Solitaire Virtuoso is an omnibus solitaire program for
Windows, designed as a
companion to the articles on
the Solitaire Laboratory website. In development now, it may eventually
include a replacement for the obsolescent FreeCell
Pro. The version of FreeCell included is not fully working yet,
but supports variable
numbers of
columns and freecells, allows the user to play Ephemeral FreeCell
(screenshot below shows a deal in progress with two normal and two
ephemeral freecells) and other variants, as well as related games like
Penguin and Baker's Game. Solitaire
Virtuoso includes the most extensive set of game
and rule variations and playing options available in any program, and a
number of games found in no
other collections. It includes support for multiple decks,
and up to eight suits in four colors. The deck can also be
reduced (in ranks or suits) so that many varieties of mini-solitaire
can be played. It is small and portable, loads quickly,
fits on the smallest USB flash drives, and writes no files to the
Windows registry or any system directories. The program is not
currently available, but we are preparing a new version for release.

The current version supports the following games (click on
the pictures to jump to articles with rules and strategy):

Copyright ©2024 by Michael Keller.
All rights reserved. This file was revised on May 31, 2024.