 9 9 4 1    4 9 5 5 9 4     4 9 9 0 4 1    4 9 c a c 9 4    

Examples: D-100, D-110

Table 5d
XY x X = XZ

   [base 10]    [base 11]    [base 12]      [base 13]
X     8          5 6 7 9     4 5 5 7 8      4 4 9 a b
Y     5          6 7 4 7     2 a b b 6      5 6 a 2 9   
Z     0          8 9 6 8     8 2 7 5 0      7 b c 7 8  

Table 5e
XY x Z = ZX

     [base 10]       [base 11]      [base 12]     [base 13]
X   2 3 6 6 7 8   3 4 5 6 7 7 8 9     8 b       2 3 5 5 7 8 a
Y   7 9 3 8 9 7   9 8 2 7 2 8 5 5     4 5       6 5 6 c a c b
Z   6 7 2 7 3 4   4 6 8 4 9 5 6 4     5 7       9 b 3 8 2 5 8

Table 5f
XY * Z = XY (Y not zero)
[10]      [12]                   [14]            [15]
X 2 7     1 5 9 1 4 7 a 2 6      3 3 3 a a a     3 8 d
Y 5 5     4 4 4 6 6 6 6 8 8      7 7 7 7 7 7     5 5 5
Z 9 9     a a a 9 9 9 9 a a      5 9 d 5 9 d     a a a

Table 5g
XY * Z = YX
 [10]       [11]              [12]            [13]
X 8 4     1 1 2 3 5 a a     3 8 8 a    1 1 4 6 7 8 b b c c c c
Y 2 9     4 9 8 7 3 6 9     b 4 b 2    8 b 3 5 9 6 6 8 7 9 a b
Z 4 6     3 5 3 2 9 9 6     9 2 4 5    5 6 a 9 8 a 4 3 b a 9 7

Table 5h
XY * Z = XZ (solutions with Y = 1 omitted, as they reduce to Table 1: X * Z = X)
Prime bases have no other solutions
 [10]              [12]
X 4 9     2 3 4 5 6 7 7 9 a b b b   
Y 9 6     5 a 9 9 a 3 a 7 4 7 9 a
Z 5 2     6 4 6 3 8 6 4 6 8 2 3 4

Table 5i
XY * X = YZ
     [10]                     [11]                       [12]
X 2 2 4 9 9 9 9 9 9   2 4 5 6 a a a a a a a a    2 3 4 4 8 b b b b b b b b
Y 4 5 9 2 3 4 6 7 8   4 7 4 5 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9    4 b 5 6 b 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 a
Z 8 0 6 8 7 6 4 3 2   8 6 9 8 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2    8 9 8 0 4 a 9 8 7 5 4 3 2
Example: D-113

Table 5j
XY * Z = YZ
     [10]                  [11]                     [12]
X 1 1 3 3 4 7 7 9     2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9      1 2 3 3 5 5 5 7 9 9 b b
Y 6 9 1 9 6 1 9 6     1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1      b a 7 b 7 a b b 7 b 7 a
Z 4 5 7 5 8 3 5 8     6 4 3 9 2 8 7 5      6 8 2 6 a 8 6 6 2 6 a

Table 5k
XY * X = ZX
     [10]                   [11]                     [12]
X 2 3 4 7 8 5 2 4 5    2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9     2 3 6 8 a 6 8 3 6 9 2 4 6 a 3 6 4 6
Y 1 1 1 1 1 3 6 6 7    1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1     1 1 1 1 1 3 4 5 5 5 7 7 7 7 9 9 a b
Z 4 9 6 9 4 6 5 8 8    4 9 5 3 3 5 9 4     4 9 0 4 4 1 6 a 2 0 5 6 3 9 b 4 7 5

Table 5l

XX * Y = XZ
     [10]                   [11]                            [12]
X 3 3 6 9 9 9 9 9 9    2 4 5 5 5 8 a a a a a a a a     b b b b b b b b
Y 4 7 7 2 3 4 6 7 8    6 6 3 7 9 6 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9     2 3 4 5 7 8 9 a
Z 2 1 2 8 7 6 4 3 2    1 2 3 2 1 4 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2     a 9 8 7 5 4 3 2

Table 6: Multiplication with three unlike letters

X x Y = Z  (22 cases in base 10: X, Y interchangeable)

Z   0  1  2  3  4  6  7  8      5, 9
XY 25 37 34 79 27 23 39 24   impossible
   45    48    38 28    29
   56    67    69 49    36
   58    89       78    47

This is essentially a division table: a multiplication table turned inside out.  It is well-known and can be found in the books by Andree and Lynch, among others.  It can be used in some very difficult puzzles as an alternative to a full Crotalus rectangle, having only 44 total cases instead of 64 (all of the possibilities from 2x2 to 9x9).    It is more useful when the possibilities can be narrowed down (for example, see M-43).

Table 7: All decimal solutions to A x BC = DEF

I created the table below to help solve a small division which appeared on a Word Arithmetic page in Dell Math Puzzles and Logic Problems many years ago (the page with the puzzle is in my files, but lacks the issue date).  It contains all 76 solutions to the product of a single digit number and a two-digit number giving a three-digit (long) product, using six different digits.   The solutions are sorted in ascending order of the value of BC.   Similar puzzles have appeared on rare occasions in The Cryptogram (MJ65 C-9 by Fire-O; MA05 C-13 by Lionel).   The table does not include two-digit products.   The five starred values indicate solutions with non-zero F, and [DG], with a 7th unduplicated value equal to D + 1.  These five values are used to find small ideal divisions like D-20, and to solve some small multiplications like M-172, M-173, and M-185.    The full table can be scanned to help solve M-174 and M-175.

 A B C D E F    A B C D E F    A B C D E F    A B C D E F

 7 2 4 1 6 8    7 5 2 3 6 4    2 6 7 1 3 4    9 8 4 7 5 6

 5 2 6 1 3 0    8 5 2 4 1 6    3 6 7 2 0 1    2 8 5 1 7 0
 4 2 7 1 0 8    9 5 2 4 6 8    3 6 8 2 0 4    5 8 6 4 3 0
 5 2 8 1 4 0    2 5 3 1 0 6    5 6 8 3 4 0    3 8 7 2 6 1
 7 2 8 1 9 6    2 5 4 1 0 8    2 6 9 1 3 8    3 8 9 2 6 7
 6 2 9 1 7 4    3 5 4 1 6 2    3 6 9 2 0 7    4 8 9 3 5 6
 5 3 2 1 6 0   *7 5 6 3 9 2   *7 6 9 4 8 3    6 8 9 5 3 4
 5 3 4 1 7 0    6 5 7 3 4 2    5 7 2 3 6 0    7 8 9 6 2 3
 6 3 5 2 1 0   *3 5 8 1 7 4    9 7 2 6 4 8    4 9 2 3 6 8
 5 3 6 1 8 0    7 5 8 4 0 6    2 7 3 1 4 6    5 9 2 4 6 0
 8 3 7 2 9 6    4 5 9 2 3 6   *8 7 4 5 9 2    8 9 2 7 3 6
 4 3 8 1 5 2    7 5 9 4 1 3    5 7 6 3 8 0    2 9 3 1 8 6
 5 3 8 1 9 0    8 5 9 4 7 2    2 7 8 1 5 6    7 9 3 6 5 1
*4 3 9 1 5 6    5 6 2 3 1 0    4 7 8 3 1 2    7 9 4 6 5 8
 9 4 2 3 7 8    8 6 3 5 0 4    5 7 8 3 9 0    8 9 4 7 5 2
 6 4 3 2 5 8    3 6 4 1 9 2    2 7 9 1 5 8    4 9 5 3 8 0
 6 4 5 2 7 0    5 6 4 3 2 0    4 7 9 3 1 6    8 9 5 7 6 0
 8 4 5 3 6 0    8 6 4 5 1 2    8 7 9 6 3 2    5 9 6 4 8 0
 5 4 6 2 3 0    2 6 5 1 3 0    5 8 2 4 1 0    6 9 7 5 8 2

Table 8:
Duodecimal Multiplication Table and Leading Digits

 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  a  b
 2  4  6  8  a 10 12 14 16 18 1a
 3  6  9 10 13 16 19 20 23 26 29
 4  8 10 14 18 20 24 28 30 34 38
 5  a 13 18 21 26 2b 34 39 42 47
 6 10 16 20 26 30 36 40 46 50 56
 7 12 19 24 2b 36 41 48 53 5a 65
 8 14 20 28 34 40 48 54 60 68 74
 9 16 23 30 39 46 53 60 69 76 83
 a 18 26 34 42 50 5a 68 76 84 92
 b 1a 29 38 47 56 65 74 83 92 a1

Single           Leading Digit of Multiplicand
Digit    Short Products                  Long Products
         1    2   3  4  5       1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  a b
  2     23   45  67 89 ab      -- -- -- -- --  1  1  1  1  1 1 
  3    345  678 9ab -- --      -- -- --  1  1  1  1  2  2  2 2
  4   4567 89ab  -- -- --      -- --  1  1  1  2  2  2  3  3 3
  5  56789   ab  -- -- --      --  1  1 12  2  2 23  3 34  4 4
  6 6789ab   --  -- -- --      --  1  1  2  2  3  3  4  4  5 5
  7  789ab   --  -- -- --       1  1 12  2 23 34  4 45  5 56 6
  8   89ab   --  -- -- --       1  1  2 23  3  4 45  5  6 67 7
  9    9ab   --  -- -- --       1 12  2  3 34 45  5  6 67 78 8
  a     ab   --  -- -- --       1 12 23 34  4  5 56 67 78 89 9
  b      b   --  -- -- --       1 12 23 34 45 56 67 78 89 9a a

Table 9:
Tridecimal Multiplication Table and Leading Digits                

 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  a  b  c
 2  4  6  8  a  c 11 13 15 17 19 1b
 3  6  9  c 12 15 18 1b 21 24 27 2a
 4  8  c 13 17 1b 22 26 2a 31 35 39
 5  a 12 17 1c 24 29 31 36 3b 43 48
 6  c 15 1b 24 2a 33 39 42 48 51 57
 7 11 18 22 29 33 3a 44 4b 55 5c 66
 8 13 1b 26 31 39 44 4c 57 62 6a 75
 9 15 21 2a 36 42 4b 57 63 6c 78 84
 a 17 24 31 3b 48 55 62 6c 79 86 93
 b 19 27 35 43 51 5c 6a 78 86 94 a2
 c 1b 2a 39 48 57 66 75 84 93 a2 b1


Digit      Short Products                    Long Products
         1    2   3  4  5  6     1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  a  b  c
  2     23   45  67 89 ab  c    -- -- -- -- --  1  1  1  1  1  1  1
  3    345  678 9ab  c -- --    -- -- --  1  1  1  1 12  2  2  2  2
  4   4567 89ab   c -- -- --    -- --  1  1  1 12  2  2 23  3  3  3
  5  56789  abc  -- -- -- --    --  1  1  1 12  2 23  3  3 34  4  4
  6 6789ab    c  -- -- -- --    --  1  1 12  2 23  3 34  4 45  5  5
  7 789abc   --  -- -- -- --     1  1 12  2 23  3 34  4 45  5 56  6
  8  89abc   --  -- -- -- --     1  1 12 23  3 34  4 45 56  6 67  7
  9   9abc   --  -- -- -- --     1 12  2 23 34  4 45 56  6 67 78  8
  a    abc   --  -- -- -- --     1 12 23  3 34 45 56  6 67 78 89  9
  b     bc   --  -- -- -- --     1 12 23 34 45  5 56 67 78 89 9a  a
  c      c   --  -- -- -- --     1 12 23 34 45 56 67 78 89 9a ab  b

Table 10: Tetradecimal Multiplication Table and Leading Digits

 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  a  b  c  d
 2  4  6  8  a  c 10 12 14 16 18 1a 1c
 3  6  9  c 11 14 17 1a 1d 22 25 28 2b
 4  8  c 12 16 1a 20 24 28 2c 32 36 3a
 5  a 11 16 1b 22 27 2c 33 38 3d 44 49
 6  c 14 1a 22 28 30 36 3c 44 4a 52 58
 7 10 17 20 27 30 37 40 47 50 57 60 67
 8 12 1a 24 2c 36 40 48 52 5a 64 6c 76
 9 14 1d 28 33 3c 47 52 5b 66 71 7a 85
 a 16 22 2c 38 44 50 5a 66 72 7c 88 94
 b 18 25 32 3d 4a 57 64 71 7c 89 96 a3
 c 1a 28 36 44 52 60 6c 7a 88 96 a4 b2
 d 1c 2b 3a 49 58 67 76 85 94 a3 b2 c1

               Short Products                       Long Products

Digit      1    2   3   4   5   6      1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  a  b  c  d
  2       23   45  67  89  ab  cd     -- -- -- -- -- --  1  1  1  1  1  1  1
  3      345  678 9ab  cd  --  --     -- -- --  1  1  1  1  1 12  2  2  2  2
  4     4567 89ab  cd  --  --  --     -- --  1  1  1  1  2  2  2 23  3  3  3
  5    56789 abcd  --  --  --  --     --  1  1  1 12  2  2 23  3  3 34  4  4
  6   6789ab   cd  --  --  --  --     --  1  1 12  2  2  3  3 34  4 45  5  5
  7  789abcd   --  --  --  --  --     --  1  1  2  2  3  3  4  4  5  5  6  6
  8   89abcd   --  --  --  --  --      1  1 12  2 23  3  4 45  5 56  6 67  7
  9    9abcd   --  --  --  --  --      1  1 12 23  3 34 45  5 56 67  7 78  8
  a     abcd   --  --  --  --  --      1 12  2 23 34  4  5 56 67  7 78 89  9
  b      bcd   --  --  --  --  --      1 12 23  3 34 45 56 67  7 78 89 9a  a
  c       cd   --  --  --  --  --      1 12 23 34 45  5  6 67 78 89 9a ab  b
  d        d   --  --  --  --  --      1 12 23 34 45 56 67 78 89 9a ab bc  c

Table 11: Pentadecimal Multiplication Table and Leading Digits

 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  a  b  c  d  e
 2  4  6  8  a  c  e 11 13 15 17 19 1b 1d
 3  6  9  c 10 13 16 19 1c 20 23 26 29 2c
 4  8  c 11 15 19 1d 22 26 2a 2e 33 37 3b
 5  a 10 15 1a 20 25 2a 30 35 3a 40 45 4a
 6  c 13 19 20 26 2c 33 39 40 46 4c 53 59
 7  e 16 1d 25 2c 34 3b 43 4a 52 59 61 68
 8 11 19 22 2a 33 3b 44 4c 55 5d 66 6e 77
 9 13 1c 26 30 39 43 4c 56 60 69 73 7c 86
 a 15 20 2a 35 40 4a 55 60 6a 75 80 8a 95
 b 17 23 2e 3a 46 52 5d 69 75 81 8c 98 a4
 c 19 26 33 40 4c 59 66 73 80 8c 99 a6 b3
 d 1b 29 37 45 53 61 6e 7c 8a 98 a6 b4 c2
 e 1d 2c 3b 4a 59 68 77 86 95 a4 b3 c2 d1

                   Short Products                             Long Products
Digit      1      2   3   4   5   6  7      1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  a  b  c  d  e
  2       23     45  67  89  ab  cd  e     -- -- -- -- -- --  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1
  3      345    678 9ab cde  --  -- --     -- -- -- --  1  1  1  1  1  2  2  2  2  2
  4     4567   89ab cde  --  --  -- --     -- --  1  1  1  1 12  2  2  2 23  3  3  3
  5    56789  abcde  --  --  --  -- --     -- --  1  1  1  2  2  2  3  3  3  4  4  4
  6   6789ab    cde  --  --  --  -- --     --  1  1  1  2  2 23  3  3  4  4 45  5  5
  7  789abcd      e  --  --  --  -- --     --  1  1 12  2 23  3 34  4 45  5 56  6  6
  8  89abcde     --  --  --  --  -- --      1  1 12  2 23  3 34  4 45  5 56  6 67  7
  9   9abcde     --  --  --  --  -- --      1  1 12  2  3 34  4 45  5  6 67  7 78  8
  a    abcde     --  --  --  --  -- --      1  1  2 23  3  4 45  5  6 67  7  8 89  9
  b     bcde     --  --  --  --  -- --      1 12  2 23 34 45  5 56 67 78  8 89 9a  a
  c      cde     --  --  --  --  -- --      1 12 23  3  4 45 56 67  7  8 89 9a ab  b
  d       de     --  --  --  --  -- --      1 12 23 34 45 56  6 67 78 89 9a ab bc  c
  e        e     --  --  --  --  -- --      1 12 23 34 45 56 67 78 89 9a ab bc cd  d

Table 12: Hexadecimal Multiplication Table and Leading Digits

 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  a  b  c  d  e  f
 2  4  6  8  a  c  e 10 12 14 16 18 1a 1c 1e
 3  6  9  c  f 12 15 18 1b 1e 21 24 27 2a 2d
 4  8  c 10 14 18 1c 20 24 28 2c 30 34 38 3c
 5  a  f 14 19 1e 23 28 2d 32 37 3c 41 46 4b
 6  c 12 18 1e 24 2a 30 36 3c 42 48 4e 54 5a
 7  e 15 1c 23 2a 31 38 3f 46 4d 54 5b 62 69
 8 10 18 20 28 30 38 40 48 50 58 60 68 70 78
 9 12 1b 24 2d 36 3f 48 51 5a 63 6c 75 7e 87
 a 14 1e 28 32 3c 46 50 5a 64 6e 78 82 8c 96
 b 16 21 2c 37 42 4d 58 63 6e 79 84 8f 9a a5
 c 18 24 30 3c 48 54 60 6c 78 84 90 9c a8 b4
 d 1a 27 34 41 4e 5b 68 75 82 8f 9c a9 b6 c3
 e 1c 2a 38 46 54 62 70 7e 8c 9a a8 b6 c4 d2
 f 1e 2d 3c 4b 5a 69 78 87 96 a5 b4 c3 d2 e1

                     Short Products                                Long Products
Digit         1      2    3   4   5   6   7      1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  a  b  c  d  e  f
  2          23     45   67  89  ab  cd  ef     -- -- -- -- -- -- --  1  1  1  1  1  1  1  1
  3         345    678  9ab cde   f  --  --     -- -- -- --  1  1  1  1  1 12  2  2  2  2  2
  4        4567   89ab cdef  --  --  --  --     -- -- --  1  1  1  1  2  2  2  2  3  3  3  3
  5       56789  abcde    f  --  --  --  --     -- --  1  1  1 12  2  2 23  3  3 34  4  4  4
  6      6789ab   cdef   --  --  --  --  --     --  1  1  1 12  2  2  3  3 34  4  4 45  5  5
  7     789abcd     ef   --  --  --  --  --     --  1  1 12  2 23  3  3 34  4 45  5 56  6  6
  8    89abcdef     --   --  --  --  --  --     --  1  1  2  2  3  3  4  4  5  5  6  6  7  7
  9     9abcdef     --   --  --  --  --  --      1  1 12  2 23  3 34 45  5 56  6 67  7 78  8
  a      abcdef     --   --  --  --  --  --      1  1 12 23  3 34  4  5 56  6 67 78  8 89  9
  b       bcdef     --   --  --  --  --  --      1 12  2 23 34  4 45 56  6 67 78  8 89 9a  a
  c        cdef     --   --  --  --  --  --      1 12  2  3 34 45  5  6 67 78  8  9 9a ab  b
  d         def     --   --  --  --  --  --      1 12 23 34  4 45 56 67 78  8 89 9a ab bc  c
  e          ef     --   --  --  --  --  --      1 12 23 34 45 56  6  7 78 89 9a ab bc cd  d
  f           f     --   --  --  --  --  --      1 12 23 34 45 56 67 78 89 9a ab bc cd de  e

Table 13: Special Form Tables with Leading Digit Analysis

13a: Simultaneous solutions to A + C = B (* with carry) and long product A... x B = C.... [Base 10]

   *   * *     *
A  4 4 5 6 6 7 8 9

B  2 3 3 3 4 4 4 5
C  1 1 1 2 2 3 3 4

13b: Simultaneous solutions to B x C = A (or A x C = B) and long product A... x B = C.... [Base 10]  (see D-120, M-206)

A 4 4 6
B 7 8 3
C 2 3 2

13c: Simultaneous solutions to A x B = C and long product A... x B = C.... [Base 10]   (see D-121)

A 7 8
B 8 7
C 6 6

Table 14: Unusual cases

14a: AB x C = BCD [base 10] (see M-182)

A 6 5 9
B 2 3 6
C 4 7 7
D 8 1 2

Table 15: Second digits of a long product

When a long product starts in the same digit as the multiplicand or divisor, the table below shows all possible values for the second digits of both, given the first digit A and the multiplier digit B.    The second digit of the multiplicand is designated C, and the second digit of the long product is designated D, but the table includes cases where either C or D is the same digit as A or B.  In many cases the carry from B x C has two possible values, and so there are two possible values of D.    This is an expanded version of a table computed by Fiddle, which appeared in The Cryptogram (March-April 1962).   See M-632 for a difficult example using this table.


A 1        1            1                1                2    2
B 6        7            8                9                7    8
6 7 8 9  4 5 6 7 8 9  2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9  2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9  8 9  5 6 7 8 9
D 0 0 0 1  0 0 1 1 2 3  0 0 1 2 2 3 4 5  0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7  0 0  0 0 1 2 3
      1      1   2 3 4    1     3 4 5    1 2 3 4 5 6 7           1 2 3

A 2                3      3              4        5          6         7      8
B 9                8      9              9        9          9         9      9
C 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9  7 8 9  3 4 5 6 7 8 9  6 7 8 9  5 6 7 8 9  6 7 8 9   7 8 9  8 9
D 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6  0 0 1  0 0 1 2 3 4 5  1 2 3 4  0 0 1 2 3  0 0 1 2   0 0 1  0 0
    1 2 3 4 5 6      1      1 2 3 4 5    2 3 4      1 2 3      1 2       1

Appendix 5: Solutions

Solutions to problems in bases higher than 10 use the standard hexadecimal notation for digits: a = (10), b = (11), c = (12), d = (13), e = (14), f = (15).

American Agriculturist

A-1  BORING LAPS                      A-40 LAP HISTORY    
     987654 3210                           012 3456789     
    12345 6789 abc0
A-2  NU RHO SIGMA                     A-41 SCOUT WADER     A-61 RHYME CANT FLOW 
     12 345 67890                          98765 43210    
     bc6a2 4018 5739 
A-3  I LOVE PAWNS                     A-42 GOSH PIRATE      
     0 9876 54321                          8725 946310      
A-4  PURCHASE IT                      A-43 ALMOST PURE      
     39472165 80                           203965 1874      
A-5  MAY DISCERN   A-25 SHORT IMAGE                       
     139 4752086        83594 17026                       
     49c56d08 3a1b72
A-6  BAD PITCHER   A-26 UNFAIR POEM                       
     286 1075394        762153 0984                            
9815b3cd6 40a27       
     20153 74698        983615 7402

     123456 7890        798463 5210  
     482567 0931        859 2041763  
     2739 015846        937 4508 621       a75 41863029         8153274 096
     4509 732681        92013 46587        0123 456 789a        29617 54038
                   A-32 NIMBLE SORT                        A-72 MINT CLOVES
                        850194 6273                             0683 742159
A-13 IF YOU NAMED  A-33 WORM SIGNAL                        A-73 COSINE PATH
     09 457 36812       9372 861504                             015743 2869
A-14 HALF CREDIT   A-34 IF HANDLE UP                       A-74 REMIND POST
     3059 847261        63 028957 41                            305974 1628
     3248159 076        2315 840976        0ba9 876 54321
     7831429 506        1263 749508        ba98 7654 3210     

     64193 2a8750       2830b6 a49715          b17 9a56 4238c0
     236 791405a8       5209b38 741a6          ca96b72 513048


A-200  261932 + 424035 = 685967    
(Oddity: while the original sum has a carry to every column but one, the replacement sum has no carries at all.)

    098657 1324          12 3456 7890         09 87654321          43827 65019
    463725 1980          12345 6 7890         43102 75968          489167 5302
    1 2045 67893         237864 015 9         96310 24578          352807 9416
    526987 4301          9 8765 43210         1234567890           501489 7236
    2 6031 45897         01234 56789          95160 23478          012 3456 789
    12345 67890          73602 59184          4187 306 952         548 3207 961
    0123 456789          740 9581362          726 5043189          21460 93785
    123456 7890          987654 3210          01234 56789          32685 19074
    098 7654321          01234 56789          0987 654321          46527 83091
     9876 54 3210        01 23456789          987 6543 210         1745928 630
     012 3456789         9 0123 45678         69187 32504          012345 6789
     1 2345 67890        78145 90362          180627 3954          9251 067483
     1 2 345 67890       123456 7890          0642935 781          012 3456 789
     123 4 56 7890       0987 654321          91 28470536          012 345 6789
     0123456 789         123 970 8456         42136 89507          81529 47063
     0123 456789         75689340 12          941027 5368          987654 3210
     9150 327846         01 234 56 789        0123 456789          54793860 12
     6427 815093         123456 7890          905324 7681          3218 957640
     0123 456789         15392 47 806         3490 186257          619354 7082
     01234 56789         6452 970318          826 9130754          01234 56789

     15964 7 2038        012 345 6789          0123 456 789
     0129 634578         012 345 6789          87056 12493
     81046 73925         01234 56789           927 0638514          51063 79284
     137045 9286         5 2047 36918          632590 1748          403125 8769
     06751 49328         563 8497201           9876 543210          764293 0158
     5086 149273         123 4567890           8906 427135          9367 082541
     01234 56789         59217 86430           094 328 1756         681 2907534
     5903 624718         09876 54321           931 7604825          134582 7906
     47621509 93         3915 276804           09876 54321         
962583 7410
     426039 8157          0123 456789          0123 456789          0123 456 789

      235 0476819

      987a361 2504           273 9ba6 14085           ab6 24c7185 309
      7021548 639a           a632b51 78094            608 c7b123 5a94
      8437a62 9501           9b458 16a0327            bc358640 197a2
      704 a5193826           790245 b3a618            bc 6853 1a49027
      30196a 57824           ab9 7 30814265           19572a0 bc6348
                       D-226 FANCIED YOLKS 
                             90ba326 58147

      b926403 dc57a18        1ab e0358674 9c2d        20bc4 976a fd3e581
      10b674a9 23c58d        47e6ba 08d951c32
      3c61ab 4d987205        12345 6789ab cde0 

    01234 56789        
1 709 562348        01234 56789  
    01 23456 789       
1204 983567         190476 8352     
    248630 9157        
9 0687 25314        980 45127 63      
    012345 6789         9854 617032         951 7068432         
    85419 70623         92436 58071         51089 42637
    4015627 389        
924130 6578         09517346 28
    9 012 345678        09876 54321
    7 865 1 20349       012345 6789
    012 345 6789        012345 6789
     06315 74892        324790 5681

K-1 UP CLOSE AND hearing out     
    12 34567 890 1234567 890           12345 67890 12345 67890
    012345 6789 98765 43210            01234 56789 98765 43210
    01 234 56789 01234 56789           0123 456789 987654 3210
    01234 56789 987654 3210            01234 56789 01234 56789
K-5 sought mean INMOST GAZE
    012345 6789 012345 6789
K-6 VARIED FLOP among lusty
    934158 2067 71392 85406

    7892 563104         123 45 67890       1234 567890         78 1905 6342        730 615 8429
    1 23456 7890        18 9324 0567       01234 56789         74965 8 3210        0896 457213
    01 234 56789        012 3456789        09 8765 4321        9 7813 54206        289 6143750
    9876 5432 10        012345 6789        1 2345 67 890       0123 456 789        275684 9130
    234 567 8901        8 57134 9260       16972 45803         068 14 52739        012 345 6789
    98765 43210         0 12345 6 789      12345 67 890        51367 08924         28190 43756
    2013 456789         3 7 12568490       524 6789 301        392051 7846         02481 76539
    81034 56729         23456 87019        09 35468712         3520 748 196        4569 307182
    0284 793156         807526 9143        123 4567 890        7291 640 583        241960 7853
     123456 7890        459871 0632        098 765 4 321       25134 09678         350762 4819
     395480 6721        1 23456 7890       0724 598316         2615 478903         091537 2684
     3027 518469        0 12345 6789       9 8 7654 3210       702 1846935         48 15709263
     012 3456 789       2798 315460        91246 57830         6 28954 0731        42361 08975
     98765 43210        0123 456 789       012 345 6789        098 76 54321        309 2856417
     012 3456 789       012 345 6789       01439 25876         12 345 678 90       36015 72489
     987 65 43210       01 2 34 56789      0 123 45 6789       12 3456 7890        91562 34807
     2 0358 16497       1234 567 890       12345 67890         04956 21378         03829 61574
     01234 56789        9 876 54 3210      69534 87012         9876 543 210        2681 734509
     12345 67890        123456 7 890       12345 67890         6053 982417         8703 915462
     0 1238946 75       1234 56 7890       59670 12384         0123 4 5 6789        274185 9036

     0987 654 321         8742561 930         0179 562384         74368 90125        0987 654321
      4918 532706         1234 56 7890        91876 53240         098765 4321        4 2175 08396 
      741802 6593         2591340 678         12345 67 890        9876543 210        0123 456789
      01234 56789         4895 371620         9281056 734         87340 29561        123456 7890
      573609 2841         69358 24710         694 1385207         1430 528796        1234 567890
      4082 537916         12345 67890         379 4821650         405172 8693        0987 654321
      3204159687          1893054 276         57043 91286         170269 4853        37849 62510
      012345 6789         5428 617309         1732 045968         10324 75896        76 09485132
      953 2604718         41679 35028         317059 6284         572 3498106        8129 756304
      582790 3641         29378 05164         3791540 268         421563 8097        64752 98013
      3962 710485         28675 90134         173542 0968         614 3082957        123456 7890
      421560 3789         82354 09167         2614935 078         098765 4321        20154 78693
      09876 54321         439801 7256         84052 39716         9876 543210        956 103 4872
      6510 849372         73248 05169         6149 023785         01234 56789        6429 170358
      7 53604 9812        012345 6789         345678 0219         01234 56789        236985 1407
      012345 6789         0123 456789         0123 456 789        0237568 419        0124756 938
      12345 67890         32985 67014         123456 7890         69102 75483        1560 742983
      42165 07389         47630 95821         1234 567890         1234 567890        5726 430918
      39018 52476         97264850 13         9876 543210         254769 8103        781062 5943
      48523 09671         56410 38297         01234 56789         9876 543 210       627 9510348

      6039 251784         012345 6789         07493 62815 
      09876 54321         1234567 890         34780 92516 
      37962 41850         09876 54321         1289 476503 
      01234 56789         54 86 730129        498 1765203 
      40972 63581         012 3456 789        0481 263975 
      786902 4531         763524 9018         72091 43685
      153 9702486         5931 724806
      5428 916037         637 9208514         716309 8542 
      9876 543 210        9718 623045         59648 03712 
      238950 4671         508316 4972

      14302 567

      42053 7681

      154a378 2960            508 137b29 6a4
      8059176 24a3            3a156b 092 748
      703 1a48 5962           804a2 b175369
      31745 92a608            97423 b08561a
      1203a485 967            012 3456 789ab
      6317a 258904            23a154 6b0987
      012345 6789a            b86 20349 1a75
      2316 7548a90            14086925 ab73  
                        M-469 TROPICAL NEWS
                              9546b208 a371
                        M-470 BARFLY QUOITS
                              9103a4 86b725
      cba 9876 543 210
      0c2a479 1b6538
      1234 56789 abc0
      50b9 2a61 c8473
      b01476c2 9a835
      4150 36b872ca9
      7b46 95 23180ca
      cb6832 74a9105
      69 ab804175 c32
      82bca13674 095

      379ab0 c846d 215          34 7ab5d 20ec8691           5cd69e0b 37a82f41
      6d378514c 902ba           db60a853 97412ce            a759b e38 2f0e6d14
      02893b5a 4d16c7           9ae1b5 d726c4308            e8ac95607 d1f2 34b

      1234 567 890
      1234 567 890
      6245 097318
      0987 654 321
      1234 567890
      0987654 321
      98765 43210

      7851304 629         842159 7603           128509 a4763
      0384196 752         370852 9614           0a9 8765 4321
M-622 HUMOR LINES          
      31276 45089         
M-623 CUBE THINGS          
      0519 634827         
M-624 CITRUS FLOP          
      987654 3210          
M-625 CARD SET YON      
      1234 567 890         
M-626 BE SINGULAR          
      65 81732094           
      01234 56789   
M-628 LIMP ASHORE           
      2970 634851                 
M-629 GARDEN OPUS           
      854071 6392
      632951 4708

M-701 ITS UNCLEAR  top seminar
      172 6094358  582 3146079
M-702 POLITE MASK  liked us two
      631498 7295  69435 18 270
M-703 NEW AUTHORS  mag deploys
      906 1438572  936 7418250
M-704 OR UNEASILY  web amounts
      54 78906312  570 8639412

      96 38417052
      9741 326805 
      309542 8167
      30679 45128
      106542 9873
      74109 28635

M-821 GOURD SHAPE  [full product REGROUPS]
      64725 80931
M-822 MANY CUBERS  [full product CENSURES]
      9845 761230
M-823 WORK UP JEST [full product JETPORTS]
      2704 59 1863
M-824 HEADS INTRO  [full product ROSTRATE]
      58327 94610
M-825 MEND SPIGOT  [full product DESPITE]
      6281 573904
M-826 BRAVE DOING  [full product VAGABOND]
      93215 80647
M-827 TRIO PANELS  [full product ROPINESS]
      5679 832014
M-828 TURNPIKE AD  [full product DEADPAN]
      59128076 34
M-829 UNCLOAKS IT  [full product NOTIONAL]
      92061437 58

      654831 7920
      83154 270 69       

Q-1 FROSTY LAKE  (base square x47 +103)       
    524906 8173   sum 1014
Q-2 ROPING FEAT  (base square x19 +12) double Latin square method
    402975 8163   sum 694
Q-3 FRIDAY SNOW  (base square x37 +38)        
    987654 3210   sum 2595
Q-4 PROVE FACTS  (base square x24 +37) knight's move method
    12345 67890   sum 1745
Q-5 CRAFT GLOBE  (47xlatin1)+(59xlatin2)       
    91675 84302   sum 1060
Q-6 LOW RAYS MET (161xlatin1+3)+(143xlatin2+5)
    987 6543 210  sum 7832
Q-7 A SOUND TIRE (47xlatin1+1)+(559xlatin2+4)
    0 67894 5213  sum 23592
    2345 90 7186
Q-9 IS OUTRAGED  (37xlatin1+3)+(79xlatin2+5)
    56 20798134
     123456 7890
     391745 2806

    12345 67890         7 298 346510       123 456780             987654 3210
    01234 56789         012345 6789        012345 6789a           0 1234 56789
    09876 54321         0123 4 56789       57943 b8260a1          24783 91605
R-4 PUTS ON A LID   R-10 RUNS METHOD                         R-36 MIGHT ENDOW  [EMENDING, GOT]
    1234 56 7 890        2061 795483                              12345 67890
    0 1234 5 6789        47021 65983       0123 45678 9abc        614 0359872
    987654 3210          09876 54321       0ba9876 54321          0652 497 138
                    R-13 FAST MOBILE
                         0123 456789
                    R-14 MOST REGAIN                         R-60 LIEU FACTOR
                         1234 567890                              8574 263910
                    R-15 HOPES FAINT                         R-70 VENT DISMAY
                         12345 67890                              8675 213049
                    R-16 FUSION RAVE
                         136982 0754
                    R-17 SURD ENIGMA
                         9876 543210

V-1  LIKES APRON             
  V-11 SIMPLY READ           V-51 MAY RISK WHEN
     58491 36072                     168093 4275                a98 7654 3210
V-2  TOP MARGINS                V-12 SUPERATION
     268 7350194                     0123456789
V-3  BROWN MULES                V-13 THREAD SLIM
     01234 56789                     987654 3210
V-4  SOLID FRAME                V-14 GAIN SURETY
     98604 35127                     0123 456789
     SOLLADO / MIFA = DORE           UNITES / RAN = TRY
(solfeggio musical notes)
V-5  BAN MY PROSE               V-15 ABHOR EPICS
     082 76 13459                    12345 67890
V-6  ANY BUS COME               V-16 CHUTES FLOW
     159 708 6423                    012345 6789
V-7  REACH POINT                V-17 PLUM ADORNS
     12345 67890                     0123 456789
     15968 37042
     1 2345 67890

     4826 351079
The ideal 2x2 multiplication 67 * 75 = 28b + 3a1 = 409b is unique in base 12.
    12345678 9ab0
    a492 0861 537
Z-3 SIX NO TRUMP hearts void
    098 76 54321 012345 6789
    8ca193 42b0657
    49e7 5cd86 2a310b
    0276 84a1937
    061 9352 874     31568
    012 345 6789         76114038
    2965bd 18c0ea437
Z-10 U S TOY REIGN    re maid pout    SOLD PIE HUB
     0 9 876 54321    09 8765 4321    0987 654 321
     012345 6789
     19027 45638
     2a308 b495617
     2b9048 5a1763
Z-15 TEPID ACORN   [product CONCEDE]
     42651 93780
     65241 98037
     539 8720461
     962 4051873
     a5b 289016437
     85049 31726
     12345 6789a bc0
     267385 1904
Z-23 2106 x 347 = 14742 + 8424 + 6318 = 730782

Doubly True Roman Multiplication


      x  XI    

Doubly true Roman multiplication: I x I = I, but I is obviously not 0 or 1.  I is also not 5 (V is not 0), so I = 6.   X is odd (otherwise I x X = X), and not 1 or 5 (V is not 0).    For X = 3/7/9, I x X = V and C + V = X.   Only one gives a value of C which can be the first digit of the long product XI x I = CLV.   The full solution is 76 x 76 = 456 + 532 = 5776.

Wodehouse Alphacipher Full solution:

[1] PSMITH = 96;  STIFFHAM = 74; AFF + 22 = P; possible only if P = 26, A = 2, F = 1.    SMITH = 70.                                                  
[2] JEEVES = 24; if E = 4, JVS = 12 (impossible since the lowest available numbers are 3,5,6).  Also impossible is E > 4.  Therefore E = 3, and J,V,S = 4,5,6 in some order.                      
[3] PROSSER + BASSETT - POTTER - AE = BSSSSR = 37;  S = 4,5,6 ==> BR = 21,17,13 (the last is impossible since 7 and 8 are the smallest available numbers).   S = 4,5 ==> BTT = 44,42; B is even.   OTTR = 60.   Possible values:

     S     4     4     4     4     5     5
     B     8    10    12    14     8    10
     R    13    11     9     7     9     7
     T    18    17    16    15    17    16
     O    11    15    19    23    17    21

    Column 5 is eliminated because 17 is duplicated.

[4] BAXTER = 51, BXTR = 46.  Add value of X to each column above.  Column 3 is eliminated (X = 9).
[5] WOOSTER = 88.   Add value of W, eliminating column 1 (W = 28).
[6] WINGHAM - HIM - W - A = NG.  Get value of HIM for each column from SMITH - ST.    WICKHAM gives value of CK.
[7] CARROWAY - ARROWA = CY.  In columns 4 and 6, CY = 48.  Since P = 26, this is only possible if C,Y = 25,23 in some order.   Column 4 is eliminated since O = 23.  Only two sets of possible values remain:

       S   B   R   T   O   X   W  HIM   NG   CK   CY  
       4  10  11  17  15   8  23   49   25   39   38  
       5  10   7  16  21  13  15   49   33   47   48 

[8] Compare the values of LLI (LITTLE - TTE) and LIY (SLINGSBY - SSBNG).  If S = 5, LLI = 63 and LIY = 45.  Since Y in this case (see [7] above) is at least 23, L cannot be 18 greater than Y.  Therefore S = 4 (with associated values as above).  LLI = 61 and LIY = 55.
[9] J = 5 or 6.  JLLY (JELLABY - ABE) = 71.  LLY = 65 or 66.  Since L is 6 greater than Y (see [8] above), LLL = 71 or 72, clearly the latter.  Thus L = 24, Y = 18, J = 5 (and V = 6 from [1] above), and I = 13.   From CY = 38, C = 20, and from CK = 39, K = 19.
[10] FRIGANZA - FRIAANG = Z = 25.
[11] HD = 34 (from THREEPWOOD).  From HIM = 49 and I = 13, HM = 36.  The only possible values are H = 22, M = 14, D = 12.
[12] NG = 25; only 9 and 16 remain which add to this total.  UN = 37 (from MULLINER - MLLIER).  Therefore N = 16, G = 9, U = 21.
[13] The remaining unused value, 7 = Q.    BODKIN, UKRIDGE, and WIDGEON were not needed in solving on this line of attack, but can be used to check existing values.    The full solution:

A  B  C  D E F G  H  I J  K  L  M  N  O  P Q  R S  T  U V  W X  Y  Z
2 10 20 12 3 1 9 22 13 5 19 24 14 16 15 26 7 11 4 17 21 6 23 8 18 25

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
F A E S J V Q X G  B  R  D  I  M  O  N  T  Y  K  C  U  H  W  L  Z  P

MONTY is the first name of BODKIN.

Appendix 6: Examples of Hidden Cryptarithms

The first two examples below left are selected from the eighteen dotty problems composed by Dr. Ohkoma of Keio University in Japan, and published in the second issue of Nob Yoshigahara's newsletter Puzzletopia.  All 18 puzzles therein are of this form (two digits times three, with one digit shown).  Thanks to Nob Yoshigahara for permission to reprint these.  The third problem is my own puzzle, an easy hybrid example from WGR8.   The letter A represents one of the nine digits, and is shown everywhere it occurs.   B is a different digit, also shown everywhere it occurs.  Asterisks represent any of the other 8 digits.  Full solutions are below; this will give a slight inkling of some of the logic involved.

        **      **                    * * * *
     x **8   x ***                  \/ABABAAB
        **     ***                    A
     ***      **                       BA
     *****   **7**                     B*

First dotty problem: The multiplicand is at least 11, and no greater than 12, otherwise the partial product from 8 would be 3 digits.  But it cannot be 11, as no digit would produce a three-digit partial product.   The multiplicand must be 12.  The second digit is 0, indicated by the missing partial product; note the alignment of the last partial product.  The multiplier is 908, and the complete multiplication is 12 x 908 = 10896.

Second dotty problem: the second partial product must begin with a 9 in order to produce a carry for a fifth digit.  The central digits must sum to 17. Since the largest three digit product of one digit times two is less than 900, the upper central digit must be 8 and the lower 9. The multiplicand is 99, and the multiplier is 109, yielding the solution 99 x 109 = 891 + 99 = 10791.

Hybrid square root: A must be 1, 4, or 9.   The last two digits of perfect squares can only be of the following forms: 00, e1, e4, 25, o6, e9, where o = any odd digit, e = any even digit. So possible values of A and B are: 4 and 1, 1 and 6, 9 and 6, or 4 and 9. Extracting the square root in each case, we find that only one combination has an integral square root: 3114 x 3114 = 9696996.

Workman restoration:

          .2           72           72
   7..)51..1    7.?)51..1    716)51731
       ..1.         ??1?         5012 
        1.1.         1.11         1611 
        ....         ...2         1432 
         1.9          1.9          179 

The last digit of the dividend (1) must drop down to the last digit of 1?1?.  This makes the last digit of the second partial product 2, and the divisor must end in 1 or 6.   The first partial product must begin in either 50 or 49; in either case the quotient is 72.  The first partial product divisor must end in either 2 or 7 (2nd diagram above left).  Of the four possibilities for the first partial product (4912, 4917, 5012, and 5017), only one divides evenly by 7.    This gives the divisor and the rest follows easily.

Z-23 is an original hidden multiplication.  All of the 7's and 8's are given; missing digits can be any other values.

Appendix 7: Glossary

     NOISY   <==  Multiplicand                                    NO  <== Quotient

   x   SON   <==  Multiplier                Divisor ==> CANIT)BETRUE  <== Dividend
    AINYAG   <==  (long)  |                                   RNCAN   <== Partial Product (short)
   AOAAUI    <==  (long)  | Partial Products        D-3       AONUEE  <== Difference
   UINMU     <==  (short) |                                   ANOTAR  <== Partial Product (long)
  ALSOSMUG   <==  Product (also sum of Partial                  BAOU  <== Remainder
    M-97                      Products)

5-complements: digits differing in value by 5, which produce the same trailing digit in base 10 when multiplied by an even number (e.g. 8 x 4 = 32; 8 x 9 = 72: 4 and 9 are 5-complements), and also produce the same sum when added to themselves (e.g. 3 + 3 = 6; 8 + 8 = 16; 3 and 8 are 5-complements).   Other even bases have complements equal to half the base (e.g. 6-complements in base 12, 7-complements in base 14, etc.)

10-complements: digits adding to 10, which have an inverse relationship in base 10 when multiplied by 9 (if A x 9 = B, then A + B = 10, and vice versa).   Four digits (2, 3, 7, 8) also have cubes ending in their 10-complements.   Other even bases have similar relationships (12-complements in base 12, etc.).

direct entry: a single value for each digit can be obtained successively by logical deduction (and simple calculation based on the previous digits), without having to make tables of possible values for any digit.  Such problems are not always easy, since the deductions might not be simple and can draw on many relationships between digits.

the same digit is assigned to two different letters.   This is one of the two usual ways of eliminating possible cases (the other is a calculation producing an impossible result, or contradicting a value already assigned to a letter).

fixed: the value of a letter is fixed when it is identical in all remaining cases.   Reducing to one case fixes all of the letters analyzed so far.

leading carry: a carry involving the leftmost digit of an addend, which is increased to a different leading digit in the sum by a carry, or a single digit in the leftmost column of a sum which is longer than the addends (A in ALSOSMUG above left).  Sometimes the leading carry is not leftmost, but has additional identical digits to its left (BAOU + ANOTAR = AONUEE above right; [NO] is still a leading carry).    In double key problems,
if the two letters are in different sets, what appears to be a leading carry might actually have a carry of zero, so that the two letters are equal.

leading digit analysis (sometimes abbreviated here LDA): the examination of the leftmost digits of partial products and the multiplicand/divisor, and individual digits of the multiplier/quotient, to gain clues as to the values of individual digits.

long product: a partial product which is one digit longer than the multiplicand.

multiplicand: in a multiplication cryptarithm, the first number, which is multiplied by a second number, the multiplier,  These are generally multi-digit numbers, and the result of multiplying the multiplicand by each digit of the multiplier is shown separately (partial products), and added together to equal the product.  It is analogous to the divisor in division problems.

multiplier: in a multiplication cryptarithm, the second number being multiplied.   Usually the result of each digit being individually multiplied by the multiplicand is shown as partial products.   It is analogous to the quotient in division problems.

partial product: in multiplication and division problems: the product of a number of any length (the multiplicand or divisor) and a single digit (of the multiplier or quotient).   In multiplication, the partial products are added to form the product (except when the multiplier has only one digit, in which case the partial product is also the product).

short product: a partial product which is the same length as the multiplicand.

split (partial) product: a partial product which can be separated into two parts by the presence of an internal zero (or a 1, especially leading or trailing) in the multiplicand or divisor.

unclued: a digit whose value can only be determined by elimination, and is not confirmed by any calculations (e.g. a digit which only occurs in an addition such as A + B = A).   It most often occurs in additions and divisions.

Thanks to Michael Markov (GGMA) for comments and corrections.

Most recently edited on January 4, 2025.
This article is copyright ©2025 by Michael Keller.  All rights reserved.